A/N: EDITED. I couldn't get this idea out of my head so I'm just going to go with my gut and create a sequel...I just love fucking with Hojo's mind and I'm pretty sure that if you're reading this then... you love fucking with Hojo's mind too!

My Husband, My Mate, My Teacher? Part II

By: WindPretear

"Good afternoon class, if you will open your textbooks to page 70 we will begin today's lesson..."

Hojo slumped over his desk in defeat and annoyed eyes glared towards the source of the deep voice. Hojo felt like snorting in disgust at their substitute teacher's smooth, sultry voice. 'Seriously? How does any man sound like that? He talks like he's the ruler of a medieval kingdom or something'. His eyes shifted their sights on the female teen placed next to him that has stolen his heart the first time he laid eyes on her. He witnessed her gaze absorbed solely on their substitute's form and all he wants to do is walk right up to their teacher and ring his neck out, 'Even my lovely Kagome can't get enough of this guy! What I saw the other day couldn't have been reality...no...it had to be an illusion...no way would Kagome do something so vulgar and impure in school and nonetheless with someone she barely knows...' Hojo shook his head trying to rid himself of the images and almost breaks his pencil in two from how much jealousy was thumping through his veins. 'I was just losing it...yeah...that's right. My Kagome is not a whore.' Hojo felt like twitching as he recalled how pleasure-filled Kagome's moans were and how real they sounded, 'Yeah...*nervous laughter*...no way did that happen...'

The teenage boy was so caught up in his thoughts with the memories he recalled from the day before, he didn't realize he had been called upon to answer a question. When Hojo did not respond after the question was asked a second time, a classmate behind him named Ren kicked his chair which successfully snapped Hojo out of his dreamworld.

Hojo reddened suddenly when Mr. Taisho suddenly appeared in front of his desk with a delicate silver eyebrow raised in slight concern, "Hojo-san, are you ill?"

Instantly Hojo coughed into his fist to hide his embarrassment and waved his free hand, "Ahem. Possibly Mr. Taisho. I apologize." Sesshomaru gave Hojo a strange, unconvinced look before asking the student Ren sitting behind Hojo the very same question which earned the silver haired man a quick, correct response. Since Sesshomaru had reappeared the next day to substitute the same class once again, all the students were on high alert for they all wanted to please their temporary teacher. The girls in the classroom sighed dreamily as much as they had the previous day and all the boys were trying to win over their female correspondents affections by answering every question asked by the teacher correctly as to turn their attention away from Mr. Taisho even if briefly.

Hesitantly, the embarrassed teen looked over to his side to see Kagome completely engrossed in their teacher's presence and didn't even bother to comfort him in the midst of his fumble. The nerve! Hojo fumed silently as he continued to observe the constant, yet brief eye contact between Kagome and Mr. Taisho. 'There has to be something that I can do to get her to fall in love with me! I'm basically her boyfriend after all!'

Sesshomaru lectured the class for a good thirty minutes before handing out papers down each of the rows of desks. As students passed back the papers and read them, they realized these were instructions for group projects.

"Your regular teacher has asked me to begin assigning the final class project in which you will all participate in groups of five on a mutual topic decided by your group members. He has given me a list of names that correspond to different groups. When I read your name and group number, write it down for I will not repeat myself. The last five minutes of class you may gather your group together to plan out your project. You have one week to complete this task and then you will be presenting in front of the class when your regular teacher returns."

Some of the boys groaned while the girls (with the exception of Kagome) held stars in their eyes as they watched Sesshomaru move back to his teacher's desk in front of the room to pick up the piece of paper that would decide their group fates. He read all of the groups before he came to the last group of students,

"Group number 6 will include Hojo, Eri, Yuka, Ayumi, and Kagome. You all may assemble yourselves into your groups for the rest of the class time is yours."

Hojo's heart thumped louder and louder in his small un-muscular chest as each student in his group was announced until he felt like his heart had exploded into butterflies on impact when Kagome's name was read. 'How lucky! I get to work with my lovely Kagome! This is my chance to get closer to her!' He clenched his fists in excitement and the brightest smile formed on his face when he stood up with all the other students and made his way towards his group which had formed around Eri's desk.

