That evening, Sirius sat in the library staring off into space. Hermione was spending the evening with her parents, who'd grown concerned about not hearing from her despite numerous phones calls and assurances from Harry. He and Lupin were due to arrive any minute, both eager to hear the story behind the emergency house call a doctor made to the Burrow.

Lounging comfortably in the same position as the night it all started, Sirius narrowed his eyes thoughtfully. The more he thought, the more fitting the title 'Princess of Gryffindor' seemed to be. She was commanding and powerful. She was humble, but naturally commanded attention and respect. She was fair and kind and didn't fear putting her foot down. She truly was a princess.

Mooney and Prongs were his best friends; family even. After James killed… and Azkaban... he never expected someone to defend him. Not the way she had. Women like her weren't supposed to treat men like him with such kindness. Especially not when it meant going against people like the Weasleys that she considered family.

She was right about one thing though… he was loyal as a fucking dog. Few people gained the trust that lead to the kind of loyalty that made a lycanthrope's familial attachment pale by comparison. But Hermione'd proven herself trustworthy many times over and this morning sealed the deal. She didn't know it yet but she was a part of his 'pack' now, small though it may be.

Harry and Lupin soon stepped through the floo network hook up in the library to see Sirius still deep in thought. Quickly they settled in on chairs of their own and waited for him to come down from cloud nine. Sirius served drinks all around. As he poured their glasses, he began to tell them what'd happened, between occasional sips of his own drink, not leaving a single detail out.

Both men were riveted to the story. They weren't happy that things had gotten so far out of hand, but they were relieved Hermione had finally done something. Throughout the story, neither missed how Sirius spoke about Hermione. A subtle but telling mix of admiration, respect and affection. Lupin recognized it as similar to how he spoke to himself, James and Harry. He didn't know exactly what triggered it, but he could tell that Hermione was now considered among the close knit circle of people Sirius held dear.

Harry recognized the change too. He could understand exactly what had happened. It was the same light-bulb moment that had bit him a few weeks ago. The evening continued with a new light – heartedness as Hermione unknowingly gained a second devoted, hopelessly loyal fan.

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