Author's note: Well hello to anyone who is still out there. It has been years and it is certainly long overdue. But here it is. The chapter all of you guys have been waiting on. I hope that this chapter in terms of writing style is not too different from my last two chapters. Quite honestly, I have not been writing since and I've been out of school for a while too. I know I'm quite rusty and hope you all can bear with me. Well, here it is. Oh, and just so you all know, I now actually have a plotline planned so maybe things will be easier for me to write since the bases are all set up. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: If I owned Jane and the Dragon, I would have made a sequel where my ship ends up together. Luckily this fanfic thing lets me write it out.

To Be True Partners

Chapter 3: Awkward Travels

"Allow me to clarify this task further. Your orders are to pretend to be married when asked in order to scout the land however you two see fit."

"Dragon, you need not worry. I make a promise that Jane will be coming back safe and sound to you. We will be back in no time at all," assured Gunther. "As knights, we must take on this challenge on our own. We will not fail."

"In our travels, we only have each other so we will be sure to support the other. I'll be alright, Dragon. You know me, you can trust me when I say we'll see each other soon. I make that promise to you too," Jane guaranteed.

Jester stood from his seat on the wall and wrapped his arms around Jane in an embrace of a hug. Jane returned the hug without a second thought and would miss her dear friend. A few months, just six, seemed so much longer now. Jane broke of first and waved a good bye as she entered her room, getting ready to leave.

"Welcome, Jane! To my home. Well, I guess our home now, right?" he happily told her.

He stared at her for a while and sighed. He got up and was about to close the door. He glanced once more at her sleeping form on his bed and sighed again. This was going to be a long mission. He could already feel himself acting like a stupid boy in love with a girl. He shook his head, ridding him of the thought of being a couple like their tasked ask of them, and shut the door, leaving Jane to dreamland.

Footsteps could be heard racing through the halls bright and early in the chilly morning. The castle bustling about and the people within going crazy over the upcoming event. It was an event no one had expected so soon that it caught everyone by surprise and an eagerness to see it through as soon as possible.

The air was filled with a pleasant aroma of cuisines from the lone chef's kitchen. Her long black hair seemed to be blowing in the wind but down in her kitchen, it was from her moving at such a speed it was hard to believe it came from such a small woman. Pepper was whipping one dish after another in a frenzy. For such a large event, everything had to be perfect. She would make a feast that would satisfy all those who took even just a bite. And the ingredients used would be top notch quality. Rake would make sure of that. The tall, rather lean man walked down the stairs into her domain with a basket full of colorful and fresh fruits. Just earlier, he had picked beautiful vegetables and even his prized tomato was plucked. He was quite proud of his work and have every right to be as his original compost was working wonders to his garden.

"Pepper," he called out, hoping to stop her restless state. To his worry, she did not respond. "Pepper! Calm down!"

"Oh Rake," she exclaimed. "I simply cannot. It is a very special day and I must prepare meals everyone will enjoy. Will you please taste my stew?"

"What? Oh, you mean sample your cooking?" Rake asked as Pepper nodded, remembering a time when Pepper bit her tongue and could not taste her own food properly. He was wary, but he did so hesitantly.

"Well? How is it? Is it too salty? Perhaps it needs-" she started.

"Pepper, it is wonderful. Just like every dish you make," he complimented with a smile.

She smiled back at him and held his loving gaze, standing there like there was no one else around. As they were lost in each other's eyes, a deep fake sounding cough could be heard from above the stairs. Startled, the two looked up too see their blonde haired and rather muscular friend whose face was covered in black soot. No doubt it was from the fire he was burning for his new project, something circular in a shape of rings. With a small smile, Smithy walked down the steps with his pink pig oinking and running ahead.

"I don't mean to interrupt," he said with a bit of amusement in his voice "but I believe I just heard the prince and princess running around claiming they're back."

"Petal?! Already?! Oh let us go greet them! Rake, Smithy, let us not keep them waiting!"

"Yes, yes! I'm following behind!"

"Come on Pig, let's go find Jester and no doubt Dragon will be excited too," Smithy said to Pig as if the animal would understand. Sure enough, the pig made his way up the steps and to the courtyard oinking excitedly the whole way.