"Oh Hojo! I'm sooo glad you are in our group!" Ayumi grinned while nudging Yuki beside her and giggling.

"This is his chance to ask out Kagome!" Yuki whispered with immense excitement into Ayumi's ear while making sure her tone was low enough for Kagome to not hear. Both girls squealed.

Unfortunately for the girls, Kagome's sense of hearing is impecable and she rolled her eyes when she listened to their crystal clear voices as they rung through her concealed demonic ears. "Guys, what are we going to do our project on?" Kagome impatiently grumbled with crossed arms to try and get the girls out of their gossiping. Kagome had much better things to do at home but unfortunately for her she needed to finish high school.

"Well...what do you want to do it on Higarashi-san?" Hojo properly questioned his crush, grasping her hands within his and looking straight into her eyes.

Kagome awkwardly chuckled and released her hands from his hold and took a step backwards, she knew Sesshomaru was listening in on her and watching her every move and didn't want his beast taking over him with intent to kill the human boy. Kagome could smell Sesshomaru's disapproval towards Hojo and the low growling noises he emitted in the back of his throat when he became possessive.

"Uh...I don't know. Do you guys have any ideas?" Kagome's smile twitched when she looked over at Ayumi, Eri, and Yuki who weren't paying attention and planning some sort of evil plan. Yuki was the first to turn around,

"How about the Shikon No Tama? Kagome, don't you know a lot about it?!"

Kagome wanted to roll her eyes and groan in frustration, OF COURSE she knew about it! She was the one who broke it in the first place...the damn thing caused has her way too much trouble over the course of her long life.

"Oh, what a wonderful idea!" Hojo interjected, reaching for Kagome once more but was smartly sidestepped. Ayumi, Eri, and Yuki giggled at the two with hope and decided they would set their genius master plan into action.

"Why don't we meet up after school today to get started on the project? The sooner we begin the sooner we can finish!" Hojo smartly informed everyone with a finger raised in the air as if he were quoting some legendary figure like Confucius.

"That's a great idea...but..." Eri began with a sly grin on her face.

"We can't make it today..." Ayumi then started after Eri with a fake frown of sadness.

"Yeah...we have to uh...attend to some important business!" Yuki finished with a the most horrible attempt at a convincing smile. Kagome sweat dropped, 'Of course they would do this to me, make me work with Hojo all alone. Great, now I get to spend an entire evening alone with him...surely they will back out on me every single time during this project...some friends...'

"Alright, it's settled!" Hojo fist pumps the air, 'YES! I owe it to them! I will take all the valuable time alone I can muster with Kagome and use it to my advantage!" He glares towards the unmoving Sesshomaru, 'Take that Mr. Taisho! Kagome is mine!'

Suddenly realizing something, Hojo laughs and places his hand behind his head bashfully, "Higarashi-san? Do you mind if we meet at your house? My house is going through renovations right now and it wouldn't be safe for you to enter."

Kagome inwardly sighs and then thinks over the situation quite carefully. 'What do I do? I can't let him come into my home, it would risk him seeing the pups and not to mention Sesshomaru would be coming home around the time Hojo would be arriving...no...he will SURELY find a way home as quick as possible to torment Hojo.' Silently musing over her options, she glances to her mate for guidance. Surely her mate would know what to do.

Golden eyes meet sparkling blue and a reassuring smirk emerged on his sly lips letting her know that it was okay.

"Well then, I guess just meet at my home as soon as you get the chance after school? Here is my new home address..." Kagome took out a small piece of paper from her notebook and jotted down her address with delicate strokes, "...I don't live at the Higarashi shrine anymore." She muttered and held the paper towards Hojo who took it silently with a pearly white smile. Not even bothering to check her address, he stuffed the note into his pant pocket for safe keeping.

The bell rang signaling that school was to be let out and all the students hurriedly ran out of the room for their well deserved freedom leaving Kagome and Sesshomaru alone as Hojo had practically ran out of the room so he would beat Kagome back to her house and impress her with his speed.

Sesshomaru was on Kagome in an instant, grasping her tiny waist in his large arms and planting a lust filled kiss on her perfect lips. Slipping her hands up his chest she ran her fingers through his loose silver hair and took his head into her roaming hands. The youkai in disguise pressed his obvious hardened arousal onto Kagome's school girl skirt covered heat which caused his mate to mewl in need.

