Hello, and welcome to another Red Dawn. I'm sorry for not updating in a while. Hope you continue to enjoy these fics. Also, if there are any artists that are reading my fics, then I humbly request a potential cover for these fics.
Disclaimer: I do not own Kim Possible, Resident Evil, Parasite Eve, and any other game or movie that has vampires, werewolves or other games. This fic was co-written with shadowwriter329, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't own Kim Possible either, unless he really does have and writes fanfiction for fun.
-Red Dawn-
The next morning Kim groaned as she got up. She felt a bit of pain in her bottom half and remembered what happen yesterday. She was glad she took the next step with Ron, even if another girl was there as well. She blushed as she remembered how Tara licked her to organism while she was riding Ron cowgirl style. She shook her head to get rid of those thoughts.
Then she went to the dinning room and sat down thinking. What were they going to do now? They had not leads and everything that has happen has changed. Time pass and before she knew it everyone else was up and at the table. Tara had a lip to her walk and she sighs happily as she sat down. Even with the dressing down Kim gave her Tara was still happy she was with Ron. Even if Kim was the girlfriend she knew with this virus she could join in more. They ate what they could find in the, mostly cereal and toast while Ron fired eggs and bacon.
After they got done did the Kimmunicator beeped. Kim answered and a familial voice said, "Kim Possible, we need to talk."
"Who are you?" Kim asked, as the man himself was still a mystery. She only knew that he knew Bonnie.
"Someone that's trying to own up to past mistakes. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and someone modified vampirism to summon hell." The man was being a mystery as he refused to give information. Kim was just getting annoyed, "Look, just give us your name. How do we know we can trust you."
"I lead you to the Stigma, and while it has a three day effectiveness, it is a cure. Unfortunately, a full cure is nearly impossible period, and the only person other then me that knows this virus is Andrew Ryans, currently calling himself Dracula, the bastard." This was a surprise. The man calling himself Dracula knew about this, "You're saying that Andrew Ryans caused all of this?"
"Yes miss Possible, and everything is working to his plan. There is some hope, and that's what I'm trying to do. I'm going to leave the Highschool and see if I can't find a means of escape. There's also something for her in the garden." The line was disconnected afterwards. They stared at the blank screen in surprise. "I am guessing we are heading out to the high school?" asked Joss. "And maybe track down the varmint that keeps calling us."
"I think it is a good idea," Kim replied. "We might be able to find something or someone there."
Bonnie got up and went to the back door. The other followed her with Yori asking, "What are you doing Bonnie-san?"
"He said there is something in the garden. That mean he left it here and since he seem to know my family or at least me and my mom then I will know where to even look."
The back yard was fairly sized with a nice flower bed all the way around with a nice area with different plants with some table, chairs and a fountain. She decided to check their first before trying to search the flower bed and notice something glinting in the fountain.
She grabbed it from the water and lifted it up. It was a gold color metal shaped like part of a shield with a lion roaring on it. She raised an eyebrow at it but showed it to the other anyway. They had no clue what it was or what they could use it for. Even though they decided that the man went though all the trouble for them to have it they might as well keep it.
They gathered their gear and left the house. "Okay the school is not that far but if we hurry we should make it with out running into any trouble." They then gathered their clothes and left the house. Yori was curious as to why they were looking for him, "I am most curious as to who this man is, and how did he come to know you?" Kim nodded before explaining some of the events that led them to Bonnie's house in the first place. Yori was finally brought up to speed as she nodded. "It seems that you all have gone through a difficult ordeal."
"You're telling me ninja-girl. I've been bitten, and some weirdo seems to know me." Bonnie said as she walked, and took another look at the picture she found in the suitcase. She felt stronger, and calmer looking at it. Tara and Ron then noticed something on Bonnie's face.
"Are you crying?" Ron asked, causing her to feel her eyes, and the tears that started to form. "I'm fine Ron, I just feel like I know this man. I know this is just going to get weirder, but I really do feel like I know him." They didn't have that many mutant animals to deal with, and they finally came to the Middleton High School. It was completely different from how it was almost a week ago. There were people, mostly women, doing all guarding with guns or moving various pieces of furniture, such as beds, into the school itself. Yori looked at it before turning to the group, "I am still confused with how America does things, but is this normal?"
Bonnie snorted "No it is not. Must be a gang here. Seeing as most of the infected down there are female I say it is Myrrah."
Kim looked around the place. She noticed several snipers on the roof and she thought she spotted one of the cheerleaders going inside. "So how do we do this, try and sneak in or try and go in to talk to Myrrah?"
"Why talk?" Tara asked.
"Our friends in the cheer squad is here so maybe we can talk to Myrrah instead of having any trouble."
"But what if she is like Grimmjaw or worst Dracula?" Ron asked unsure of how this could go.
