A/N: During a certain meet-up with Scott-la on the Westerblog forum, someone asked what Dr. Barlow's loris's name was. Scott-la said Ned, just to please the fans. In my mind, this is how the name can be canon. Please enjoy and review!

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Deryn and Alek were being yelled at by Volger. Again. The count had burst into Alek's hotel room, holding Bovril and Dr. Barlow's loris by the scruffs of their necks. He'd thrown the lorises onto the bed and started yelling.

"If I find either of these abominations in my room again," he was now shouting, "I'll strangle them both! Bovril is bad enough, making me hungry whenever I see it, but Ned here—"

"Wait, wait, wait," Alek interrupted. "Ned?"

Volger rolled his eyes. "Yes; it's much easier to say than 'Dr. Barlow's loris'."

"Aye, but why Ned?" Deryn asked.

"It stands for Nora's Exasperating Domestic Beastie," the Wildcount explained.

"Shouldn't that be Nedb?" Alek snickered.

"The B is silent," Volger growled.

After that, Alek and Deryn were laughing too hard to hear him yelling at them.

A/N: Sorry it's so short. Hope you liked it anyway. Please review!