Hey there! :D Thanks for reading my story, I hope you`ll enjoy it. Well, I have to tell you one detail: here Zatanna and Robin are the same age :) That`s all!
And thanks to Chalant Lover again! ;)
I do not own Young Justice, but i`d love to :)
She cleared her throat.
"Ehm… Hello everyone…"
The girl was interrupted by the pretty nice greeting back from the class, which she didn`t expect.
"My name is Zatanna. Zatanna Zatara. I`m from New York, hope I`ll get along with all of you," she smiled nicely while looking at her new classmates. Some of them were whispering looking back at her, other just were smiling and viewing the new girl, but one of about 30 students didn`t take a glance at her.
Dick was sitting next to his friend Barbara staring at his textbook on a desk.
"Good, now take a seat wherever you want, Zatanna," said the teacher before beginning to explain the new topic of the lesson.
Zatanna quickly made her way to the last seat in the classroom near the window, where the sunbeams fell. She looked at her classmates who were sitting right in front of her. It was a red-haired girl and a boy with set with gel hair, who seemed not so… asterous.
Zatanna slightly smiled at remembering her boyfriend. 'It would be enough great if he were here.'
Dick glanced at her with a corner of his eye. He couldn`t help but quietly smirk at how adorable she looked to him even in this uniform. Nothing could spoil her beauty.
"Dick, are you okay? You`re so… red," whispered Barbara so no one could hear her except her friend.
"Eh," the bird cleared his throat and turned back to his textbook pretending to listen to the teacher. "Nothing, I`m just fine."
But of course the red-haired girl noticed how he stared at the freshman. And how he talked now… She turned back to glance at Zatanna, who waved greeting her. She waved back with a slight smile, but it quickly disappeared from Barbara`s face when she turned around and listened to the teacher.
~~At cafeteria after the second lesson~~
The senior blond girl with a low ponytail called for her friend. She quickly darted to her and hugged her.
"How are the first two lessons? Made friends with someone?" Artemis said cheerfully after she pulled away.
"Well, not exactly," answered the magician. "I think I`ll do it later," she smirked slightly.
The archer giggled. "Okay, let`s get some food and sit at a table."
Meanwhile in the corner of the cafeteria a group of teens was chatting and laughing all the time. Well, except one of them, who was staring at the two so familiar for him girls.
'Great,' he thought to himself turning back to his plate with food and nonchalantly poking small meat pieces with his fork. 'Sometimes I don`t understand my mentor. He tells me not to reveal my ID while he`s doing everything to make this impossible! Okay, Artemis doesn`t see me so many times, but Zee… we share a lot of lessons and she can easily recognize me by my voice… and words… Don`t feel the aster,' Dick smirked while searching for the girl of his thoughts with his eyes. 'Though maybe it can be interesting to-…'
"Earth to Dick! What`s up with you?" Barbara flipped her fingers to get some attention of the boy.
Robin turned back to his friends to meet their eyes all staring at him in surprise.
"Err… nothing, I was just thinking of… something," he stuttered.
"I know, was it that new girl? She`s really hot!" Dick felt a bit strange hearing the last phrase, but didn`t show it.
Barbara just glared at the boy who said it.
"Den…" she began.
"Okay, okay!" the teen smiled and sat closer to Grayson nudging his shoulder. "C'mon, I`ve seen you staring at her. Has our 'boy genius and girls` favourite' a crush on a new girl,huh?" he chuckled as he nudged his friend in shoulder again.
"No, I-…" Richard was about to argue, but was interrupted by Den again like he didn`t need the answer from him.
"Hey, let`s go sit with them! Yeah, I know, that`s great idea!" the boy grabbed Robin by the collar and drew him to where Zatanna and Artemis were giggling.
When the boys came up to girls Den pushed Dick, who was about to sneak out, a bit forward, so he could almost fall on the table.
Two pair of bright azure eyes met each other. Dick felt his cheeks warming more and more. It was strange why his blood was flushing in his veins that moment. It`s his girlfriend in front of him, he knows her for a long time and he sees her eyes almost every day! It must be magic in the air…
There was a silence for a second before Dick turned away to hide his blush. He wanted to say something, but Den outstripped him.
"Hey, young ladies!" he sounded annoying. "I see you need a good company like… us?" said Den grinning playfully and more meaning himself than both of the boys.
"Tssk, a stone will be a better company than you. At least it can keep silence," Dick whispered, but Den heard that.
