Warning: This is M-Rated for sexual descriptions, abuse, rape and other graphical context.

Disclaimer: The Vampire Diaries belong to L.J. Smith, the producers of the show and all the other people involved in the CW. I'm just borrowing these characters from the show for fun purposes, even though I wished I owned Damon Salvatore ;)


Damon walked into his home getting hit with a strong stench of blood. It smelled as if the crimson liquid had been siting there for hours and was left un-refrigerated.

He groaned knowing the cause of that strong smell, when he made it to the living room he found a woman's corpse lying carelessly on the bottom of the stairs.

As expected, the girl had multiple bites all over her body and dry blood stains marked her milky skin. A sly smirk cascaded on his lips as he admired the work his brother had done on this poor girl. He felt some kind of sympathy towards the dead female, don't get him wrong, just because most of his siblings were nutcased, blood driven animals, didn't mean he didn't feel remorseful for every death he and his siblings had caused for the last thousand years.

Being so old gave him time to think, to be more careful of his actions. Sadly he couldn't same the same for the rest of his family.

It was kind of sad how they ravished on blood, destroyed lives, families just because they were turned into monsters. There was not much he could do about it, even when he tried to calm down his animalistic behavior, he always ended up being the one thing that made him seem like the monster his mother had told him he was.

The only person that had come close to having humanity was his eldest sister, Jenna. She basically became their mother after Klaus killed their birth parents. He would be forever greatful for having a sister as forgiving as her. If it wasn't for Jenna, they would all be loose animals running wild around multiple states and cities. Killing innocents and destroying anything that came in their way.

He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard footsteps coming from the top of the staircase.

"You got her good." he smirked with his attention fully on his younger brother.

"I did didn't." he chuckled at his own work, if it wasn't a little disturbing and didn't smell so badly he would look at that piece of art all day. She was probably the cleanest kill he had in weeks.

After the women was used up he would suck them dry until their necks snapped and parts of their bodies began to fall apart. It was gruesome, he had to admit that.

But, what could he really do about it? He was a thousand years old. He never asked to become a vampire, he never wanted to live for so long. Sometimes the thoughts of ending it all would invade his mind. Ripping out his own heart then leaving a note for a loved one to fire up his body until his form was nothing but ashes.

Those thoughts quickly left his mind as soon as they appeared. He knew for a fact none of his family members would finish the job for him, they would rather selfishly let his body create a new heart before they broke their family. Ever since their parents had died, this little family had been together as one.

They always had each others backs, never once had they turned their backs on each other. And he guessed that was the good advantage that came with being a part of his family.

He knew no matter what, he could count on them for anything.

After all, they had said "We stick together as one, always and forever." in a tight circle of joined hands, on top of their father and mother's dead bodies.

And not once had they broken that promise.

"Next time, make sure you clean her up nicely. I don't want to have to clean up blood from the carpets." Damon explained as his eyes scanned the carpets finding a small amount of blood staining the carpeted floor.

"Yes, father." he said with a roll of his eyes. His brother was always so anal when it came to keeping this place clean. He was like the male version of Jenna.

Sometimes he wondered how he was related to these people.

He grabbed the girls arm then rolled out the long black plastic bag before stuffing her body inside. He zipped it up then dropped her lifeless form over his shoulder.

"You should probably come back as soon as you can." the dark haired, blue eyed male commented.

"Why?" he questioned with a raised brow.

With a sigh he crossed his arms over his Chest and let his back lean agaisnt the wooden wall. "Because..." he trailed off. "Klaus is going to throw a coming back party for all of us."

"And I should care because?" he didn't have such a good past with his elder brother, lets just say his brother tried to steal his girl, the girl played them both and destroyed his relationship with Klaus.

"Oh com on, can you guys just let bygones be bygones? It's been over a thousand years. Tatia is (i)dead(i) Stefan."

At those words a small growl escaped his lips before he could control himself.

Damon brought his hands up as a way of defending his words "I was just saying." he said with a shrug.

"You should know better than anyone, to keep Tatia out of this." he snapped.

"Anyway... This was more Jenna's idea than Klaus's, so you better come to the Salvatore's mansion in an hour or well you know how Jenna can be." he got those words out before he went up the stairs to have a calming shower.