"Mmm-Sessh-I-need-to-go-" Kagome was cut off each word as his mouth continued to ravish her sweet mouth and he pulled her closer to keep her with him.

Sesshomaru frowned when his lovely woman pulled away from him with longing on her face, "How about we continue this later Sessh? For now..I have a problem to attend to..." Kagome groaned at the thought of Hojo entering their home. There was no way she would be able to conceal her secret from him but she knew that they could always convince him that what he would be about to go through was a dream...somehow. After all, hadn't they succeeded this problem the previous day?

"Hn. I'll see you at home, Mate." Sesshomaru smiled one of his rare smiles and Kagome winked at him, turning to walk away. A small 'smack' resounded through the room as Kagome's face went red as she felt a small 'slap' to her rear-end,


"Hmm...Kagome's home has to be around here somewhere..." Hojo mused to himself out loud as he huffed and puffed on his bicycle while checking the street and the home addresses. Already had he been peddling for a half hour and the rows of homes had begun to dwindle into a few homes per mile until none were left and the road turned into a creepy concrete passage way through the woods. 'Could Kagome have given me the wrong directions? It's possible since she couldn't have been living at this new place for long...last I knew she was still living at the Higarashi shrine! Wait, no! I shouldn't doubt Kagome like this! These HAVE to be the right directions!'

Nodding to himself in determination, Hojo began turning the wheels of his metal bike faster and faster until up in the distance arose the biggest mansion Hojo had ever seen. Slowing down his peddling as he reached a large iron gate the protected the vast land around the estate and peaked through the intricately designed iron beams. Double checking that the address Kagome had presented him matched the address on the cinder block beams next to the opening of the gate, Hojo timidly pushed the gate open and wheeled his bike and himself up the drive way.

"Wow..." Was all the teenage boy could muster when he observed the land around him as he continued on his journey to the mansion. 'This place looks like it belongs in a book! It's just like one of those castles we have been studying from feudal Japan...' The lands around the mansion stretched farther than Hojo could see with his eyes and what looked like to be the edge of a large garden that could extend towards the back of the estate gave the land a regal feel.

"Is this really where my dear Kagome lives?" He tilts his head in confusion when he reaches the large entrance way and looks for the nonexistent door bell. Finding a fancy golden doorknocker, he grabs hold of the handle and hits the aged wooden door with all his might. Loud thumps resound off the entrance way into the hallways past the door frame until their echoes fade into nothingness and Hojo continues to stand awkwardly in front of the doorway, waiting for someone to open the door.

When the door finally begins to creek open, Hojo immediately stands at attention as he is expecting Kagome to be the one to let him in but to his surprise, the woman is not Kagome.

"Yes?" A small petite woman with long black hair and green eyes questions meekly with her hands neatly folded over each other, not looking into his eyes out of respect. The woman is wearing a long, lolita type maid dress uniform and her hair is pulled back into a low pony tail.

Hojo stares at the maid for a few seconds before responding, "Uh, yes. I'm here to see Higarashi-san." He closes his eyes tightly and smiles genuinely. When the maid does not move to let him inside, Hojo opens his eyes and finds a confused young woman before him.

"Higarashi-san? I'm sorry sir but...no one with that name lives here." She places a finger to her chin and taps while thinking of who this man could be referring too.

"Higarashi Kagome does not live here?" 'I knew this was too good to be true...maybe I passed her home by accident?' Hojo replies but inwardly is crying about not finding Kagome's home and being on time like he planned.

"...Oh? Oh... Yes! You are here for Milady? Right this way! Kagome-sama is waiting in the library." The maid instantly perks up and opens the door further to allow the high school student into the lavish home. 'Kagome-sama?' Hojo shrugs at the strange sudden turn of emotions from the lady and follows her curiously inside, wanting to see this mansion from the inside.

'...it's...as if...this place is...a museum!' Hojo's jaw drops as he observes his surroundings while managing to walk behind the maid without bumping into her. Marble covers the floor, a grand staircase sits in the center of the grand foyer and old statues and tapestries line the walls depicting various dog-demon like creatures Hojo has only read about in books or seen depicted in movies.

