A/N : Thanks for reviewing :] Arigatou gozaimasu. As you can see, the story is near its end already, probably another 2 more chapters, I think o.o". Not much of a progress on this chapter, just mostly Fai's POV
An0nymOus - Yes, I'm aware of Syaoran's magic. he could also cast barriers using Fuuka Shourai(Nihon arc, to protect Sakura in the dreamworld) But I do noticed that unlike Raitei Shourai, Fuuka requires more time to cast(Noted in the last arc where he tried to cast Fuuka to save Clone Syaoran but failed) though that is my personal opinion after reading the manga XD Anyway, thanks for the reminder and I'll try to use his magic more in the upcoming battles. If I'm not wrong, he should have 4 magic spells o.o Raitei, Fuuka, Kashin and Suiryuu Shourai.
Lazy Gaga - Thank you ^^
Chapter 7
Fai laid on the bed as agony consumed him. He had expected the surgery to be painful but not THIS painful, then again it was his first time having his stomach cut opened without anethesia. He wanted so badly to submit to the darkness that was welcoming him and let it consumed his entire being. But deep down he knew he had to hold on. Another wave of pain hit him and his body arched uncomfortably against the binds. He could taste blood -not his own at the tip of his tongue, his head swirled as he tried to distract his mind with something more pleasant, soft fur brushed against his face, giving him comfort. Then he heard a gasped that sent cold sweat beading down his forehead. The discomfort yet with an odd mixture of short relieved of pain lingered in him when he felt no movements on his open wound. The sudden cold that took over his body when the warmth was ripped away from him, the awkward feeling of dread sent shivers that shook his entire being. Murmurs and whispers was all he could hear, but the voices were not at all close to happiness and relief but one of desperation and anguish.
He turned his head painfully to try to get a better look at the shocking scene unfolding before him, his neck strained as he twisted his head towards the direction of the voices forcefully. Blurry images in the shapes of humans - his friends, their mouths opened and closed, their movements frantic and panicked. Unable to focus, he narrowed his eyes and strained his ears to catch at least one word from the voices. Killed, pregnant, risks, the words he caught didn't quite made sense to him even when he tried to play the words like puzzle in his mind. He get the words killed and risks but pregnant? They couldn't have meant him right? That was just so odd. He shook his head as best as he could in his position but only managed to bring his head back facing the ceiling and stopped there. Of course not, they couldn't have meant him. That was when something clicked inside him and dread took over him. Could it be? No...it can't be, only the queen can get pregnant, so he thought. The voices grew lounder followed by spat and curses, Fai chuckled inwardly knowing very well that the person cursing could only be Kurogane.
Mokona's cries broke through his thoughts, concerned and urgent. The warm tears from the furry creature dripped onto his face and that was when he confirmed that what he had been trying to deny was true. The thought of million tiny Parasites in him sent him into panicked mode. He felt his chest tightened and his breath hitched within his throat. Was this it? After all they had been through, was he going to die now? He had finally learnt what true happiness was and this was how short it was going to last? Life was never fair, never is, never was, never will. He had long accepted that truth but at this moment, he really didn't want to die. He gasped when he felt the very familiar feeling of warmth and fresh waved of pain returning as his open wound was once again touched and examined. Something cold brushed over his muscles causing him to immediately tensed and winced. He gritted his teeth into the flesh between his teeth, drawing more blood when he felt something pricked and pulled against his muscles inside his stomach, a resistence between the Parasite hanging for dear life on his muscles and the doctor's forceful pull using the tweezers.
A moment of silent and anticipation hung in the atmosphere around him, feelings in a mixture of dread, hope and desperation danced across his very soul as the truth to his life and death now unfolded. A momentary relief when he felt the Parasite's removal from his body but a darkness of dread loomed over him, unforgiving and merciless. A gasped and he knew he was done for. He didn't need to see to know what was happening, all he need was to hear and to sense. As millions of Parasites rained down towards his stomach, his mind froze and his body acted on reflex and instinct. His right hand raised in swift movements, dancing across the air beside him. A slight swishing of wind picked up around him and words of incantation glowed immensedly around his hand and his entire body. His eyes fluttered open and millions of glowing particles floated around him, his hand made a circular movement and tiny parasites burst like fireworks into dust next to nothing.
The stunning light show shocked everyone including himself. His will to live was so strong that his body acted on its own but to his relief as now he knew he will not die. The pain on his stomach returned with feelings of something poking at his flesh, his hand dropped with a thud onto the wooden bed and he closed his eyes while he concentrated on keeping his breathing under control. When he thought he could finally relaxed and rest for abit, a loud burst of commotion prevented him from escaping to the darkness and he sighed to himself. This was going to be a long day.