There, Dragon and Jester were already standing by with the prince and princess, eagerly awaiting their best friends return.

Two people rode in and the red head spotted the two flailing their arms to gather her attention. At that, her laughter of excitement turned to snort and she sped faster. Once she arrived, she got off her horse and hugged them both.

"It is so great to see you again dearest Jane. Your flaming red hair is ever so bright, why, we saw it a mile away," Jester joked teasingly as his bells jingled.

"Haha, I shall take that as a compliment, Jester," she laughed as she went to give him a warm hug.

"Well, now that you are back, I suppose we are starting soon then?" Dragon asked as he nuzzled Jane when she turned to him.

"And what is it that we are starting, Dragon?" asked Jane. She could hear her partner nearing, unmounting his horse as she waited for their reply.

It was Princess Lavinia who spoke first. The young lady skipped to Jane from her brothers' side with flowers in her hand. "Why, the wedding of course! Can I be the flower girl, Jane? Oh please of please? I promise I'll practice!"

A pair of green eyes went wide. "And who, Princess, would be getting married?!" Jane cried out in surprise.

She remembered something like this happening in the past many years ago and feared it had repeated itself. As if on cue, everyone all at once confirmed her thoughts. She turned to the man who walked up to her side. She could see his gaze on her, strong but soft. She could see his smile, so rare, so sincere, and directed at her. She could feel his fingers intertwining with hers as he held her hands. It was so strange, so unreal, so…

"You and Gunther are getting married!" they shouted.

It was a dream.

Jane woke up with a start. The early morning sun was shining through a small window of the room she was in. She found herself in an unfamiliar room and on a bed she has never slept on before. She panicked, but only for a moment before she got her bearings and calmly became collected. She remembered that this was the room within Gunther's small cabin they arrived at just the night before. She remembered sitting at the dining table with some apples they had picked out.

It wasn't a dream.

But after that, she remembered riding with Gunther to the castle, where she could smell Pepper's cooking using the plants from Rake's garden. Pepper must have been preparing for a big feast. She could see a bit of smoke coming from Smithy's workshop. He must have been working on another project. She remembered being greeted by her friends, Jester teasing her and missing Dragon. And then she remembered Princess Lavinia skipping towards her with flowers. A scene all too familiar.

What made her turn red from embarrassment was when she remembered more. When she remembered Gunther. The look he had when he faced her, the rare smile directed at her, and then his rough hands that took her own. She could still feel all that.

It was definitely a dream. It just felt too real.

With a groan, the curly red head took the covers and turned over in bed, hiding her face in the pillow. She was doing her best to will her thoughts away. To forget it and push it out of her head. All she wanted to do was just hide and stay in bed. That was when it dawned on her. How did she get to the bed? Did Gunther carry her there? At that thought, she blushed once again. Why didn't he wake her? Did she not wake up when he was near? How did he manage to move her without waking her? Well, knowing him, he probably carried her like a sack of potatoes, over his shoulder and she was in a deep sleep.

She rose and started to the window. From a distance, she made out a small fire outside, seeming to cook some meat. Gathering from the fluffy skin and the bow and arrow beside it, Gunther must have went hunting early in the morning. Looking for Gunther, she noticed a figure of a man swimming close by in the lake. Deciding to greet her partner, she made the bed and made her way to him outside at the edge of the lake. She was watching him do some laps, noticing how defined his back was with each movement.

Wanting to distract herself, she glanced back towards the cabin and noticed the horses were eating their morning feed that Gunther must have prepared for them this morning. She looked at the meat cooking and saw more than just one but two or three more. Only one was being cooked as if it was going to be eaten soon while the others looked like it was being smoked. The smoked meat was probably for them on their travels. Gunther was thinking ahead. It was times like these in which Jane admired that resourcefulness and planning of his.

She then turned back to the lake and saw Gunther staring back at her. Startled, she started to remember her dream where her gaze was on her like it is now. She could feel her face heating up from the thought and looked away from him to hide her flushed skin. That's when she noticed a towel beside her feet. Realization caught up to her that Gunther must be naked. Of course he would be, he's swimming in the lake after all.

"Jane?" he called. "If you are done peaking, hand me my towel and turn away won't you?"

