Rock Stars


So I've decided to publish this mini-series I've been working on for some time. I'm making the chapters exceptionally long, since I plan to only have three of them, and within them I'll take some time to get out all my kinky, sexual frustrations onto (metaphysical) paper.

The First Track (this one) will establish who Team Seven is as a band, while the remaining two tracks will explore how they came to be who they are. I do hope you'll enjoy, loves.


Track One.

"Our Song."

"I'm in position."

Backstage in the dark, rock star Sasuke Uchiha didn't feel the metal butterflies of nervousness his peers and fellow musicians often complained about. Ridiculously calm and secured within his characteristic state of self-assuredness, the pierced and tattooed bassist didn't flinch when his name was announced to the hundreds of thousands of screaming fans outside the curtain. He didn't make a move, not yet.

Purple castoff from one of the stage lights flickered annoyingly into his eyes, and he blinked repeatedly to obliterate the spots in his vision. Green, blue, and violet, the shimmering metal panes of the platform echoed the light almost as well as any mirror. Through the convoluted reflection, Sasuke beheld the crowd-warmer, a smirking young man in a trendy blazer with a bow tie, offset by faded blue jeans and sneakers. Self-confident, he rumbled into a modified vintage handheld microphone, the crowd before him murmuring and then screaming in reply.

Sasuke looked beyond the warmer's broad back to the myriad of adoring fans, waiting in the darkened stadium that still was not large enough to house their numbers. Sasuke had been informed half an hour ago that six large screens had been set up just outside the amphitheater so twice the number of fans could stand outside and technically attend the concert. Inside they resembled stars now, only visible by their lit, raised cell phones or glow-sticks. When an occasional spotlight flickered over the center of the throng, Sasuke briefly saw the hint of several glowing posters, raucously decorated and themed to draw attention. To amuse himself during the wait, he attempted to read a few but couldn't possibly see them all.

Abruptly his earpiece cracked a bit then settled just as a feminine voice whispered, "All ready to go."

Before him, the announcer dipped his head, throwing his arms wide as he riled the throng into near madness. Sasuke could admit the man's talent: he curled names and words around like streamers, and the fans groped for them, hopelessly lost in anticipation. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I know what you want tonight!" the bass voice of the paid crowd-warmer boomed above the roars of the audience. "Team Seven!"

Still a dumb name, Sasuke thought with a smirk. Leave it to Naruto to name the most successful band in the country after a grouping chart given to them in grade school… However, one wouldn't think it was stupid the way the thousands cheered it like a mantra. Even someone as pessimistic and realistic as Sasuke could admit there came a certain respectability to the name when it was plastered over so many posters and dropped from so many lips.

Another crackle in his ear piece, and Sasuke heard added series of checks: the earpieces were functional, the pyrotechnics were ready, already set on fuses, and the instruments were in the correct positions on both front and back stage.

"Okay! I'm ready too!"

"That's a little slow there, Naruto."

"Sorry, Kakashi."

Sasuke allowed another characteristic smirk.

An abrupt and particularly aggressive roll of cheers finally put an unannounced spark into Sasuke's chest: here was the anticipation he'd been waiting for. The adrenaline rush came next, followed by searing impatience. Sasuke loved the feeling just before performing, the greatest tease before ecstasy. Like the audience (even more so) he allowed himself to be riled into near madness with anticipation, and quivered in its intensity. This agonizing (though adored) torture reminded Sasuke each time he performed why he continued to do it. The day he lost it would be the day he quit.

His name was called again; the announcer practically bellowing it out like a mantra. Sasuke didn't hear it over the echoing roars of the crowd. They were ready; the stage-checks in his ear were finished.

Smirking, he absently plucked two distinctive chords on his bass-guitar, intentionally interrupting the crowd warmer's innocuous speech. A raucous cry in reply from the audience nearly blew out his earpiece. They were screaming even louder.

Sasuke grinned wickedly.

"Hey, now, Sasuke, you said you wouldn't do that this time." Kakashi's bass tenor in his ear didn't sound the least bit perturbed despite his severe words.

The crowd warmer continued, though with a little apprehension in his voice. It wasn't long before Sasuke clearly heard the snapping of drumsticks over the loudspeakers, and he almost laughed aloud.

So Sakura was just as impatient as he.

The fans imploded into sound, and Sasuke hoped in the small, sadistic part of his mind that the unlucky announcer might yet again try to continue riling the crowd further. He wouldn't deny that he enjoyed watching self-assured individuals flounder under pressure. It was a small, guilty pleasure that hinted at a darker side to Sasuke's personality, of which few could say they were intimately acquainted with. As is, Sasuke's smirk broke into a full-blown indulgent smile as the voice teemed over the crowd once more.

A decidedly male voice, smooth as silk with a sensual undertone, snickered through both Sasuke's headset and the speakers, and suddenly all hope to continue the announcement was lost.

The crowd had decided at the toll of Team Seven's lead singer's voice: it was time for the show.

The crew in charge of the lights must have realized this fact in the same moment, for the opening sequence lights (dimmed to near blackness save for a haunting red glow) flickered over the stage. They cued for band members to make their entrance.

Sasuke laughed, actually laughed, as he bolted into the suddenly activated glaring light of the heavy spots, and he executed a side-flip while curling his bass guitar into his stomach, for the sake of flair alone. The ladies in the audience shrieked like sirens in reply, but he paid them no mind— not when an invisible pair of drumsticks were already clacking together behind him, furious with anticipation and excitement— not when a melodious voice next to him joyously howled in unabashed excitement.

The adrenaline— the addictive, sweltering rush that made the preparation and waiting all worthwhile— intensified tenfold.

From the second-tiered stage, he heard her high-pitched female voice— loud enough to carry over the crowd's uproar— scream into her mic, "WE ARE TEAM SEVEN, and we are here to ROCK YOUR WORLD! One, two, three, four!"

The drum roll ended on the same chord that Naruto's guitar began, and they were off.

Directly to Sasuke's left and beaming under another spotlight, the blonde Uzumaki threw his head back, bellowing into the standing microphone the first loud, emotional note to one of their most upbeat songs. His knees bent to keep the silver instrument within range of his powerful lungs. Long wraps dangled haphazardly from the countless black, orange, and white bracelets on Naruto's arms, and somehow did not interfere with the boy's hands as he viciously pealed a series of boisterous notes over the silver cords of his electric guitar. On his feet, a pair of orange Converse sneakers positively glowed in the white spotlights, drawing attention from the black speckled jeans that swayed with his gyrating hips as he threw his body to and fro with the force of his own voice. An orange and red hoodie casually gusted in the breeze of the stage fans, lifting at intervals to reveal a tanned stomach and just a hint of the black, tribal tattoo smeared across his toned stomach. Startlingly blue eyes— the very ones that dominated Team Seven's first album cover— stood out from his tanned face, while bleached blonde hair jutted out rebelliously from a pair of green goggles. Sometime through the second song, Naruto tore them off and threw them into the crowd with gusto.

Sasuke licked his lips, nicking the back of his upper teeth with a black tongue ring; his bass guitar took on a life of its own as it practically writhed in his fingers like a beast. As if to quell it, Sasuke grappled the steel neck with both hands and brutally laid out another devastating bass riff.

