(Back in the main gym)
The girls were running sprints, and once again, Chloe dominated the whole workout. Her years running Track, and one year of Cross Country were paying off.
"Let's go girls, we've got three more!" Coach Linda shouted. "We're doing great so far, now it's time to finish strong!"
"Let's go guys!" Monica shouted with her Senior leadership kicking in.
The whistle blew. The girls took off with Chloe finishing a good twenty feet ahead of the others. Tara then became furious. "You wanna quit showing off Freshman?" She shouted at Chloe.
Before Chloe could respond, Monica stepped forward. "You wanna shut your filthy, bullshit ridden trap and actually work for once, and maybe you'll earn a spot on Varsity?"
Tara fell silent and shocked. None of the Seniors, nor the Coach, had ever snapped at her before, and she was intimidated. "I…uhhh…" She stuttered.
"Back in line!" Coach Linda shouted, "Or we'll add on more sprints!"
Tara and Monica stepped back in line. The whistle blew.
(Over in the wrestling room)
Stan watched two boys wrestling off for the one hundred and forty five pound weight class as he warmed up for his wrestle off with Howard. He was nervous, but it was only because he would have to take on Gordon the very next day.
Before Stan knew it, one of the two combatants for one forty five was on his back, and it wasn't long after that before Sherlock called a pin. The two stood up and went back to the middle of the mat, shook hands, and the victor had his hand raised.
"Ok, next we have Stan and Howard, and the winner of that will take on Gordon tomorrow." Sherlock announced.
Gordon then walked over to Sherlock. "Coach, can I talk to you for a second?" He asked quietly.
"Uh, sure. What's up?" Sherlock asked a bit puzzled.
"I don't want to wrestle off for one sixty Coach. I think I would have a much better chance at making the state finals at one seventy." Gordon explained cautiously.
"YYYYYYEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS!" Stan thought with a wide cool aid smile.
"What the hell makes you say that?" Sherlock asked with a frustrated look on his face.
Gordon then whispered something in Sherlock's ear, and Sherlock sighed and rolled his eyes. "Do you really think you'll have a better chance at one seventy?"
"Yes Sir." Gordon said looking sheepishly at his feet.
"Okay." Sherlock said. "Stan, Howard, you're up. The winner will automatically take varsity position at one sixty. "
Stan was pumped and he ran out to the center of the mat ready to wrestle.
"Stan, you'll be red, and Howard, green." Sherlock said. The two lined up on their colors, and shook hands.
"Timers ready?" Sherlock asked Gordon.
"Yes Sir."
"Ok boys, let's have a good match. Shake hands." Sherlock said getting ready to blow the whistle.
Stan and Howard shook hands, and the whistle blew.
(Over in the weight room)
The Power Lifting squad was doing lifting stations with a different lift at each one. Tyler was currently at the bench press station, pressing up two hundred and thirty pounds. He pushed out five reps, then handed the bench over to Jamar, who added on another twenty pounds. Jamar always had Tyler beaten at bench press, but he could never beat him at squat.
"You ready?" Tyler asked as Jamar laid down. Jamar nodded yes.
"Need a lift off-" But before Tyler could finish, Jamar already had the bar off the rack, and pressed it ten times with no struggle what so ever.
Tyler just smiled and shook his head. "Monster. Enough said."
Jamar laughed and sat up. "Thanks Buddy. As soon as we're done here, you get to go make me look bad on the squat."
Tyler pulled up his shorts and flexed his thigh muscles. They looked like elephant legs. "Hell yeah!" he joked.
Jamar then flexed his biceps. "Just remember, this is what the ladies are looking for." He said smirking and jokingly kiss his arm.
"Just remember, girls also like a guy who can carry them into prom without breaking a sweat." Tyler said once again flexing his legs.
"Just remember they also like a guy who looks good doing it." Jamar shot back laughing. They both laughed, then the coach spoke up.
"Everyone finish up their reps?"
"Yes Sir!"
"Good! Next stations!"
The whistle blew.
A/N: Short, yes. Will it get better, yes!