Not trusting her voice, she took the towel and passed it to him while still facing away and closing her eyes. She could hear the water dripping from his body as he reached up to grab it. Then she heard the splash of water as he made his way out of the lake on to land. Yet, he didn't move away from her, surprisingly, she still felt him near. She kept her eyes shut and was hoping he would just walk away.

"Jane?" he called again. "Hold your breath."

"What?" Jane asked confused.

And that is when it happened, as if in slow motion. She felt a small push from behind and herself falling forward. The red head hit the water and broke through under the surface. She felt how cold the water was as it was early morning and had not yet been warming from the sun. That beef brain had pushed her into this cold lake so early in the morning! She started to swim a bit until she was able to stand and that's when she spotted Gunther heading towards the cabin.

"Gunther you donkey!" She screamed. Her clothes were soaked and hair drenched in water. She was fuming and started towards Gunther as he was laughing by the door. "That is not funny! You must have lost your mind! Give me a reason why you don't deserve a good beating from my sword."

In between laughs, Gunther started to tease. "Revenge from yesterday. More so, you deserved that for being a pervert, pig breath."

"Grudge holding dung-weller!" she retorted slightly turning a shade of red. "I was not peaking and now my clothes are soaking wet!"

"Relax Jane. I did you a favor. You were starting to stink."

"I could have jumped in the water on my own without my clothes on at least!" she shouted in which she regretted immediately after thinking over of her words.

Clearing his throat, Gunther turned away in. "Ahem, you can change in the room. There should be spare clothes that I own laying around and a towel for you. And while your clothes dry, we can prepare for our departure this afternoon."

"Yes," she responded quickly, thankful to the change of topic and to making plans. "Yes, I shall do that."

She pushed Gunther aside and made her way into the cabin. There, she went through the drawers and found a large white tunic, probably to go under his armor. She set that aside and found some towels. She glanced at the door and noticed that there was no lock. Jane, a little concerned, took a look outside and saw that Gunther was far by the fire by the meat he was preparing this morning. She quickly decided to undress and dry herself off. The tunic then came over her head and Jane found it to fit like a short dress. When she took his pants, she found them too large and without a rope or sash to tie it tight to her body. Sighing, she thought that was the best until her clothes dry.

Just as she gathered her clothes, Gunther was knocking on the bedroom door. "Dear Jane? Are you done taking your sweet time?"

"Oh shut it biscuit weevil. I'm coming out now."

When the door opened, Gunther was stunned at Jane's appearance. "Jane! Goodness, woman. What are your wearing?!" he exclaimed when all he saw his shirt falling short on her mid-thigh.

"Your shirt obviously as my clothes are soaked. No thanks to you by the way beef-brain," she retorted as she made her way outside to dry her clothes. Of course, she was a little embarrassed but would not give Gunther that satisfaction of seeing her turning red. Little did she know, he was turning the same shade of her hair as she was walking away.

Taking deep breaths, he went to the living room and pulled out a map, awaiting her return. When Jane walked in, she noticed the large map sprayed across the table with a pack of bags and wood bundles on the side. She sat next to him on the only couch in the room looking over the marks Gunther had made.

Gunther felt the seat next to him depress as Jane sat by him. He could see from the corner of his eyes her long pale legs where her thighs and above were covered by his white tunic. Clearing his throat, he kept his focus on the map. Though it was difficult to do as he could feel her slightly damp red hair brush his face as she leaned in to look at the map. He counted to ten in his head and attempted to think of anything else besides the girl in only his shirt beside him. Maybe pushing her in the water was not a good idea but it sure was fun at the time teasing her like that. Now he's getting the tease and sorely regretting it. No, he has to focus on the map just like she is now.

There was a clear picture of a castle on the map which she could only assume was the Kippernia castle as the title was read Kippernian Kingdom on one side of the map. A little close by was the village where Gunther would come from to the castle for his training named Goodwater town. She noticed Dragons' mountain close by and all the trees surrounding the kingdom. And just farther a ways away was a small lake where she saw a hand drawn cabin that was circled. Looking at the map overall, she could see two more kingdoms. One that was on the other side of Kippernian Kingdom that they would need a ship to cross over. And on the opposite side beside that kingdom was a kingdom surrounded by rolling hills covered in green pastures but they must cross a large mountain to get there. Then it goes in a loop to the Kingdom by the seas and back to Kippernian Kingdom.

