Explosions Are Friends, Well Naruto Uzumaki Thinks So

"I'm speaking"- Speech
"Demon's speaking, justu names"
"I'm thinking"- thinking
"I'm a thinking demon, i'm thinking my justu"- Demon thoughts and justu's being thought of.

Chapter 1: Prolouge/Naruto Likes Explosions

Ever since the defeat of the dreaded Kyuubi 5 years ago, a young boy named Naruto Uzumaki received beatings of many kinds from the villagers of the still recovering Hidden Leaf Village or Konoha, now many of you are wondering why?

Well that answer is forbidden to be told but I'm sure I can make an exception for you, you see young Naruto was the container of the dreaded Kyuubi, now all of you are going "excuse me, I'm seem to recall you said the dreaded Kyuubi was defeated, how can Naruto be the container?". And that question has a simple answer, you see The Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze couldn't defeat the Kyuubi as you see it is a demon lord and demon lords cannot be simply defeated by mortals, instead The Fourth Hokage sealed away the evil monstrosity inside a newly born Naruto Uzumaki on October 10.

Now, Minato wasn't a cruel man who simply felt no remorse for what he had to do, he regretted it till the moment he died... which wasn't very long after the sealing as you see, to seal a demon lord you must summon the shinigami (Deathgod) to commence the sealing and in return the Shinigami must take said summoners soul as payment.

Now I'm probably boring you to death with all this driveling information so I shall skip to the point of explanation needed for why young Naruto always received beatings, well it's quite simple really, the villagers of Konoha beat Naruto because they are enraged at the Kyuubi and the Kyuubi was sealed in Naruto, so they can't take their rage out on Kyuubi, but Naruto is the container of the Kyuubi and the villagers hate the Kyuubi and since the villagers hate the Kyuubi... ahem I seem to be rambling, anyway you can see the predicament Naruto finds himself in.

In reality you can understands the villagers pain, the Kyuubi killed hundreds of ninja's and villagers of Konoha, and those murdered people had families, families who despised the Kyuubi for what it did and they beat Naruto for revenge which is actually quite stupid.

So to summarize, Naruto has one of the biggest burdens in five nations, Kyuubi's a bastard, the villagers of Konoha are retards... oh and Naruto loves explosions.

No time to explain, time to pass the story onto Naruto.


Naruto Uzumaki was five years old and he loved few things, he loved orange and black, he loved Old Man Hokage or Jiji, he loved Ramen and the Ramen restaurants owners Techu and his daughter Ayame, and he also loved explosions and not just watching them but actually making and causing them, now how Naruto came into loving explosions nobody knows or really cares, especially not Naruto.

Speaking of our little jinchuriki we find him sitting in his bed at the local orphanage he lives at, did I mention he was an orphan, it's pretty important information... whatever.


"Wow, I can't believe Jiji gave me this book about things that go boom, it's so cool"thought the little blonde buy on his bed, it's true the Hokage did give Naruto a book about explosives and even told him about explosive tags, now Naruto only being an infant had practically no flecking idea what Jiji was babbling on about half the time, the only things that Naruto understood was that explosive tag's cause big booms and that is all that mattered to young Naruto.

So what if he couldn't understand the fact that if a five year old tries to create an explosive tag without even being able to read the kanji he's writing it could, key word being could backfire horribly, if these so called "explosive tag's" can cause explosions it can cause explosions on the mean villagers that hurt him for no apparent reason, besides the fact that he recently managed to cause one off the sewer pipes to blow up and Naruto didn't even have a clue on how he did it.

Naruto worked tirelessly which him being five meant about one hour after 7.00pm then he fell asleep with a smile on his face.

He managed to construct an actual exploding tag with no experience in writing Kanji or constructing a seal but he actually did it.

And on that night Konoha was in for one hell of a shock because Naruto Uzumaki un-officially declared himself the DEMOLITION EXPERT, there was just one small problem.

Naruto didn't have a clue what demolition and expert meant.

This is a line


So this chapter is really short, and quite frankly i'm dissapointed in myself but this prologue Is hopefully the start of a new story if people like it.

This is Ievolution360I B.I.T.C.H.E.S
Signing off.