Well here it is, the final chapter.

Thank you for everyone that stuck with me on this!

The song in this is The Reason by Hoobastank. Damn beautiful song and you all know it!


Chapter 27

Graduation came, and it passed.

A raven teen wrapped his arms tighter around his boyfriend.

'Well, one of my boyfriends,' his mind implored, and he smirked at the thought.

Ryou was resting peacefully against him, taking in the scenery of one of the local parks. They'd decided to go on a picnic. Well, the albino teen had decided and Duke was damned to never say no to those ridiculous puppy dog eyes.

The understanding with Bakura was still fresh. Duke was still trying to wrap his head around that what began as 'sharing' Ryou had slowly evolved into a mild 'threesome.' Yet, it was the only type of relationship they could have in order to make things work between all of them. Although, there was still conflict involved seeing as how Duke and Bakura were both dominant types.

"Hey Duke?"


"... is Joey any better?"

The pale teen frowned as he felt the raven stiffen behind him.

"I see."

Duke grimaced.

"He says he's fine, acts like he's fine," the green-orbed teen revealed as he sighed and tightened his hold around Ryou. "But, he's not really fine."

The two grew solemn at that.

The entire gang knew their lovable blonde was suffering but it was only Duke who watched, helpless to do much about it, day in and day out. Comfort and reassurances fell on deaf ears, diversions were skipped, and even normal conversation was stilted.

No one had expected Joey to try so hard just to get Kaiba to listen only for the teen CEO to reject him so resolutely in return. It had been heart-breaking to watch, much less...

"There has to be something we can do," Ryou suggested.

Duke came to rest his chin on his shoulder.

"Until we think of something we should just let it lie low. What Joey needs most right now is time and space."


They didn't understand.

And... he didn't expect them to.

He'd tried, he'd practically begged.

Scratch that, he had begged.

And still... nothing.

He removed his hands from around his knees and dug them into his blond scalp.

No matter what his mind kept going back to the duel.

What he'd done. What he'd said. What he didn't say.

Every little detail was there, grating at him from under his skin.

He'd messed up, again.

It's been weeks since he'd last seen him. Weeks he had spent in anguish, unable to think or focus on anything else. He spent more time alone than he ever had before because he simply wasn't able to keep up the semblance of happiness up for too long.

He knew his friends wanted to help but that was just it, they couldn't. Not when his heart was still screaming to go back and try even harder as his thoughts brutally mocked that it was already too late.

They were done before they'd started.



Anger was pulsing in his hands as he stood before the door he had yet to open. He clenched and unclenched, a motion he had become familiar with as of late although it still was a fairly new concept to him. After all, anger of this kind was fairly new to him as well. He's been angry before but this was different. He could count the number of times on one hand he's ever been angry with his older brother.

Mokuba adored Seto like no one else. He knew he idolized him despite his elder brother's obvious faults.

But, this time, this fault...

With a practiced resolve he opened the door.

THe click-clack of keys was routine. That was normal. That sound, that familiar sound however was not present this time.

Stacks of paper cluttered the desk.

Empty cups of coffee littered the floor near the trash can.

Seto's jacket was strewn across the couch.

Seto himself was standing, looking out the window. His right hand was twitching at his side. He made no show of knowing Mokuba was there although the young raven knew that he knew.

Stormy grey eyes took in everything.

The rigidity of his brother's shoulders.

The fact that he could tell the brunette strands were unbrushed even from behind.

The listless eyes he knew were staring off into nothing.

There was no one in the world who knew Seto better than his younger brother. And, it was because Mokuba knew him, because the young raven had finally figured everything out... that was why he was so damn pissed.

More so than he'd ever been before.

"This isn't a good time."

So cold. So informal.

Seto hadn't moved, nor had he even used his name. Seto always called his name whenever he addressed him. This was so wrong.

"Is it ever going to be a good time again?"

It came out sharp and quick. It only angered Mokuba further that his brother didn't react at all.

"I'm not in the mood for this."

"Well, I am!"


Still, a whole lot of nothing.

"I'm not-"

"Loot at me!" Mokuba interrupted, because he wouldn't, couldn't keep hearing his brother talk to him like this. "Just turn around and look at me!"

Seto, surprisingly, did just that.

The young raven did not feel any better about it, not like he'd hoped.

No, instead he felt worse.

Those eyes, those eyes. They washed the anger right out of him. It pained Mokuba to see those eyes.

