Sunlight was streaming in the windows. Birds were chirping and all I wanted to do was tell them to shut up and let me sleep. Jason wasn't in much better shape than I was and he had to be a work in an hour.
I rolled over and kissed his forehead in an attempt to sooth his temper… but that wasn't in the cards. His eyes were still screwed shut, frown in place. "Are you cursing the shower or me?" I asked all smug like.
He opened his eyes and did what everyone would call a glare but you really had to know him to see the smile in his eyes. I did my best innocent act, which made him raise an eyebrow. "Jason" I said in mock horror, "How could you defile my innocence like that? I trusted you and…" Jason interrupted me by pulling his arm, which was curled around my waist, back to him. Affectively pulling me closer.
"Please Claire; your innocence was gone long before last night." He said while nipping at my ear.
I shivered against him and bent my neck to give him more room. Which he gladly took advantage of. Kissing and nibbling at my neck. His arm that was draped over my waist then went lower. I felt him starting to harden. 'Oh we had time right' I looked at the clock. OH SHIT JASE HAS 20 MINUTES! "Jase."
"Hmm" The vibrations sent chills through my body. 'Sorry to do this to but…'
"Eve in a baby pink bikini with yellow ruffles and glitter." His mouth left my neck and his erection died down. "Sorry babe but you got 20 minutes."
He just rolled his eyes and rolled out of bed. Then put on a pair of jeans and a wife beater. I did the same. After I finished zipping up my skirt I went to the mirror to look. I had picked a black spaghetti strapped tank with a white zip up the front skirt. I smiled as I ran a brush through my hair and applied some mascara and eyeliner. As I put the cap back on the liner Jason called from behind me "You act more like my sister every day, Claire."
I just smiled at him and walked away from the mirror in the living room mirror and went to get my bag. Once I finally found it, I went back to the living room. Jason was already there waiting on me. "Come on Claire I have to drop you off at Eve's."
I grabbed my leather jacket and walked out the door. Jason right on my heels. He turned around and locked the door, and we walked out to the parking garage. Once there we found the bike, and hopped on. Now when I mean bike I meant a motorcycle. Jason got it about 3 months back and it was his pride and joy. Other than me of course. He started the bike and it roared to life. "Hold on tight" He told me. I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed the back of his neck. He hit the throttle and we were off.
He dropped me off at the Glass house and helped me off. "Have a good day" He said after kissing me and started up the bike.
I walked up the path, but stopped and remembered how he had scared me on the way over here by making 3 sharp turns at stop signs and a red light. "Hey Babe." He looked at me with a confused look. I looked around real quick and lifted my skirt to show him what was underneath it or in my case what I wasn't wearing underneath it.
"Claire…" I didn't hear him finish because I continued walking up the pathway to the house. Just I reached the door I heard the bike run off down the street at a pace that said he was making a mad dash to get to work on time. I unlocked the front door, entered and headed into the living room.
Unfortunately I got an eye full of Michael and Eve. "Oh come on Eve you knew I was coming over and you probably could have heard the bike. They both dropped to the ground in front of the couch. Then all I heard was a blur of wind. I walked over to the couch and started folding their clothes, and waited for them to come downstairs.
20 minutes past, 30, 40, Ah screw this I'm already going to be late for class. I grabbed my bag and headed out into the winter sun.
(A.n. I'm not doing her classes because then I'll drag on about my own.)
Classes were finally over and since Eve didn't come to work today, insert creepy image now, I get to walk 2 ½ miles home.
I was about 3 blocks from home when I heard him. Well not him but the bike. And sure enough Jason came around the corner about 10 seconds later. He spotted me and pulled over to the sidewalk and took off his helmet. "What are you doing?"
"Eve didn't go to work today and when I called to have her come pick me up she didn't answer. So now I am walking home." Jason sighed in aggravation and handed me his helmet.
"Get on."
"Jason it's three blocks I'll live."
"No you won't because Myrnin will kill you if you are late again."
I looked in his eyes to see if he was angry. There were flashes but that was about it. Now I know your probably wondering why didn't I just call him and have him pick me up. Well it's a long story but in notes terms, his boss won't let him off early. Sad but true.
I took the helmet and slipped it on and then, carefully so I didn't burn myself again, hopped on the bike. I situated myself then wrapped my arms around his waist. He took his hand off the brake and we made a sharp u-turn, which left scorch marks on the cement, and started off towards the other side of town. The better side of town. Yes when I moved in with Jason, I realized just how bad this side of town really was, so leave me be. I'm kind of surprised no came up while I was walking. Of course they might have thought that if they hurt me Jason would go ape shit on their asses. I remember what he said when I first started hanging around this side of town with him. "It helps when they think you're crazy" He even said it with a smile. Which was creepy at the time and is still kind of creepy now but has a funny edge to it
He let me off in front of the shack. "Either Michael or I will pick you up later ok?"
I nodded and lifted my helmet off my head and rested in the crook of my arm. Then raised his helmet enough to where his mouth and nose weren't covered, and kissed him long and deep. He put his foot on the peddle brake and took his hand off the handlebar one. Then his hand wrapped it's self around my neck and pulled me closer and he licked my bottom lip.
I opened my mouth and my hands were roaming when a voice cut through our moment. "CLAIRE DANVERS! I HEARD THE BIKE! NOW QUIT SNOGGING AND GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE!"
Jason and I reluctantly broke apart and I lowered his helmet. "See you later babe." I said as I walked away.
"What no show this time?" He asked with laughing tone.
I didn't even look around this time. I just lifted the back of my skirt to expose the curve of my butt then dropped it.
I walked down the alley and into the shack. My crazy boss was standing there tapping his foot. "So what's the excuse this time?"
"I had to walk most of the way from school to home then Jason found me and drove me home so I could change out my bag then we came here."
He watched me for a second then opened the hatch and we went in the lab.
"Now Claire I have told you about the memory scanner I made last week right?" I nodded. "Alright we're going to test it out."
Myrnin just looked at me. "Oh no, we are not hooking me up to that thing." Suddenly there was a pain in my neck and darkness took me.
Ah cliffy. Do not be mad I just wanted to keep the chapters on track. Oh btw next chapter is where Claire is remembering how she and Jason got together. She doesn't remember anything that has already happened so it's like she's falling in love all over again so. I'll update soon.
Fly On!