Disclaimer: If they were mine Buffy wouldn't be hurting so much…but the almighty (and if I may say so heavily declining in talent) Joss Wendon. (I know that isn't spelt right but…) So please don't sue me, I have no money…wait, I do have a dime…

Summery: Buffy is turned, and goes to see Angel in LA for some help… And a new dark power is brewing, or is it?(new, that is)

Distribution: Ask and ye shall receive…just make sure I know where is going…

Reviews: Pretty please with a cherry on top… :)

Spoilers: umm, just accept what I tell you as gospel…j/k...but it is post-Hells Bells and then off in my own little world, except that Buffy is still shagging Spike…And Tara was never anything more than a friend, and still a Scooby…


Buffy was walking in the graveyard on her way to Spike's crypt musing on everything that has happened since she got back. Is what she's feeling for Spike love? It isn't anything like she felt for Angel, and she realized that what she felt for Angel is past tense. He would always be her first love, but she didn't love him any more. But did she love Spike? It was confusing. He was there for her every time she needed him, the sex was really good, and she liked spending time with him just talking. She was grateful that his stuck around, that he didn't leave like everyone else even thought she pushed him away harder than anyone else.

While Buffy was distracted, she didn't notice the group of about thirteen vampires sneak up on her. The leader grabbed her from behind, causing her to drop her steak. Before she could do anything though, she was surrounded by a dozen more vampires, holding her from moving. The one that grabbed her first started drinking her blood. She pondered this, and thought, *\//Is he gonna turn me? Humm. Spike told me the more of the sire's blood the childe drinks, the more powerful the childe is.\\/* So, when the vampire bit his own wrist and offered it to her, she grabbed it with her remaining strength and drunk deeply. When her sire started to pull away, she growled and tightened her hold.


Buffy woke groggily from her sleep. Was that all just a nightmare? Nope, if the cave she was in was any indication. Her sire was laying beside her, asleep. There were 3 girls hanging on the walls, moaning from the drugs they were under. There was also two guards at the room's entrance. Buffy the vampire considered this, and realized that, while she was hungry, she didn't want the human girls. That the vampires smelt like food. Her sire's neck was close enough to her neck that she didn't need to move to drain him. The minions didn't hear her get up until they were also drained. Buffy took the steaks that were still on her person and dusted all three. She walked out to the main room, and saw lots of minions. All were made by her sire, but she was the only true childe. Buffy growled and everyone turned to her. They laughed at her, and she saw red. She grabbed the nearest minion and drained him. She was full, so she just dusted three more before she spoke.

"I want everyone in this room. You, shorty, go fetch the two down the hall, and you, toothpick, go and get the five guarding the entrance to this place. NOW!" Buffy waited until the 9 vampires returned. "Ok. Guess what? I am master here now. Your old master? He's dust. He didn't realize he turned the slayer. I gotta tell ya, this is a lot more fun than I thought. Pack up your shit, we're moving to the mansion tonight. Who is the head minion?" A handsome man stepped forward, He was tall, dark haired, and looked smart. "Good. At least I know my sire wasn't a complete fool. Come with me. The rest of you get to work!"

"What is it your desire mistress?"

"So you are as smart as you look. What is you name?"

"Jordan, mistress."

"Jordan. It is 3 hours till sun up. I am going hunting, by dawn, I want every vampire that is now under my control in the main room. I want to … get to know them better. Understood?"

"Yes mistress." Jordan smiled at the small blonde.  Buffy left the way she had been brought in. She smiled sadly at the thought of her friends. She was a vampire, and while she knew that she had her soul, the Scoobies wouldn't see that, they would just dust her, she had taught them that well. So, she was going to blow up the lair of her sire, and go to Angel in L.A. He had a soul, and he was a vampire, surely he would see that she had her soul. Buffy knew now that she loved Spike, and her newly un-beating heart leapt at the implications of being with him forever. He would probably feel guilty and think that she wouldn't want to un-live like this and dust her, so he couldn't go to him until she had Angel to vouch for her. Yup, she had her priorities straight. Well, she thought, she will be the oldest walking slayer in history. Hard to believe that in their line of work, a slayer had never been turned. No…that isn't right, oh, the other slayer that had been turned had been staked by her watcher before they could learn anything about her. Giles told her that once. She listened…sometimes.