Voices of rage and argument broke out, making him squirmed uncomfortably in his already uncomfortable state. He shut his eyes tight as the loud voices were giving him a major headache but yet he focus his ears to catch what his friends were talking about. Cold sweat broke out on his body and his nails clawed against the wood on the bed when the voices turned to desperation. Flinching when a loud slammed was heard, the voices ricocheted in his mind like millions of flies buzzing in his head. Then the voices softened and changed, a waved of concern washed over him when he noted those familiar voices and the words coming out from their lips. How many times had he heard this? He smiled inwardly knowing how stubborn Syaoran and Kurogane could be and that no matter what his new friends tried to throw at them wont work. The words echoed in his mind, assuring and confident.'I will not give up.' The voice of a young boy he traveled with, always filled with confidence and determination, never faltered.
Sometimes he wished he had what Syaoran and Kurogane possesed, that courage, that strenght. It wasn't only Syaoran and Kurogane, Sakura and Mokona too, everyone he had travelled with except himself, a coward. Even when his friends needed him most now, he laid uselessly on the bed unable to help them. How long was he going to keep this up? Not long it seemed. Just as Syaoran and Kurogane left, he groaned and painfully tried to sit up, earning worried glances from the remaining people in the hut.
"Fai, you're awake." Mokona gasped. "You can't get up yet, you're still hurting."
Fai winced as he felt his freshly stitched wound ripped open slightly as he tried to sit up. Gritting his teeth, he tried to ignore the pain that was welding up in him.
"She's right, you can't get up yet." A pair of hands gently shoved his shoulder, trying to get him back down.
"No!" Fai rasped out as forcefully as he can, his body tensed, refusing to go down. His sapphire eyes looked up to meet a pair of emerald eyes staring back at him incredulously. Lumina stood over him, her eyes watered with tears as she shook her head.
"Mokona..." Fai panted, grabbing Mokona off his shoulder, he swung his legs down onto the floor. His gaze fell upon the exit of the hut with the doctor and Lucrius standing there.
"I just saved your life and you're going to just throw it away now?" Doctor Banet exclaimed, blocking the exit of the hut.
"I must go!" Fai protested, his voice raised with a new found strenght. "My friends need me! Syaoran and Kurogane needs me!" He managed to got up but stumbled onto the table after a few steps.
"Fai!" Mokona hopped onto the table, her tiny hands wrapped around Fai's whose nails were already digging into the wooden table. Warm droplets of tears dripped infront of her and onto her own hands that was on top of Fai's. Mokona looked up into Fai's teary eyes. Eyes filled with fear and agony but yet with a hint of bravery and courage. "Fai..."
"I...must go." Gripping tighter onto the table, he took a step towards the exit.
Everyone watched sadly as Fai struggled, it was true what Fai said. As much as they wanted to deny it, Syaoran and Kurogane needed Fai's magic to defeat the Parasites. Lucrius got up in time to catch Fai from falling, wincing at the same time when Fai's fingers dug into him. Flinging the wizard's arm over his shoulder, he supported Fai and led him out, pushing pass the doctor who reluctantly watched as they go. Lucrius turned to face Lumina, eyeing her seriously with a look saying 'Stay here and don't make me say twice.' Mokona hopped onto Fai's shoulder, nuzzling his neck to comfort him.
"Thank you..." Fai managed out hoarsely, gratefully leaning over the support given by Lucrius.
On their way, they had to fight off remaining Parasites that Syaoran and Kurogane missed and the ones that came afterwards. Fai managed to clear the way and prevent their bodies from getting invaded by using his magic. Stumbling few times and coughing, Fai's free hand gripped at his wound. He could feel hot searing pain each step he took and everytime he raised his hand to cast a spell. If not for Lucrius, he would had already collapsed on to the ground few times. Pushing pass the pain that was threatening to take over his body, he took yet another painful step, willing himself not to give up.
Just ahead of the trio, they could see Kurogane and Syaoran fighting off the Parasites with their swords. Lucrius was quite stunned at Kurogane and Syaoran's swordsmanship and the magical power they unleashed using their swords that cut down mobs of Parasites. But even with their skills, the parasites were formidable and both Kurogane and Syaoran were already looking visibly drained.
A panicked looked flashed through Syaoran's expression as the boy realized that he didn't had time to counter and Fai didn't failed to notice that. Stumbling forward and pushing passed a startled Lucrius, Fai lunged himself forward just in time. Hands raised, bright glow of magical inscriptions casted itself on Syaoran, killing any parasites that approached him.
"Fai-san!" Syaoran rushed towards Fai, Kurogane followed in tow.
"Idiot!" Kurogane cursed, catching Fai in time before the mage hit the ground. "Oi." Kurogane's hand tightened around Fai's arm, noticing the mage's face contorted in pain. "What the hell are you doing out here!"
