"Planeswalking?" Twilight repeated, not understanding the term. "What is that?"

Warren though for a moment for a simple way to describe it. "Imagine a collection of rocks, or gemstones in a big wooden chest. Each one is different, and clearly separate from the others, despite all of them being kept together in the same chest. Now picture your home, the entire world that you live in. Everyone you know, everyplace you've been, everything you've seen."

Twilight nodded to indicate she was following along.

"All of that is just one of the gems in that chest. Just one of the unique and separate worlds, or Planes as they are also known, in the entirety of the Multiverse, which is represented by the chest that contains all of the Planes. Each Plane is different, but there is one constant; the mana, or magical energy, that resides in the land of a Plane.

The space between each Plane is known as the Blind Eternities, and they are normally impossible to traverse. Most residents of a Plane don't even know that other Planes exist. But some beings, very few in number, are born with the ability to travel the Blind Eternities and visit other Planes. They are Planeswalkers, and they can learn incredible magic."

"Wow. So that means that you're a Planeswalker, just like your teacher?" Twilight reasoned.

"Yep! See, my home plane has very little mana in it, so magic is considered nothing more then superstition and fiction. It also means that even fewer Planeswalkers are born there, and even if you are born with the ability, there is no guarantee that you will discover it. Five months ago I was in an accident and I awakened my Planeswalker spark in a panic, and I Blind-Walked to this plane. Master Jura found me and began training me to defend myself, with both weapons and mana. He says that I need to be able to defend myself if I am ever going to travel the Multiverse on my own."

"So what Plane is this?" Twilight asked.

"This is Ravnica, the City of Guilds. The entire world is one giant city, and it is ruled by ten different guilds that each have a different role. Each guild has it's own unique jobs to do and it's own magic to do them. Master Jura and I are aligned with the Boros Legion, which is Ravnica's military."

"Were those other words the minotaur said the names of other guilds?"

"That's right. The Azorius Senate make and enforce the law, the Golgari Swarm manage agriculture and waste, and the Simic Combine members are scientists that focus on creating new types of life." Warren explained "Captain Saul thought you were one of their experiments."

"Is a unicorn like me so unusual here?"

"Yeah, surprisingly." Warren shrugged. "Don't know why, but unicorns of any kind aren't very common in the Multiverse. And before I met you I'd never heard of one that could talk."

Twilight thought for a moment. "Is Rakdos the name of another guild? The human you captured said that like it was a name."

Warren scowled, and Twilight was a bit frightened by how dark it looked. "The Cult of Rakdos is the only guild that I truly hate. Their job is to provide food, labor, and entertainment, which would be fine if they didn't branch out into slavery and assassination. Not to mention that the leader is a demon straight out of the nine hells who goes on rampages whenever he is awake. None of the guilds are anything close to perfect, but there is barely anything about the Cult that justifies its existence."

"Is that why you killed those creatures?" Twilight asked quietly, fearful of how Warren might react to her criticizing him. While she was grateful to have been rescued, and glad that he was offering to help her, it didn't change the fact that he had killed sentient beings. He was good at it too, if she judged by how quickly the sounds of battle had ended outside of her place in the closet.

Warren looked and noticed her expression, particularly how her ears had folded back. He softened his expression as he thought about what was troubling her. "I killed those goblins because they were a threat. If I had left them alive it could have endangered myself, my fellow soldiers, and the prisoners that we were trying to rescue. Despite the magic I've learned over these months I don't have many ways to permanently disable somebody while keeping them alive. The spell I used on the human uses a lot more energy then I can call upon for every opponent. Killing the goblins was safest solution."

"I understand, thought I don't think I like that I do," Twilight said. "Back in Equestria I don't think I've ever heard of a pony killing another in my entire life. The Royal Guard always managed to take care of any problems without anypony getting hurt."

"Now I really want to make sure you get back home. A Plane where killing others is unheard of? Equestria sounds like a paradise."

"So you don't enjoy killing?"

