This is my first Teen Titans fanfic, so I hope you guys like it! This chapter is mainly from 'Lightspeed'.

There is a picture of Reina/Rouge on my deviantart account:
winxluv101 . deviantart . com

Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans

All of the H.I.V.E Five were in their hideout plotting what to do next:

Gizmo, Billy Numerous, and See-More were playing video games, Mammoth was raiding the fridge, and on the couch was Kyd Wykkyd with his arm around Reina, also known to her friends as Rouge.

Okay, Jinx was the only one plotting.

"Can't you guys do anything!" she yelled at them.

"Well, I can beat Gizmo's butt at race car drivin', does that count?" See-More said as he crossed the finish line first.

"No fair," Gizmo whined angrily, "I wanna rematch!"

"I do too!" Billy said just as angrily.

"So do I!" another Billy said.

"Don't forget me!" another Billy said.

"SHUT UP!" They all went quiet as Mammoth feel back on to the couch and relaxed.

"Now," Jinx started more calmly, "Gizmo, show them the paper."

"Yeah yeah, whatever," Gizmo brought up a wide screen shot of a newspaper article.

"There is a priceless jewel opening at the museum. I want it. Who's with me?"

"I wanna steal stuff!" Gizmo said as he rubbed his hands together evilly.

"Me too!" Billy said.

"I bet ya I could steal more," another Billy said.

"No I will."

"No I will!"

Jinx slapped her forehead and it slid down her face.

At the museum.

Gizmo is hanging from the ceiling disarming the lasers while the other wait.

"Well Gizmo?" Jinx whispered.

"Easy. The security system stinks," Gizmo says as he turns back around and types the buttons again. "Check it out." They all watched as the lasers disappeared.

Jinx, Billy Numerous, See-More, Mammoth, Kyd Wykkyd and then Rouge all jumped down from the ceiling.

"Gold, jewels, priceless artifacts; way better than the mall," Jinx said as she looked around and smiled. "H.I.V.E Five, rob 'em blind! Rouge, you help me get the jewel." Rouge nodded and they each ran to different part of the museum.

Mammoth ripped off the top off a mummy's coffin as See-More used his eye to cut the glass with a laser. Mammoth took off the 'shirt' of the mummy.

"Hey See-More, does this make me look fat?"

"No way Mammoth, it makes you look rich," he turned to notice Kyd Wykkyd staring at a snake staff, "Need an eye, Kyd Wykkyd?"

Kyd shook his head and lifted his arm, making a small void in the glass. Using his other arm, he grabbed the staff, pulled it out and closed the void.

Billy Numerous was looking at the mummy jars, "Ooooh we! Them some fancy jars!"

"I agree," another copy of him said, "I believe these should be the property of Billy Numerous!"

Then there were four Billys, "Start grabbin'!"

They each took a jar and looked up at Jinx and Rouge who were looking at them strangely.

"You know what they put it those things, don't you?" Jinx asked rudely, "Mummy guts."

One of the Billys took a top of one jar off and they all looked inside. When they looked in, a second later they all shuddered and replaced the lid. Rouge and Jinx walked over to a small, glass display with a ruby necklace.

"This is what I came for," Jinx said as Rouge waved her hand over it, cleanly opening the glass by its corners.

Jinx smirked at it as See-More interrupted, "Wait, isn't that necklace supposed to bring good luck? And if you're all about the bad luck-"

"It's just a dumb legend," Jinx said snidely as she pushed him away and started walking towards the exit. Rouge delicately reached into a glass display and, using her cape, made a void like Kyd and pulled out a golden stringed diamond necklace.

"Let's go, Rouge," Jinx called to her. Rouge looked from under her hood and started to walk towards the exit along with the others. Kyd showed her the staff and they both smiled as she looked at it. She held up the necklace and he nodded with approval.

"Whoa, diamonds!" Gizmo tried to grab them, but Rouge held out her hand, pushing his face backwards.

"Come on, Rouge! You gotta share! And by share, I mean give them to me!" Rouge shook her head quietly as she thumped him on the forehead and continued to walk. Jinx opened the doors to the museum loudly as they all walked out.

Suddenly, there was a quick flash of color.

"Whoa! Did you see that!" See-More said. The flash came back and took Billy and See-More's stolen goods, leaving them in a daze.

Next, it took Kyd's staff and Gizmo's pots. Gizmo spun around and Kyd's staff was replaced with a stick. The flash came again and took Mammoth's treasure and pantsed him, revealing his cherry underpants. Lastly, when it came back, it took Rouge's necklace and Jinx's necklace and replaced them with roses.

Jinx and Rouge looked down at the flowers in confusion as the alarm sounded, "Run!" Jinx yelled as soon as she was out of the daze. They all quickly ran back to their headquarters.

"That was a fail," Rouge thought as she took off her cape and hung it up, allowing her very light purple hair to fall in her face once again.

Like Kyd Wykkyd, Rouge couldn't speak with her mouth, but she could speak with her mind. People around her can hear her thought words.

"I know!" Jinx screamed angrily.

"What's with the roses?"

"I dunno, but that just means it was a boy." Kyd took the rose from Rouge's hand and made a soft growl as he snapped it in half and made it disappear.

"Ooh! Somebody's jealous," Gizmo teased. Rouge looked him in the eyes and took control over him.

"Slap yourself," she silently commanded him and he did as she said. Suddenly, Gizmo started to slap himself in the face, causing Rouge and Kyd to both smile.

"Come on, get serious, Rouge," See-More said as Billy played a racing game with three other copies of himself. Rouge let go of the control and Gizmo's cheek was left red.

