Chapter 9
Here's another chapter yet again largely based on the original story but I changed some of the dialogue and events to fit the storyline of the fic. Thank you for reading this! To be honest, I was prepared for everyone to abandon the story after the long hiatus.
Disclaimer: Kuroko no Basket belongs to Fujimaki Tadatoshi!
'How do you feel about this year's tournament?"
"Do you think you can win it again?"
"Which school do you think has the biggest chance against you?"
"What is the secret to your team's success?"
The group of sports reporters threw them a whole barrage of questions as they gathered at the foyer for the interview.
"Whoa, they sure are intense. Despite being a model, I don't really know how to deal with such situations very well…" Kise complained. Aomine and himself had slowly inched towards the back of the group to avoid being questioned.
"Well, it just shows that you guys, the Generation of Miracles, are really famous now!" Momoi tried to appease him.
"Ohh, really? Wow, yeah! I guess it's a good thing! After all, we are that awesome! Hahaha!" Kise cheerfully answered.
"I still think it's troublesome…" Aomine grumbled.
"Aomine-kun!" Someone called out from behind.
"Ah! Inoue! It's been a long time!" Aomine's expression lit up as he approached the newcomer to greet him.
"Heh… Who's that Momocchi?" Kise asked curiously. It wasn't often their ace would smile at someone like that.
"Oh! He's Inoue-san from Kamizaki Middle School, a strong Power Forward. They played against Teiko last year and put up a pretty good fight!" Momoi explained.
Meanwhile, Kuroko was pleasantly surprised when he met Ogiwara at the foyer.
"Kuroko-kun! It's been years since we've met! How's everything?"
"Ogiwara-kun! Things are fine, I think?"
"That's great! I can't wait to finally play against you again!"
"Me too!" Kuroko agreed.
"Well, don't lose till then! I've got to go now! See ya!" Ogiwara shouted as he waved and ran back to join his team.
The match against Kamizaki Middle School finally began and Aomine was all pumped up and raring to go. It had been awhile since they played against someone strong like Inoue. He was so excited that he completely didn't hear what Akashi's game plan was. Only thinking about finally releasing all the pent up strength and talents, Aomine just set himself free and scored consecutive goals right at the start.
"Hey, Aomine. You're not sticking to Akashi's game plan," Midorima chided.
"It's fine, isn't it? I still scored the points?" Aomine laughed as he got ready for the next attack. The crowd cheered every time he made a shot and it drove him to push himself harder. Kuroko looked at his grinning partner and sighed in relief at the sight of Aomine enjoying the game once again.
However, before long, the gap between their scores widened and Teiko was winning 150 to 81. Standing before Inoue, Aomine looked at him in confusion and disappointment. It wasn't just Inoue, but the rest of Kamizaki's players, too, had obviously given up trying to win.
"Why? I was looking forward to this... I thought I'd at least have a good game against you."
"You'll never get it. You're a monster. No one can compete against you."
Aomine's chest tightened as he stared at Inoue in shock. Resigned to fate, he told Kuroko in a voice loud enough only for them to hear as they ran back to their defense positions,
"It's no use, Tetsu. The only one who can defeat me is me."
Kuroko slowed down his steps as the words sank in, his outstretched fistbump ignored by his partner. No…
While the rest of the match still went on smoothly, everyone on the team, even those on the bench, could tell that something was different. Aomine no longer played moves that involved passes and did everything by himself. While this was recently the trend, the most telling sign was the loss of passion in his eyes. To anyone who knew Aomine at all, it was clear that he was merely going through the motions.
At the end of the match, the team got changed in the locker room. They had won the match, but judging by the atmosphere in the room, one might have thought that they had lost terribly.
"Aomine-kun!" Momoi pleaded as she tried to stop Aomine from storming off.
"Shut up and leave me alone!" he barked and slammed the door shut.
The remaining members were momentarily at a loss for words. Breaking the silence, Midorima commented, "I had a bad feeling but I wasn't expecting this."
Kuroko sat silently on the bench with a towel over his head. The rejection of his fist bump during the match still weighing heavily in his mind. He tried telling himself that it was just Aomine being upset at not being able to play a good game, but Aomine's words convinced him otherwise.
'The only one who can defeat me is me', huh...
For a player who focused so much on passes, teamplay was the definition of his existence. His entire style of playing depended on teamwork. With those words, Aomine had rejected not only his fist bump, but Kuroko's entire existence in the team. Kuroko didn't want to acknowledge it, but deep in his heart, he knew that he had lost his partner.
Just when the basketball team that the change in their ace's attitude was the worst that could happen, more cracks appeared in their team. Momoi noticed as she was collating data of the team that just as Aomine's talents had blossomed, so did Murasakibara's and Midorima's. Murasakibara started to rely on his own strength to score rather than pass to his teammates even though it was riskier. Midorima's three-point shot range increased to over half the court and when he felt that the opponents were becoming a threat, he tended to make his three-point shots rather than trusting his teammates. While she felt proud of their accomplishments, she could foresee the team falling apart. Their change affected not only themselves, but the entire team. More importantly, she was worried about their sixth member who relied on passes to stay on the first string regulars.