The long hallway split off into different directions and Hojo tried to mentally memorize all the corners the young maid was making so he would know how to leave later. 'I certainly hope when Kagome and I eventually marry, she doesn't expect to live in a place like this! I don't think i'll ever make enough money to buy even a small section of this house! Nonetheless, I will still treat her like a princess...' He daydreamed with a grin and planned out in his mind blissfully before accidentally bumping into the behind of the maid who had stopped in front of a set of large, ornately carved double wooden doors.

Hojo's eyes widened in astonishment, "Ah! I'm so sorry!" He stepped back and bowed repetitively while the maid paid him no mind and gently knocked on the door, without entering until a familiar sweet voice chimed, "Come in!"

The girl in front of Hojo opened the door slightly with a bow, "Kagome-sama, a man named Hojo-san is here for you." She stepped aside a small amount so Kagome could see Hojo's face.

"Minako-chan! What have I told you? You may call me 'Kagome'! And, you may let him in, thank you." Kagome smiled yet at the same time sighed, after all these years with Minako-chan as one of her personal maids, Kagome would have thought that Minako would have learned to drop the honorifics. 'First it was Lady Kagome, then it was Taisho-sama, and then came Kagome-sama...is being called Kagome too hard to ask for?! Sheesh!'

Minako grinned politely and bent down into a low curtsy before stepping aside for Hojo to enter then running off to attend to her other duties. Still confused as hell, Hojo slid the door open a tiny bit more before walking into the biggest library he was convinced he had ever seen. Stacks and stacks of books littered tables and chairs while the walls seemed to rise up for miles and miles with bookcases that reached the ceiling. The room itself was constructed to be in a rectangular shape with brilliantly large windows allowing as much natural light in as possible.

Hojo made his way towards Kagome who herself was relaxed in a ornate lounge chair with an old scroll tucked in her delicate hands. Taking a better look at her, he noticed that she wore a beautiful white kimono with red cherry blossoms swirling themselves around her and a matching yellow and blue obi. Kagome's hair was pulled back with chopsticks in the traditional Japanese style and for a moment Hojo was convinced he was looking right at a princess from a fairy tale. 'Did Kagome get all dressed up just for me? How did she do that so fast?' He silently wondered before taking a seat opposite of her on a regular but comfortable chair. 'This just feels so right! Kagome sitting here...all dolled up for me...I could get used to this.' Hojo dreamily sighed about the fantasy life he so desires with stars in his eyes.

Kagome just sat there still engrossed in a scroll that she had stumbled upon hundreds of years ago when she first moved into the palace. The scroll was very important to Kagome as it was hand written by Midoriko. A part of her felt so connected to the long gone priestess that what ever information she could gather about her, she collected and studied. The priestess-demon in disguise felt the prolonged gaze of Hojo and became increasingly annoyed as she smelled his disgusting teenage arousal dripping out in waves, wafting up to her poor, innocent nose. 'This boy still doesn't get it, does he?'

"I guess we should start on our project now." Kagome finally voiced, rolling up the delicate paper of the scroll and tucking it safely behind her on an end table to be placed back on the shelf later. 'Why do the girls torture me so? Do they not understand that I don't want Hojo?! I have never wanted Hojo...'

"Oh..yes! That would be a very good idea Higarashi-san!" Hojo smiled that creepy smile of his for the millionth time that day. He reached over to the end table next to his chair where various texts on the Shikon No Tama were placed by Kagome moments before his arrival and opened one to start researching.

Awkward silence filled the air for the next half hour as Kagome and Hojo read their texts silently before Hojo had the nerve to speak up and disrupt the silence,

"Ah..Higarashi-san?" Nervous brown eyes graced the top edge of the book he was reading to meet Kagome's uninterested gaze.

"Yes Hojo? What is it? Did you find something interesting we could use in our project?"

"Uh..no. I...uh...what I mean to say is...uh..." Hojo began to ramble as he tried very hard to bring out the words he has been trying to say to her for the past few years. 'I need to seize this moment alone with her! I need to tell her I-'


The double doors to the library burst open and a tiny girl with long silvery flowing hair darted into the room quickly, heading straight towards Kagome. This all happened so fast, Hojo didn't even process what had happened until she opened her mouth to speak.

