Love is Ouch


"I'm going to fly higher to that far away place. I'm not going to be fooled anymore by sweet temptations. It's a new start, now it's time to part ways. Once again, I'm boldly making my exit… Love is always ouch and always comes with pain. I will forget you now." –2NE1 (Love is Ouch)


Valentine's Day is highly known all around the world. It gives people a chance to spend time with their significant other and it gives people a chance to confess their love for another. This year, cupid has worked overtime, especially striking four certain girls. But cupid's plans didn't exactly turn out like he wanted to…

How exactly do four fierce girls handle rejection?

Chapter 1: Ignored Confession

[Gong Minzy]

Letting out a long, deep breath, a girl with short brown hair nervously walks up to her long time crush, Lee Taemin. As she walks, she fumbles with a tiny, pink piece of paper in her hands, her confession. She stops in her tracks as her small eyes land on him, his tall lean figure moving his feet to the rhythm of the music in the dance studio. Biting her lip, she hides behind a wall, just a few feet away from him.

For a quick reassurance, she opens up her confession and re-reads the note she sincerely wrote for him:

Hi, Taemin~

I know we don't know each other very well, but I'm in your dance class. I've been your dance partner sometime, too. Anyway, Valentine's Day is coming up and I was hoping to spend it with you. You see… I like you very much and I just wanted you to know that. Hopefully, you feel the same. I really wanted to write more, but I think I've said it all. I really like you a lot.

Love, Minzy

Folding the paper back up, Minzy places her hand over her chest. Her heart is pounding wildly against her chest. Minzy shakes her head, still appalled at her actions. She can't believe she's going to do this. She really isn't this type of girl, the type that are always chasing after boys. In fact, she would've laughed in your face if you told her she was going to confess to Taemin, the hottest dancer in your performing arts school.

Minzy didn't really care about guys. Honestly, all she cared about was school and dancing. Following in her grandmother's footsteps, Minzy is in love with dancing. Her parents even told her that she couldn't stop moving her feet when she was a child. Minzy's passion was dancing and only dancing. She believed that she only need friends, family, music, and dancing in her life.

But then she became dance partners with Taemin. Once. It was only once, but it left her speechless. She found herself staring at him, gawking at how beautiful he was able to move his body to the beat. He left a huge impression on her. To put it simply, cupid came early and hit her with his bow.

Minzy shakes her head once more, breathing evenly. "I can do this." She whispers to herself. She inhales a deep breath and a smile slowly forms on her face, making her eyes turn into smiles. She emerges from the wall and confidently makes her way toward Taemin.

The boy was in mid-spin when he spots a mushroom-headed figure approach him. He pauses from his dancing, breathing heavily. He turns around and meets her eyes. He raises an eyebrow, moving his bangs away from his eyes. "Can I help you?" He asks, his voice gruff.

Startled from his voice, Minzy stutters, "Uh. Hi, Taemin."

"Hi." He simply says, his eyes looking bored.

"I-I'm, uh—here." Minzy stiffly extends her hands out, handing him her confession. She looks down, avoiding his piercing eyes.

Taemin, on the other hand, simply stares at the paper in her hands. He smirks, knowing the contents in it. Another one? I thought this girl was different from the rest, He thought. With an obnoxious laugh, he slaps the paper out of Minzy's hands. Minzy straightens up, bewildered. She meets his eyes.

He smiles at her innocently, mockingly. "I'm sorry, but I'm not interested. You're not my type." She stands there speechless, still processing his words. Taemin laughs, lightly knocking on her forehead. "Hello? If that's all you wanted to say, you can go now. I'm busy rehearsing."

With that, he waits a moment, expecting Minzy to stutter out a reply. With a shrug, he turns around and turns the music on. As if the blaring music struck her out of her trance, she jumps and shakes her head. "Wait." She blurt out. Taemin stops and looks over his shoulder at her, raising an eyebrow. Practically throwing her pride away, she bends down and picks up her rejected confession. She extends her hand over once more, pink paper in hand.

"You didn't even read it." She says, her voice slightly shaking from his previous remarks.

Taemin turns his body around to face her completely. Slowly, he makes graceful steps towards her. Minzy's heart starts beating faster. She unconsciously grips onto the letter tighter from anxiety. Taemin flashes a small smile and snatches the confession out of her hands a little too roughly. He quickly opens up the note, his eyes skimming over the writing. Minzy fidgets nervously and looks down at her feet.

She hears him inhale a sharp breath and he chuckles softly. She looks up at him while keeping her head down, her eyes barely showing behind her bangs. She watches as he folds the paper back up. Taemin places a strong hold on her shoulder. Minzy quickly straightens up, her body electrified by the touch. Truly, she's never felt this way about a guy before.

"Minzy…" Taemin starts.

"Yes?" She asks, her voice higher than usual. She feels her hands starting to sweat and she feels her stomach doing flips. She's nervous. She's anticipating.


Her eyes widen as big as saucers. Taemin rips her confession in half. She opens her mouth, about to object. Before she can get a word out, he rips it once more, tearing it into small pieces. Next thing her mind processed, her sincerity was returned in her sweaty palms. She looks back up at Taemin, bravely meeting his cold eyes.

"I told you I wasn't interested." He roughly murmurs. Within a blink of an eye, he turns his back on her and starts to pick up the beat of the never-ending music. What just happened? She thought silently. With one last glance at his dancing figure, Minzy slowly walks out of the dance studio, her lips trembling.

A/N: Hello, my lovely readers! It's been a while, hasn't it? Well, to tell you the truth, I've actually been somewhat active. I'm still in the process of writing GD's story, but I decided to write a quick story for Valentine's Day! So, this was finished a long time ago. Hehe.

Anyway, I would like to apologize for not posting on this site, but posting on the others. Truth be told, I was actually contemplating on deleting my account here. But lately, I've been getting a lot of email notifications from fanfiction telling me about people ACTUALLY alerting me and adding me into their favorite author/story list. In the end, I decided to screw the little person in my head and get this account updated!

Thank you so much for everything. Thank you for alerting, subscribing, and commenting. It means so much to me. Also, thank you for actually opening this story up and reading to the very end. LOL.