The crowd screamed, and behind Sasuke's bass, he could hear Sakura's heartbeat-like drum pounding through his chest for the first time. He threw his head backward— either in ecstasy from the music's power or for dramatic effect, he knew not— and through the upside-down view, beheld the muscled arms of Sakura pounding away at the drums like a warrior. Her mouth, once pursed in concentration, now flew open as she crowed to the sky, her arms a red and peach blur. Her hair, bright pink and flickering like a mirage under the gaze of the flashing colored lights, flew in gorgeous long streams about her shoulders, down her arms, even below her stool when she was still enough. Multi-colored streamers, stemming from her long locks, also danced about her shoulders, flicking with her hair. When she moved her head a certain way, Sasuke caught the brief shimmers of Sakura's six ear-piercings, vibrantly clicking and swaying near her head.

She wore practically nothing, bare appendages glistening with sweat, a white and red tank top shamelessly sheer and creating a sensual scene with the increase of her sweat, pert nipples showing through, though no one but Sasuke was close enough to see. Her thighs were bare as well, black short-shorts hidden well behind her hot red bass drum. They gave the alluring illusion that she just might have nothing on under that pulsating musical instrument.

Sasuke smirked deviously and licked his lips again.

Naruto had lost cognizant thinking abilities sometime in between Sasuke's observations and the next song, hopelessly entranced in the music. The blonde boy removed the microphone from the stand in a rush and leaped high into the air, jumping onto the raised platform where Sakura's drum stand was positioned. He haphazardly grabbed onto one of the stands, swinging from it with another rolling lyric. Sasuke followed his lead in a move but spun in the opposite direction, bolting out to the front of the stage where a long runway stretched out far into the crowd.

Sasuke could feel their excited screams beneath him like the pulsating rush of a river, though infinitely more powerful and hotter than a sauna. Tens of thousands of people were completely under Team Seven's sway, singing out as loud as possible to Naruto's voice, jumping to Sakura's beat; they danced and flung their bodies about, sweaty and sticking to one another. Sasuke knew that his bass, blasting heatedly over the loudspeakers, was now changing the heartbeats of the entire audience, and somehow the realization of the power he held over these countless masses caused shivers to run from his glistening fingertips to the very ends of his toes and back again.

The hands of the myriads of males and females extended toward him from below, resembling tree branches grasping for the sun, and as he passed, he stopped playing to touch all of them as he made his way up and down the runway in a dead run. Their hands were hot, grasping, and sweaty, just as he expected them to be.

Turning back to the center of the stage and finally reaching the top, he nearly collided with Naruto, who was flipping his way from Sakura's stand down to the main stage, but the two— both equipped with blindingly fast reflexes— dodged each other with opposing side flips. Sasuke grinned as Naruto's feet flew in front of his eyes before he landed heavily, launching into the course of the next song. Back to back, the boys smirked with equal pride and satisfaction in their skills.

Sasuke glanced downward, concentrating hard for once as a particularly difficult part of one of the verses nearly puzzled his fingers into slipping up. Vaguely he recognized his left leg, arching downward, his ripped blue jeans and twinkling wristbands suddenly rocketing into focus, hyper rendered as his hands whipped viciously up and down the instrument. He threw his head back as he let his hands move of their own accord. Unconsciously singing with Naruto, he belted out the words of the song; the blonde boy's body pressed against his back felt hot and quaked with every note he roared out.

Suddenly with no other provocation than the words, Sasuke remembered that he had written the current verse, now pouring from Naruto's mouth, a half year ago in his head while he'd been similarly pressed against the him— only he'd been naked and panting from a completely different sort of frenzy.

Naruto, he could tell with a quick flick of his head, somehow was following the same thought process. The blonde's eyes locked with his, and Sasuke didn't pretend not to notice the unabashed passion in the gaze. A pink tongue darted out of the boy's mouth, licking bared canines as he tilted his head back, revealing a tanned, open neck. Sasuke hissed and bent over his bass, biting his lips heatedly in response. Over the loudspeakers, he heard Naruto's low moan, which could have easily been taken as an extra note by the audience, but Sasuke knew better.

The drums suddenly were pulsing harder, harder.

He flicked his head backward. Sakura's piercing green eyes met his in an instant, her soaked shirt clinging to her firm curves. She didn't miss a single beat as she eyed him down, also biting her lower lip until it converted from its normal pretty pink hue to a sensual red. She smiled and guffawed deviously before smashing her hands rhythmically down onto the snare, beating out the following course without mistake.

The final song of the set was nearing its close; Sasuke could feel it. After this one, they could take a break. Team Seven's concerts were famous for their sudden and abrupt interludes, sometimes lasting fifteen full minutes. The final songs, however, would shatter all expectations to pieces.

But that's because of what would happen backstage.

Sasuke bit his lip, trying not to look at Naruto, trying not to look at Sakura, trying to concentrate on the song right now. He was precise in his movements and unforgiving to himself if he failed, even if the allure of his band mates was almost overwhelming.

He beat out the final riff like a quick fuck, practically throwing his bass to the stage floor before dashing out of view of the crowd. Naruto exited the opposite way in similar fashion, chucking his mic to the floor as if it had suddenly caught fire, and Sakura vaulted behind her drum set and down out of sight.

—meaning she was closest at the center of the backstage, while Naruto was the full way around the other side.

Sasuke bolted through the dark corridors of curtains and wooden walls, narrowly dodging attendants, make-up artists, and black-shirted stage crew. The attendants called for him to slow so they could apply more makeup, redress him for the final song. Sasuke ignored them for now and continued down along the path, leaving them behind in a hurried jog. Sakura's exit point was not five meters away, and he saw her, drenched from head to toe in her own sweat. Her clothing, or lack thereof, cast an appealing curve to her in the dim light.

Sasuke growled lustily, and before she had full time to register his presence, he had taken her into his arms. Beautiful, sensual Sakura wrapped legs around his torso on instinct, and as he latched his mouth aggressively over hers, she thrust her hips heatedly into his. She moaned; he echoed flawlessly, tasting the sweat off her tongue coupled with the sweet strawberries she'd eaten before the show. They barely heard the aggressive growl beside them until it was too late.

Naruto's breakneck speed nearly threw Sasuke from his feet as he was unceremoniously attacked from his right. Naruto had driven both he and Sakura from their standing positions into a nearby wall. Sasuke, hot and needy with the loves of his life in his grasp, dragged his hand under Sakura's shirt while he simultaneously lip-locked Naruto in a greedy, wet kiss.

"F-Fuck!" Naruto trembled against his mouth, his melodious voice even more charming than when he sang as he thrust a hand into the leg of Sakura's shorts, synchronously kissing Sasuke. Sakura thrust her head back against the wall under the ministrations of both men and purred in contentment. But not for long. She squirmed as Sasuke's mischievous hands began raising her shirt above her head, and she had to stop him with a pointed look.

"We have fifteen," she said, biting her lower lip again.