'Gods, Seto. What have you been doing to yourself?'

"I don't understand why?"

Seto only gazed at him.

"You like him, I can tell."

Finally. Something.

The tall brunette's hand clenched. Mokuba noticed the red string. He'd noticed it before but now...

"That's Joey's isn't it?"

The deep blue in Seto's eyes was returning.

"What's going on big brother?"

Seto looked away.

"You can tell me," the raven prompted.

Ocean blue eyes slid to him. Then, the teen CEO closed his eyes for a brief second and moved to sit in his chair motioning for his little brother to sit as well. Mokuba slumped down on the couch, eyes never leaving his brother.

"It's Joey's and yes I care."

"Why don't you tell him that?"

"It's done Mokuba," the brunette quickly interceded. "You saw what happened."

"But, I don't underst-"

"He lied to me! He made a fool of me!"

Seto's tone wasn't so loud as it was spiteful.

Mokuba shuffled on the couch.

"He seemed like he was real sorry."

"Doesn't matter."

The young raven took a chance and caught his brother's eyes.

"Aren't you being too harsh?"

"It's foolish to stick with someone who will wrong you."

"It's Joey."

"I will not-"

"It's. Joey."

They stared at each other.

"Mokuba, you don't know everything that happened."

Stormy grey eyes took in the red string in his brother's hand. Joey's string.

That's where it clicked.

He stood up. He walked to the door and turned.

"I know that you're not happy like this Seto, and you deserve to be happy."


"Mokuba? What the!? What are you doing here shrimp?"

"Can you let me in? It's raining."

Joey blinked.

Blinked again.

"Sure," the blonde said, finally snapping out of his trance. He moved out of the way to let the young raven in. "No one else is here right now. Just me."

The young raven nodded and shrugged off his coat for Joey to hang.

"So, no that it's not nice to see ya but what are ya doing here?"

Mokuba accepted the towel Joey brought for him to wipe his face.

"Just wanted to hangout," the young raven called as he swept down onto the couch. "And talk and stuff."

Mokuba aimed a pout. "Jeice and Serenity are on a date."

Joey struck his tongue in return.

"I know, Serenity was telling me all about it earlier and Mai certainly didn't help."

"Mai's still here?"

The blonde waived it off. "It was a three-way call."


"Yup," Joey drummed his fingers on his hip. "So, Super Smash Brothers?"

Mokuba grinned.

"Uh, yeah!"

"So," the blonde began some time later. "What did you wanna talk about?"

Stormy eyes blinked at him.

Joey chuckled then stopped abruptly. It's been too long since he last laughed.

"I can tell when someone wants something from me."

Mokuba waited until they finished playing their round. He looked Joey up and down afterwards.

"Do you have anything in red?"

Joey raised a brow.

"Maybe. What's it to ya?"

"What is it?"

The blonde didn't respond. He stood up, left the room, and returned with something red in his hands. The raven held his hands up and Joey slipped the item to him. Mokuba ran his hand about it, traced the fringe edge. The young raven could tell the fringe had pieces missing.

"I get ya trying to be all mysterious and what not but really, anytime ya wanna start exlainin' I would be all for that too."

Joey was aiming a teasing grin but one look from those eyes wiped it right off. Mokuba really did need to talk about something, and he had a feeling he knew what it may be about.

"There was a story my mother liked to tell. I don't remember her telling it, but my brother would tell it to me," Mokuba kept playing with the scarf as Joey sat down. "When we were a lot younger."

"It's called the Red Thread of Fate," the raven locked eyes with him. "Back during the feudal era, two heirs were born to rival clans with a red thread wrapped around their pinkies. Each clan believed this meant that their heir was special, that this particular heir would lead them to victory. But, when the two heirs were to clash on the battlefield their threads connected and they stole off into the mountains where they fell in love. They realized, while they were hiding away, that they might just be able to end their clan's feuds once and for all."

Joey's eyebrows were scrunched but he was listening. This wasn't what he had expected.

"But the clans refused to listen to them and they were both disinherited. The feud continued and the battles from therein took so many more lives. But the two lovers did not give up hope."

"The two clans dwindled and might have wiped each other out when a warrior appeared. A young man of great power who single handedly brought the two clans to their knees. He could have slayed them then, but instead he showed them mercy. He brought the two clans together and an era of peace reigned. Upon his deathbed he revealed who his parents were, the two original heirs. Their continuing love for each other and for their clans stayed with them till they died, all of which they passed on to their son before a disease took their own lives."

