A/N: Thank you to my best friend/sister by choice for (not) agreeing to be a "homewrecking porn superstar". I love ya kid.

Don't hate me for breaking up the ship for a little bit. I'm a die hard Rizzler. BUUUT, I like to play with them just like everyone else. Stick with me, and you'll be rewarded! Off we go!

Maura was happier than she had been in weeks. She had her best friend back, her life was falling back into place after all the fiascos with Paddy and Hope, and she even had plans!

She had been sad when things fell apart with Dennis. But he had almost gotten her arrested, and no matter how attractive and artistic he was, she couldn't risk her entire career on a rebellious man. That's why she was dating someone in her own expertise.

An old acquaintance of hers from BCU, Sage, was back in town permanently and working at the local hospital. Maura had been contacted not that long ago for a catch up dinner with the woman.

Though it was true that Maura didn't have many friends in her college days, she had to admit she had always had a soft spot for the shy girl Sage had been. Neither of them talked much, they were both a little antisocial. But they had a mutual respect for the others countenance, and Maura was thrilled for their impending get together.

She almost felt bad about having to cancel she and Jane's movie night that Friday, but since Jane was caught up in a case and ended up canceling anyway, Maura felt it convenient to spend the time she would've spent with Jane on Friday with her colleague.

Friday came and she was incredibly nervous. She had no idea what to expect. This was somebody she hadn't seen in years. She didn't really know anything about this person anymore, other than the fact that she had spent the past few years as a traveling doctor in Europe.

She arrived at the restaurant still a little nervous, and ordered a wine to calm her anxiousness. When she looked up from fidgeting from the menu, she saw a familiar face. Sage was even more lovely than she had remembered. She was about 5'1", with dark olive skin that looked recently tanned. Her hair was such a dark shade of brown it was almost black, just as Maura remembered it. It was longer now, going down past her shoulder blades. She was a little more stout than Maura, always had been, but by no means was she out of shape.

When Sage finally saw Maura, a huge, perfectly straight and white smile donned her face as she headed in her direction. Maura stood up to greet the woman with a welcoming hug, and motioned for her to sit down. The waitress came and took her drink order, and Maura became a little more relaxed at seeing how at ease Sage felt.

"It's so nice to see you again, Maura. How is everything, huh?"

Maura smile, glad that the woman across her took the first step at conversation. "Oh, things have been a bit rough lately. But, everything seems like it's finally settling down, and boy am I glad of that."

Sage laughed lightly at this. "I'll bet you are. You never were one to enjoy stress."

"You're right. I heard you were in Europe just recently. How was that?"

Sage's face lit up at the topic. "It was lovely. I got an opportunity to travel over there and lend a hand where I was needed. I felt like it was a once in a lifetime opportunity to go, and they ended up liking me enough to keep me around for a while. But, I felt like it was time for me to come home and help my own, you know?"

Maura nodded at the admission. "I understand. That's one of the reasons I stuck around. I felt like I had an opportunity to use what I knew here, to be able to help the community that I know."

Sage nodded in return. "That's exactly it. But I here you're the ME, so you get to them a little bit later in the game. It really doesn't surprise me, the path you chose that is. We were both very introverted, weren't we?"

Maura chuckled. "Yes we were. I can't say that I've changed much, either. I tend to stick with what I know. If it weren't for Jane, I probably wouldn't be with you right now."

Sage's curiosity peeked. "Jane?"

Maura smiled. "Oh, I apologize. Jane Rizzoli. She's a detective with Boston Homicide and has become a very dear friend of mine since my joining of the team. She and I are complete opposites, bu somehow it just seems to work itself out. If it weren't for her boldness and determination, I'd probably be sitting at home by myself tonight."

Sage nodded, her response getting interrupted by the waiter taking food orders. Once he was gone, she continued. "I'm glad you've managed to find some roots here, Maura. I have to be honest though, I left all of my connections behind when I moved back here."

Maura cocked her head to the side in confusion. "I understand you wanting to help your hometown. But goodness, if you have nobody here, why on earth would you return?"

Sage took a deep breath at this question. "I've always felt you a trustworthy person, Maura. So I'll be truthful. I was in a long term relationship with someone in Europe. I was there for a long time and I just, it was great. There weren't any problems between us. Out of the blue I get told that the love of my life wants to be single again just to see what it's about since we had been together so long. I didn't understand it Maura. We had everything anyone could ever want in each other and I get left out to dry because our relationship had lasted too long?"

Maura smiled sadly. "Sometimes people are like that, Sage. I can't speak for him, but I'm sure he had the best intentions when he said those things. But I'm assuming you left Europe to escape having to be around him?"

Sage was blushing tomato red across from Maura now. "I'm sorry Maura. I didn't realize... I was dating a woman in Europe. But yes, that's essentially my reasoning."

Maura shook her head in embarrassment. "I apologize, Sage. I didn't mean to assume anything. We are in Massachusetts after all. I apologize, both for my carelessness and for what happened to you."

Sage shook her head. "You don't have to apologize for either, Maura. I'm over it now. It's been a long time since we broke up and part of the reason I chose to come home was because I want to start over here. I want to go out and have a good time and find somebody new."

Maura nodded her understanding as their food arrived. "I get that. Rest assured you have a reliable friend in me, Sage. Jane, her family, and all the detectives at the precinct are all very nice people. I can assure you that you don't have to worry about being alone any longer."

Sage smiled sweetly at Maura. "Thank you. You have no idea how much that means to me, Maura. I look forward to meeting everyone."