"We have ten," Sasuke corrected, lapping at the sweat dripping down her flat abdomen. He slid her down his waist, enjoying the curve of her hips against his throbbing crotch on the way down. Behind him, Naruto hissed in delight, loving the thrill of foreplay, and sank his teeth into the fabric of Sasuke's jacket near the shoulder. The dark-haired man clenched his teeth in combined pain and pleasure. Sakura actually laughed wickedly in his ear as she reached over him to suck the bottom of Naruto's lips before plunging into a ravenous kiss, all tongue and hot drool. Sasuke tensed as he felt her carnal hands dip below his trousers and into his boxers before he could protest: revenge for groping her.

Nearly undone on the spot, Sasuke had to reign himself in and bite his own lip hard enough to bleed, desperately avoiding release. If he came now, he'd have no energy for the bass. And really, this thrilling sexual torment was all about giving them energy— energy to play, energy to tease, energy to perform, and then after the crowds were gone…

Sasuke moaned low as Sakura rocked her clever hand over his poised shaft, licking the side of his cheek while kissing Naruto furtively, right in his ear. Oh, she was a cunning witch.

Though if she was a witch, Naruto was some sort of dragon. Scorching hot at Sasuke's back and moaning like a knave into his ears, he wrapped impossibly sweltering hands under Sasuke's shirt and over his heaving torso, grabbing pale, already pert nipples and giving them a vicious squeeze. Sasuke heaved under their mutual attentions as Sakura whispered dirty sweet-nothings into his ear to Naruto.

Then the call came out like a bugle, unexpected and unwelcome. "Five minutes to curtain!"

Sakura laughed in his ear, kissing Naruto one last time and giving him one last squeeze before releasing him. He gasped at the lost contact and marveled as she practically skipped away to get changed. She was going to get it!


He had barely enough time to turn before Naruto was abruptly before him, his nose piercing flickering in the dim backstage lights; but Sasuke couldn't contemplate Naruto's startling looks at the moment. In an instant he was mauled by the boy's hot, quivering mouth, forced once again to the nearest wall, where he was thrown upward into the air by unbearably strong arms and pinned to the wooden surface. Naruto gripped him by the ribcage, and Sasuke realized all too late that his hips were directly in front of Naruto's eager face.

"Hah, Naruto," he panted as the blonde head dipped just below his hazy vision, a hot mouth sucking viciously at his tented member. Despite the layers of fabric separating the mouth from the pulsating nerves, Sasuke felt everything so acutely he almost came. But Naruto could tell when he was close. Just as Sasuke began to rock his hips against his own will, he stopped, looking up to give the worst kind of teasing grin there was.

"You… fucking loser," Sasuke said between gritted teeth, enraged at being denied climax when he'd been so close.

Naruto laughed, blue eyes alight with cold fire. "I'll have your begging for it tonight, Sasuke." He lowered the dark-haired man back to his feet, nearly smothering him in a hot, wet kiss before darting back to his dress area.

Sasuke had no time to delay either. Raging cock or not, he moved as fast as he could to his own dress area, where a series of attendants helped him out of his current clothes and into his next and final wardrobe. The pants were studded and intentionally ripped, the shoes new and crisp. The jacket was his favorite, deep blue (almost black) and militaristic, ripped throughout the shoulders and chest. He kept his bracelets and wraps around his arms and waited patiently for the stylists to fix his crumpled hair. None of them knew how it had become quite so disarrayed. They would never guess that culprits were the combined hands of both Naruto and Sakura.

Sasuke smirked as he picked up a nearby bass guitar, already wirelessly formatted to play over the loudspeakers. Like before, he stood just outside the curtain, just outside the eager eye lines of the thousands of teeming fans.

"It's Sakura!" he heard one of them scream, and Sasuke knew that the pink-haired vixen must have climbed onto stage first, as they'd rehearsed thousands of times. He could see her just outside the curtain. Her sweaty tank top and short shorts had been replaced with a hot-red skirt, black buckles and leather straps lining the edges of the fabric. Her bare feet skipped, and she blew a hot kiss to the fans— they nearly died under the force of her effortless sexiness and offered screams for more in their haze— She traced a small pale hand up her sheer, black blouse to withdraw two pink drumsticks— colored the exact shade of her hair— from the low cut. She snickered as the men in the audience howled at the tease, and Sasuke felt his own pants tighten. How on earth did she manage to be that damn beautiful?

Sakura sat down at her drums, her hair reflected in the silver trimming of the snares; cat-like eyes batted through heavy, dark eye-liner as she ran fingers through her long locks. Sasuke, pleased beyond words, allowed his hands to run down to his bass, fingers a few of the strings, which echoed over the speakers like soft moans. The audience softened their shouts to hear the notes, and Sakura, sexy as she was, leaned backward and closed her eyes, as if the sounds were making love to her. Sasuke gritted his teeth as he watched her, the cords of their best song— the song that had made them famous— flew from his instrument into her ears. He'd written it for her. And for Naruto.

Soon, the song's breath flew over Sasuke's ears in hushed, almost whispered, words.

Now Sasuke shuddered. Naruto's voice hit him like a wave, both from the speakers and— more importantly— through his earpiece. Naruto had practically whispered the words; the audience barely heard them.

But Sasuke and Sakura could feel them wholly.

Naruto's guitar joined Sasuke's bass. Sasuke's own words echoed over the audience's low screams through his ears into his chest.

He closed his eyes and walked into the blinding hot spotlights. For a moment, he couldn't see anything but silhouettes. Naruto's voice was his only guide. Sakura gently tapped the snare, used her bare feet to roll the bass. Like a symphony, they swelled into the chorus of the song, swaying in perfect time to each other and the music. Sasuke didn't want to think of the dark days Team Seven had recently survived when he'd written this song. He only wanted to think of the people beside him, Naruto and Sakura, his heart and soul.

Sasuke turned his head to look beside him, met those startlingly blue eyes. Changed into his second outfit as well, he cut a nearly angelic figure in stark white, bits of golden yellow and blue dangling off his jacket. Naruto whispered the words into the mic, and they entered Sasuke's ears like a caress.

Never again, Sasuke thought with a familiar twinge of regret snaking into his heart. Never desert them, never leave them, never let them go.

Without warning the girl behind the two of them raised shaking hands above her head.


Surprised, Sasuke and Naruto had to jump to keep up with Sakura's brutally fast transition from the slow ballad into the rough, shooting pace of one of their new songs. Reckless, intense, and jittery, the track forced Sasuke to stop thinking of the intense emotions behind the previous melody and listen in time with Naruto's fast-paced lyrics. The blonde-haired boy had written this piece in a fit of rebellious energy that had been brought upon by too many ninja movies coupled with a caffeine overdose.

Sakura normally hated the song because it massacred her arms with intense drum rolls and an unmerciful beat that lasted for nearly six minutes, but now Sasuke saw her relish the pain in her arms with a twisted smile, throwing her head back to bare her chest sensually. Here was the reason for the foreplay behind the curtain. Sasuke recognized the flood of sexual energy pervading his fingers over the bass, felt it like a current in his veins, and knew that the rest of the band embraced it too.

