"This is the most ridiculous and stupidest plan you've ever come up with and there's been a lot of them." Stiles said.

Scott looked at Stiles both incredulously and annoyed.

"Do you ever shut up?" Derek asked in a hushed tone.

"No." Scott replied blankly.

"Look all I'm saying is that walking up to their front door is a great way of giving our asses to them on a silver platter. Especially since psycho grandpa is probably still around here somewhere waiting to stab you with his ole wrinkly ass." Stiles said without taking a breath in between.

"Could you just at least trust me for half a second?" Scott said as he jumped out of Derek's Camaro and headed towards Allison's house. "You coming or what?"

Stiles shook his head. "No I think I'll just watch the car while you two go talk to them, you know so no car thefts steal it." He smiled.

"I'm staying here." Derek stated bluntly.

"What? Why?" Stiles whined.

"Because bringing me might seem more like a threat and having a human go with Scott will probably keep him from getting killed." Derek said.


Derek growled.

"Okay, okay I'm going." Stiles ran after Scott, leaving Derek with a winning smile.

"So what are you going to say?" Stiles asked Scott when he caught up.

Scott huffed.

"You have no idea do you?"

"No." Scott sighed.

"Of course you don't." Stiles replied. "How about you just give it to them straight you know don't sugar coat it. For fucks sake you're the damn alpha!"

"Sadly." Scott whispered.

"What was that?" Stiles asked.

"Nothing, I just-it's nothing." Scott said.

"What is it? You know you can tell me anything, Scott. We've been best friends for forever. Is this about Allison? It is isn't it?"

"No not her well a little I guess." He huffed.

Stiles waited for him to continue. He knew not to push Scott about telling him what's on his mind, to let him take his time.

"Do you really think I want any of this? You know, running around all night making sure no one gets killed today or tomorrow. Trying to get your ex-girlfriends' family to make some sort of treaty with you so they're not one of a shit load of people trying to kill you. And turning into a homicidal maniac once a month, worrying that you might kill the people most close to you." He finally said.

It was the first time Scott opened up to Stiles in what felt like months but he remained calm and stone-like.

"I get it-"

"No, you don't." He interrupted.

"No I don't? Really Scott, really? I don't know what world you've been living but I've been through this whole thing with you since the very beginning. I mean, who was the one that locked you up on the full moons to keep you from hurting people? Who was the one that helped you find the alpha and stop Peter's murdering rampage? And who was the one that let you have space after your mom died because you know how it felt losing a mother and wanted to be there like you were for me even though your best friend turned into an animalistic jerk. Me. Stiles. It's always been Stiles." He ranted, a single tear falling down his cheek.

Scott was mute; struck by his best friends overwhelming emotions and despair. It didn't used to be like this. They used to be happy. And the only times they would cry is on the anniversary of Stiles' mom's death or when Scott used to have panic attacks over the thought of his father coming back and beating him. And that Stiles knew how it felt because he got them too. And everything was just so messed up.

"Scott?" A voice deeper than Stiles called out from behind him. "Stiles." It stated unexcitingly.

Scott turned around and saw Chris Argent standing on his front porch defensively. Although a crying Stiles and confused best friend wouldn't be found threatening but considering the circumstances…

"What are you two doing here?" He asked.

"We need to talk."

"And how do you know it's an alpha pack?" Chris asked Scott. All three were sitting awkwardly in the living room.

"I'm not sure if you've seen the warning symbol on Derek's old house, considering you now use it for training." Scott said sarcastically.

Chris' jaw clenched. "What do you want me to do?"

"Considering they're probably the biggest threat you've dealt with and that they must be here for something doesn't sound like we should welcome them with a surprise party and cake." Stiles pushed in.

"Now don't get ahead of yourself there, we've fought off things way bigger and badder than an alpha pack- wait you say they must be here for something and you sound sure of it." Chris paused.

Scot and Stiles looked at each other. "We think so." Scott said.

"You think so or do you know?" Chris waited. "See if you want an alliance you're going to have to trust us and tell us what you know."

"I- we think they're here for my ring." Scott finally said.

"What ring?" Argent asked.

Scott raised his hand, showing a ring with a black rock glowing red through what looked like veins. "This ring."

Chris was shocked. The last time he saw a moonstone ring was…never. His father always told him about it. That it was the most dangerous to let a werewolf have and the last one was destroyed, apparently not, and makes them almost impossible to kill, almost. "Where'd you get that?"

"Derek gave it to me." Scott was confused. Why was Chris practically squirming in his chair?