"Moooooomy! Mommy! Guess what! Guess what!"

Kagome sat up straight instantly as a bright smile lit up her features at the sight of the little girl. The woman moved over to allow her youngest and most energetic pup to hop onto her lounge chair, "Yes Midori, what is it my love?"

Midori, a pup of 50 years squirmed in her spot trying to get comfortable as her silver hair had grown so long it reached down past her waist and as always, she had a tough time not sitting on it. To the normal human in public, Midori would take upon a more 'humanoid' form without the spiky elfin ears, western markings inherited from birth, or silver hair. Instead Midori looked like a normal, 6 year old child with long dark hair like her mother's and chocolate brown eyes. Midori had recently changed from her private school uniform from the human school she attended during the day into a more comfortable, easily managed pink colored kimono fashioned with purple crescent moons just like the one decorated on her forehead.

Hojo stared at the child mystified and leaned back in his chair bewildered, 'W-what...i-is...she?! Why does she have tattoos on her face?!'

Midori cuddled into her mother's lap and then paused when she realized that there was a strange boy sitting across from them, he sort of looked to be her older brother's age but not nearly as strong and manly.

"Um, hello. Who are you?" Midori questioned Hojo with her hands placed gently upon her lap like a little lady and her head cocked to the side with confusion, waiting expectantly for an answer.

"Hello! My name is Hojo, who might you be?" He smiled happily and slightly bowed his head towards the young girl. 'Oh! I get it it...this must be a cousin or maybe a child she is babysitting! How adorable she is...'

Kagome wanted to smirk so badly yet she kept her face composed and ran her fingers through her baby girl's hair, 'Hojo needs to learn that I will never ever be his, maybe shocking him will make him learn the hard way?' She inwardly grinned. Oh yes, that sounded like a fantastic idea.

"My name is Midori Taisho, it's nice to meet you!" Midori cutely grinned and bubbly reached her hand out so Hojo could grab her hand and shake it. "Taisho? Where have I heard that before..." Hojo briefly wondered but instantly dismissed the thought.

"Higarashi-san! You have such a cute little cousin!"

Kagome and Midori looked at each other and the little girl began to laugh, her voice so sweet it sounded like bell chimes, "Cousin? I'm not her cousin! She's my Momma!" Midori turned her torso around and hugged Kagome lovingly and nuzzled into her neck with affection.

Hojo chuckled at what he thought to be a joke made by Midori, "Of course you can't be her daughter! She's only a teenager! Kagome doesn't even have a boyfriend..." His voice level lessened towards the last part so he wouldn't offend his precious Kagome.

Kagome's eyebrow twitched in annoyance at Hojo's rude and inconsiderate comment. Midori could smell the irritation radiating like sonic waves from her mother which caused the little yet mature girl to understand what was happening. 'So...Momma doesn't like this man?'

Before Midori could say anything next, the library door opened once again (this time gentler) and in strode one of three of Midori's older brothers, Takeshi. Takeshi unlike Midori was in human disguise so his usual long silver hair and facial markings were gone. Instead the boy who looked to be about 14 years old had short black hair and was the spitting image of Sesshomaru even in his softer, human form but like Midori in her human form, bore Kagome's brown eyes. Takeshi didn't have the luxury of changing out of his school uniform since he had just arrived home so he had to tolerate it until he greeted his mother and go to his room.

Hojo stared at this newcomer who looked strangely familiar but he just couldn't put his finger on who this boy looked like. 'His face...I've seen that face before...'

"Good Afternoon, Mother." Takeshi charmingly nodded and bent down to kiss her on the cheek and gave both Kagome and Midori hugs.

"Ka-Kagome-san! Wh-What is going on here?! Care to explain?!" Hojo finally exclaims, jumping out of his chair and pointing frantically between Kagome and her two children with his eyes as wide as saucers.

"Mother, who is this?" Takeshi questioned Kagome curiously with an eyebrow arched; standing up to Hojo whom were both the same height even though there was an age difference between the two and Takeshi was obviously physically built better than the boy in front of him.

"Takeshi my darling, this is Hojo-san, he is a classmate of mine."

