The Sun and Rain



"Nother beer."

"Vaughn, if you drink anymore, you're going to get drunk... again."

"Well, maybe that's my intention."

The bartender scurried off to get me another beer.

It had been five years since that day. Chelsea still hadn't come back. A lot had changed since then.

I quit my job as an animal trader, the animals reminded me of her. I moved back to the city, the islands reminded me of her. I burned the clothes I was wearing that day, they reminded me of her. I stayed inside for most of the day, if it was raining it reminded me of her. And, though many tell me to stop, I go to the pub every night for a drink... or five.

The pub I usually go to is a small thing. Nothing special. I'm sitting here now with three other people in the whole thing. There's a small stage and someone is singing right now. I'm not listening, singing reminds me of her.

The bartender put the drink down in front of me. I didn't say anything, just looked at me reflection in the glass. A single tear fell from my eye as I remembered that today was the day she left.

"Hello, miss. May I help you?" The bartender's voice sounded from beside me. It was obviously a girl because, not only did he call her 'miss', his voice was extremly flirty.

"Just some water... And stop talking to me like that." A monotone voice said. I looked over and my sight landed on a girl. Her red hair was blocking her face from view. She was staring at the counter.

"Here you go miss!" I looked up slightly to see the bartender wiggling his eyebrows at the girl.

"...Shut up." She took her water and sat at the furthest table. I snorted at the look of shock on his face. Clearly, no one has ever turned him down. I turned and saw that the girl was taking a sip out of her water. She spat it out and stormed up to the bartender.

"Your ears need cleaning. I said water." She spat at him. The bartender just looked shocked. "I-isn't that water?" He asked. She glared at him. "No. This is water laced with alcohol. If you're trying to get me in a bed with you, forget it." I gave a low chuckle at her words. The girl turned to face me. I looked at her and, when I did, her eyes grew wide and she tripped and fell backwards. She didn't spend to much time on the floor though because she shot up and stared at me.

"V-Vaughn..?" She croaked.

I looked at her. She was wearing jeans and converse. She had a turquise and green top on. She was tall, maybe 5"7. She had long, wavy red hair and in one ear, a lightning bolt earring. The thing that caught me off guard was her face. Though she wasn't wearing any makeup her face was... flawless, for lack of a better word. Her eyes were big and blue. They were also slowly filling with tears. She had her hand clutched around something on her neck. She saw me looking at it and slowly unclenched her hand. It was a silver necklace with a sapphire in the middle. Little amethysts decorated around the sapphire. My mouth fell open as I realized who it was.

She slowly stood up and walked toward me. She put her hand outin front of her and it slowly made its way towards me. I put mine out to reach her's. She pushed her palm up against mine and slipped her fingers through mine. She then collapsed towards me but I caught her. She sobbed uncontrollably on to my shoulder. I squeezed her and tried not to cry myself.

She looked up and stared at me straight in the eye. "Vaughn... I haven't stopped looking for you in the last two years... I love you." I leaned down and kissed her lips tenderly. She kissed me back, just as sweet.

We broke apart and she rested her head on my shoulder. I put my head on hers and breathed in her sweet smell.


The End

Sob... Sniff... I'm crying as I'm writing this. So, yeah. This is the end of 'The Sun and Rain'. I loved writing this story and I hoped you loved reading this. Hopefully you will stick with me for 'Detective's Case' (which will be updated tomorrow) and 'The Switch' (which will either be updated tomorrow or next week.) Thank you so much to anyone who has reviewed. I'd like to thank Cecily Rose Midnight, MissHammy and tashaj4de for sticking with me from beginning to end and reviewing every chapter. To anyone who followed/favourited this story, thanks so much! I love all of you and... Peace :)