"Kurogane-san, Syaoran-san!" Lucrius brought himself up beside them.
"Lucrius-san?" Syaoran's stared at him incredulously. "What are you doing here?"
"Are we..." Fai panted. "just going to sit here...the whole day asking questions?"
Kurogane shook his head and his eyes met Fai's. Fai simply smiled back at him despite the pain. Closing his eyes for awhile, Kurogane heaved a heavy sigh, Fai was giving him a stubborn looked that reminded so much of himself. Grabbing Fai by the arm, he pulled him up carefully, supporting his weight. Fai leaned on to him gratefully.
"Kurogane-san." Syaoran gasped. His eyes filled with concern then he looked over at Fai. "Fai-san should still rest, I mean I can cast barriers too."
"But only on one person no?" Kurogane interrupted. Syaoran fell silent and frowned.
"Syaoran-kun." Fai smiled and gently placed a hand on Syaoran's shoulder.
Syaoran sighed and his shoulder sagged in defeat. "Still, don't push yourself to hard." He finally said.
"Hai~" Fai quipped weakly and winced when Kurogane lifted him up and carried him on his left arm. "Kuro-tan's so strong." Swinging an arm over Kurogane's shoulder, he gripped on to Kurogane's shirt tightly.
"You, go back to your sister and protect her." Kurogane said to Lucrius who just nodded obediently and ran back. He stole a glanced over at Fai and could hear soft pants from Fai. Fai let out a hiss when he shifted him on his arm. That idiot. Kurogane sighed and took off towards the direction where the Parasite's nested with Syaoran following not far behind.
As he ran, he could feel Fai tightening his grip on his shirt, Fai's face was contorted in pain but the mage still tried to hide it and plastered a smile on his face everytime Kurogane cast him a worried glance. Fai made it easier for them to run through the Parasites without having to draw their swords often as most Parasites that tried to even land on their body would disintegrate.
The nest loomed tall and proud infront of them with Parasites crawling in and out of it. Kurogane scrunched his nose as the stench of blood coming from the nest. Well, this is it. Kurogane sprinted through the bunch of Parasites and into the nest.
The nest was spiral with complicating tunnels similar to an ant's nest. But it wasn't hard for Kurogane to tell which way to go since the scent of blood came strongly from only one direction and Kurogane presumed that was where the queen was, well, logically at least. He decided to trust his instinct as they were running out of time and Fai wouldn't last for long until he passed out from exhaustion and pain.
Fai buried his head into Kurogane's neck as he tried to distract himself from the pain that was pounding from his wound every step Kurogane took and concentrated on the magic coating them. He was starting to feel lightheaded and the wetness on his shirt told him that he had probably ripped a few stitches already. His blood was starting to seeped out, stainning both his and Kurogane's shirt. Then Kurogane came to a halt, causing him to jerk abit and Fai bit into Kurogane's shirt, almost touching the ninja's skin, he was sure Kurogane took another glanced at him, Kurogane had been doing that once in awhile and as grateful as he was, Fai still prefered not to show Kurogane his pained expression, so he buried his face into Kurogane deeper.
Then he heard Syaoran shouted something and Fai turned his head and pried his eyes open, through blurry images that slowly came into focus. White-pinkish skin smeared with blood, tiny Parasite crawling over its body that was devided into three segments with the last segment being extremely large. Sharp limbs dug and buried halfway into the ground as if to support its huge body. Its one eye, almost taking the whole of its head opened wide, staring down at the new intruder in its nest. Sharp fangs revealed growled lowly at them. The Parasite Queen.
The Parasites around them stopped doing what they were doing and all attention was directed towards our heroes. Time seemed to have stopped for a momment and both side stood still, just staring at each other as if waiting for something to happen.
"Kurogane..." Fai whispered urgently, tightening his gripped on Kurogane.
Kurogane squeezed his hand around Souhi as he eyed the queen cautiosly. The Parasite queen gave a roared and lifted its body, its sharp legs stomped into the ground hard, causing the ground to shook violently. Debris and rocks flew around and Kurogane found himself dodging something sharp and pointed that burst out from the ground. He could see that the same thing was happening to Syaoran.
The Parasite queen's sharp legs burst out from the ground, attacking Kurogane and Syaoran. As if on queue, the other parasites lunged at our heroes. They were overly swarmed and outnumbered and the queen doesn't seemed like it was going to submit easily.
"Kashin Shourai!" A burst of fire blasted through the Parasites and towards the queen. Syaoran charged out from the blast and plunged Hien down on the queen. However, as his sword touched the parasite queen's tough skin, it bounced off and sent Syaoran flying towards the direction of a spiky limb protruding out from the ground.