"Muahahaha! Hahahahaha!" Nightmare Moon, dark alicorn of the night, laughed as she brought her hooves down on the five ancient relics. The five Elements of Harmony, containing the only magic strong enough to stop her, were shattered. "You little foal, thinking you could defeat me!" She mocked the young unicorn who lay on the palace floor in front of her. Now you will never see your princess, or your sun. The night, will last, FOREVER! MUAHAHAHAH!"

The unicorn, Twilight Sparkle, favored student of Princess Celestia, was in shock at the destruction of daylight's only hope. How could she have come so close, to fail at just the last moment? Why hadn't the sixth Element appeared?

Then Twilight heard something over Nightmare Moon's echoing laughter. She heard the voices of the five ponies who had helped her get so far.

"Don't worry Twilight! We'll be there!"

They were the five ponies who she had grown to care for during their shared adventure. And now, she realized, they would once again help her overcome what was impossible to do alone.

She turned back to face the dark princess, standing as tall as she could with newfound confidence. "You think you can destroy the Elements of Harmony just like that? Well you're wrong, because the spirits of the Elements of Harmony, are right here!" She declared as her companions stood behind her.

The stone fragments began to glow at her words, and started to float above the floor. Nightmare Moon wasn't looking nearly as confident as before.

Twilight gestured to the orange pony who wore a cowpoke's hat on her yellow mane. "Applejack, who reassured me when I was in doubt, represents the spirit of, Honesty!"

An Element's shards, glowing orange, flew over and began circling Applejack.

"Fluttershy, who tamed the manticore with her compassion, represents the spirit of, Kindness!" Shards glowing pink began to circle the yellow and pink pegasus hovering above.

A bright pink mare with a poofy mane was next. "Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger, represents the spirit of, Laughter!"

Pinkie was bouncing up and down as she received her glowing blue shards.

"Rarity, who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift, represents the spirit of, Generosity!"

The white unicorn in question looked bashful at the praise as purple shards indicated Twilight was still choosing wisely.

Now Twilight came to the last member of the party, a pegasus with a rainbow mane. "And Rainbow Dash, who could not abandon her friends for her own heart's desire, represents the spirit of, Loyalty!"

In direct contrast to her Rarity, Rainbow looked quite smug about being chosen by the red shards.

"The spirits of these five ponies got us through every challenge you threw at us!" Twilight declared.

"You still don't have the sixth Element!" Nightmare Moon protested. "The spark didn't work!

"But it did, a different kind of spark." Twilight turned to face the other five ponies once more. "I felt it the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear you, to see you, how much I cared about you. The spark ignited inside me, when I realized that you all, are my friends!

A bright light shone down on them from above, and a new stone Element descended to float above Twilight. The light it emitted was blindingly bright, and Nightmare Moon was forced to shield her eyes with a wing, though none of the others were bothered.

"You see Nightmare Moon, when those Elements are ignited by the, the Spark, that resides in the heart of us all, it creates the sixth Element, the Element of Magic!"

With more flashes of light, each of the five shattered Elements reformed as a golden necklace worn by the pony who represented it, and decorated with a gem that matched its Bearer's Cutie Mark. The Element of Magic became a large tiara crowned by a six-point star, and rested on Twilight's head.

The six Bearers were lifted into the air by the power of the shining Elements and a Rainbow of Light burst forth. The beam of ancient magic swirled around the corrupted Princess of the Night, who screamed in denial that she would be defeated once again. Her cries were for naught however, as she was quickly engulfed by the power of the Elements.

The light filled the entire palace, and as the power flowing through the Elements reached it's peak, each of the Bearers fell unconscious.

"Uhh, my head," Rainbow Dash complained as the group regained consciousness.

"Everypony okay?" Applejack asked as Pinkie Pie bounced to her hooves, who looked around, searching for something.

"Where's Twilight?"

When Princess Celestia arrived with the sun, it was not to the smiles of her student and her new friends. Instead, she was greeted with worry and fear for Twilight that could not be hidden by respect for the Alicorn of the Sun. Masking her own emotions, Celestia went to her weakened sister, eager to repair their family and friendship after a thousand years of separation. But as Luna awoke, her eyes turned pure white with power, and the Moon Princess spoke with a voice that echoed with the tones of prophecy.

"When the Gateless prepare

To destroy all the rest,

The Ten should beware,

They face a new test.

Five become one,

A Spark will ignite,

For the student of the sun,

Who brought back the light.

Born of a world with no spells,

He awakens his power.

An army of warriors and angels

Train him for the dark hour.

Together they rise,

To face the coming fire.

They search for allies,

To face the dragon's ire."