The Cavanaugh's

Spencer (Spence) Cavanaugh-33

Toby (Tobes) Cavanaugh-34

Hope Cavanaugh-15

Natalie (Nat) Cavanaugh-15

Rebecca (Becca) Cavanaugh-10

Mara Cavanaugh-10

Spencer and Toby Cavanaugh have 4 kids, 2 sets of twins. Their daughters Hope and Natalie are not only indentical to each other but they are also mini-spencers. Rebecca and Mara are not identical; Rebecca looks just like Toby she has his hair and his kind blue eyes. Mara is a mix of both of them she has Toby's hair but has Spencer's dark brown eyes. All 4 of their daughters are acro dancers. Hope has won 6 national titles, Natalie has won 5 and Rebecca and Mara have both won 3 titles. Spencer became pregnant at age 18, her parents kicked her out and she went to live with Toby. Her parents started to come around shortly after she and toby got married which was when Spencer was 20. Spencer is a 3rd grade teacher at rosewood elementary and Toby has his own business building houses. They live in a 5 bedroom house which is right next to the Rivers, All 4 of liars live on the same street right next to one another.

The River's

Hanna (Han) Rivers-33

Caleb Rivers-33

Jennifer (Jen) Rivers-11

Lucas (Luke) Rivers-8

Hanna and Caleb Rivers spoil their kids like crazy, their oldest Jennifer is just like Hanna and Lucas is just llike Caleb in every way. Their daughter Jennifer is a pre-teen clothing model and an actress whos has been in 4 hit movies and she is only 11. Their son Lucas is into karate and is a green belt. Hanna is a fashion designer and Caleb owns his own computer repair company. The Rivers used to live in California but recently moved back to rosewood, they live next to the Fitz's.

The Fitz's

Aria Fitz-33

Ezra Fitz-37

Eric Fitz-9

Julianna (Jules) Fitz-4

Thomas (Tommy) Fitz-1

Expecting a baby girl in 4 months

Aria and Ezra Fitz have 3 beautiful children and another on the way. Aria's parents finally came around to them being a couple however that was only a year ago, before hand her parents never saw their grandchildren. Aria sent pictures even though they did not talk now their relationship is slowly getting back to what it used to be. Their first son Eric is just like Ezra in every way, Juliana is a mix of both she has her mothers dark curly hair but her fathers eyes, little Thomas is just like Aria. They are also expecting a baby girl in 4 months and couldn't be happier. Aria is a High School English teacher at rosewood high and Ezra is working at a college in a town just outside of rosewood. They live next door to the Fields.

The Field's

Emily Fields-33

Expecting Triplets in 7 months

Emily Fields hasn't been the same since Maya died and she just gave up on finding someone. Emily wanted to have children even though she would be a single mother. She got a sperm donor and was able to become pregnant, with triplets! Emily found out she was having triplets and couldn't be more happy, she has a great job and she would be able to support them; She is a CEO of a major company and is well off.