A/N: Hey guys, so this is my second attempt at my fanfic, Heisted, because I looked over the previous two chapters that I wrote and I REALLY didn't like them… at all. So consider this a new beginning with the same story line. Just wanted to say this in case of any confusion. Thanks to everyone who read my previous chapters, (don't be mad please!) and those who followed/are following my story: A Dark Dreamer, GenBou93, Heimarmene, and ValeriaAnne. Special thanks to ValeriaAnne for giving me my very first review!

Disclaimer: Inception belongs to Christopher Nolan

"Aren't you a little too young to be in here, missy?" A man with whiskers and tattered clothing leered at Ariadne through bloodshot eyes. The petite girl had to try very hard not to cringe away from the crude man whose personal hygiene could've been a lot better than it was. She quickened her pace towards the other end of the bar as the man chuckled while giving her body a once over. There were plenty of bars nearer to her apartment that were cleaner with a more civilized crowd, but she wasn't in the mood to go mix with the classier people at the high end bars. Besides, she would no doubt run into a few of her classmates and friends in one of those bars, and she really didn't want to see any of them right now. Not that she was mad at them, Ariadne just felt… disconnected, distant from them. She didn't want to hear them talk about pointless subjects that used to interest her like boys or celebrity gossip, or even the newest architectural wonders in the world. Ever since the Fischer Inception, she had lost interest in such naïve and simple subjects. Screw that, her friends were all naïve and simple. They had no true understanding of the world, not in the way that she did. She wanted to forget about her old university life when she believed that the world was all in black and white. She came here to forget, not to party with her friends. Besides, the bar would've triggered memories of certain people, whom she definitely wanted to forget. Older men who could afford to buy several drinks in the classy bars and clubs. Men who could pull off suits and collared shirts and not look like their bodies were swallowed up by these items of clothing. Men who knew that the world wasn't in black and white, who understood the evils and toils of the world. Men who were well muscled and could wield a gun naturally and were sophisticated. Men who could pull off the biggest heist in the world and still walk away as if nothing had ever happened.

Damn it. She'd come here to forget.

She ordered a shot of vodka from the scruffy bartender who'd barely noticed her courtesy to the poker game on the TV in one corner of the dingy, small bar.

Ariadne didn't fit in with her peers- she was too changed. She didn't fit in with the sophisticated men- she wasn't changed enough. There was no way for her to go. She couldn't just slip quietly and easily into her old, normal life. That seemed a thousand years ago. She couldn't become part of the men's group, she was still an university student.

The bartender set down her shot of vodka and Ariadne snatched it away and downed it, feeling in the pleasurable burn of the alcohol down her throat.

She came here to forget dream sharing and pure creation.

Another shot.

She came here to forget the nightmares. Those gut wrenching, vomit triggering nightmares that left her in cold sweat every night.

Another shot.

She came here to forget how the men had walked out of her life without leaving a phone number for her to call, without even a backward glance.

Another shot.

She came here to forget Limbo, and all its beauty and destruction.


She came here to forget,


Cobb, Fischer. Mal.



Faintly, she heard the tinkling sound of glass breaking as she slapped down some money for the bartender before wandering out of the bar and into the cool night. She barely felt herself throw up in the gutter, then call for a taxi. The ride back to her apartment was a blur. The driver kept saying stuff in rapid French, but she was beyond caring. She tripped on her way up the staircase in her apartment building and as soon as the door closed behind her, she passed out against the wall.

Reviews are much appreciated!