Stefan turned his back knowing full well what would happen, if he missed this family meeting. He did not want to get on Jenna's bad side. Especially when she let out her wrath, let's just the last thing anyone wants to do is piss his eldest sibling off.

Once the body was all burned up, he flashed back to the boarding house so he could have a little snack. He needed all he could get if he was going to spend the next few hours with his entire family.

He threw the empty plastic bag in the waste bin then quickly blurred out of the house. He climbed into his car not wanting to use his super speed any longer than he had to.

Stefan knew he had to be careful, Mystic Falls was still housed with many Vampire hunters. Not that he had much to worry about. All the things that could possibly finish his existence was destroyed years ago. A regular stake would not only ever hurt him, it would not even live a small scratch on his skin.

He was almost invincible.

He knew these roads by heart, he was there before they were even roads to begin with. It was amazing how technology could change everything, some for the better, some for the worse.

Either way he was one of many who welcomes technology and it's new ways to improve the world.

He parked his car in the driveway and noticed a few cars were already parked around the mansion.

With a sigh he unbuckled his seatbelt, got out of his car and walked up the steps to his family's home. He walked right through the door knowing they never really locked it in the first place.

It's not like they had anything to worry about. No bulgar could hurt them and no hunter could kill them.

They were the first top predators in all species food chain.

"Stefan, you made it." Ana said with a bright smile.

She was one of the few people that got him to really smile, not just one of his sleazy smirks. "Ana, long time no see sister." he smiled, wrapping his strong arms around her seemingly frail frame.

"How was Italy?" she asked, simply curious on her brother's travels.

"It was beautiful, less smelly than the last time I've visited but a wonderfully sight to see nonetheless."

A brilliant smile stayed on her lips as she listened to his every word. Even though she seemed to be the most delicate of his family, one should not be fooled by her first impression. She was as good as a killer as he was.

For a while now she seemed more tamer than she used to be. He guessed it had something to do with the fact that she was now more around Jenna and his sister was a big saint in the eyes of all vampires. For her age, she had a pretty clean record of kills. Only 300 in the last thousand years. Some of them weren't even intentional.

He couldn't say the same for his, he had ravaged so many villages, killed some many people that he lost count on how many lives he had taken for the last thousand years.

His attention was taken away from his younger sister when all the buzzing in the room stopped and one voice spoke.

"Since, we're in the town we have originated from. I think it would be best to throw a little celebration for our arrival." Klaus said with smirk.

"As butthead said, it would be best if we threw a little party. Making sure everyone in this town knows who we are." Jenna said as she looked before her, she couldn't help but smile at the sight she saw.

All her siblings were quietly seating around the humongous living room as their attention was mainly on her and nothing else.

"So what kind of theme would this party have?" Rebekah questioned, by the looks of it she had a few ideas already buzzing around in her head.

"Well that's where you guys come in, since this party is for all of us. I thought it would be best if we come up with a theme we all like." Jenna explained.

"How about a century?" Ana spoke up. She was the most shy of them all. It was truly adorable, but they all knew not to mess with her. She was the miniature version of Jenna and it would not do anyone good if Ana was in a bad mood.

"Great, does anyone else have anything?" Jenna asked, her eyes looking around the room.

"The 1920's." Stefan stated.

"Ooh, that would work. We all liked it there. It was a mix of technology with our time. It would be a perfect theme." Rebekah commented.

"Now that we are all set, I can get the people that are needed to prepare this party to do their jobs. And there will be clothes sent to all of us in just a few hours." Klaus said as he got up from his chair to speak then walked out of the room already with his phone out so he could call whoever would get all of this done.

Jenna shook her head at him knowing in the past they all would've gladly participated into fixing every up. She guessed time had turned them into those people that depended on others to get the bigger things done.

With those last words from Klaus, Stefan got up from the couch then blurred out of the living room and got settled into his own room.

He knew one thing for sure, tonight would be a long one.

"Did you get a box sent to your house with this?" Caroline questioned while holding up the white card that had elegant writing plastered over it.

You are invited to attended the Salvatore's welcoming party.

Theme: 1920's.

"Yeah, apparently, Bonnie, Matt, Tyler, Kol and Jeremy got one as well." Elena replied as she sinked her teeth into her bacon, cheeseburger. She thanked god that she was a vampire or else, all the foods she ate would've made her fatter than the fattest person alive.