"Kippernian Kingdom is great and large," started Gunther. "Do you remember from our history lessons why we were so well known? When it started?"

"I remember, our castle was taken by the kingdom by sea," Jane starts.

"Yes, it was called 'The Long Siege' and it was well planned siege at that. The castle took a year to use up all its resources and the invading army was patient, waiting to take over the castle as a strategic foothold. The Royal family had escaped through old tunnel systems beneath the dungeon."

Impressed with Gunther's knowledge, Jane continued. "It was called 'The Great Escape'. All the residents of the castle left in just one night while the castle was looted by invaders. Then the Wilderness Years began where the Royal family lived in exile in the tunnels and plotted their return."

Gunther smiled at the information they both recited from the scrolls of their history lessons. "The next part is your favorite I wager," he said knowingly.

Jane flashes a smile back and finishes the story, "Yes, King Cedric takes over as king after his father's death and swears to recover the castle. He succeeds with John d'Ark, the first knight to the king whom gather supports from the other neighboring kingdom and Sir Theodore who was traveling and allied with Sir John d'Ark."

"The Great Returning King Cedric and Sir Theodore lead an assault on the castle through the tunnels while-"

"While Sir John d'Ark leads the diversionary assault on the main gate and the castle is taken back!" finished Jane in excitement. After calming down, she turned to Gunther who was tracing a path on the map. "Why the sudden history lesson, Gunther?"

He set his inked feather down and looked at Jane. "I think we should scout the present intentions of these two neighboring kingdoms."

Gunther was outside readying the horses for their three day trip to the next village. They had decided together to first scout their ally whom helped them recapture the castle. After the next village would be a two week trip to another village within the kingdom at the base of the mountain. They would then cross the mountain to the village on the other side where they would be in the neighboring kingdom of rolling hills. From there, the intention is to make their way to the castle and seek an audience with the current King and Queen.

It seemed daunting, going through with this plan. Their task was just to explore but Gunther felt they could do so much more. When he brought up his intention to Jane, he was sure she would disapprove. After all, it would be spying and there could be consequences if they were to get caught, not only to them but to their kingdom.

To his pleasant surprise, she proposed the idea of going to their ally first. She felt that even if their intentions were found out, the neighboring ally would be lenient as they were once allies in the past and were known to be a supporter and peaceful. They would also be able to determine if the kingdom would still like to be an ally and start trading with Kippernian. It would help Kippernian grow as a Kingdom, hopefully pull them out of debt in the long run. In present, Gunther's father is doing all the trading and it seems to be by the seas so who knows whom he is trading with. Gunther had mentioned before that he began his own trading business too, around four years ago. But he is still young and new to the trade. He needs to build connections. Unlike his father, however, he wants to be true and fair and support the kingdom and hopefully, he can set something up with their ally kingdom. This would be a great opportunity for him.

Gunther looked to the cabin where Jane was inside, packing provisions for their trip. He could see her move swiftly and quickly. Her red hair lifted as if it was flying whenever she moved from one space to the other. He felt he could watch her all day. He admired how supportive she was to his plan and even added to it. They were civil with each other and when it comes to a mission, he realized that they've always been able to get through it. As if feeling his gaze, Jane looked up through the window at him.

Gunther quickly turned away and pulled the horses closer to the cabin. Jane stepped out carrying a pack and two cloaks. Gunther took the pack from her, making sure his horse had equal weight to carry for the trip. Jane then took out another pack in which he did the same for her horse. When he turned around, Jane was holding up a light reddish brown cloak to him.

"What is this for?" he questioned, taking the cloak anyways and donning it.

"The weather is getting colder. I reckon Autumn has come," Jane commented as she tried to adjust her cloak. "Also, as much as this mission to scout other countries is well thought out, surprisingly from a beef brain, the details of our original task still remains."

Gunther took the cloak from Jane's hands and started to adjust it for her. "And what is that detail, dear Jane the frog rider?" he asked while reaching around her.

Jane had stiffened while Gunther had brought his arms around her shoulders. The cloak followed his hands and she found herself with her cloak properly adjusted, blanketing her body. She murmured her thanks and he nodded, letting go slowly.