"Of course not! At least, not normally." Warren was hesitant, not sure how to explain his feelings to a being who had lived in a world different then any he'd ever known. "I enjoy fighting, because it's like a contest. I like winning, as I take pride in my skills. But I hate unnecessary death, and always feel guilty when I am the cause of it. But..."

Twilight waited, realizing that it would be better not to rush him.

"... There are some crimes that destroy any mercy I have for those who commit them. Killing for pleasure is one of them, and so is slavery. The group of Rakdos that we attacked today were guilty of both, which is why the only thing I feel when I think of it is satisfaction. The Multiverse is a slightly better place because they aren't in it anymore, and the slaves they would have killed for sport are still able to live their own lives."

The pair fell into an uneasy silence as they continued through the streets, Twilight deep in thought as she considered what kind of world she had entered.

"This is it. The Tenth District's Garrison," Warren announced as they arrived. "This is where Boros soldiers live and train, and where I attended the Academy, which is that building."

It was, Twilight decided, as different as it could be from Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Instead of rounded towers and grass fields, the Boros Academy as a set of large, sand-coloured stone buildings. It seemed unremarkable, as there were many similar buildings around it.

Warren gestured to the large wall surrounding the entire collection of stone buildings and the the gate they had passed through. "The Garrison is most heavily defended area in this District, and arriving back here always lets me relax. Outside I always have to remain on the lookout for other Guild members who don't care for the Boros."

He pointed to one of the largest structures in the compound. "That's the Barracks. Master Jura and I have a small set of rooms on one of the upper floors there. Normally officers of the same rank bunk together, but we're technically outside the normal chain of command." After a moment of though, he added that it might be better for Twilight to hide she could talk until they were alone with his teacher.

Twilight agreed, and followed the mage up several flight's of stairs. They eventually reached a door that lacked any kind of symbol, whereas every other door had been marked with a runic script.

"These are our quarters. Come on, I'm sure he's inside."

Canterlot, Equestria

One Day after the Reformation of Princess Luna

Princess Celestia sighed as she looked into her sister's bedroom. Luna was still recovering from her time as Nightmare Moon, but that was to be expected. Even with the power of the Elements, the corruption of a thousand years was not a powder that could be simply brushed off. It's removal had also robbed Luna of most of her strength, and it would still be some time before she would be able to reclaim her control of the moon and her place as one of Equestria's co-rulers. No, Celestia thought, the problem wasn't that. There was a new blight upon Luna's soul, one which could not be cured by the Elements of Harmony. Guilt was a terrible burden.

With the use of the Elements, Twilight Sparkle had disappeared from the face of Equestria. Celestia had asked Spike the dragon send to missives to every city and country to alert them of her student's disappearance, but there had been no positive reply thus far. The other five Element Bearers were just as worried as Celestia and Twilight's family, showing clearly how strong the bonds between the newfound friends were. Twilight's brother, Captain Shining Armour of the Royal Guard, was preparing to embark for the dragon country to search the dangerous lands.

Upon learning that one of her saviours had vanished, Luna had broken down. She was sure that Nightmare Moon had cast one last spell to try and prevent the Elements from activating. So she placed the blame upon herself, despite nopony holding her dark side's actions against her. Hiding in her new bedroom, she had the servants bring her meals in and cried herself to sleep. Celestia had tried to console her sister, but with no success.

"I hope you're safe Twilight," the Alicorn of the Sun whispered as she looked upon the stars. Luna's prophecy gave her hope that Twilight was still alive somewhere, but she dearly wished her student could return home soon.

Thank you all for your patience and continued support while I slowly worked on this story. It hasn't been my top priority for some time, and I want to thank red ranger 22 for reviewing the other day and giving me a much needed kick in the pants. I already have most of the next chapter done, but I don't want to screw up any plot developments that I have ideas for by rushing myself. No promises, but I will try to update soon.

Thank you again ~ Warhawk Talon (formerly Dygen Entreri)