Hey look, another fic. And I actually like it. Isn't that a special occasion? Anyway, enjoy! And please review.


"Why the hell am I here, again?"

"Why, Ragna, surely you are not such a foolish animal that you do not even remember your own purpose in being here? For shame."

"You never even told me what I was doing in the first place!" Ragna scowled in irritation. "All I know is that you made me follow you with no stated destination and told me that I better follow you or else you'd make my life hell!"

Rachel nodded and grinned. "Good, then you do remember. Now keep up. Some of us have things to do."

"Oh come on, Rabbit! I don't even care about what we're doi- OW! What the hell!" Ragna held a hand to his face, rubbing the bright red handprint that was now emblazoned on it.

Rachel frowned and continued walking. "Hmph. Fine then. Leave if you wish." She couldn't be bothered to deal with him if he was going to be so intolerable, after all.

"…Hey, wait up…" Ragna sighed and followed after her.

"Hm? What is it now, imbecile?"

Ragna frowned slightly, but kept following her. "Listen, maybe I was a little too harsh. But you know I don't feel like going places without knowing the reason."

Rachel thought this over for a moment. "…Very well. If you must know, we are going to dinner."

"…And you didn't tell me!"

"Would you have come if I had?"


Rachel continued walking, ensuring that Ragna could not see her blushing at an astronomical rate. "…I see. Well then, let us continue."