Hello to any of my awesome readers who might still be out there! It has been way too long since I've written anything, and even longer since I've posted anything.

First of all, I would like to thank all of you for the support you've given me in the past, it was a real confidence boost to a lonely high school/college girl.

For everyone who has been waiting for stories, I cannot apologize enough. My personal life took several turns that I never expected, but I feel like I've finally found my way back to who I am as a person. That's such a cheesy way to put it, but eh, what can you do. So here are my updates for unfinished stories and my plans for writing in the future.

Lya's Story/Legend of Zelda Series - Oh my god. This story. I started writing it when I was about 14 I think, and it really shows if you read The Death of a Hero. Lya's Story was written in high school, but it still makes me cringe in some parts lol. Looking at something you wrote at 16/17 when you are 25 is a big eye opener. This is what I'm going to start working on to get myself back into writing. I know I had published 4 chapters of The Rise of a Hero, but I am going to go back and rewrite those and then continue with this story. I think I can make something interesting here if I ever manage to make it through my reread of old stories and see what loose ends I left myself to work with. So please keep an eye out for this, I hope to start posting it soon.

Eyes Open/Bleeding Out (FFVII Series) - I wish I could go back and finish this story right away, but I need to rebuild my writing skills and find the notes I left myself for where this story was going. This is still one of my favorite things that I've written, and I want to do it justice when I eventually pick it up to continue it. I'm so sorry for the wait.

Spirit of the Hero (Zelda story inspired by Breath of the Wild initial trailer) - This one is going to be hard, but hopefully worth it. I have lots of the main story plotted out, but barely anything written. I'm hoping to come to this story after finishing The Rise of a Hero, but who knows, maybe it will be sooner.

These are the main three that I'm concerned with, and then any new things that come to me over time. I want to get some one shots out, but I need to get my ideas together. If anyone wants to be a sounding board please let me know. I know I had a few beta readers way back when, if any of you are still floating around out there give me a shout!

I make no promises, but I am hopeful, so we'll see what happens.