Mokuba smiled.

"It doesn't seem like a happy story in a way, but it is. Two people who were supposed to hate each other found love instead. They were fated to come together, because together they were able to be something better."

"Why are ya telling me this?"

The raven handed him the scarf back.

"Seto would never admit it," Joey stiffened at Mokuba's mention of his brother by name. "But he likes that story, believes in it maybe."

Those stormy grey eyes looked into his.

"You messed up and so did he. If you truly want to fix things you have to know, words will never reach my brother, action will," Mokuba stood up. "He still cares Joey. He carries around one of the end pieces of your scarf with him at all times to this day... the red thread."

"You could be apart and be good, but I think if you were together you'd be great."



The blonde engulfed him in a tight hug, arms wounding around his small torso.

"Heya Yug'," Joey called as he pulled back.

Lavender eyes took in the smile. It wasn't his wide trademark grin but it was a hell of a lot more genuine than the ones the blonde had been gracing them with for the past few weeks.

"Looking good man," Tristan claimed as he slapped a hand on Joey's shoulder.

Red eyes looked from one smiling face to the next.

The warmth of Ryou's eyes.

The affectionate ruffle of his hair from Tea.

The happy arch of Duke's eyebrow.

It all made the blonde's heart swell.

He really did have the greatest friends. How easily they accepted him back in. The blonde swallowed the knot in his throat. He should have never doubted them.

"So, you think you can beat my new high score on Galactus Monsters?"

Joey's mouth fell open.

"No you did not!" he roared at Tristan.

The pointy-haired brunette grinned.

"Oh yes I did!"

"Well, it's not staying yours for long!"

"I'd like to see you try!"

"I'm already on it!"

Tea nudged Yugi though neither of them strayed from watching Joey and Tristan challenge each other.

"He's going to be okay," she breathed in relief.

Yugi smiled at her.

The smile Ryou gave Duke was a bit more knowing.

"Joey's going to do something isn't he?"

The raven pondered on his answer.

THe blonde had been scouring the internet lately. He'd also been making a lot of calls and spent hours looking at a map of the city.

Then there was the fact that Joey told him last night just what it was that he was planning, so yeah...

Yep, the blonde was.

But, the raven only grinned at his boyfriend in response.


His heart was pounding.

Why was it pounding? He's given performances before.

Granted this was the first one atop a building.

And yeah, he was going to be pretty much baring his soul with no guarantee that it won't be completely ripped to shreds but hey that was life, right?

Okay, maybe this wasn't just another performance.

It was a whole heck of a lot more, to him at least.

There was also the fact that a large crowd had gathered.

And the police was among them.

And he was on TV at the moment.

And they all initially had thought he was a jumper.

Joey swallowed.

The time had come.

He was being filmed after all.

"Ah, heh, nice of you all to come out. Wasn't really expecting so many people but yeah," the blonde cleared his throat. The crowd was getting loud. "Anyways, I'm sure you're all wondering who I am and why I'm up here. Well, I'm here to sing."

Joey licked his lips.

This was it.

The crowd was roaring.

A policeman was blaring something through the megaphone.

A copter was capturing him on live feed.

The large screen in the center of Domino held his image.


Joey raised an arm, cueing the brave men behind him to start playing. The strum of music instantly quieted the crowd.

He brought the mic up to his mouth.

"This song goes out to one person. To say that I'm sorry. To ask you to forgive me. But, more importantly, to say that..." Joey's heart squeezed as he looked up at the decadent tower. The big 'KC' up on display. "To say that I love ya. I'm in love with you. I am."

He cleared his throat.

He had to start singing.

The blonde closed his eyes, breathed in, breathed out, and opened them.

Here goes...

"I'm not a perfect person

There's many things I wish I didn't do

But I continue learning

I never meant to do those things to you

And so I have to say before I go

That I just want you to know"

Joey's red eyes focused on the top floor of the Kaiba Corp building. The structure he was on wasn't anywhere near as high but it was directly across from the tall tower.

"I've found a reason for me

To change who I used to be

A reason to start over new

and the reason is you"

He wasn't sure this was the best song even though it seemed to explain his feelings perfectly. He wanted it so badly to reach the brunette but he wasn't all too sure that the teen CEO wouldn't simply be put off by it.

"I'm sorry that I hurt you

It's something I must live with everyday

And all the pain I put you through

I wish that I could take it all away

And be the one who catches all your tears

Thats why I need you to hear

I've found a reason for me

To change who I used to be

A reason to start over new

and the reason is you"

Tears were pricking his eyes.

