Ugh, I was really bad at updating this story! So sorry! But it's finally finished! Here is the final chapter! Enjoy!

The Avengers knew they were cutting it close as they headed back to New York City on the SHIELD issued Quinjet. It felt like at least one of them was checking their watches or phones for the time every three seconds. Clint could feel the pressure from his teammates. He was the one piloting the Quinjet so if they didn't make it on time, it would be his fault. He sincerely hoped they made it on time too, seeing as he didn't want to be on the receiving end of Pepper's wrath.

"We're about ten minutes outside of New York, you guys," Clint announced. The Avengers grunted in response but that was about it. As they got closer to New York, the rest of the Avengers freshened up to the best of their ability in the back of the Quinjet. Steve ran a comb through his hair while Tony adjusted his cuff links. Bruce reached underneath his shirt to put a dab of deodorant under each armpit while Thor awkwardly watched his teammates.

"You guys, buckle up. We're going in for landing," Clint announced. The Avengers scrambled to buckle themselves up in the seats in the back. Clint glanced over his shoulder to check to make sure his teammates were buckled up before he started lowering the Quinjet into the middle of Central Park.

It was a rough landing and Clint was pretty sure he damaged some of Central Park's natural landscape but they had a wedding to get to. There was no time to worry about the trees and greenery. The Quinjet shuttered as it landed and the Avengers started to unbuckle themselves from the back. Clint turned off all the engines and opened up the back of the Quinjet to let his teammates out.

Tony, Steve, Thor, and Bruce rushed out of the Quinjet and headed to the Conservatory Garden where they had arranged to have the wedding take place.

"Hey!" a park ranger shouted to the Avengers. "You can't land an aircraft in the middle of Central Park. It's illegal!"

"Fuck you, I'm Tony Stark and I'm getting married in five minutes!" Tony shouted to the park ranger. Clint and Natasha caught up with Thor, Steve, Tony, and Bruce and they raced across Central Park to the Conservatory Garden.

They pushed through crowds of people and stumbled over dog leashes as they got closer and closer to the Conservatory Garden. When they were several feet away, they could spot the tents and the aisle for the wedding. They quickened their pace as they raced towards the garden.

When they stumbled through a crowd of bushes as a short cut, many of the wedding guests stared at them in awe. The Avengers looked around in a daze before heading over to one of the tents to inform the bride and the minister that they arrived. They stumbled into the tent and Tony saw Pepper seated on a chair in her wedding gown, flanked by her parents.

"Hey, sorry, traffic was a nightmare," Tony announced.

"We flew here, Tony," Bruce said.

"Exactly, air traffic. That's always a nightmare," Tony said. "So, umm, yeah. Let's get married."

Pepper glided down the aisle on the arm of her father as they made their way towards Tony. Her wedding gown was a simple sleeveless cut with lace trim. There was a one foot train that trailed behind her and a short veil was attached to her hair, which was intricately pinned into a bun.

When they reached the end of the aisle, Pepper's father passed her hand over to Tony and he pecked her on the cheek before taking his seat. Pepper stepped forward to stand next to Tony and they turned to face the minister.

"What the hell happened?" Pepper said out of the corner of her mouth.

"Darling, you wouldn't believe me if I told you," Tony said.

Pepper snorted a laugh. "Trust me, I think I would."

Tony and Pepper fell silent as the minister continued his spiel. Tony and Pepper recited their vows to one another before exchanging rings. When all was said and done, Tony and Pepper were announced man and wife and Tony leaned in to kiss his blushing bride. The wedding guests and the bridal party applauded the newlyweds as they turned around to face the crowd.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the minster announced. "Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Stark."

It was later in the evening as the Avengers socialized at the reception at Avengers Tower when Director Fury approached them. They knew they couldn't avoid him forever and it was inevitable to avoid him at the reception since he was a guest. The reception, however, was the last place they wanted to be scolded over destroying Las Vegas.

"Do you have any idea the amount of damage you shitheads did to the city of Las Vegas?" Fury exclaimed.

"A lot?" Steve asked vaguely.

"Look, Cyclops, it's my wedding. Leave us alone," Tony said. The Avengers flinched at the mention of the harsh nickname Tony usually called Fury behind his back. They sucked in a nervous breath as they awaited some form of punishment for Tony from Fury, but he just scoffed.

