Chapter 7: A Second Chance?

Previously on Because of You

And out of nowhere Jason says, "Piper I want you to take me back."

Everyone in the room went silent. Piper had a worried look on her face. She had no idea what to say. Percy, Annabeth, Leo, and Reyna kept looking back and forth between Jason and Piper waiting for an answer. Leo was looking at Piper with pleading eyes desperately wanting her to say no. He never got a chance to tell Piper how he feels. Reyna was freaking out inside her head. She feels like she just got Jason back (even though it's been three years, but still.)

After about five long, painful minutes of complete silence Jason finally spoke up. "Piper, I need you to say something."

"What do you want me to say Jason! I'll take you back! Let's runaway together, just me and you on the open road! No, Jason I don't want that! Did you even listen to my songs? They all said that I'm over you, I don't want you back, I've moved on!"

"Yes, that's exactly what I want you to say! Piper I still have feelings for you. I never really moved on. I never got over you. Piper I was heartbroken when you ran away. I still need you. I know you still have feelings for me. Please Piper take me back." At this point Jason was on his knees begging for Piper to take her back.

"Jason there is no way in Hades that I will take you back! I gave you a chance and you messed it up! Jason I don't have feeling for you anymore, I'm in love with someone else! Besides you have Reyna now so I don't see why you need me."

"Piper I know you don't mean that. I really do need you though. I only dated Reyna because I needed someone to keep my mind off of you, she was just a rebound," when Jason said that Reyna was just a rebound she looked heartbroken. She really loved Jason and he was just pretending the whole time. "Piper, what do you mean that you love someone else?"

Leo was getting a little nervous. He really doesn't know who Piper is in love with but he really wishes that it's him though. "Jason I know Reyna took you away from me but the whole time you were just playing her. Jason that's terrible. You just gave me another reason on to not date you again!" Piper was furious with Jason. She couldn't believe that she ever dated someone so selfish.

"No, I did love Reyna honestly. It's just I wasn't fully over you. My heart wasn't fully in it. Then seeing you again made me realize how much I missed you and how much I love you."

Annabeth noticed that Piper is still avoiding Jason's question about who Piper is on love with. She finally spoke up, "Piper why have avoided Jason's question about who you're in love with? Why won't you tell us?" Now Leo was really getting nervous. He was kind of dreading her answer because he's afraid that she doesn't really love him.

"I ah-um…. I'minlovewithLeo." Everyone was staring at her because she said it so fast no one was able to understand her. Percy said "Excuse me Piper but could you say it a little slower. You know I am a seaweed brain and all."

Piper took a deep breath and said "I Piper Marie McLean am in love with Leo David Valdez." Everyone was staring at her with shock. Leo was so excited that Piper loved him back. In his head he was squealing like a little girl inside, because Piper Marie McLean made his day. Leo was the happiest guy in the world.

"Piper is it really true? You love me?" Leo asked Piper. He really does love Piper and wants to be with her. Leo wants Piper and only her.

"Yes Leo I really do love you." And with that Leo ran up to her lifted her up spun her in a circle and shared her long passionate first kiss with Leo. Then Annabeth and Percy were cheering them on while Jason looked a little heart broken and Reyna was just too depressed to be happy for Leo and Piper.

When they broke apart Leo whispered in her ear, "I love you too Piper." Then they shared a quick peck on the lips and turned to the group.

Annabeth spoke first "It's about time you two got together. But I'm happy for you guys."

Then Percy spoke up "Congrats man." Then he clapped Leo's back.

Leo looked at Piper and saw that she had a cheek to cheek grin on her face. When he saw that he couldn't help but chuckle at her. Piper asked him innocently "What's wrong? Are you laughing at me?"

"Oh no I'm not laughing at you; I'm just laughing because I don't think I've ever seen you this happy before." Then Leo gave Piper another quick peck on the lips. Then he looked over at Jason and saw that he was looking at his shoes. Leo couldn't help but think that Jason looks at his shoes a lot. But then he almost felt sad for Jason because he never got over Piper. But almost.

Then he looked over at Reyna who was sitting in the corner all alone. He did feel bad for her. Even though she was part of the reason that Piper left but he really did feel bad. She thought that Jason loved her but it was all an act because he wasn't over Piper. Reyna really did love Jason though, but now all the feelings she had for him are gone. He also kind of wanted to thank her too because if she never would of kissed Jason, he might of never got his chance with Piper.

Jason finally spoke up since Piper confessed her love for Leo, "Congrats man. You are really lucky to have Piper. She is one of the most nicest, caring, and intelligent person you'll ever meet. Just one word of advice for you though. Don't let her get away. I made that mistake and I don't want you to make the same one."

"Thanks. But I don't plan on letting her go. It happened once and I can't let it happen again." With that Leo put his arm around Piper's waist and pulled her close to him. Then he kissed her hair and told her, "I love you, and I'm not going to let you slip away from me again."

Then Piper faced Leo and said, "I love you too, and I don't plan on leaving anytime soon."

A/N: Sorry it took so long. I read the last book in the Maximum Ride I recommend reading the series if you haven't. Also it's the last month before school so just trying to get some stuff done before school starts. This is not the last chapter, but I was wondering if I should have another chapter of Piper having a concert and singing. You can also request songs that you might want to hear her sing. Review let me know please.