Sex, music, love and Team Seven— the four were synonymous, circling back on each other like the riffs in this, the final song of the concert. Naruto's voice could have been wearing out, but he screamed, actually screamed, into the mic. Sakura's feral hands rebelliously boomed out pure noise, intentionally clamoring out of bounds of the beat one moment only to fall back into perfect cadence the next. Sasuke, as usual, was the most controlled of the group, but as his flickering eyes swiveled back and forth from the raucous Naruto to the sexual Sakura, he could feel the tendrils of excitement invade his muscles like an assassin.

The chorus moaned, the drums hammered, Sasuke's heartbeat sputtered out of control for the briefest of moments, and all at once Team Seven threw their bodies into the final climax of the show. The pyrotechnics booming a few feet in front of Sasuke's eyes reflected the shivering madness curled up in his quivering legs. He bent over and screwed his eyes shut in ecstasy, gasping for breath. Had it not been for the urgent cries sounding in his earpiece he might have collapsed on the spot. But the voices in his ear reminded him urgently to leave the stage, get off, or the exit would be ruined. Throwing down the bass like spare parts, he made it behind the customary curtain just as the explosions stopped, leaving the stage in a flurry of silhouetted instruments and lingering smoke.

Sasuke could hear the crowd roaring like an ocean— a ravenous, frenzied ocean— and knew that tonight Team Seven might have broken some sort of musical record for most enthused crowd.

In the dark, he grinned viciously and entered backstage. As usual, everything was falling apart at the seams. The myriads of cleanup crew, makeup artists, security guards, and managers—speaking of which, there was Kakashi, suave as ever in an Armani tux and sharp loafers—milled about in an attempt to get each of the three band members cleaned up, packaged, and secure inside their "getaway" vehicle before the fans found it and impeded their escape.

Lately Team Seven had to leave their concerts as if they were protected political officials. Their fans' adoration, now coupled with their lusty frenzy from the phenomenal ending to the most talked about concert of the year, could turn dangerous. Sasuke caught sight of Sakura's pink hair out of the corner of his eye. She was bouncing with elation, holding hands firmly with Naruto as the two were rushed through silver double doors. Sasuke followed them, two of the security detail behind him and covering him with their hands. He wasn't surprised that a few hundred fans had already found the getaway ride and were now surrounding it on all sides. The security guard beside him— Sasuke believed the man's name was Ibiki but wasn't quite sure— bellowed for them all to make a hole, while firmly escorting Sasuke by the arm to the car. In front of him, two more guards protectively tailed Naruto and Sakura.

Parked next to a recently lit lamppost, the vehicle itself, a sleek, ivory limo with a moderate stretch and jet-black windows, was now less than a hundred feet away.

Jogging beside Ibiki to keep up with the quickened pace, Sasuke noted with a sardonic smile how Naruto and Sakura still did not hesitate to blow kisses and wave at the adoring crowd, despite their haste. Unlike his teammates, Sasuke kept his reactions to his screamed-out name (and frequent flashings) to a minimal nod and half an occasional smile.

He finally caught up to his band mates just as they reached the limo. Sakura's long hair danced around her spine, and Sasuke absently twirled a stray piece, following it into the car. The fans' screamed died instantly to a vague roaring in his ears as the doors to the vehicle shut behind him forcefully. For a moment, he could only hear the disconcerting sound of his own heartbeat, until Sakura's giggle burst him from his reverie. Back stage, he remembered suddenly, the girl beside him had teased him mercilessly.

Still clasping hands with Naruto next to her, she waved joyfully, though she knew that they could only see the vague outline of her silhouette through the tinted windows. The car began to steadily pull away, slowly at first to avoid the numerous bystanders, though they picked up speed rather quickly once they were free.

Sasuke took a second to glance to the front part of the limo, making certain that the sliding window to the driver's section of the car was sealed shut. It was.

In the same instant all three of them pounced: Sasuke on Sakura, Naruto on Sasuke, Sakura on Naruto. In a convoluted and sometimes painful twist of limbs, fabric, and hair, they moaned and devoured one another.

"Take this off," Sasuke heard the only feminine voice in the car say to Naruto in between gasps. Sakura shakily removed the blonde's white jacket rubbing her small hands over his muscled arms as soon as the offending fabric was removed. An equally white (albeit sweaty) tank top clung to his chiseled chest until it was also detached in a hasty flurry of movements, and though Sasuke's arms had already clawed up Sakura's shirt, thoroughly enjoying the soft mounds underneath, he growled hungrily as his eyes consumed Naruto's figure. His circular tribal tattoo, a swirling concoction of ancient symbols and dark lines, rolled teasingly along with Naruto's abs, and Sakura bent to lick and nip at the inked flesh.

God, how in hell did he get so lucky to have both of them?

Naruto's attentions had somewhat shifted from Sasuke to Sakura as she'd removed his jacket, and he open-mouthed kissed her, displaying a pink tongue as it dragged with Sakura's over their lapping lips. Teasingly, he glanced at Sasuke out of the corner of his eye to find the dark-haired boy watching with fascinated lust in his eyes as the two riled beings made drooling messes of each other.

In between tonguing Sakura's open mouth, Naruto winked wickedly at him, and he gestured Sasuke closer with his free hand. Sasuke smiled as he ripped off his own jacket, leaving his arms free in a cutoff black shirt. Growling low, he slammed his chest into Sakura's back, shoving the girl's shirt up with his hands while simultaneously kissing her neck and shoulders. Bare, pale skin met his darker, fevered fingers, and he knew Naruto must be taking in quite a sight: Sasuke's hands mercilessly fondling Sakura's bare, heaving breasts while the trapped drummer-girl gyrated heatedly against Naruto's bulging trousers.

"Fuck, God," Naruto gasped, dipping his head to lap both at Sakura's breasts and Sasuke's teasing hands, sucking on each of the digits on the masculine left hand before latching on to the feminine nipple. The noises leaving Sakura's wide-open mouth had Sasuke rocking his hips rhythmically against her arching back, and she mewled like a kitten as Naruto offered her other breast the same attention the previous one had been given. Sasuke suddenly shuddered as a teasing hand settled down on his thigh then viciously traveled up, fisting his rock hard erection under his pants like a pro.

"Naruto," Sasuke panted into the girl's ear, squeezing her breast with one hand, while his other sought out anything Uzumaki. How Naruto managed to simultaneously pleasure both Sakura and him was a concept he couldn't quite grasp at the moment— not with the boy's larger hand effortlessly unclasping his pants and diving beneath his boxers. "F-fuck… hahhh, Naruto…" Sasuke unabashedly rocked his hips both into the hand and Sakura's shivering back. Finally he found the crumpled heap of Naruto's tank top, sticking to the top of his chest and collar bone like a second skin. By the fabric, Sasuke pulled the blonde toward him to lock salivating mouths together. Tongues tied and flicked over each other, drooled on Sakura's shoulder and bit her flesh mercilessly in between fickle, passionate kisses. Sasuke felt the girl's head twist, saw out of the corner of his eye how she'd secured Naruto's exposed cock in her own hand, and felt her eager, smaller tongue join the furious kissing.