"Whatever," Fury said before turning to Clint and Natasha. "And you two. I thought you had better morals than to get hitched at a cheap Vegas wedding chapel. You're getting this marriage annulled tomorrow morning."

"Marriage?" Pepper whispered to Tony.

"Ah yes, I forgot to tell you. Legolas and Spidey got hitched," Tony informed his wife.

"Tony," Natasha said as she glared at Tony. "Just because it's your wedding day doesn't mean I won't threaten to maim you."

"Nat, calm down," Clint said before turning back to Fury. "And I'm sorry, sir, but we're not getting this annulled."

"Excuse me, Agent Barton?" Fury said through clenched teeth.

"Yeah, we're not getting this annulled. What's the big deal? You can bury this anyways, right?" Clint asked.

Fury glared at his two best agents before he grunted. "Whatever. If you two get compromised on any missions from here on out, I'm not saving your sorry asses."

"With all due respect, sir, we're already compromised. We have been since the day Loki possessed Clint," Natasha explained with a blank disposition.

Fury looked at his two best agents before shaking his head. "Whatever. Just don't fuck this up." With that, he turned on his heel and disappeared in the crowd of wedding guests.

"Anyways," Bruce said. "I found my camera in a pocket of my suitcase."

"Are there pictures on there?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, and some of them are pretty bad," Bruce said.

"Whoa, okay," Clint said as he got up from his chair. "I think we should just delete them all."

"No way!" Tony exclaimed. "I want to know about our wild weekend in Vegas."

"Yes, I would too," Pepper said icily.

"Sorry, love. This is between me and my teammates," Tony said as he winked at her. "Why don't you find your parents and we'll take more pictures."

Pepper rolled her eyes but strode off into the crowd to find her parents like Tony suggested. Tony turned back to his teammates when he noticed that Pepper was out of earshot. "Okay, how about we look through them once and then delete them?"

"That sounds good to me," Natasha said as she stood up next to Clint. She felt his arm snake around her waist and she stiffened. It was going to take a while for her to remember that they were married and it was perfectly acceptable for Clint to do that. So, she relaxed and Clint pulled her closer.

"Alright, gather around," Bruce announced as he turned on his camera. His teammates gathered around him as he opened up the files of pictures. The first picture garnered a shocked response from the Avengers.


"What the fuck?"

"Good Lord!"



"What is this Midgardian contraption that displays these paintings?"

The Avengers turned their attention towards Thor and shot him confused looks.

"Hey, Shakespeare, why don't you take a seat?" Tony said and Thor nodded in response.

Tony returned his attention to the camera as Bruce continued to scroll through the photos from their wild weekend in Vegas.

"Whoa, Barton, I didn't know you could bend that way," Tony said.

"That's a lot of vomit," Steve said, scrunching up his face in disgust.

"Ha! Look, it looks like I'm punching Tyson!" Clint said.

"Barton, who the fuck is that chick that's giving you a lap dance?" Natasha growled.

Bruce scrolled through the rest of the pictures until he reached the beginning of the pictures again. He lowered the camera and glanced at his teammates. "Well?" he asked.

The Avengers looked at one another as they deliberated silently as to what to do.

"Yeah, that's what I thought," Bruce said as he raised the camera again and pressed the button to delete all of the pictures on the camera's memory card.

"Well, that settles that," Steve said.

"Yeah, now let's get back to the reception before Pepper murders me," Tony said and his teammates followed him back to join the rest of the guests. As they were heading back, they heard Tony sigh as he said, "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas."

Phew! Finally finished it! I know updates were extremely sporadic for this but I hope you guys liked it anyways. I want to thank everyone who added this to their favorites and signed up for alerts. I also want to give a shout out to all of my reviewers: Ninja-on-the-run, mellbell12123, Wolf's Willow, Who Says It's A Rebellion, soccerkeeper6, AerisSerris, Roses Near Rivers, Miss America of the USA, TP, LauraJenCC, Franjipani42, dglsprincess105, Hamsta97, All Hail His Noodleness, Dani585, yolynnjones, Jaymie, Vex Matthewson, jitrenda, StarkObsessed, MummyRules, tweeterslove, agent-HAWKEYE, Jena, and all the guest reviewers.

I know it took me forever to finish this but I want to thank you guys so much for reading. It means a lot that people actually read my work. Thank you so much. I love you all!