That day, she requested to walk home with Kuroko.
"Tetsu-kun, it's not often that we get to walk home together, just the two of us, huh"
"Yea, usually there's at least one or two of the others…" Kuroko said quietly, very aware of the absence of Kise, Midorima, Murasakibara, and most importantly, Aomine.
"Speaking of the others, Mukkun sure impressed us today, didn't he?"
"Yea, his strength and height will definitely become one of our team's reliable weapon. Midorima-kun and Kise-kun's talents are definitely blossoming too, " Kuroko agreed.
"Are you alright with that?" asked Momoi, wondering if Kuroko felt threatened by their rapid growth and self-centered plays.
"Well, I feel proud of them for their achievements. They are definitely incredible teammates." Kuroko paused for a second, before admitting, "However, I'm afraid of their growth. I'm afraid if they'll change like how Aomine has."
Pensive, Momoi asked, "Have you talked to him recently?"
"Not since the the match against Kamizaki…"
"Tetsu-kun," Momoi asked with great insecurity in her voice, "you guys will always be together, right? You'll be friends forever right?"
"I don't know, Momoi. I'm starting to think that they don't need me anymore. That they don't need each other anymore. The tension when all of us are together is getting bad."
Momoi looked at Kuroko sadly. It was just as she had suspected. "Tetsu-kun, I'm sure they will come around it soon. They'll see that team play is still important once a great enough opponent comes."
"But Momoi, will there be one? And what if they're too late?"
Momoi sighed, tears welling up in her eyes.
"However, I will always see them as my friends. That much I can say…" Kuroko added quietly. He was the sentimental type who couldn't forget an important friend, and nothing was more important to him than protecting the smile of one.
The tension in the air during their practices was so palpable that no one dared to say anything excessive. Only the squeaking of rubber soles on the wooden floor and the bouncing of balls could be heard, with the occasional instructions of Akashi or the head coach.
All of a sudden, an exclamation rang out.
"Why do you keep letting me pass you! Can't you put more effort into defending me?" Aomine yelled.
The petrified second-year trembled as he gathered up the courage to respond, "It's not that we are letting you pass or not trying to defend. You are too strong, Aomine-kun. We just can't handle you."
Aomine sucked in a sharp breath before throwing the ball aside with a loud growl. Picking up his belongings, he stormed out of the gymnasium into the pouring rain.
The more their talents blossom, the harder they'll hit a wall. I'm worried about the team as the Generation of Miracles grow far beyond that of their peers.
I want the Generation of Miracles to appear in every match. They are helping to publicize the school. Give them special treatment. As long as they win matches for the school, I don't care what they do.
With Coach Shigetora's words and the principal's orders in mind, Coach Sanada followed Aomine after leaving Akashi to supervise the training.
Finally catching up, Sanada halted Aomine in his steps. Desperate to keep the ace with the team, Sanada said,
"Aomine-kun, if you don't want to, you don't have to come to practices. However, you have to turn up for the games. As long as we win, the school doesn't mind."
At that moment, something in Aomine snapped. Leaving Aomine to his thoughts, Sanada turned to return to the school.
Aomine stood in the rain for a long while before he finally moved again. Feeling completely betrayed and empty, he sat by the river and stared blankly at the rushing waters as he tried to sort out his feelings.
You're a monster. No one can beat you.
You are too strong, Aomine-kun. We just can't handle you.
If you don't want to, you don't need to come for practice.
"Why am I even playing basketball anymore? Why do I even try?"
The wet squelching approaching from a distance informed him of someone coming towards him. He didn't have to turn around to guess who it was. However, he didn't acknowledge his presence even as the footsteps stopped behind him.
"Aomine-kun, let's go back to practice," Kuroko tried persuading.
A little upset that this was the first thing he said, Aomine retorted, "Why should I practice even though I know I'll crush my opponents regardless?"
Aomine stood up to face Kuroko now, his anger rising.
"Do I need to crush my disheartened opponents even harder? To destroy every strand of hope in them?"
Kuroko gasped. He felt and understood Aomine's pain. Aomine was but a boy who loved basketball with all his heart. His passion for it burning brighter than anyone else' he wanted was just someone who could give him a good game and could stand up against him as an equal. However, the growth of his talents and strength meant the destruction of those around him. Despite his eagerness to win, the kindness it him made him feel conflicted. Hoping to console Aomine, Kuroko said,
"I understand how you feel…"
"You understand? What is it you understand? How can someone so powerless understand?" Aomine shouted.
Kuroko's chest tightened with hurt. He knew he was far behind the rest of the team in every aspect except for his passes, but he had been trying to convince himself that there was some worth for his being on the team. That there was something he could contribute. Having his partner, the very person who persuaded him to stay on the team, tell him that he was powerless was a slap in the face.
Taking a few deep breaths as fat droplets of rain drenched him from head to toe, Kuroko tried to calm himself down. This is for Aomine-kun. He is upset and I shouldn't be thinking about myself right now.