Kim shook her head, "They did help stop the attack on the GJ base and if Dracula hates her then it helps use."
"I do not know if this is the case of 'an enemy of my enemy is my friend', cause I am sure Grimmjaw and Dracula are hating each other." Bonnie said. "But they do have supplies and weapon and that strange guy and we have no other lead so we do not have much choice."
Kim nodded and told them to wait as she started ahead alone. Kim walked forward with her hands in the air, since the snipers were noticed. It was then that they seemed to talk with each other, and one of the guards walked forward. She had semi-long brown hair and was quite attractive with a perfect three sizes as well, "You're Kim Possible correct?" Kim wasn't as surprised since she went around saving the world a lot, but she still stayed on guard.
"Yes, that is my name. My friends and I came here looking for someone, and we think that Myrrah might be able to help us look for this person. This person seems to know this virus better then anyone, but we want to get the answers straight from his mouth." The young woman nodded as she then grabbed a radio and told the others to let the group through. She then turned to Kim and said, "My name is Beatrix. You and you're group are allowed to enter. We're still setting things up, but if you need some rest, blood, and food then you may. I've also sent Liz to speak to Mistress Myrrah for an audience. I personally hope you'll join us though." Kim was unsure of that, but she and Beatrix made the traditional sign for coming over to the rest. Ron, Bonnie, Yori, Tara, and Joss followed up inside the school, meeting up with Kim. Kim, Tara, and Bonnie saw a face they hoped had gotten out, "Crystal!" They called, getting her attention. She stopped what she was doing, directing a fairly large bed into a classroom, before noticing them. "Kim, Bonnie Tara! It's great to see you here!" Crystal practically gave them a hug. "I know, but why are you dressed like that?" Crystal was wearing a robe like cloak that was a redish brown with a lowered hood. From when she hugged them they notice all she had underneath was just sock shoes and sexy lingerie. She smirked and did a twirl, which showed off her lingerie and figure. "It is what almost everyone wears when in the base, even the guards when not on duty. It is also easy to get out of for when we are mating." She then shot a smirk at them, "anyone of you interested?"
Kim quickly shook her head of the thought that just came into her mind, "Not now Crystal, we are here to find clue of someone and maybe talk to Myrrah."
"Well how about I show you around before I take you to her." Crystal said which they agreed to. They started down the hall. "Most of the classrooms are not areas when people can sleep with guard working outside. We have everyway into the school either blocked, trapped, monitored or guarded.
"We keep the weapon in easy reach for guard stations so they can act o a moments notice. All medic, food and blood are kept safe but rationed as we do not know when we will be in short supply."
"Hey Crystal, what is Myrrah like?" Tara asked.
Crystal smiled, "Mistress Myrrah is not like the others she does not care for power or control but recreation. She wants to make a 'genetically ideal world' as she puts it with those infected. We are building a way to survive for we fear no help will be given. She work with us and while tough on some stuff she is a better leader then say Dracula or Grimmjaw."
They were quite as they pass through another hallway. They could hear the sound of people having sex and most doors were open and they took a peek in them. Some had room with couples in different positions. They pass one with three girls fucking one guy on his back on the bed. One room had an orgy of at least nine girls going at it. They notice them passing and some winked at the girl while other gave a dome hither motion wit their fingers and smirks on their faces. Kim blushed and looked ahead, and notice Crystal mouth later to one of them. Yori had to pull Tara with them as she tried to go in as they walked by.
"Well…everyone seems…excited," muttered Kim as they finally left the hall.
Crystal giggled, yeah but it has been so much fun too, even better with Mistress Myrrah."
They entered through the door to the gym and they found many supplied were brough in to be sorted and moved. Crystal lead them to one of the woman there, "Mistress, Kim's group is here."
Myrrah turned; she was breath taking with golden tan skin and long blond hair she kept in three long brides in the back. Her robe like cloak, white with red trimming, and showed she had simple covering to protect her modesty but did not restrict her movements. Even as they saw her they could tell she was powerful.
Her red eyes stared at them before she gave a smile at Crystal, "Thank you Crystal; now why not help the others get things set up while I talk to them."
She gave Crystal a kiss on the cheek before said girl moved to do was she was told. Myrrah looked at Kim, "Kim Possible, I have been waiting to meet with you face to face. I have heard so much about you, Bonnie and Tara as well. Forgive me I do not know the rest but I do believe we have much to talk about."
"I guess we do, but why do you think that this virus will help you create a utopia?" Kim asked as Myrrah looked at her before she answered, "It has only sped up human evolution, making the meekest of lambs into mighty lions. I believe the man you are looking for might have said that." This got the gang's attention as she said this.