Takeshi eyed Hojo up and down before politely offering a bow in greeting. Takeshi radiated his regal stature (much like his father) as seen in his fluid movements which made Hojo confused on to how and greet the boy so he just opted for a nervous smile. In reality, Takeshi's age in demon years was about 150 years old along with his twin brother Satoshi who looked just like him except for a slight difference in their eye shape. Satsohi had a school project at school today so he would not be able to come straight home with Takeshi like regularly. "Damn, Satoshi would get a kick at messing around with this fool..." Takeshi wickedly thought with a slight smirk.

"It's a p-pleasure to meet you." Hojo stuttered out as his crooked smile faltered as Takeshi's piercing brown eyes bore into his own. For a split second Hojo swore he saw the boy's eyes flash from brown to a haunting golden color.

"Uh..ha..ha...Kagome-san...can you please tell me what's going on now?" Hojo fidgeted nervously and gulped down a large lump that had formed in his throat. From the stares of the two beings in the room right on him made him feel so nervous like a gazelle being hunted by a lion. Staring expectantly towards the woman who held his heart for far too long Kagome was about to open her mouth when...


Hojo groaned, "Oh great, here comes another interruption..." He wanted to give himself a face palm because clearly, Kagome was just pulling a prank on him. Or was he dreaming?

Kagome ignored Hojo and turned her gaze to the door to see her eldest daughter Himeno glide in with her eldest son Ryousuke behind her. Himeno was the spitting image of her mother while in her human form and Hojo had to do a double take between Kagome and the unknown girl because they looked so similar. While in demon form, Himeno hardly looked like a daughter of Kagome due to Himeno's long flowing silver locks (in which she usually tied in two low pony tails, stunning amber eyes, and the purple crescent moon adorned beautifully on her forehead).

"Afternoon Mother!" Himeno giggled and hugged Kagome with a smile. Kagome was overjoyed to be able to hold her daughter again as Himeno had been away on a business trip to China the past two weeks with her brother Ryousuke for the family business.

"Oh Himeno, it's wonderful that you are home! I missed you so much." Kagome smiled as she stood up and gripped her daughters shoulders in an almost painful hug. Himeno wanted to ditch her human disguise as soon as she walked through the door but she wanted to see her mother first. Human disguise... that awful thing, she hated covering up who she was. Being born over 475 years ago, Himeno had to constantly adapt to the changing times and it was awful in her opinion that she had to hide her true demonic heritage. Himeno glanced carefully at her mother and suddenly realized how different she was compared to her even though they looked the same at the moment and held the same upbeat, happy attitude no matter what circumstance. Her mother Kagome most of the time was in her human disguise rather than in her regular dog demon form. For centuries, Himeno listened to the interesting stories seemingly millions of times of how before her mother was a demon she was a human and only became a dog demon when she mated. "Hmm...well now that I really think about it...I guess that would explain why she would be more comfortable as a human..."

"Hn, I'm here too." Kagome's eldest child grunted with his arms crossed, staring expectantly at his mother.

"Come here you! I missed my baby boy!" Kagome wrapped her arms around her son as he unwillingly was tugged into her arms.

"Mother, need I remind you I am not a pup anymore..." Ryousuke grumbled with annoyance and a small growl. Ryousuke is the eldest son to Kagome and Sesshomaru whom was still born during the feudal era almost 500 years ago which of course makes him the heir to the Western Lands. Ryousuke, a spitting image of his father, he could be mistaken as an identical twin but of course being much younger, his face is not yet so defined. The Heir, like his sister Himeno doesn't like to cover up his demonic appearance so whenever he has the moment he likes to drop his human disguise. He wears his long silver hair in a high pony tail and always has a katana by his side...just not when he's out in public.

"You will always be a little pup to me!" Kagome giggled at the embarrassment she was causing her son and gave him a kiss on the cheek before letting him and his sister go from her embrace. "Hn." Ryousuke grunted and tore his gaze from Kagome to the human male who radiated a disgusting lust from his body as he stared at Kagome.

"Mother, who is this and what is he doing here?" Ryosuke glared his amber eyes at Hojo threateningly while instinctively grabbing for the hilt of his blade.