She shook her head at her silly thought. The brunette knew exactly who the Salvatore's were and she was not about to attend a party where it would not only have the whole family there but Damon as well.

She was not ready to face him, maybe someday but now was just too soon.

"Are you going to go?" The blonde asked knowing her friend would never miss a chance to party.

"No, are you?" she knew Caroline would go, even if she didn't come with. It was just the type of girl she was. Her friend was a party girl, just like she was.

"Awhh, why not?" a small pout formed on her lips before she took her straw in her mouth and began to suck the deliciousness that is a bananna, blueberry and strawberry smoothie.

"Because... I'm not really in a partying mood tonight. Go without me, I'm sure you have more than enough company to have some fun." she winked.

The blond haired, green-blue eyed female knew there was more to the story than not just feeling up to partying. She wouldn't pry on it though, when Elena felt like telling her the reason why she was bailing out of this gathering then she would be there to listen.

"Alright if you say so." She responded in a light tone of voice as she finished up her tuna melt sandwhich.

She was relived that Caroline hadn't asked anymore questions concerning her declining to go this party.

After they were done they both payed for their meals then got up from their seats ready to get out of the Mystic Grill.

"Wanna at least help me pick out an outfit for this party?" she asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Awwhh come on not that face." Elena said quickly shutting her eyes so she couldn't look at her friend any longer.

"Pwease?" Caroline begged in a baby voice.

She let out a sigh knowing she was going to give in the moment, she saw that puppy dog look on her friend's face.

"Fine, let's go get you a kicking outfit and show what Tyler is missing out on." She smiled as she slipped her arm through Caroline's.

He walked out of his room fully clothed in Italian clothing. Everything from his undershirt to his suit came from Italy, being a man that didn't spend much time looking at himself in the mirror like his brother did had to admit he looked pretty good.

He was wearing a dark grey suit, with a white dress shirt, black shoes and a gray and white stripped tie. He brought most male models to shame and for that he had an amused smirk on his lips as he walked to the hallway where they would all meet.

Surrounded by his family they walked down a few steps then came upon the grand stairwell in a matter of a few seconds. They all stools in either side of the stairs with champagne glasses in their hands as they looked down at the people who were moments ago, chatting with the other people who were invited.

"Welcome to our home, it is with a great pleasure to introduce you all to my family. Rebekah, klaus, Ana, Stefan, Damon and myself are the remaining family of the Salvatore's. And I want to thank you all for coming and celebrating this glorious day with us." she brought her glass of champagne up in the air as everyone else followed her then graciously took a sip from their glasses.

Once the chatter began to build they all went their separate ways. Some talking with people that would surely becoming their next meals and Jenna talking to people who seemed to have an high importance in this small town.

Stefan was currently flirting with a beautiful girl when he noticed the blond hair that had captivated him only a few hours prior to this night.

He excused himself from the conversation he was having with who was suppose to be his meal for the night and walked towards the young woman he had never gotten the chance to meet.

He tapped her shoulder not wanting to be too forward then waited for the girl to turn around.

Once she did, his unmoving heart had skipped a beat. He was frozen in time with the sight that he saw, it couldn't be possible. He knew for a fact that she was dead.

Then how come he was staring at her with his own two eyes?

"Tatia?" he whispered, hoping that this was all just a twisted dream.

"Who?" the girl questioned looking around, to make sure that he was talking to her and not anyone else.

He shook his head forcing his mind to come back to the present. "Oh, sorry... You just... look like someone I know." he replied with his signature smirk.

She giggled then shook her head "It's okay, I guess stuff like this were bound to happen sometime." she shrugged as if it was no big deal, not that this was an everyday occurrence or anything. She was the type of girl who went with the flow, so this misjudgement on her character was no big deal.

"I'm Stefan, Stefan Salvatore." he said taking her empty hand in one of his own.

"Caroline." she could feel a blush creeping on either sides of her cheeks and her stomach was already swarming with butterflies from this guy's charm.

"It's a pleasure to meet you miss..." he trailed off waiting for a response.

"Forbes, Caroline Forbes." she smiled brightly, unable to make her smile disappear. She felt lost as she stared into his forest green eyes, she had never met anyone to have quitte a pair of beautiful eyes as his.

"Sorry for my fowardness but I must say you are quite a beauty miss Forbes." He complimented laying a gentle kiss on the top of her hand.