Bonnie then asked, "I know you know about Kim, Tara, and I from the cheerleaders, but can you tell us anything about him?" Myrrah smiled sweetly at the question. "He told me of you as he rebuffed my advances. I could feel the power radiating from him, even greater then my own." This was a bit of a shock to them. She was an incredibly attractive woman that most men wouldn't resist, and she told them he refused her outright.
"Can you give us a description?" Yori asked as Myrrah smiled and gave them a description, "He was tall, but not to tall, broad shouldered, with some grey hairs in his brown head, and a goatee with a mustache. He had brown eyes, much like Miss Rockwaller. He was a very handsome man, and he radiated power that naturally far surpassed my own. He spoke of his lover and daughters, two of which were 'misguided' and felt entitled to the world, but the youngest seemed more like him, humble and thankful for what she had." Bonnie unconsciously grabbed the picture and looked at it. Myrrah became curious and asked to look at the picture. Bonnie agreed, and Myrrah's eyes widened, "That's him! This is an exact picture of the man!" They all stared at the picture wondering just who that man is. Bonnie was thinking of what Myrrah said about the man. What the man talked about and how he seems to know her. She filled in the pieces before she muttered, "dad?"
Kim heard her as she also made the connection. She turned to Myrrah, "Look do you have any idea where he went too?"
Myrrah shook her head, "I am afraid not. He gave me know information of where he might be heading to next. He mentioned how something big was going to happen and how this city lockdown and quarantine would make thing worst." She smiled at all of them, "Now I am sure you are all tired, why not rest her a while. You are well protected here and can rest easily. Fell free to have our medics look you over and drink some blood. It would do no good for anyone if you go into a rage of blood lust."
They thought about it and figure they could use some supplies and some blood. "Thank you for your offer. We will not take much for you guys and after calling a friend we will be on our way." Kim said.
Myrrah nodded and led the way. A trip to another classroom they found, "Zita!" cried Ron seeing the girl drink a bag of blood.
The old ticket girl looked at Ron and waved before she finishes the bag, "Hey Ron, what bring you guys here?"
"We were trying to find some guy that might know about this virus attack." Ron said as Myrrah gathered bag of blood from the refrigerated creates. They did not see her hand glow slightly as she gathers the blood.
The gang took the blood Myrrah offered and started to drink, with sighs of satisfaction heard. As they drank they started to get a little tired. They then heard Myrrah said. "Now just relax and drink your fill. We have plenty to offer to friends. You are safe here and have nothing to fear." As they finish they looked at v as she seemed to glow slightly, "Rest now, you need your rest for your mission ahead."
The gang had trouble keeping their eyes open before they knew what happen they slumped to the floor asleep. Myrrah put her hand forward and they lifted up from the ground and into the air. Even Rufus who floated asleep from Ron's pocket join them. Zita looked at her mistress, "Will they be alright mistress?"
Myrrah smiled at her and rubbed her check with her free hand. Zita leaned into it with a happy sigh and eyes close as Myrrah answered, "Of course my dear. I just need to check if they would be perfect to join us."
Myrrah took them to a medic wing and wait as the doctor scanned over them and checked them out. She worked slow and made sure she did not miss anything. The doctor was a tall woman that was lean built with blond hair with two braids from the side to the neck. She turned to Myrrah who was waiting.
"They are in peek form mistress and each one has different powers." She point to each on as she listed them off. "The older red head has powers over strong shield that protect anyone inside them. The male has power over poison attacks. The blond girl has healing powers. The one that the man was talking about has powers over fire. The younger red head had abilities to scan for weaknesses. The Japanese girl has powers over stealth and can hide perfectly in little darkness. They also are barely scratching the surface with their powers. They also have abilities to shift as well, though the older red head has already done so.
I check am they are reaching peek of their libido and the male older red head and blond has already mated at least once and the other might not be that far behind. Like many others they have little problem on gender of their partner when they reach that point."
Myrrah smiled, "All of them are powerful and are perfect for our cause. Even the male is a worthy one. I will speak with them when they awaken and will try and persuade them to join. If anything I might convince them to be allies." She smirked at another thought, "With some help from the girl they might think about mating here and want to stay but like everyone here the choice is there."
Myrrah left the room, as her power will keep them sleeping for a few good hours. She found the other cheerleaders as well as Zita. "Girls, we have a few hours till our guest wakes up. Let use go and play a while till they awaken. Maybe they will want to join in afterwards." Myrrah said, as she entered a empty room with a large bed and took off her robe.