Sasuke hissed from the pleasure of both Naruto's and Sakura's salivating mouths over his, and his hand abandoned Sakura's exposed breasts to dip lower, diving into her hot red skirt and silk black panties. The softest patch of her flesh gave way to his quivering fingers until he could feel the sensitive and raging hot juices beneath. The girl jerked in his grasp; a loud squeak ripped from her panting lips. Sasuke flicked his own head a few inches backward to avoid being struck by her bucking body, his eyes swiveling briefly to the outside world. For a moment, he couldn't see anything behind a haze of lust-induced swirls. He was far too concerned with his own fingers and hands, which cleverly registered every inch of Sakura's body as it wracked under his ministrations.

— But twinkling with street lights and skyscrapers, the proximate city suddenly came into full and abrupt focus, and their hotel, a white angular building surrounded by palm trees and other, smaller structures, grew larger as their limo began to slow. Sasuke gritted his teeth in rage but knew that if the door opened now, the world would be greeted with the astonishing sight of each member of Team Seven half naked and in the throes of passion. Naruto and Sakura would never survive the embarrassment of such exposure, but the two were so busy tonguing each other that they hardly noticed the approaching danger.

"Clothes," he said hastily, retrieving his hand from Sakura's panties and pulling down her shirt in the next moment. The two jolted slightly in his arms and peered outside to the hotel. Already members of the press lined the sidewalk and were shooting their tinted windows.

"Dammit," Naruto muttered angrily, buttoning his own pants with one last chaste kiss to Sakura's mouth. "I thought they said we'd have an half an hour from the concert hall to the hotel."

Sasuke reflexively checked his studded silver watch while he felt Sakura arrange his trousers and hair into the correct position. "It's been half an hour."

The drummer girl snickered. "We're terrible."

Sasuke raised his gaze to the two pairs of bright eyes, still a little foggy with lust as much as he was. Though as he placed a stray lock of Sakura's pink hair away from her eyes and likewise helped Naruto button his jacket, he didn't quite mind the delay. God knew he loved the tension of it.


Band mates checking into hotel suites was supposed to be anything but sexual, but with Naruto and Sakura already dripping with pure, rich energy, (intensified especially after their bout of frenzied foreplay) even the mundane task of Sakura stepping one bare foot out of the car appeared to be some sort of erotic display. Likewise Naruto's casual flick of his blonde hair, sending the soft, spiked locks into a frenzy around his face, sent shivers down Sasuke's spine. The paparazzi, an eager hoard of photographers and reporters, snapped pictures repeatedly, the flashes of artificial light nearly blinding Sasuke in some instances. The security detail surrounded the trio on all sides and blocked the invasive paparazzi from entering the hotel after them as the three band mates stepped inside. Naruto paused a little as a younger security guard graciously held open the door for Sakura. Sasuke also reflected with narrowed eyes how the man seemed to be entirely too enthusiastic about the simple chore and watched as the man unabashedly looked the girl up and down like a wolf.

Sasuke snapped his feet to line his body up with hers, blocking the security guard's view with stone-cold eyes. Behind him, he felt Naruto sending dagger-like glares, but as they passed the guard, the moment ended. Neither Sakura nor the flashing cameras had noticed.

Inside, the hotel lobby practically glittered like diamonds, and Sasuke smirked with satisfaction. Obliged in his youth to dwell in humble accommodations, he never tired of posh surroundings, though he rarely spoke of his preference for luxury. While on tour, he didn't own many things himself, having found greater convenience in carrying as little as possible from place to place, but he could appreciate elegance and taste as well as any other artist. The front lobby stretched onward like a grand hallway, lined on one side with a row of reception desks, dark colored and elegant, while in the center and on the other side contemporary furniture sat tastefully placed. Sasuke's black boots clicked easily on the polished, earthy-colored stone floors as he, Naruto, and Sakura unceremoniously made their way to a set of wide golden elevators in the corner. Kakashi— Sasuke saw their manager's shock of white hair protrude from the eager crowd— would check them into their reserved suite. They'd stayed here before, of course, and knew the way.

The elevator was naturally vacant as the three of them strode inside. Just as the doors closed, Naruto— mischievous Naruto— slid a hand over Sasuke's shoulder, a device to keep his teammate as still as possible. In an almost feral gesture, he dragged his coarse tongue over the most sensitive part of Sasuke's neck, touching the tip of the studded ring dangling from his earlobe before withdrawing with a smirk.

Sasuke schooled his face into careful blankness, watching his reflection in the golden elevator doors. Sakura met his eyes in the makeshift mirror and reacted to the sight with a tiny hiss. She tilted her body toward him, similarly rubbing hands down the small of his back, up his shoulders, down again.

Sasuke chose to restrain himself, dark eyes boring into the reflection and watching with fascination as the two practically slithered over him. He forced himself to maintain control; the only part of Sasuke that registered the sexual assault was his now throbbing cock, which he hadn't noticed was standing rigidly at attention in his trousers. He waited, not breathing, as the elevator rose, watching them.



In the reflection Naruto met Sasuke's eyes, and he whispered in a husky voice. "Ohh, baby…"



Sakura's hands swept low as she let out a delicate purr. "You like it there, don't you?"


Sasuke moaned and screwed his eyes shut, unable to keep watching. "Hahh…"


The penthouse suite on the eighteenth floor arrived far too slowly. By the time it came, Sakura had already bitten Sasuke's neck, whispered more dirty words in his ear, and rummaged about inside his pants with her clever hands. In a similar gesticulation, Naruto had made casual love with Sasuke's ass, fondling the taught mounds into delicate pliancy, while continuously nibbling on his opposite ear.

They're going to get it, Sasuke thought sadistically as his mouth released a tiny, pleasure-filled breath, unable to resist under their ministrations.

Sakura laughed into his neck as the elevator stopped with another ding, the two golden doors opening to their stylish penthouse suite. The main living area stretched out before them. A pure white couch and a stark black chair lay perpendicular to one another on the far side of the room, surrounding a flat-screen TV, while the other side hinted at the means to a kitchen but took the general appearance of a fully stocked bar. Suspended on a second, low-level tier in the corner, a massive white-sheeted bed with several black pillows on top of the spread sat innocently between two polished side-tables. Wide, sweeping windows stretching twenty feet up to the ceiling ran across the entire suite and offered a breathtaking, three-sixty view of the city.

With a last, loving slap to Sasuke's ass, Naruto whooped for joy and bolted into the room, already tackling the massive white couch and rolling about in the soft fabric with snickers. "This is amazing!" he cheered with his hands extended.

Sakura equally gasped at the sight and held a hand to her mouth. Sasuke wondered at them both: surely they'd seen hundreds of hotels decked out in similar splendor, but he noted that they always seemed to be grateful for their financial prowess, which allowed for so much luxury. Wealth had not been wasted on the adorable pinkette nor the mischievous blonde.

The splendor of the suite, unfortunately, was completely lost on Sasuke. The two musicians beside him— they were all that mattered. And now they were finally, finally alone.

