Snack Patrol

Chapter 1: More Employees from the Past

It's the year 3012, in Planet Express it was a typical day for its employees, a certain Professor Farnsworth had news that three new employees would be joining them, everyone at the Planet Express were at a meeting with the Professor.

"Good news everyone" said Professor Farnsworth, "three knew employees from Fry's own century will be joining us as employees."

"And just what poor souls decided to crawl out of the freezer this time?" asked Bender as he had an open beer with him.

"I'll like to introduce ourselves to Dib and Gaz Membrane" said Hermes.

"Yes, both were frozen by their father at age 25, about Fry's age" continued Professor Farnsworth.

"I can't believe I got talked into this" said Gaz as she came into the room with her brother and their father Professor Membrane.

"I decided to take this as an opportunity to show my son here that not all aliens are bad" added Professor Membrane.

"It'd be good to have another smart individual besides me working around here" laughed Professor Farnsworth.

"Well, at least on the plus side I won't have to hear about Zim anymore or the Irken Empire" said Dib.

"Oh, I am afraid you're quite wrong at least on the Irken Empire, for you see, our Earth President had signed a treaty with the Irken Empire to giving them snacks as part of our tribute providing that they won't invade us" added Professor Farnsworth.

"When did this happened?" asked Dib.

"When you were released from your frozen chamber" added Dr. Zoidberg.

But Dib would soon be wrong about not meeting up with Zim again, for Zim hadn't grown an inch and decided it would be best to conquer Earth at another time and century so long as there was no Dib in that century. At least a thousand years had passed which the Irken had frozen himself, which his Computer ended up releasing him.

"All done!" laughed Gir who was waiting all those years beside Zim.

"Gir, what year is this?" asked Zim.

"3012!" laughed Gir, "I have been sitting here all this time!"

"Please, take him out, you don't know what he's been doing" said the Computer which was fed up with Gir.

"Time to greet the Tallest" said Zim.

Indeed the Irken was going to get a surprise of his life, both the Red and Purple Tallest were also surprised to finally receive contact from Earth itself.

"Greetings my dear Tallest" said Zim.

"Zim, it's been how long as it been?" asked the Red Tallest.

"A thousand years" laughed the Purple Tallest.

"Yea, so what brings you here?" asked the Red Tallest.

"Tallest, since that Earth monkey Dib no longer exists by default, I have decided you can send in your Armada now to wipe out Earth's defenses" said Zim.

"Uh, you haven't heard of our treaty with Earth?" asked the Red Tallest.

"See, Zim, we have decided Earth isn't worth it to conquer, we're stretched too much" continued the Purple Tallest.

"So having Earth giving us snacks as tribute as the next best thing we can think of" continued the Red Tallest.

"But, I spent my entire life here trying to conquer Earth, I'm an Invader!" cried Zim.

"Sorry Zim, until something comes up with the treaty itself being void, well have a nice day" said the Red Tallest.

"And don't worry, we'll ship a sandwich to you" laughed the Purple Tallest.

Zim then screams quite loudly throughout his base which could be heard across the globe and eventually to Planet Express where its employees were still in a meeting.

"What, was that an echo?" asked Bender who heard Zim's cry.

"Who cares" said Professor Farnsworth, "we have been delivered an opportunity to help ship snacks to the Irken Empire capital!"

"What, I'm going to join you going to my former enemies' capital?" asked Dib.

"Yes, this would be a fine experience to show you that even a marauding alien empire like the Irkens can be civilized" continued Professor Farnsworth.

"I'm going too" added Gaz.

"Oh yes, I couldn't agree more, we're just receiving one more guest who'll arrive at any minute" added Professor Farnsworth.

Indeed that guess was an Irken that Dib had long encountered before, Tak was approaching Planet Express, as she entered the building it was rather a dump of a place.

"Great, this is the company that'd send my empire its tribute?" asked Tak.

"Madame Ambassador" said Hermes as he noticed her entrance, "come follow me, everyone's waiting for you."

As Hermes took Tak to the meeting, Dib gasped in surprise to finding Tak with Hermes.

"Tak?" cried Dib as he noticed her, "You look, eh, taller."

"Yes" said Tak, "and I have been appointed as the Ambassador to Earth from the Irken Empire."

"So, you two know each other?" asked Professor Farnsworth.

"Apparently yes, she tried to take over the world one time" added Dib.

"Well the title of Invader for the planet Earth is now invalid" continued Tak, "I have been assigned to ensure you Earthlings pay tribute in snacks to the Irken Empire."

"Do you think Zim's going to be upset if he is alive?" asked Gaz.

Indeed, Zim was already upset over the Tallest revoking his Invader title against Earth. He was screaming his head off still in his base while tearing it apart.

"I can help you give information who else doesn't like the treaty on Earth" said the Computer.

"What, and be an ally with them?" cried Zim.

"Hey, it works if you make the treaty void between the Irken Empire and Earth, they'll have no choice but to put you as the Invader again" continued the Computer.

"Ha, Computer, show me who is the one that's upset on this planet as much as I am" continued Zim.

As the Computer did its search it showed the picture of Mom and MomCorp.

"Mom who runs MomCorp had once a monopoly over the snack industry on Earth, but now she's losing profit because of the treaty, she'll have no choice but to submit" continued the Computer.

"Gir!" said Zim.

"Yes?" asked Gir.

"We're going on a trip to visit this Mom" continued Zim.

"Oh boy, I get to visit a mommy!" laughed Gir.

As the Irken was prepared to hunt for an ally, Planet Express was prepared to make its first delivery of snacks to the Irken capital not knowing what may happen next should Zim find out that Dib is still around.