Mammoth went back to raiding the fridge, as usual. Jinx, Rouge, and Gizmo were left trying to find matches of the person who stopped their theft.

"It was probably those crud-munchin' Teen Titans," Gizmo said as the computed analyzed through the pictures.

"It can't be," Jinx said as she watched, "they're still away fighting the Brotherhood of Evil. And Teen Titans East got called back to Steel City."

She looked down at the rose, "I wanna know who did this. I wanna find them and I wanna make them pay." The rose's petals wilted in her finger.

"Somebody has a boyfriend," Gizmo said as he rocked back in forth in his chair. Jinx's eyes started to glow pink and his chair fell apart.


"I heard that!"

"I'm guessing you were meant to," Jinx said as he got back up.

Mammoth started to walk over to them, "So we got busted, big deal. We get busted all the time."

"We didn't just get busted. Whoever did this was just messing with us." Everyone was quiet, and the only noise was Billy making shooting noises with his mouth.

"How do you guys expect the Brotherhood of Evil to take us seriously when this keeps happening!"

"Pff. Brotherhood of Evil," Billy said.

"Yeah, all those old-timers ever talk about is takin' over the world," another Billy said.

"Heh heh, brain in a jar," another Billy said as he laughed.

"Talkin' gorillas," that Billy pretended to walk like a monkey.


"I don't even know why they care about us."

Jinx sighed annoyingly, "Maybe because the Brain thinks that we have potential! I don't even know why I hang around with you nitwits."


"Not you Rouge. You, I'm actually glad to have around." There was a loud siren and a red flashing light. Gizmo turned in his chair and looked at the screen.

Everyone gathered around him, "We got multiple targets. An armored car on Main, 3 jewelry stores, and a taco stand."

"Ooh, I'll take that one!" Mammoth said with excitement and hunger.

"Yee-haw, it's time for crime!" Billy yelled. Rouge and Kyd Wykkyd smiled evilly with their red eyes.

In the night - Kyd Wykkyd and See-More

See-More was floating around in the sky, "I spy with my big ol' eye a truck full of dough!" See-More said as he talked to Kyd through his communicator.

Kyd ran out in front of the truck, causing the truck to swerve, but before it hit him, he disappeared in a shadow. Kyd came out of the back of the truck with bags of money in his arms,

"Pay day!" See-More yelled as soon as he landed. A zoom of color flashed around them, gathering all of the money. Then it surrounded them in a tornado and went over to a lake and slowed down, dropping them into it.

"Um, uh, what just happened?" Kyd shrugged.


Gizmo was walking through an empty store with a shopping cart stacked high with stolen electronics. The flash came to him as well, carrying off all of the items and putting Gizmo into the cart instead.

"What the- Hey! Stop! Help! AHHH!" Gizmo was quickly pushed out of the store and down the street

Billy Numerous

Billy was at a kids' ice hockey game. He knocked down the referee, "Billy Numerous owns the ice!"

Another Billy laughed as he pulled a shirt over a boy's face and hit him with his own hockey stick.

"Looky here, Billy! I stole me one of them, eh,uh, ice sweeper thingies!"

"I'll race ya, Billy!" Suddenly, one of the Billys were shoved into the hockey net by the color flash. The Billys all were eventually all shoved into the same net.


Mammoth walked out of a store with a candy bar. He was about to bite into it, but the color flash quickly stole it.

"I paid for that!" he yelled.

Back at H.I.V.E Headquarters

Everyone was on the couch. All of the Billys had a blanket around them, "W-Who does this guy think he is?" one Billy said as he shivered.

"Where'd he come from?" Gizmo added.

"How do we squash him?" Mammoth added angrily as he crushed a metal plate.

Gizmo was fidgeting with his electronic backpack, "We shoulda stayed home."

"You mean you should've stayed home. Jinx and I were just watching you from your cameras."

"Quiet you." Kyd Wykkyd put his arm protectively around Rouge.

"We should be thanking him," Jinx said. Everyone looked at her oddly.

"Don't you get it? This is our chance to impress the Brotherhood of Evil. We catch this do-gooder and turn him in, we might even get a membership."

"What's wrong with the way things are!" Billy complained.

"Billy's right. We don't need a bunch of old goats gettin' into our bidness," another Billy said.

"Yeah, who needs 'em?" Gizmo asked snidely.

"Suit yourself, but when I'm playing in the big leagues and you're still robbing parking meters, don't ask me for any favors," Jinx said as she headed to the door.

"I might as well come with you. I don't want to be the only girl." Rouge said as she was released from Kyd's grip and put on her cape, hiding her hair and one eye.

She fastened the gem and she held the end of her cape and wrapped it around her and Jinx, teleporting them back to the museum. There were two guards with guns, but the girls simply smirked.

Jinx shot one of them and Rouge shot the other, both with a spell. Rouge pulled off her hood and they both approached the gem necklace again. When they were in front of it, a voice caught there attention behind them.

"Need a little luck?" They both turned to see a teenage boy leaning against a close by pillar.

"It's only a myth. Who're you?"

The boy got off of the pillar and approached them both, "Kid Flash, fastest boy alive."

"Are you supposed to be a good guy or something?" Rouge asked intimidatingly. Kid Flash didn't seem fazed by her not moving her mouth at all.

"One of the best."

"Well? Aren't you gonna take us to jail?"

Kid Flash approached them, "I thought maybe I'd get to know you two first."

I'm gonna cut this chapter right here and continue it in Chapter 2.

Please review!