Healing Wishes Ch.1

A Lithuania X Reader story. My first, so let's go!

You waited by the bus stop for your usual Saturday ride to the super market to get this week's meal. Not that you really needed more food. Living alone meant you bought all your own food and means, but tried to save as much money as possible from work.

Living alone also meant being a little lonely from time to time. At least you lived next door to the nicest guy. You never talked to him, of course. But he always looked so shy, so sad...And a little beat up. You did want to get close, but...

The hissing breaks of public transportation halted the large metal monster next to the designated stop you were waiting at and pulled your head out of the clouds and onto the task at hand; your shopping trip.

Worried about missing the vehicle, you rushed onto the bus, running straight into the man you were just thinking of a moment ago on the stairs up to the isle-way. The force of the clash sent you falling backwards down the stairs.

"W-watch out, miss!"

You braced yourself for the powerful clash of your body against the muddy concrete sidewalk, but you felt something-SomeONE-reach around your waist and twirl somewhat gracefully, gently, and purposefully to break your fall.

"OOF!" Your voices were stating the same thought, the only thought on your mind as you both hit the ground. You and he both faced the sky, in nearly the same pose, except that his arms still embraced you in an awkward hug.

You felt your cheeks flush red once you realized you were uninjured, yet the one who saved you was still holding your unhurt self. He, on the other hand, was groaning quietly in pain beneath you.

You scrambled to your feet and turned to look at the usually sweet face now twisted in pain, the one that saved your fall. It was framed bu his smooth and slightly-too-long-in-a-cute-way chestnut hair that was now coated with mud. His usually wide emerald eyes were clenched shut.

"Ohmygawsh, are you okay!" The first words of an only natural worry for a human being slipped out of your mouth.

"I-I am fine...I mean...I have been hurt worse..." His voice was somewhat weak, and you realized that this was the first time you've experienced the sound of his voice. It was sweet and had a small shaky quality that made you pity the poor boy, and yet wonder what made him so scared. You only just noticed the dark marking around his left eye, a black and blue bruise: the mark of some serious damage.

"O-oh no! Your eye! Was that-!"

"No, no, it is not from you, please don't worry..." Come to think of it, it'd take a lot longer for a bruise like that to form, anyway. He finally sat up, albeit a bit slowly, as he regained his breath.

The bus driver cleared his throat, catching your attention. "You comin' on?" he grumbled his question impatiently with a slightly Hispanic accent. Flustered, you looked between the weak boy who risked-and possibly gained-some serious injury to save you and the annoyed dread-locked bus driver.

"N-no, I-"

"If you say so." He finalized the thought by closing the doors of the bus and driving down his route to the next stop. You looked down at the young brunette who was getting up slowly. Out of reflex, you held out your hand and pulled him up after his hesitant accepting of the courtesy and you helped get him steady.

"Are you...Are you sure you're okay?" Your voice was quiet with worry.

"I-I take much more of a beating..." The thought he was wheezing out trailed off. Your neighbor tested his balance by taking a shaky step forward out of your help, then another, discovering a newly acquired limp.

"N-no, let me help you, it's my fault you fell." And besides, the both of you lived on the third floor. "The elevators are out today. I don't want you to hurt yourself falling down the stairs!" Worry made your voice escalate.

He flinched from the sudden crescendo in volume. "O-okay, miss!"

"My name is _." You more gently informed him.

"Right, Miss _," he corrected himself quickly. "Thank you, Miss _." His formality and politeness surprised you.

You walked to the injured boy and gently used yourself as a crutch as you moved toward the apartment building down the block. "And your name is..?"

His remark was mumbled until you inquired a third time, but even then, his voice was barely audible. "Toris...My name is Toris..."

"Toris...It's nice to meet you." His name sounded actually somewhat silly and you had to stifle a small giggle when he introduced himself.

By the time you made it up to your apartments, the poor excuse for a conversation you were having had died down between the two of you, leaving an uncomfortably awkward silence. Sure, you had several questions to ask the man you just met when you were on your own, but recalling those questions with the boy actually there, made you incredibly nervous, let alone trying to ask the trembling boy.

Wait...Trebling? He was shivering! You only just now noticed the constant shuddering of the boy you were assisting.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

He remained silent, a continued shivering as his response. He looked dazed and was staring off into space, his green orbs filled with terror you couldn't figure out.

"Are you okay?" You repeated your inquiry and this time it was enough to jolt the man back to reality.

"A-ah! Yes, I'm f-fine," he claimed, but his stutter, black eye, and shaking stance betrayed his words.

"No, you're not," you realized out loud. "You need some care, or at least someone to talk to."

He looked up in surprise to stare at your face. "Talk..? Care..?" It was almost as if he was trying out the new latter word in his mouth for the first time, trying to uncover it's meaning.

"Yes, talking and caring..." You were sure you were clear about what you meant, but his confusion dismayed you. "You don know what those ARE, right..?"

"Oh yes, I do, I just..." He trailed off again, lost in thought once more.

You sighed. He really, REALLY needed someone to talk to. And maybe someone to patch him up. After all, he DID land pretty hard on his back. You blushed a little as your imagination led you into a scene where you were patching his bare back-

"No, I think I'm capable of handling myself."

"Huh?" You were jerked out of your...fantasy? Was THAT what that was?

"I think I can handle myself." His shaky voice had broken into your daydream.

"Are you sure? You landed on your back. Doesn't it hurt really-"

"It hurts a little, yes, but I should be fine. My shirt is just a little dirty with mud, is all." He nodded, seeming more to be talking to assure himself of his positive situation than you. He shrugged off your support and limped for his doorway, however, he turned back around when you gasped.

"Y-your back-! Your shirt-!"

"What? O-oh, that...it's…it's just a little blood, probably..."

"Please, let me help you. At least let me LOOK at your back. It IS my fault you fell!" The doubt of that last statement had yet to settle in, as you realized looking back on the situation. After all...WHY he jumped to help you was never an answered question.

He looked from his door to you, back to his door, then finally back to you, indecision obviously weighing on his mind. He finally nodded at you after moments that felt like days as you unlocked the door to your apartment to access your first aid kit.