He was definitely throwing all his damn emotions into this.

Joey sucked in a breath, hoping his voice wouldn't tremble over this next part as he belted his heart out maybe a bit more than necessary.

Or at lot more than necessary. Whatever.

"And the reason is you

And the reason is you

And the reason is you!"

Joey's heart skipped a beat.

Or two.

Was that-

Was that a figure at the window?

The blonde was too far away to really be able to tell.

Regardless he breathed, and breathed again.


His vision swam.

'I'm trying my best here.'

He closed his red eyes and leaned into his mic over the edge of the building.

"I'm not a perfect person

I never meant to do those things to you

And so I have to say before I go

That I just want you to know

I've found a reason for me

To change who I used to be

A reason to start over new

and the reason is you

I've found a reason to show

A side of me you didn't know

A reason for all that I do

And the reason is you"


He was done.

Red eyes searched desperately, trying to discern the top floor.

Was he there?

Was he?

Joey didn't notice the roar of the crowd.

He didn't notice his friends appearing at the scene.

The blonde did however hear a door bang open behind him. His bandmates immediately threw their hands up into the air.


Well... crap.


"We're getting paid extra for this right?"

Piercing red orbs flickered over to catch mellow brown.

His only response was the raising of his blonde brow.

"Should that truly be a concern right now?" the guy with the long orange hair asked from where he sat beside the guy with the brown eyes, whom was taking up most of the space laying across the bench.

Brown eyes shrugged his shoulders.

"Seems important to me."

Joey rolled his eyes as the two got into another one of their banters. He reached up and ran his palms over his face with a groan.

"Wheeler. Suzuki. Deville."

The three snapped their heads up as the door to their cell opened. The cop eyed them steely.

"You've all been sprung," he grumbled. "Whichever one of you is Wheeler you got someone waiting for you out in the lobby."

The man left them without so much a second glance.

"Well," brown eyes slid up and sprung to his feet. "What do you say we go get a burger Deville?"

The orange haired man smiled and flicked a hair out of his face as he turned to Joey.

"Call us when another gig comes up."

The blonde nodded with a grin of his own.

"Will do."

Brown eyes waggled his eyebrows.

"Don't forget about payment!"

Joey laughed.

"I'll catch ya guys later, and thanks."

Deville nodded politely but Suzuki only opened his mouth again as he slung an arm around his taller, orange-haired companion.


The blonde watched them fondly before turning away to head to the lobby. It was many years ago he'd become familiar with the structure of police stations.

At least, it's been many years as well since he was last in one.

Shock hit him when he entered the lobby however.


"Hello Mr. Wheeler."


"If you would follow me please."


"That is my name Mr. Wheeler."

Joey gaped.

"But- but- you-"

The blonde blinked in confusion.

"What are you doing here?" Joey asked once he finally gathered his bearings.

"I'm here to pick you up," the man returned simply.

"You sprung me? Us?"

Roland motioned for the exit and the blonde fell into step. The limo was waiting outside.

The man opened the door for him and taking note of the blonde's hesitation added, "I'm here to take you to the Kaiba Mansion."

Red eyes turned to him.

"Oh," was all the blonde managed.

Roland nodded and closed the door after him.

Joey couldn't relax the entire ride over though he was infinitely grateful he was alone in the limo.

Yet, this was what he wanted, wasn't it?

Dear Ra his palms were sweating.

The blonde started when the door abruptly opened.

They were already here.


"Mr. Wheeler?"

"It's Joey," he automatically answered as he climbed out.

'Has the mansion always been this big?'

His legs felt jittery as he climbed the steps to the entrance.

"Mr. Kaiba is waiting in his home office. I'll lead you to-"

"I know the way."

Roland nodded. "Very well."

And at that the blonde was left alone.

So, he walked.

'Okay. I'm fine. I can do this.'

His feet automatically took him where he needed to go.

'I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay.'

Hi heart jolted when already he was before the double doors.

'Not okay. I am not okay!'

He clenched his hands as he shook his head.

He's already bared his all dammit. His message was pretty damn clear.

The blonde straightened himself and opened the door abruptly, freezing when he was quickly met with ocean blue eyes.

There was no preamble this time around. Kaiba was facing him straight on, leaning slightly against his desk, arms crossed in front of him.

Joey's mouth went dry. He licked his lips as he closed the door behind him.

