We've decided to do one big interview together, to talk about everything that happened. After that, no more talking about our private lives or we have the right to walk away from the interview.
Surprisingly, everyone agreed to those terms.
So here we are, sitting on a couch at America's most famous talk show.
"So you let him believe you cheated on him?"
I shrug. "I had to do what I felt was best for him. I really am sorry for the hurt and pain it caused, but I can't take it back. And I won't, because it has made us stronger in the end and it lead us to where we are now."
The ring on my left hand sparkles in the lights, giving more meaning to that statement.
Edward gives me a quick kiss on the cheek the audience 'awww's. After that, the interview is over and everyone's insight in our private lives is too.
And I couldn't be happier.
Well, this is it. Hope you all liked it!
Letters of a Killer will be finished soon. I have other stories in the works and plenty more ideas, but no real time line of when they'll start posting. If you're interested, put me on Author Alert!