Hey again.

Well, it's been a tough day. Midterms make for a grouchy me. So this is gonna be my feel-good chapter


Hermione lifted her head off Minerva's shoulder, "So...That was interesting" She nervously laughed, avoiding Minerva's eye contact. Before Minerva had a chance to reply the alleyway around them began to chance into a large room. At one side of the room was a long bar made from dark Mahogany wood, an exposed brick wall had shelves holding bottles of all shapes and sizes. Minerva assumed these where muggle drinks. The rest of the room had dark red walls and tall tables with stools. The edges of the room all had large leather settees around them and at one side a small intimate stage was set up.

Lupo and Hermione walked laughing into the bar. Lupo was wearing a light green shirt with the sleeves rolled up and dark blue jeans whilst Hermione was in light blue surfer shorts and a cream tank top.

Walking past, Minerva and Hermione, Lupo continued his story. "So the cafe owner walks over and says "Hey, no gaying up the place, get out" and I stood up, looked him right in the eye and said "Out, I am out!" Clicking his fingers whilst he talked Lupo oozed confidence.

Laughing they both took a seat down on one of the leather settees. "So what about you sweetie?" Lupo asked "Any good first date stories?"

Hermione looked down at her hands and then back up to her friend. "Technically, I haven't..." She stuttered out "...I was a bit too busy killing evil bastards to date. Besides, who would I date?"

Lupo looked at Hermione shocked, lifting her chin so she was looking him in the eyes. "Mia, you are beautiful. Who wouldn't want you?"

Suddenly the room began to age around Minerva's eyes. Years passed in the blink of an eye and moments later Min found herself stood in amongst a crowd of people. The band where on stage playing a song and to her right, Minerva caught sight of Harry and Ginny Potter stood jaws agape.

On stage Hermione began to sing

"I want you to want me.
I need you to need me.

I'd love you to love me.

I'm beggin' you to beg me.

With a blink, Minerva found herself stood back in her office. The empty vials lay next to the pensive.

"Hermione" Minerva started "What are your plans for Christmas?"

Please Review and make my day!