"Quite the show you put on."

The blonde's smile was a little too cheery in response.

"What can I say? I like an audience."

Kaiba's face was impassive, the smirk too stilted, but those blue eyes were... simmering.

The brunette unfolded his arms and stood to his full height.

"What were you expecting to get out of it?"

Well, shit.

Hardball already.

Joey really, really shouldn't be all that surprised.

Though it did relieve some of the blonde's tension. This he could deal with.

"You're not the type to ask for what you already know."

The blue eyes didn't blink. They remained assessing.

Unfortunately, Joey couldn't hold onto his patience any longer. He'd been waiting for a chance like this for weeks on end and hell if he wasn't just going to really put everything out there.

The blonde threw his hand up into the air, exasperated.

"Fine. I'll talk," his hands came back down, almost uselessly at his sides. "I'm not good at this. I'm not. I will risk my neck for others in a heart beat but I'm not good at doing anything that's just for me. I've never-"

The blonde cut himself off. He didn't want to go off on a rant. He just needed to say what he really wanted to get out there.

"I'm not expecting anything. I'm only offering. I'm just me. I can't offer anything but me."

Joey's eyes swiveled up to gaze into blue.

When had they crossed the room?

"Say something. Anything."

Kaiba remained impassive for a long time. But, unbelievable the brunette did let out a sigh eventually before fixing his eyes to Joey's.

"I don't apologize."

The blonde's throat tightened at those words. Did that mean...?

"I'll always expect too much and we'll both get angry over that, even when I know better."

Joey's throat released.

"I won't make things easy, not for a very long time."

Oh yeah, the blonde was gaping now.

"Are- are you?"

The brunette stared at him. His hand shifting about.

Red eyes caught the movement. Joey took a bold step forward and slowly reached out, giving the taller teen time to pull away should he want to.

Kaiba didn't.

The blonde took the brunette's hand.

There it was.

The little red thread Mokuba spoke of.

The one that so obviously came from the end of his scarf.

Oh Ra, his throat was tightening again as his eyes immediately snapped up.

"Mokuba told me the story," Joey blurted out.

The blue eyes narrowed.

The blonde was sure a brunette brow twitched upwards.

"The red thread story that ya used to tell him."

"I know what you meant."

The blonde couldn't look away. He was sure the other teen could feel the nerves rolling right off of him.

"I'm not good at this stuff."

The blue eyes didn't much flicker. They were almost... urging.

"I'm gonna mess up every once in awhile."

This time he did see the brunette brow rise.

"Or a lot," the blonde quickly amended.

Kaiba took in his features and shook his head with a sigh before leveling a stare again.

"Are we really going to go through with all of this?"

The tension completely left Joey as he laughed.

"Yeah, I guess we shouldn't."

But, the blonde then frowned.

"So, I'm kinda confused. I thought you were mad at me."

"I was."

The blonde's heart was literally going to pop. It really was. He hadn't missed the implication there, no sir.

He really can't be held responsible for the fact that he wove his arms around that pale neck and brought those lips down to meet his.

Really, anyone who knew him should have known the moment Kaiba gave him a positive response that he would simply jump the gorgeous teen and worry later.

Come on.

Though it was made all the much better when a pale hand came to cradle the back of his head and deepened the kiss. There was movement but the blonde didn't make heads or tails of it. His feet stepped and turn. He moaned as their tongues danced. Groaned when his bottom lip was bit. Felt heat whenever his back met a hard surface.

Great fucking Ra in the sky he was so so ready.

But, he did let out a surprised squeak when he was suddenly flung away.

Onto a bed.

A bed.


"You don't pay attention much do you?"

Red eyes blinked, taking in the sight of the brunette smirking down above him and damn... that was hot. So hot.

The blonde gained a flush as the brunette stripped off his tie and jacket. Their lips re-connected and the touch of their hips shot spikes of pleasure through them both. Heat was pooling in the blonde's groin. Seto licked at his jaw, sucked at his neck, and nipped at his ear. It wasn't too long before they both worked their ways to being shirtless.

Red eyed flared at the sight of the wide, pale chest.

Pale lips traced over many tan scars.

Hands roamed, squeezing, tweaking, kneading.

Joey arching when Seto rolled his hips.

All too suddenly the pale body pulled back off of him. Heated red eyes found fire-hot blue.


The blonde didn't want to stop so why-

"If we continue further I won't stop," the brunette panted.