Naruto, now reclined and unprotected on the couch, was the closest. Sasuke didn't allow the blonde to take in the suite any longer. In a flash, he extended hands to clasp around the boy's jaw, seizing those peach-colored lips into a lusty kiss. The bright blue eyes, normally the color of an ocean's afternoon tide, darkened as he gripped Naruto to him, and they turned thunderous in between glances as Naruto gasped in his hold but fervently kissed back, dragging his ever-playful tongue around Sasuke's. A soft, longing-filled sigh echoed across the spacious suite, and Sasuke registered that Sakura must have seen them.

His revelation proved to be true, for in the next moment he felt her from behind, wrapping hands around his waist and then splaying them upward toward his quivering torso. Where Naruto was firm, almost rock solid, and burning in front of him, Sakura's softness and sweet warmth stole over him like a thief from behind, intensifying in volume and power as she shifted and moved into a comfortable position, with her legs bent and surrounding the back half of his body. Sasuke's nerves expanded and convulsed under the treatments of two sets of skilled hands— hands that knew the places on his body that took away all his restraint. Practiced and able, the feminine hands curled up his chest and grazed soft nails over the hollow of his throat. At the same time, the other pair of palms, heavier and rougher, spread flat over the inner side of his thighs, running up to tease the sensitive flesh leading directly to his groin, but they stopped just as soft moans reluctantly escaped his panting lips. Mercilessly, they dragged back down away from the most heated part of his body.

Sakura began to whisper nonsense words, fiery little phrases that tickled his ear both physically and mentally. Between a particularly dirty passage, she sneakily slipped a hot, little tongue down the lobe of his ear, dragging it up to the very top and then dipping cleverly into the crevices of the sensitive cartilage, where two looped piercings flicked back and forth under her tongue. A shiver bloomed from the inner part of his neck and branched all the way down the front of his chest to settle into his hardening nipples. As if on cue, Naruto lowered his burning mouth to one of the buds, sucking on the sensitive flesh with a loud popping noise. Overwhelmed in dual sensations, Sasuke bucked and shuddered, unable to move his hands or even think under the onslaught.

From behind, Sakura seemed to take pleasure in his trembling frame, for she ran her hands back down his torso, briefly rubbing over the perked nipple Naruto had left unattended, and without ceremony she dove into the heat throbbing beneath his trousers. All semblance of control leaving him in an instant (for Naruto's touches had not ceased, and Sakura still playfully nipped at his ear and neck with her teeth) Sasuke bucked furiously, releasing a shout that was loud even to his ears.

He screwed his eyes shut and then quivered into complete stillness, his mouth moving, yet he was unable to find breath for words. Sakura continued to fist him expertly, drawing his throbbing cock from the restraint of his pants and curling her fingers around the veiny shaft in leisurely strokes. Sasuke deflated completely, sagging forward onto Naruto's broad, warm neck. Exposed, the sensation of cool air hitting his sensitive member contrasted sharply with her warm hand. Without warning, a clever digit looped around the bulging head, and Sasuke watched in dread fascination how an emerging bead of white liquid was dragged effortlessly from the weeping hole around the entire tip in one swoop.

Naruto broke from Sasuke's now red nipple, dragging his tongue up his chest to the pale, rippling neck. A low growl rumbled in Naruto's chest, resonating inside Sasuke's: the only warning the dark-haired boy received before Naruto opened his mouth wide, sinking sharp canines into the sensitive hollow of Sasuke's throat.

"Hahh, Naruto!" he cried helplessly as a roll of shivers sprang from the point of contact and trailed down, down, down to where Sakura's eager hands stroked him. He felt himself grow in her palm and heard her delighted gasp of breath.

Viciously, Naruto sucked and bit. Sasuke could feel the flesh pucker and redden under the harsh treatment. Another low moan escaped his mouth, followed by swift, panted breaths. Finally able to move, he quickly reached up for the blonde hair, pulling roughly at the rebellious locks and breathing into the tanned neck.

Behind him, Sakura's pace on his shaft quickened expertly, and Sasuke released another cry, louder than the others by far and uneven from her vicious rhythm. He grit his teeth, cried out again, and then buried his head back into Naruto's crimson neck, roaring into the skin. "Ughhh, stop, stop," he begged suddenly. "I'm... fuckin' gonna… hah…"

"Do it," Naruto whispered in between deep kisses and bites. "Fuckin' cum, Sasuke."

"We'll spoil you," agreed Sakura his opposite ear. Behind him, he felt rather than saw her sink her teeth into his neck, kiss up the path a bulging vein left in its wake, and then settle on his ear. Her vicious hands continued to pump him, skillfully rubbing the leaking slit with her thumb and forefinger and then dragging her entire palm back down the entire shaft.

"F-f-fuuuuuuck," he cried, shuddering and moaning. A stream of hot liquid burst from his cock onto Sakura's pumping hands, Naruto's stomach, and Sasuke's as well, and he quivered once more, spent and exhausted all at once.

But the girl— wicked, wicked, wicked girl— moaned a little in his ear, and she dragged her hands into the steamy essence pooling on his still-throbbing shaft and stomach. Then without any sort of hesitation placed two dripping fingers into her pink lips. Her tongue drew across the appendages like a cat's over milk. Sasuke shivered once more.

"Naruto," he heard her sigh, and she extended the same hand. "Taste him."

Naruto's fierce blue eyes were predatory as he growled, eagerly lapping at her wet fingers before kissing and licking up her wrist, arm, to her shoulder, until he finally raised an arm to grasp her hand. Pulling her so she was flush against Sasuke's back, Naruto kissed her moaning mouth fervently. From the corner of his eye, Sasuke watched through a haze of growing lust as his cum leaked from both their lips and dripped down their throats, onto his sweaty shoulder. Between the pair of juicy tongues, they appeared to speak the same sort of wild, hot language that resonated like a vibration through Sasuke's trembling body.

"God fucking dammit," he breathed in awe.

"Fuck!" Naruto snarled in the same second, and his body somehow grew hotter under Sasuke's hands. Something in his cum put Naruto into some sort of a frenzy. Without warning he lunged, pushing Sasuke and Sakura down to the light wooden floors in a hubbub of arms and legs.

Sasuke heard Sakura yelp in surprise behind him, saw her hair spill about her shoulders in a wild flurry and land about her head. On her back and now positioned under both men, she inhaled lustily at their combined weight. Sasuke could not move himself for a moment, confronted with the lust-filled animal Naruto had become. Somehow, he found himself being mauled by an aggressive mouth, while he felt rough hands push past him to the small girl beneath them. They tore clothing off Sakura as if her skirt and sheer blouse had been setting her on fire. The thin garments shredded like paper beneath the barrage, soon exposing two perfect, pale breasts to the chill of the room. Whatever fabric left clinging to her skin was easily yanked and thrown from her body as if it was the worst kind of offense. Sasuke watched it in riveted silence, until the beast that was Naruto abruptly turned on him with a fierce glance. Before he could react, Naruto's hands were lifting the clothing completely from Sasuke's body, removing the jacket, dress shirt and undershirt with as little decorum as he'd done for Sakura. When he was completely free of his upper clothes, Naruto's powerful hands grasped him by the shoulders and flung him down upon Sakura's quaking body, now much chillier from the natural cold of the room.