Zatanna giggled at that.
"So," began Den sitting to the left from Zatanna. "You`re a new girl here? Maybe you need a tour around school?"
Richard was sure that Den did it to make him angry.
'Okay, dude. You asked for this yourself…' The boy wonder smirked getting ready to beat his friend, not literally.
"Don`t think Miss Zatara will need someone like you," he said making his voice a bit lower and sitting to the right from Zatanna (poor Artemis, she`s kinda sitting in front of them all alone). "She needs someone more intelligent than you…" Dick looked charmingly at his girlfriend and a little target at the same time.
She just smiled mischievously and raised an eyebrow.
"Maybe she needs to be asked what she wants first?" Zatanna looked at Artemis who was joyfully watching three teenagers, like it was a movie scene.
"It`s totally not you, dude," said Den trying not to fail to his friend while not noticing what the girl has just said. "And I don`t think she needs a dull nerd too, right, beauty?" Den tried to do that charming look too, but… well, it wasn`t successful. He looked more like he`s drunk or sleepy than charming.
"And such a lady doesn`t need a vulgar and frivolous guy, she needs a strong and clever man who won`t run away when she`ll need a help…" Zatanna could see that the last thing Dick said was something personal for Den. It was obvious because of his reaction.
"Great!" Den`s voice rose. "Maybe she needs a superhero?"
"Maybe," Dick said calmly and looking back at Zatanna.
"Maybe she needs the Boy Wonder?"
There was a death silence in the whole cafeteria. Den looked around to see everyone staring at him. He was talking too loud.
At the same time Zatanna was blushing and trying not to laugh at what Den said. And Dick turned away to hide his grin and giggled, but noone could notice it.
After a few seconds everything went on with its way. Students forgot about the accident and did what they had to.
"Hey, look at the clock! It`s 5 minutes left before the lesson starts. I think I`ll go now, also, what lesson do you have?" Dick asked turning to Zatanna and getting ready to go. (let`s pretend that Den just disappeared, I don`t want to write about him now)
"Ehm, Chemistry I think," she replied looking at her watch to check the time.
The bird smirked. "Cool"
Zatanna was about to say something, but when she looked up the boy has already disappeared. She turned to Artemis who shrugged in the same surprise.
~~At the Chemistry class~~
"Today, we`re going to do an experiment. As you see you have everything you need for it on your desks. But before we`ll begin, choose a partner, please," said the teacher standing in front of the class.
Dick and Barbara were sitting together. So the red-haired asked if the boy wants to be her partner. He was about to agree when all of a sudden a familiar female voice sounded from the hall.
"Excuse me for being late, may I come in?" Zatanna said breathing hardly while standing in doors.
"Oh, you`re a new girl, right? Then you should know, that your tardiness, young lady, have to be eliminated," the teacher said glaring at her.
'What a strict woman, even in my old Catholic school they`re not so harsh,' Zatanna thought to herself while saying "I promise that this is the first and the last time it`s ever happened."
"Hope so, go take a seat…"
"… and Richard, you will be her partner. Since she`s new here, she`ll need a help and you`re the best student in the class," the teacher turned to the boy.
Robin just widened his eyes, while Barbara complained.
"But Mrs. Hoggarth, me and Grayson have been partners for a long time and…" but poor girl was interrupted by a low voice of an adult.
"Then it`s a good time to have a rest from each other and adapt to other classmates."
Barbara sighed and muttered something to herself. Dick had nothing else to do, but go and sit with Zatanna at her desk that was at the end of the class behind some teenagers.
When everyone were ready the woman began to explain the experiment. All the students listened carefully… well, except two of them.
The raven haired boy took a small flask with a bluish fluid and poured it into a small jar. After that he took a strange substance from the box on the desk and rained it into the jar, so the fluid became green and began to hiss quietly and foamed. He was about to take another flask but with a purple liquid, but was stopped by the girl`s hand.
"Hey, what are you doing? There was nothing said about the liquids yet," said Zatanna curiously watching the hissing and foaming jar.
"Hah, I know, but I`m not gonna listen to a dull explanation of this madam," Dick smirked reaching for a purple liquid again, but the young magician outstripped him and now the flask was in her hand. "C`mon, let me have fun!"
"Only if I`ll take part in this too," the girl winked playfully so Dick could hardly hold back a chuckle.
Did you like it? or hate it? Anyway, review please :) And see ya!~