He looked over her and noticed the cloak fitted her perfectly. It was one of his old ones from when he was younger. He was fond of it, the deep green was a nice color and also a good camouflage in the forest during the summer where the leaves were green and abundant. On Jane it was such a contrast to her flaming red hair. But not in a bad way, no, not at all. In fact, the color of his green cloak brought out her features. The red hair that he would always make fun of shone bright and beautifully against its opposing color. Her fair skin tone seemed be highlighted and her green eyes shone bright, complementing the cloak and contrasting her hair and skin. She was stunning to say the least. He seemed to remember that he had another item he procured from the village just the other morning. One of a ring that had an oval emerald gem circled by a dragon, also surrounded by leaves, just sitting in his pocket. He thought it would match her eyes like the cloak and provide a nice contrast to her features as well.

"That we are to pretend to be married," whispered Jane, snapping Gunther immediately from his thoughts. For a second, he wondered if she could read his mind but she continued, "Her Majesty, the Queen, thinks that two knights actively traveling would cause alarm and that two people traveling but unmarried will cause needless rumors. Both are true. But we can lessen those rumors by pretending to be married as tasked from us. Let's say we're taking a break from our duties and well… traveling for our honeymoon as newlyweds."

"Ah yes, that's right. It makes sense I suppose. Well then, I guess we should start practicing before we reach the next village and come across others," remarked Gunther uncomfortably while Jane had only nodded.

Gunther cleared his throat several times and finally started with the first thing that came to his mind. "Your hair!"

"What about it?!" Jane started defensively.

"It is… less unruly than usual," he stated.

"Oh. Um… Uh… Thank you?" she replied unsure of what to make of his comment.

"Did you do something different with it?"

"Well, I washed it."

"Ah. Yes, very nice. Keep up the good work," Gunther said, hoping to finish this awkward conversation.

"Well, I didn't have much of a choice, biscuit weevil," Jane continued.

"What is the name calling for? Did you not just say we had to pretend?"

"Did you not forget that you pushed me in the water?"

"Oh come on Jane! Get over it. Annoying woman."

"Pig head!"

Gunther and Jane continued to throw childish names at each other for what seemed like hours though it was only a few minutes. The restless neighs from their horses snapped them back to reality and they realized they should be heading out to the next village soon while the sun is still high above them.

Both of them turned to look at each other and laugh. It was only six years ago they were having that same conversation. It was quite unbearable trying to be nice to each other and now, it just comes off as a pleasant teasing. The years have definitely changed them.

Jane mounted her horse first and watched as Gunther mounted his. She looked over at him and noticed that his red brown cloak was a suitable color for him. It reminded her of the outfit he wore so long ago, but darker and more fitting for his handsome features. The color blended with the turning colors of the leaves. Summer was ending and autumn had arrived. The leaves were slowly turning the green leaves to a mixture of red, yellow, and orange. She felt the chilly air this morning and while waiting to dry off earlier. She wondered if Gunther could feel the change as well.

That was when she noticed that Gunther had already started off and was a couple feet ahead into the forest. She raced her horse so she could ride beside him and he saw her from the corner of his eyes. Without a word, only a smile, he sped up his horse so he was a few feet in front of her. At that, she sped her horse so she was ahead. This went back and forth until night fell and the horses were panting, practically begging for rest.

They took their horses from the rode to a small clearing with a tiny pond at the side. They tied up their horses to a nearby tree around the pond and took their packs from them to prepare for camp. As soon, as they were left alone, the horses drank the water as if it were the last thing they could ever have.

Gunther had begun working on a small fire while Jane started unpacking some of the food they brought with them. It took a bit of time for Gunther to shave off some wood for kindling, but thanks to Smithy's small knife, it was doable and they were feeding the fire with some fallen branches laying nearby. Jane had used her knife to slice some fruits Pepper and Rake had prepared for them just the other day.

They stayed by the fire at opposite ends, not knowing what to say to each other while they silently ate and stayed warm. When the horses started to lay down, Jane spoke first.

"We still have two days to the village. It would be best to pace ourselves. I should think our horses would appreciate that," she commented, nodding her head in their direction.

Gunther glanced at the tired animals and nodded his head in agreement. He then stared at the woman across from him and noticed her trying to stifle a yawn. Slight tears were forming on her eyes as she tried but unsuccessfully tried to stifle yet another yawn.