But Naruto continued and grabbed Sasuke's hands with enough force to turn him into a puppet, forcing him to rub mercilessly across Sakura's breasts to the point where they reddened in protest to such rough behavior. Under him, however, Sakura cried out and gyrated her hips pleasingly with the rhythm his moving hands made against her flesh. One of her hands sneakily, impatiently, began to travel down to her black panties, itching to add to her own pleasure. But Sasuke, remembering how she'd tortured him at the concert and then later in the elevator, grabbed the traveling hand with a satisfied smirk. Free of Naruto's grip, Sasuke now trapped the girl's hands beneath one of his, using the other to once again drag across her torso in fierce, erotic patterns.

"Suck them," Naruto commanded in a breath at his ear.

Sakura moaned and whimpered as Sasuke obeyed with a delighted hiss. Sasuke palmed the mounds with both hands, then bowed his head to bite up the white skin tantalizingly just before he latched onto delicious, pink nipple. Naruto groaned his approval in Sasuke's ear, and Sasuke slowly opened his eyes to see the beautiful drummer girl assisting his mouth with her eager hands, pushing her breasts up until they grew fuller on Sasuke's tongue. Gyrating and humming in pleasure, she moved her body up and down, intentionally tantalizing and displaying for him, for Naruto, how gorgeous she truly was.

Fully erect again, Sasuke groaned and pulled back a fraction, so he could watch her eroticism up close, refusing to touch her but to enjoy the tension— sweet tension— build in his own body. Pink cherry blossoms— the curling, flowing tattoo Sasuke had bought for her last summer— danced up Sakura's left hip and curved delightfully up into the side of her left breast. With a whisper, he bent and followed the line of the tattoo up with his tongue, enjoying the girl's twitches and moans underneath him, until finally he reached her pink nipple once again. Latching onto the sensitive flesh, he hummed happily as Sakura let out halting cries and fisted her hands almost painfully into his dark locks.

"Pants, Sasuke," he heard from behind him. Naruto's eyes had shifted again. Scarily bright, they boasted a strange shade of passionate blue that Sasuke knew only he and Sakura had ever seen. The powerful tan hands wrapped around Sasuke's ass, tugging on the belt of his pants in an attempt to rip the stubborn things off, though they remained secure about Sasuke's waist.

Below him, Sakura slowed her gyrations, green eyes bright with another evil idea. She snickered lustily as she once again palmed Sasuke's hardened member, which was still protruding from behind the pant lines from her earlier explorations. Swiftly, she loosened his metal-studded belt and threw it over her head to land in the pile of clothes they'd been making in the corner. His pants easily drew down under both her and Naruto's combined efforts, and Sasuke, so lost and unable to move in staring at both of them, couldn't do a damn thing but gasp from the sensation, still sensitive from his earlier ejaculation. From behind him, Naruto mauled the under side of his ass appreciatively, dragging a red-hot hand over his sensitive balls.

"Ah, fuck, Sasuke," the blonde hissed, next palming and spreading the cheeks before him.

Now finally Sasuke found his voice. Naruto's hands were like lava, igniting him, and he groaned into Sakura's ears, grasping her breasts once more as he greedily sucked at her mouth. Just as Naruto began to spit and moisten Sasuke's exposed hole, Sasuke began to fiddle expertly with the black lace of Sakura's only remaining article of clothing: sexy, sheer panties. Sasuke groaned again.

"Fucking beautiful." He met her startling green eyes with his own. "You're so goddamn— fuck!"

Behind him, Naruto had unexpectedly plunged in a finger, so expertly driven that it struck Sasuke's prostate at first impact. Laughing maliciously, Naruto drove in another finger in the next moment, still hitting that spot with professional accuracy. All thoughts but his own need for satisfaction completely driven from his head, Sasuke hurriedly pushed Sakura's panties to one side and dove his own fingers into her waiting, wet body.

Sakura threw her head back and cried at the intense contact, but as Sasuke's hand drove her backward, her sweaty skin dragged painfully across the wooden floors. Her visage of pleasure stopped almost immediately and turned into a crumpled expression of agony. She threw her hands over her head in an attempt to lift herself from the hardened floor, but to no avail.

Sasuke stopped instantly.

"No, keep going," she moaned, thrusting her hips down against his hand, though even as she spoke she tried to afford herself a more comfortable position.

Naruto, behind Sasuke, must have been staring at the girl as well, for his perusal of the dark-haired boy's lily ass had ceased. Sasuke turned and met blue eyes.

"Bed," they said simultaneously, ignoring Sakura's assertions that she'd be fine on the floor too. Sasuke lifted her with ease, kissing her mouth to stop her protests. Naruto led the way to the bed, removing the tank top and pants he'd been wearing with cavalier giddiness. His eyes roved Sasuke and Sakura eagerly as he approached them, kissing Sasuke, kissing Sakura until he could shove them both down on the plush white comforter on top of the bed.

Sasuke fell with the girl, who wrapped slender legs around his waist. He could feel her arousal drip onto his hips and loved the sensation of tender, hot wetness against him. He lapped eagerly at her neck, then moved to kiss her jaw and found her green, twinkling eyes with his own. There was an unspoken moment to gain permission, which she gave with an anticipatory mewl. Biting his lower lip, he guided his hips forward and nearly expired on the spot from such tender heat surrounding him on all sides. Sakura cried out, but this time in pleasure, grappling Sasuke's back with her shaking fingers.

"Goddamn, you two," Sasuke heard Naruto whisper behind him. "So hot." Sasuke groaned as Naruto's continued perusal of his ass began, this time starting with the two fingers that rocked in and out of him in time with his own thrusts into Sakura.

Wicked jolts of agonizing pleasure rocketed up from the tightening sack of his balls into his engorged member, and he hung his head low into Sakura's neck. Wanton screams of lust echoed across the bedroom, and Sasuke had to think for a moment before he realized they were coming from him. Underneath him, Sakura clawed at his back, sending jolts of added pleasure with the pain across the pale expanse. Naruto's tease continued until it became unbearable, blinding in its ecstasy yet maddeningly not enough to bring him to the point he craved.

"Come-fucking-on, Naruto!" Sasuke growled finally, flicking his head behind him. It was rare for Sasuke to bottom, much less be begging for it, so Naruto altogether stopped for a moment. Sakura screwed her head around Sasuke's shoulders and made a similar comment, though it was distorted with another series of thrusts. Finally, Naruto obliged with a moan, thrusting into Sasuke in the same instant the boy took another hesitant plunge into the girl.

Sasuke cried out in combined pleasure and pain, slamming a balled fist down onto the whitened sheets just beside Sakura's head. It had been too long since Naruto had entered him, and he felt stretched to near ripping under the blonde's considerable size. For a moment, he could not find the strength to stir, but underneath him Sakura moved herself, grinding her hot flesh over his shaft and blasting the pain away with intense pleasure. Wordlessly, he thanked her with a searing kiss to her pink lips, and that was when Naruto moved out then thrust back into him. Sasuke gasped, that wild heat rushing from inside his spine through his balls and rocking through the sensitive tip of his cock in an electric current. He moaned low and thrust into Sakura. The collective sensation of filling and being filled drove him from all sanity, and Naruto's maddeningly slow pace only made it worse. The dirty words Sakura loved so much flew from Sasuke's mouth in surprisingly poetic twists, his instincts as a songwriter overriding his attempts at foul language.