"Um-Kagome-san? W-Why does this guy look like Mr. Taisho...?" Hojo couldn't take this anymore! This was all so confusing, did he somehow fall asleep and end up in a nightmare that isn't so easily able to be dispersed? "And why are they all calling you mother? I mean, you couldn't possible be their mother, you are only a teenager!"

Hojo began to pace back and forth with his hands on his head as he tried to breathe calming breaths before he starts hyperventilating. Suddenly the room just became a blur and Hojo almost fell down.

"Well.." Kagome almost pulled a Sesshomaru and smirked when her all too lovely mate decided at that exact moment to stride silently into the room. Kagome knew that Hojo didn't know of his sudden appearance because there was no way for him to sense her mate's aura.

Sesshomaru stood in front of his family as he faced the pathetic boy and finished his mate's sentence,

"This is because she is the birth mother to all of them."

Hojo suddenly snapped up at his voice and jumped back in surprise and pointed an accusing finger, "YOU! What are you doing here?!" Hojo was starting to feel incredibly ill...

"This is my home."

Hojo blinked and seconds later he began laughing hysterically while six pairs of eyes glared holes into his head, "Hahaha! That's funny! For a second I thought you were actually serious! This is Kagome-san's home!" Hojo clutched his stomach and almost doubled over as he continued to laugh at Sesshomaru.

"You will show me respect in this home you pathetic human." Sesshomaru glared and took a step forward as Hojo instinctively took a step back as he saw claws begin to grow from regular looking fingernails and glow green, permeating a strange looking mist.

"YOUR home? Kagome-san, you have to tell this guy that this is your home!" Hojo crossed his arms and smirked as he expected his lovely Kagome to back him up on this.

"Hojo, this is his home too, he lives here." Kagome crossed her own arms and cocked her hip out and placed a hand upon it. Sesshomaru took Kagome by the waist and pulled her closer to him. "Mate, I think it's time you have dropped your disguise and show him your true form." Sesshomaru softly spoke to the miko-dog demon to his side. Kagome nodded and took a step forward towards Hojo, never breaking eye contact.

"Hojo, understand," Kagome took a step forward and her chopsticks fell out of her hair to allow the cascading of her raven locks to grow down towards her knees, "I am not yours," her eyes turned golden and Hojo gasped, taking a large step back as the female began to approach him, "I will never be your's", her height grew a few inches, her curves became fuller, and upon her creamy forehead a purple crescent appeared for all to see, "get it through your thick. skull. I have never been interested." An amused smirk adorned her features as her transformation finished.

Hojo's eyes widened. "K-Ka-Kagome! You have been bewitched! A spell! Magic! Evil magic! SORCERY!" Hojo sputtered as his eyes rolled back and he fell back on his ass as the whole Taisho family surrounded him. Hojo drowsily opened his eyes to find Sesshomaru standing over him.

"She has not been bewitched you pathetic human. She is a demon." Sesshomaru sneered in disgust and kicked Hojo's leg. His eyes narrowed as he finished, "She is my mate, my wife."

"Your- Your...WIFE?!"

This was it, Hojo finally blackened out and fell down on the floor.

Seconds passed by before anyone decided to do anything. "Ryo, go fetch a maid, tell them there is a mess that needs to be cleaned up..."

"Yes Father." Ryousuke bowed respectfully before heading out the library to find someone who would be willing to assist in touching the human boy.

"...so...do you think it worked?" Kagome questioned the silver haired male at her side and was rewarded with a smirk.

"We shall soon find out my mate...we shall soon find out..."


"Anyone care to tell us what just happened?" Himeno finally asked as Hojo was dragged out the room by two of the maids, both of which who had protective gloves covering their hands.

Himeno was rewarded with a laugh from Kagome as she lead her family out of the library and into the hallway.

A/N: So..? What did you guys think? I know, I know, it ended so abruptly but I was actually thinking of creating a Part III. Review and let me know your thoughts/ideas/what you thought/ what you want to know more about. I love messing with Hojo...he's such a pathetic human. I'm so glad I got around to finally writing a sequel to the first part :)

As always you can always follow me on Twitter and get updates on new and upcoming works! at "WindPretear".

Until next time loves!