"I admit that I am powerless, and I am jealous of you and the others sometimes. So much so I find myself wishing that I was born with such talents like you guys, but crying about it won't do any good. That's why I've been trying my best to work on my passes-"
"Passes? Who do you need to pass to? Even without your passes, I could beat anyone myself," Aomine snarled. His entire mind was clouded with fury and devastation, he couldn't even see Kuroko clearly before him.
"You haven't passed to me once since then," Aomine cried, thinking about the match against Kamizaki. "It only happened so recently but seemed so long ago. I don't even know how to receive your passes anymore…"
With that, Kuroko felt his heart shatter into a million pieces. Though Aomine had not said it directly, his message was loud and clear.
I don't need you anymore.
He had been completely abandoned by his partner, the reason he stayed on the team. As the rained poured relentlessly upon them, Kuroko felt his eyes fill up and tears streamed down his face.
Not saying another word, Kuroko turned and walked back towards the school.
Meanwhile, another storm was brewing back at the gym. Murasakibara, whose talents skyrocketed just as Aomine's had, couldn't help but feel the urge to crush his very own teammates. Seeing Aomine storm out of the gymnasium, Murasakibara confessed,
"To be honest, I don't see the point of coming for practices either. It's fine as long as we win right? Lately, I feel like I can take on anyone in our team. Even you, Aka-chin."
"What did you say?" Akashi demanded, his eyes narrowing.
"I've only been listening to your instructions because I felt that I couldn't defeat you. But lately, I feel like I can…" Murasakibara admitted nonchalantly.
Enraged that his authority and skills were being questioned, Akashi challenged Murasakibara to a one-on-one where the first person to get five goals would win.
Everyone in the gymnasium gasped as Murasakibara scored his fourth goal, keeping Akashi's point at zero. This unexpected progress rendered Akashi shell-shocked.
I am being defeated? Me? I have never lost before…. I am the best. No way am I losing right now. I always win. I only win.
As Akashi prepared for his next attack, Midorima felt an ominous aura from him. The same aura he had felt a couple of times when the situation got undesirable. Could it be…
Within minutes, Akashi had turned the tables and scored all five goals without giving Murasakibara any chances of touching the ball. Glaring at Murasakibara, Akashi proclaimed,
"I am absolute!"
Midorima shuddered as he saw a fearful presence in Akashi's eyes.
"Hmph, I guess I'm out now…" Murasakibara said as he turned to leave.
"Mukkun! Wait!" Momoi shouted.
"I just have to turn up for tomorrow's practice as usual right? I will…"
"Actually, you don't have to, Atsushi. Just as long as we win the matches, I don't care what you do!" Akashi stated coldly, before turning to Midorima and Kise. "That goes for the both of you too, Shintaro, Ryota."
"Isn't this prioritising winning over teamwork?" Kise questioned.
"At our level, there's no point in trying to force everyone to cooperate. It would only drag us down."
Following that, Akashi dished out the last few training exercises before dismissing the team. Desperate to escape from the terrifying atmosphere, everyone scattered as quickly as they could and rushed out of gymnasium. On his way out, Kise whispered to Midorima,
"That was kind of scary, wasn't it? It was as though Akashi became a different person."
Midorima turned to look back at Akashi who was standing partially in the shadows, where the last few remaining lights illuminated only half of his body. A different person, huh…
Despondent and defeated, Kuroko returned to the gymnasium to find everyone already gone. All but Akashi.
"You're back," stated Akashi. "By the look on your face, I take it you failed to convince him?"
Kuroko lowered his head, eyes fixated on the ground.
"Just give up on him then. As long as he still turns up for games and helps us win, it's fine."
Surprised by Akashi's indifference, Kuroko looked up and asked, "Is winning that important?"
"Yes. Winning is all that matters. Vague ideals are useless. There's no need to pretend to get along," Akashi replied.
"You've changed, Akashi-kun… Or rather, who are you?" Kuroko said sadly, still in disbelief that his captain had uttered such words. "The team changed because of you and your fixation with winning."
"Well, I'm Akashi Seijuro of course! There have always been two of me. But get it right. It is not that the team changed because I changed. It is I who have changed because the team has changed."
Kuroko stared at his captain, unable to retaliate.
"Also, you should stop practising too. I won't force you to leave, but your passes don't have a place in our team now. We don't need you anymore," Akashi advised. "It is why you and Aomine had a falling out. When the light becomes too bright, there is no place for a shadow."
Being thrown two tremendous blows one after another was more than he could take. Utterly defeated, Kuroko could only say,
"You're right. People change as they grow. Maybe I was just desperate for things to be like they were before." Before my illness, before the confession, before their talents blossomed, before I became useless…
After Kuroko had left, Akashi remained in the darkness as he considered everything that had happened. There is no need for weakness in the team. Only the strong will win. And winning is the only thing that matters… I will not let anyone triumph over me, not my opponents, not my teammates, not even my parents...
A/N: I know my writing style has changed quite a bit for the worse but so much of the revelations and hinge points of the story are from the dialogue and matches that I couldn't fit it into my description style of writing without losing the essence of the plot. I hope you'll still enjoy the story though!
Reviews will be appreciated!