It took a few seconds for the message to sink in.

And it took a little less for the blonde to make his decision. He reached out and gripped a pale shoulder bringing the taller teen back down. They both knew what his action meant.

Joey attacked the pale neck as soon as he turned them around so he was the one doing the straddling. The blonde wasn't completely new to this but he's never gone all the way before.

He worked the pale chest over feeling immeasurably proud whenever he ripped a groan out of the brunette. He didn't get passed sucking and nipping his way down to the hips before he was flipped back onto his back.

"I'm first Joey."

It became a flurry from there. The red-eyed teen was a heated, panting mess by the time the taller teen was lined up against him. Still the blue eyes met his in silent permission and he nodded. The pale fingers had slicked him up already and he'd take him himself if Kaiba didn't enter him right then and there.

Seto grunted his way past the ring of muscle. Joey knew he'd never hear the stoic teen mutter sweet nothings but the, "damn's" and "you feel so good" were much more than enough. Both teens gasped when the taller teen was fully fit inside. The blonde drew long breaths and gripped the sheets tight until he got used to the intrusion, welcome as it was. The teen CEO only began to move once tan legs wrapped around him.

Joey lasted longer than he thought he would. Every time the blonde began to clench up in anticipation the brunette would choose to switch the angle and keep him writing in bliss. He could almost damn Seto for reading him so perfectly.

The red eyes clenched shut as he came first, white-hot heat uncoiling within him. He thinks he might have cum a second time from catching the brunette in the throes of ecstasy as well.

Hell, he might have blacked out for a few seconds. Who knew?

The two laid together neither one moving or saying a thing.


"So, that was amazing."

The brunette smirked at him triumphantly.

"Does this mean we're going out?"

Oh crap.

Seto was glaring at him.

He thought-

Joey stiffened when a pale arm slung around his side and pulled him in.

"Let me make this clear Joey," the brunette's breath tickled his ear and Joey was feeling himself harden again. "You're mine."

Oh thank Ra.


Duke was the fist to react.

"It's about damn time," the raven ground out.

That set off everyone else.

"Congrats you two!"

"That's wonderful!"

"Wow, oh wow."

"If you ever hurt Joey I'll-"

"It was bound to happen."

"Have you had sex yet?"

"MAI!" Joey screeched, red slashing across his cheeks upon her asking that question.

The female blonde smirked at him before she turned and poked at Duke next to her.

"That's a definite yes," she said in a loud whisper as though it was only meant to be heard by the raven though it was obvious it was heard by everyone.

"Mai! My baby sister is right there!" Joey turned to Serenity. "Don't ever listen to a word that harpy says!"

Mai chuckled.

"You're only mad because I'm right darling," the female blonde winked.

"But- but! You're- you- and he and I- you're- mmph!"

Everyone's eyes widened as they watched Seto Kaiba grip Joey Wheeler's chin and pull him into a swift kiss.

Red eyes were clearly dazed when they parted but questioning.

"It's the best way to shut you up when you start to babble nonsense," his tall boyfriend smirked down at him.

Joey immediately flushed as everyone laughed.

"Let's just start the party already!"

It'd been a long time since they all last got together. Even Mako, the Ishtar trio, Rebecca, her grandfather and Yugi's grandfather had turned up.

They swapped stories and laughs and caught up with what everyone was doing.

Some things were a given like Yugi and Yami taking trips to Egypt, Tea leaving for America to study dancing, Mako becoming Captain of his own ship or Tristan joining the police force.

Other things were a surprise such as Duke, Ryou and Bakura collaborating in the gaming business or like Joey becoming the frontman of his own band.

Sure enough Deville and Suzuki were there as well after Joey introduced the two as the guys he had worked with back in The Dragon's Lair. There was no way they were not going to become local stars after the show they had put on, although they had all agreed to remain local. While Joey loved being a musician he wasn't sure if he wanted to take tours around the world.

The blonde smiled when later that night the brunette wound an arm around his waist after they said their good-byes. Though they were far, far from perfect Joey knew he was happiest with Seto beside him.


Well that's it!

This is my first fic and I'm so glad I got it done! I'm not all that happy with it but I suppose no one is ever truly happy about their own work when it's finally finished.

If any of you liked it stay tuned for the next one. I'm giving a try at a Yu Gi Oh time-travel staring a 25 year old Joey who gets slammed back into his 16 year old body then decides to go out of his way to tease his future CEO husband while trying to prevent doom.