The girl, however, was nearly driven mad by them, her moans growing in intensity and volume as Naruto drove fiercely into Sasuke. They were one undulating, feral beast, connected through Sasuke's quivering body. Naruto's hands ghosted up Sasuke's ass, up his back until he reached Sasuke's neck and mouth. Driving two fingers into the dark-haired boy's drooling lips, he coated each digit in dripping liquid before rubbing it sensually over Sakura's sensitive, pink nipples. Such an erotic sight sent Sasuke over the edge, and he plowed into the feminine, warm folds with a screamed curse. Naruto, soon lost in savage lust, drove into Sasuke with equally fervent motions until the entire room echoed with the combined cries of three impassioned super stars.

Sasuke now understood why all those women swooned at Naruto's voice. Panted in his ear like a chorus, the Uchiha shivered at the low timber and velvet undertone. Sakura's own cries of ecstasy also held a pleasing note, high and melodious, creatively soft yet hissing with deviousness as she moaned dirty, dirty words up to Naruto, telling him to fuck Sasuke, fuck him 'till he comes.

Sasuke could feel his release approaching once again, driven further than the others with both Naruto and Sakura pleasing him so thoroughly, but he refused to expire a second time with his two lovers yet unsatisfied. He lowered a quivering hand to Sakura's moist thigh, caressing it until he dipped further downward, rubbing viciously at the tight center of heat between her legs.

"Oh, Sasuke!" she screamed, throwing her head back into the sheets. He could feel her tighten around him, pulsating and roaring like siren, until her whole body began to shake like a leaf in the wind.

Sasuke couldn't take the tightness, growling in an attempt to keep his approaching crisis in check, but the constriction in his body traveled like a current back to Naruto's throbbing shaft, squeezing the blonde just fucking right. His abrupt roar was the only warning Sasuke received as he felt both of his lovers tense around him in a culmination of hot juices and shaky cries. Sasuke's mind went blank, the blood rushed from his head, and he saw stars. He came with a breathless gasp, riding out his orgasm with slow, furtive pumps into Sakura's now hazy body. The pink cherry blossoms on her hips swirled in his vision, and with a sigh he collapsed on her heaving chest.

"Hahh, fuck," he heard Naruto breathe, disconnecting from Sasuke with a hiss. He could feel the boy's release pool down his left thigh until Naruto drew the sticky cum into his fingers. "Come here, Sakura."

Her eyelashes fluttered as she opened her eyes, feral lust once again returning as she climbed Sasuke's boneless body, holding him up. She moaned a little as she extended her tongue to kiss, lap, and bite Naruto's wet fingers. Her tongue still white from the discharge, she licked and kissed Sasuke's lips fervently until he was moaning around the salty, exotic taste of Naruto in Sakura's mouth. Almost absently, he extended a hand to grasp Naruto's wrist, pulling the blonde down with the two of them. Now Sasuke could feel both Naruto's and Sakura's weight on him, and he'd never felt more complete.

The sexual vixen in Sakura seemed to go to sleep as they exchanged the rest of Naruto's cum between their three mouths. It wasn't unexpected when she sighed contentedly and buried her head into Naruto's neck, wrapping tiny hands around his shoulders, and Sasuke chuckled. "Bath, Sakura?" he whispered into her hair before giving Naruto a slow kiss on swollen lips.

She hummed an affirmative, repositioning her grip on Naruto so that when he effortlessly lifted her, she did not fall. Three naked teens walked across the expanse of the bed area to the side door where a pristine, white bathroom lay in silence. The Jacuzzi-styled tub glimmered under the dim lights, and Naruto placed the girl inside when it was half full, joining her in the next minute. Soap was already pre-placed inside a tiny holder in the corner of the tub along with a few bottles of shampoo. Naruto took the soap and lathered it in his hands, rubbing the girl's back in slow, loving gestures, while she leaned contentedly against him.


He blinked, jolted from watching them. His eyes questioned.

"You're not going to get in?" Sakura asked in a sigh, extending her hands to receive him.

Struck suddenly with inspiration, Sasuke motioned for them to wait with one hand and bolted back into the bedroom. As he'd previously instructed the hotel staff, a small notepad and a black pen was placed inside one of the nightstands. Retracting them from the drawer, he rushed back into the bathroom and used the edge of the tub as a solid surface to write on.

He flicked his head back to Naruto briefly, taking in the blonde's soft expression as he kissed Sakura's temple while he rubbed soap along her soft body. The pink-haired girl appeared to wilt in his tan hands, turning to pale-skinned goo with long sighs. She turned to lay her head against the wide chest, leaving small affectionate kisses on the pectorals and moving up until she reached his mouth with hers.

Sasuke watched and scribbled words in muted fascination. The pair before him didn't utter a word. They both knew Sasuke well enough to say nothing—to let him have his time. Another lyric poured out of his brain into his fingers until the entire page was full and then the next.

When he was finished, he deposited the book back into the drawer so he knew where to turn if inspiration ever came again. Returning to the bathroom, he was confronted once again with two pairs of bright eyes.

"In," Naruto said for both of them. Sakura's impatient expression intensified, and Sasuke willingly obliged, sliding into the girl's waiting arms. The water was a little cooler than he wanted, but that was punishment for keeping the other two waiting for so long.

"Can't inspiration come a little bit later?" Sakura teased as she turned his back to her; gently she massaged him from behind. "We never get to snuggle with you right after."

Sasuke shrugged noncommittally but felt the heat rise to his cheeks, embarrassed and little perturbed at his own inability to control his artistic urges. "I can't help it," he said quietly.

In a soothing gesture (for she must have sensed his uncomfortable turn of emotions) the girl pressed a soft kiss to his neck, and Sasuke soon felt Naruto's larger hands join hers on his back. "Always after sex though," he heard the blonde boy murmur. "I bet you've got a whole 'nother song written. Think it'll be a hit?"

Sasuke turned back to face them. Naruto's eyes still held their passionate aquamarine color; Sakura lips were cool and soft against the corner of his neck. No, it wouldn't be a big one, he thought as he leaned to hold them both. It'd be a ballad, a love song. Three-fourths of their fan-base wouldn't appreciate it for what it was, but he knew once Naruto and Sakura heard it, they would know.

That was all that really mattered.

After one of the biggest shows of their careers, the three members of Team Seven lay on each other in the bathtub, warm and contented.

"What will you call it?" Naruto hummed to Sasuke.

The dark-haired boy sighed and kissed both sets of lips before closing his eyes. Their arms wrapped lovingly about him as he whispered, "Our Song."

Track One End

So how'd you like it? I'm afraid since there's only going to be three parts, all reviews will be exceptionally agreeable! Tell me how you like the description! Tell me what songs you listened to while reading it! (I personally listened to a SHAT ton of My Chemical Romance and Ludo) Tell me whatever's on your mind, but do tell me something.