The girls smiled and followed here, throwing off their robes as well, and posed sexily for their mistress, "Of course Mistress." They said as one. Hours had passed, and Bonnie was the first to flutter her eyes opened. "Ugh, my head. What happened?" She asked as she rubbed massaged the temples of her head from the headache. It was a strange sensation before she noticed everyone else was still asleep. She then started to push and try to wake everyone up, and Ron was the second to wake up, "Morning Bon-Bon." Ron then quickly grabbed his aching head as everyone else also started to wake. "I feel aweful." Joss said as she started to get up. Tara was also curious as to where they were, "Where are we?"
"I'm more interested in what happened, Tara." Kim said as she also had questionsThey looked around, and thankfully, their clothes and weapons were in reach. The door opened and Myrrah stepped in with Liz, Hope, Jess, Crystal, and Marcella. "I apologize for delaying and keeping you here for a time, but there is a bit more to discuss for all of you." She said, getting everyone's attention. "Okay about what?" Kim asked, "How did we even get in to this room?"
Myrrah smiled at them, "I believe the rush of fresh blood after going for so long with out any took a toll with your tired condition and simply could not stay awake anymore. I had you moved here and had our best medic check you over to make sure you are in fine health.
"I wish to ask for you to join us. Our goal of a perfect world cannot be gained with out help. Your group is highly skilled and have abilities we look for and can help save this world."
"We already save the world," Kim said. "But we can not join. We are looking for a cure and it might not work well with your ideas."
"I do not believe there is a cure but I am not one to force you. At least see use as your allies. I can give you anything you all like while here, a safe place to rest, supplies and even…" she got closer to the group, "A save place for mating."
Myrrah got a small smirk as she saw the group stiffen. She noticed how Ron shot a few look at some of the girls like Kim, Tara and Yori. Tara seemed to moan softly as if fighting the urge to strip herself and start fucking the first person she could reach. Even Kim blushed and could not look Myrrah in the eyes. "We have plenty of willing and eager women to satisfy your needs. They really do not know when to say no when someone asks."
"I guess we could take you up on the offer of friendship, but we really want to find a cure." Kim said as she and the others stood up. Myrrah smiled sadly, but said nothing against it. "Take as long as you need to rest, and return when you need to. It's dangerous out there with the mutant animals and the wilder infected. This is one of the safest places in Middleton, though we are still preparing rooms outside of mating and eating." Kim got the general idea, as did most. Ron was the only one confused before Bonnie pointed it out, "With all the infected on a sex high, do you really think that there weren't going to be kids?"
"Oh, I guess that's true." Ron said as Kim, Yori, Tara, and Joss thought of children. Myrrah smiled and giggled as they started down the halls, "Yes, we are preparing rooms for any offspring that are born. I hope to find a man much like that wanderer to produce a child with as well." They managed to get some weapons and gear and were ready to look for him. They'd have to ask around among the infected, but it wasn't like they didn't have a lot of information on where to go. They headed for one of the guarded exits, but were stopped as Myrrah said, "Wait, I must tell you something." They looked at her before she took a deep breath, "The powers you posses because of the virus are many, and you are only scratching the surface of what you can do. The man you're looking for would have many powers learned. I wish you luck, and Ronald, I think the girls wouldn't mind seeing you again." Some of the cheerleaders had given him a sultry wink when she finished that statement. "Well, that was strange," Bonnie muttered before she added, "At least we got some supplies out if it. Although I think if we hit a rough spot we it might be better to come here again."
"I agree," Yori said. "Most helpful even though we declined their offer."
"Myrrah seems like the kind of lady that gets people to follow her on free will, not tricks or fear." Kim said. "You saw how some of our friends talked about her, like she's the best."
"So what now?" Ron asked as Rufus squeaked in agreement.
Just then the Kimmunicator beeped, Kim answered and saw Wade, "Go Wade,"
"I have bad news; Dr Director Sam and Barid were captured. I was able to track a single for help before it went dead. I scan the area and there are three military grade jammers in the area near there. It blocks all but short wave radio. I won't even be able to talk to yeah through the Kimmunicator. I can set it to scan the area to the fine the scanners, take them out and you sound find where they are being held."
"How is someone able to even get military gear inside for infected to use?" Ron asked.
"Most likely the guys behind this virus." Kim answered as the Kimmunicator was set to find the scanners. The location wasn't nearby, but they could find it easily, and it led them near Kim's part of the neighborhood. It was definitely another testament as to how it was a horror show. "Wow, they are packing some serious gear." Ron said as they looked at the site. It was a camp that looked like one part fortress and one part biohazard camp with various people that had a strange NG logo on their outfits. "I think I found them partners, and someone else." Joss said as they looked to find Barid, Sam, Dr. Director, and the very man they were looking for being escorted into the camp.
"That's the guy we're looking for, daddy." Bonnie said with the last part in a hushed tone. Kim knew that this would be more personal for Bonnie then anyone else.
"Tomadachi, I believe we will need to scout around the base and plan for a solution to rescue them."