Healing Wishes Ch.12

The blond man sitting across from you listened intently as you recounted the entire incident, reciting the entire tale as you had done only once or twice before. You had his undivided attention.

"I couldn't believe we were free, neither of us could. I was so happy…I can't believe how long ago it all happened, it still feels like yesterday." And it did, despite so much time passing.

"I see. What happened to Ivan then?" He sat up a little and raised a thick eyebrow as he asked his simple question. He was always so straight to the point.

"We told the police everything we knew about Ravis and Eduard once Toris was out of the hospital. Ivan got arrested for…I don't know how many felonies, but he pleaded insanity. He was permanently admitted into a psychiatric ward, but it's hundreds of miles away. Toris and I, we couldn't just live in the same town anymore, so much had happened…" You enjoyed these conversations, you liked talking about what happened after the incident. It made you feel better, knowing it closed. And so did your therapist, as he nodded again.

"Understandable. Now, I have only two more questions. First, how has your life with Toris been since the incident?" He watched you as you answered, looking for physical signs of…well, anything. It was his job, after all.

"Just about perfect, actually, especially since we've both been getting therapy. He and I have both gotten jobs, and we managed to save up enough money to buy a new house. Ravis and Eduard have sent us some money from their insurance claims as well. It's been…eight years, now. Eight years…" You trailed off lost in thought again. How time flies, it still seemed like only yesterday you moved so far away. You've been so happy for a long time.

Your thoughts were interrupted by a chuckle from your therapist that focused your attention back to the conversation and your appointment.

"That's wonderful. I'm so glad the two of you are living so happily together. One last question…When is the wedding?" He smiled warmly.

You beamed again, staring down at the silver band on your finger. "December. We're both so excited. Well, I guess most people are for their weddings." You laughed a little.

"Indeed. I'm so glad that everything is looking so up for you, _. It won't be much longer until my services aren't needed any longer. And Toris has been getting along so well."

"It's amazing, just…amazing how life has turned around for both of us." Looking back, it was amazing how something so terrifying, how events so serious and bad could turn into the happiest moments of your life. You looked down at your ring again and caught the time on your watch and gasped. "Oh goodness, it's already been an hour..? But I just got here!"

"It appears our appointment is over." He smiled again, and got up. You followed suit. "It was a pleasure talking with you again, miss _, as it always is."

"And it's been a pleasure talking to you." You shook his hand, and exchanged final farewells for the week as you left his office, then the building to see Toris waiting for you in the parking lot. He waved from the car, then pulled up to pick you up.

"How was your talk with Arthur today?" He smiled as you entered the car.

"As nice as you said yours was yesterday," You answered with a kiss to his cheek.

He smiled again. "So, _, are you ready for tonight?"

"Oh, no, I have to change before we go to dinner." You laughed a little. You and him had planned this date for a week, and you were excited to go to a fancy restaurant with him. You know, you were excited to be anywhere with him. He shared the same feeling, actually.

But that's normal for any lovebirds. Especially since your Healing Wishes had been granted.

The End