Sup guys! And girls! And . . . other. Anyway, this is my first fanfiction I've posted on this site. It's from the POV of Logan. By the way, I hate Scott. It will show. Anyway, please post constructive criticism and tips on how to better my writing!

Chapter One: The Bet

I sat across from Scott, leering at him, wanting, no, trying to get a rise out of him. I knew his eyes were narrow behind his red visor.

"So, Cyke, how's yer girlfriend? I hear yer havin'... trouble." Scott had wanted to talk to me, presumably about Jean. Things hadn't been the same between them since he had caught us kissing - in his room.

"Shut the fuck up, Logan. You know how it is. She is ashamed of cheating on me - and won't do it again."

"That's what she tells ya . . . I wonder what she's thinkin', pretendin' ta love ya."

"You have no chance, Logan. With her or any other woman."

"Oh yah? How about 'Roro?"

"Ice queen? You kidding? Even I couldn't get her to kiss me, let alone..." Scott let his sentence trail off, blushing. What was with this prude?

"Alright. If I manage to get her in bed within one week, Jean is mine."

"Alright, Logan, but then if you don't get her in one week, you have to stop harassing me and Jean."

"Deal, Cyke. By the way, do you know where 'Roro is?"

He didn't even answer, closing his eyes and sighin'. I flipped him the bird while his eyes were closed, then walked away. If one person knew where 'Roro is, it'd be Rogue. So I better look for Rogue.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. I'm kinda busy right now ( at the dentist ) and the nurse lady keeps telling me to put my laptop away. Damn, is she annoying. Oh shit she's reading over my shoulder, and she saw the annoying part. I didn't mean it, nurse lady. Now she looks really pissed off. But, uh, she's still beautiful. Uh, you're taken, nurse lady? Sorry. Um, well can you look at my teeth now? OW! SHE FUCKING SLAPPED ME! BITCH! I didn't mean it, nurse lady!