Buffy went to her house the night after she had blew up the lair. She had found that she was more tolerant to the sun than a normal vampire. She was still extremely sensitive to it, but it was at least a good five minutes in direct sun light before she even started smoking. The liar hadn't been far from Angel's mansion, she had chosen to spent the day there. Willow and Dawn was at the Magic Box when she got home that night. She packed a bag, and wrote a note and left it on the fridge. It said, Will, Dawn, I had to go somewhere to take care of something. I should be back by next Friday and all will be explained then Love Buffy. Buffy had gone shopping before she got home, and was now wearing very tight black leather pants, high boots to match, a little white mid-drift, and a duster.  It was her Sire's credit card, so she didn't worry about the bill. She also bought a bus ticket to LA with it. Some things she carried with her in her bag had been some pigs blood out of her fridge that she had started keeping for Spike, a blanket if she got caught in the sun, her favorite sword, 10 steaks, her cross bow and several bolts. As well as another outfit identical to the one she had on, minus the coat and boots. She had fifteen minutes till dawn when she rolled in LA. She knew from experience that the un-boarding process would take that long, so she jumped on top of the bus, to the roof of the terminal, to the street, and ran to the Hyperion. She remembered it from the last time she had visited Angel. She made it there with one minute to spare. She came running full speed into the lobby and ran smack in to a well built black man. Both went tumbling to the floor with her momentum. Crawling back she found herself surrounded by 4 swords.

Chuckling, Buffy flung her long hair back. "So, you guys have gotten quicker. Sorry for the fast entrance, trying to beat the sun rise. Damn thing is really bothersome when your dead." She looked straight at Angel, who was in front of her. "Hi! You do realize that I have my soul right?" She said when he didn't lower his weapon.

"Um…Buffy? You…your…vampire…soulful! Having of the soul!" Angel helped her to her feet. Buffy dusted herself off and picked up her bag.

"So, where is that son of your that I keep hearing so much about?" Buffy smiled at everyone around her. Wes looked like he had lost that arrogant English guy act, and Queen C looked like she had grown up. There was another brunette she didn't know, as well as the man she knocked down. Buffy offered her hand to help her up, smiling sheepishly. "Sorry about that. Sun and all. Angel, do you have an office where I can talk to you privately?" The question about Angel's son seemed forgotten for the moment.

"Yeah. C'mon, my office is back here."


In my world, Wes isn't boss. Sorry babe, but you just ain't got what I takes, besides I like Angel better, don's ask why…


"So, Buffy, your dead. Everyone knows right, seeing as you have your soul and all."

"Nope. I came straight here after I blew up my sire's lair. You would not believe how ignorant those minions were! Ugh! They saw me light the damn match! Okay, calm now. Lets move to other subjects besides the utter stupidity of my dusted sire. I came here first because I told all my friends to dust me if they ever found me as a vampire. I actually have 'cremated' in my will. Spike would have gone, 'I want to spend forever with her, but the Buffy I know wouldn't want to live, or un-live like this.' And poof for me. In about a year or so, he couldn't do that, I will be to powerful. But c'mon! I just woke up last night!"

"Well, so you came here because you thought I would see that you have a soul, go back with you to get the group from dusting you upon sight, and promise them you have a soul?"

"Yeah! Would you? If you can't right now, I can stay here for a couple of days. I want to look around my old hunting grounds anyway." Buffy looked at him with pleading eyes. Buffy's ears perked when she heard Cordy's voice raise.

"Damn it! She is just gonna waltz back in here and take him from me! Well I won't have it! Angel is mine now!" Knowing Angel hadn't heard, Buffy smirked.

"Ya know Angel. I think you'd better go out there and kiss Cordy real good. She thinks I came her to BE with you."

"Yeah. Wait, how did you…"

"Cordy is yelling at Wes about me. If you hadn't gotten so used to toning it down for the humans, you would have heard to." Angel nodded and walked out, straight to Cordelia. Fred saw him coming, and took Conner from the angry half-demon. Angel swung the saucy brunette around, and claimed her lips for his own. The kiss was passionate, but more meant for a I'm-yours-no-one-else's-don't-forget-it-again kisses. Buffy came out of the office clapping. "Ya know, being dead gives me a new perspective on things. I'm thinking, Angel, that you'd better find a way to get me back to Sunnydale as soon as possible, cause I intend to let the man I love know it before I turn to dust. Do you have an extra room? Or do I need to go to another hotel." Cordy smiled at Buffy and stepped in front of Angel.

"Yeah. I'll show you to a room."

"Are you sure that's a good idea Cordy, 'cause the last time I checked, 2 day old vampires didn't just keep their souls…" Gunn called to the half-demon as she hooked her arm through Buffy's.

"Hush Gunn! I'm a demon, besides, Buffy was the slayer, I'm sure that means being a vampire gets certain rights to her soul. C'mon girl! We have a lot of catchin up to do!" Angel groaned at the thought of his first love in 250 years, and the woman his heart belonged to(completely not the same persons) walk off upstairs. Those two trading gossip NOT such a good thing!

"Hey man! You just gonna let them do that?" Gunn asked.

"Why not? Slayer turned keep their souls, most are driven insane and end up dusting themselves, but not surprisingly, Buffy is gonna be just fine…That scares me."


so far so…well that is what you all are supposed to tell me!

My email is… [email protected]