"Thank you Mr Salvatore, you are quite the charmer yourself." even after his skin left hers, she still had tingles invading her every nerve.

God what was this man doing to her?

Just a few words were spoken and she was already a goner.

Few minutes passed of flirtatious chatter, they were all smiles with each other. Anyone who was paying close attention to them could tell she was very intrigued by this man.

"Would you like to see my boarding house?" he took a sip from his champagne never once taking his eyes away from hers.

She didn't know what to say to his question, a part of her wanted to go with him. While the more rational part of her brain was screaming at her to walk away from Stefan and tell him she wasn't some cheap slut who just sleeps with any guy that gives her a little bit of their time.

If she was like that, Caroline would most likely be the school whore by now.

She looked around the room trying to see what Tyler was doing, once she found him flirting with another girl she let out a sigh knowing she got the answer she needed.

With a final gulp of her drink she placed the glass on the silver tray that a waiter was holding then grabbed his hand so he could lead her out of the mansion.

She didn't know how they got to his home so fast, not that she necessarily cared. All that she wanted at the moment was a good time. And if Stefan Salvatore was the one to give it to her then she would gladly accept his offer.

He didn't have the time to securely close the door before Caroline grabbed his face and planted a fiery kiss on his soft lips. This brought back the old times he would spend with Tatia in his hut, they would lie on his bed made out of hay and have intense make out sessions until they were both out of breath.

Those were the good memories he held of her. If he thought about the betrayal that she had caused him after he risked everything to make sure he accomplished his promise to her then this girl wouldn't survive through the night.

And for some reason he couldn't find it in him to finish her life.

He ripped off her pink jacket and threw it somewhere across the floor not caring that his brother would probably see their clothes lying there when he came home. Her small hands caught onto the fabric of his jacket and pulled the layer of clothing away from his top half.

Even with a dress shirt she could feel the muscles hidden under the thin piece of clothing. He grabbed onto her waist placing her back against the cold wall. She let out a shiver from the cold but that was not the only thing that got her to let out such a low sound.

He smirked against her lips as he heard a satisfied sigh escape her lips and her skin starting to raise it's temperature under his fingertips. He took off her undershirt and was hit with the view of her spectacular breasts being firmly held within a black and lavender bra. And he could tell from it's material that it came from Victoria Secret.

Not wanting to wait any longer, she ripped off his clothing not caring that it was from an expensive brand. Stefan then took off the skirt that she was wearing then smirked as he stared at her with nothing on but her bra and underwear.

Damn, her body was almost identical to Tania's, except for a small Chinese tattoo that marked her right hip, he thought.

When they were completely naked with their clothes laying around the floor, He took her body in his arms and carried her upstairs to his bedroom. He lied her down on the soft mattress planting multiple kiss on her soft neck, his hot kisses went down her chest all the way to her navel. As his tongue played around with her skin, she moaned loudly grabbing onto his back as if he was her lifeline.

His touches were not one a stanger gave to another, his touches were ones of a lover and she had to admit she had never once had sex in such an loving way.

It was magical and she never wanted this night to end.

The way he was making love to her was not how he would to another woman, if it was someone else she would've probably be dead by now. Every touch, every kiss was full of the passion that he had kept hidden from all those years of hurting.

When he realized that his thrusts were more loving than brutal, something inside of him snapped. He didn't know why but that realization made him angry with himself.

This was not how the great Stefan Salvatore treated his ladies while having sex.

And with that thought in mind, the veins under his eyes appeared turning his green eyes into devil red and his fangs came out of his mouth.

Once she noticed this her eyes widen in fear, a touch that once felt pleasant was now frightening her beyond belief. She didn't get to scream or even moan before he sinked his teeth into her skin and began to suck her dry.

AN: Writing this chapter was so much fun I can't wait to write the next chapter for this story. Nowadays it's getting harder for me to write LIS but I will hopefully be able to update it by Friday or Saturday. For all of you guys that have been waiting for some Steroline action, you've definitely got a glimpse of how their relationship will be for the next few chapters. Thank you all for your amazing comments and the favorites and alerts I got from the last chapter. Closer- Kings of Leon and Looks like sex- Mike Posner inspired this chapter.

The more comments I get the faster I will update :)

PS: I know this is short, but the next chapter will be much longer.