Chris scratched at his beard. "How did Derek get that?"

"Uh I don't know I think he pulled it off of Peter's body." Scott suggested.

"Ew, gross! Did you even clean it?" Stiles said spastically.

Scott hushed him. "Why? Is there something I don't know?"

"Most likely. And if the alpha pack knows you have that they will definitely do anything to get it." Chris said.

"What you mean I most likely don't know something? Is there something else to the ring?" Scott asked.

"Well, Derek isn't the most reliable source." Chris said as he got up and grabbed his laptop.

"What's that?" Scott asked when Chris was scrolling down on his computer.

"It's a bestiary."

"A what?"

"It's like a record keeping book of mythical creatures." Stiles said.

"How do you know that?" Scott asked.

"Uh well my best friend is a werewolf so it's sort of my job to know this stuff."

"Got it." Chris said after an awkward silence. "A moonstone ring is among the most powerful stones and seeks out a wearer."

"It sounds like it's actually alive." Stiles stated.

"It is known to connect the alpha with each of its betas or omegas telepathically, most often before any of the pack realize it." Chris continued. "In some cases, the ring causes the alpha to go insane. Most believe it's because the original owner, if dead or murdered, is still connected to the moonstone and twists and haunts the alpha wearing it." Chris looked up at Scott with judging eyes. "Have you've been feeling weird lately?" He asks.

"Uh well no, except for the overabundance of power." He said as he ran through his mind. "Well, yea actually. Sometimes it feels like Lydia is there with me."

Stiles stared at him curiously and jealous. "What do you mean?"

"Like I can hear her sarcastic remarks in my head but not like it's happened before, sort of like she's narrating in a way but it only comes once in a while." He said.

"Sounds like Stranger than Fiction." Stiles laughed.

"When was the first time you heard her voice?" Chris asked, ignoring Stiles' remark.

"I can't remember. I think maybe the day I caught Erica falling off the rock wall, I was in the gym. But it's not like her talking sometimes I wake up hearing screams."

Scott never told anyone that, he thought they were just nightmares of when his mother died.

"But you didn't bite Lydia." Stiles said.

"If she's a part of his pack then they should have connected." Chris told.

"That isn't bad is it? I mean some people go psycho because of it. How do I get it to stop?" Scott asked.

"Simple. Take it off. But we should keep it safe just in case that's what the alphas came here for."

"We?" Scott asked bluntly.

"I thought you wanted our help-"

The front door opened. Gerard and Allison came prancing in, talking about how much she's improved. She was wearing all black and had a different look about her. Not just her clothes but her physical appearance. She looked like she aged a little and seemed bitchy.

It only took her a few moments to notice the company and grabbed a dagger that was on her belt and threw it at Scott's head. He quick enough to escape the flying metal and get his guard up before Allison retrieved her bow.

"Whoa, Allison, put the crossbow down. We don't want anybody to get hurt." Chris almost pleaded.

Allison all but snickered. "Really, we don't want anyone to get hurt?" The laser beam pointed right at Scott's heart.

"I think we should let our star-crossed lovers deal with it by themselves don't we?" Gerard said.

She cringed when he said star-crossed lovers but a smirk grew on her face at the thought of the arrow piercing Scott's head. Scott moved into a less threatening stance, Allison's crossbow following each motion.

It took about ten more minutes to finally get Allison to comply although she still sat down on the couch, holding her crossbow, waiting for a hopeful possibility to strike. And they talked over the arrangements of verging the hunters and Scott's pack together even though they bickered every two seconds. They were ready for if and when the alpha pack would strike. Now all they had to do was wait for their opportunity.

A/N: I know there was absolutely no Scerica involved in this chapter but I wanted to clear up some questions and set up for the next chapters plot. Trust me there will be Scerica in the next update. AND I'm honestly so horrible for not updating in like three months when people were waiting on me. I could tell you all my excuses but quite frankly I know you don't give a crap and just want that story lol. So I hope you enjoyed and hopefully next update will be triple the amount since this was so short. Sorry again but I hope you all did enjoy. Oh, I almost forgot. To make up for my horribleness, I will take ANY story requests, obviously of teen wolf, and they will be short/long one-shots…how much it'll take and I will be accepting these until 12 pm this Sunday night (December 2nd 2012) only in my inbox. Have a great weekend and stay safe!

+The title of the chapter is from Lana Del Ray - Summertime Sadness. I encourage you all to listen it its a very great song. It helped me write this chapter and I'm also obsessed with it. :)