"Go to sleep Jane. I can take first watch."

"No," she said stubbornly. "We only have a few short days to practice our… err, marriage story."

Scoffing, he replied just as stubbornly. "We shall practice tomorrow then. It would not help us any if we both stay up all night practicing nonsense."

"It is not nonsense, it is a task given to us to become knights. We must see to it that we do it well."

"Very well, but tomorrow Jane. The sooner you sleep, the sooner I can."

Jane couldn't argue with that. She made herself comfortable on the ground. Or at least as comfortable as she could be. She was so use to sleeping on her bed or if she was out with Dragon. She found that sleeping on him was more comfortable. The ground was not soft, the fire barely kept her warm, and the company was… well, it was Gunther.

Honestly, she didn't mind any of it. Rather, she knew if she was to be a knight, traveling like this is the easy part and she found excitement in this minor thing. She just missed her best friend was all. She could not remember a time when they were more than a few days apart. When they would sneak outside the castle for the night, his belly would keep her warm, his breath too. And the nook between his arms and body was the perfect spot for her to nap in. He was also not Gunther, and so a much better company.

She shook her head and decided not to think about Dragon too much. She made a promise that they would return safe and sound but now, the task at hand comes first. And the first step is to think of how Gunther and her were going to pass as husband and wife when all they do is bicker, compete, argue, and fight.

On the other side of the fire, Gunther was thinking the same thing. He supposed it would not be so easy. It has been a good six years since they've met and became knights in training. As the only squires, they were at constant ends of each other. Both trying to out-wit, out-win, out-match, out-anything from each other. He sighed and laid his back against the tree, staring at the sleeping girl.

How were they going to do this?

"Gunther! Wake up! It's time to get moving."

Groggy, Gunther moaned in displeasure and rolled to his side, hoping to drown out the young lady's voice as she called out to him. Understanding that she wasn't going to stop her nagging anytime soon, he sat up and turned to her. She was packing their bags and was setting them on their horses. Before closing them, she pulled out two apples and dipped a clean cloth in water, dampening it.

"Here, wash your drool, dung boy," she said as she tossed the clean cloth to him. He caught it with ease and then caught the apple she threw at him next.

"Well, good morning to you too, biscuit weevil," he greeted dryly while wiping his face with the cloth.

As soon as they were done eating, feeding the horses a few apples themselves, and putting out the fire, covering their tracks, they both got on their horses. To the horses delight, the rode at a leisurely pace. Their riders, however, from relaxed.

Jane sighed and decided to speak first. She knew Gunther would never offer a truce first, nor offer anything at all unless someone else offered something in exchange. She also knew he wouldn't really talk first unless it was a mean or snide comment directed at her. As of late, he doesn't do that, but that means, he usually stays quiet.

"So, about this married… thing. Do you have any ideas of how we are to pull this off?" Jane asked.

"We can start by not calling each other names first thing in the morning," Gunther bitterly answered.

Jane was about to make a smart comment back but thought better of it. "… That's fair. I apologize for that."

Gunther glanced at Jane and noticed she was being sincere. He sighed, "I will try to be civil. Well, what are married couples like? We can start there."

Jane thought back to her parents, the Chamberlain and the Lady in Waiting. Both were so busy with their respective jobs, that's what people call them. But she remembers hearing her mother call him Milly at times whenever she is pleased. Jane knows her father dislikes that nickname but he allows it for his wife.

"My mother would call my father a cute nickname," Jane remembered.

"And do you have a nickname for me, dear Jane?"

Donkey, she thought almost instantaneously but decided against it. They were trying to be civil. Name calling would not help. "None."

Gunther smiled, knowing full well there were some choice names the two have for each other. He thought long and hard about a decent name to call Jane besides a stubborn mule. He just kept going through names, some he overheard couples calling each other in the village. Before he knew it, he blurted it out.


They faced each other and almost as instantly, turned away. Both were wearing the same shade of red as the skin of the apple they were eating earlier that morning. It was silent for some time before Jane's heart had calmed down and Gunther's mind had stopped going into overdrive. Jane started to cough, that awkward cough people do when trying to break the silence and speak.

"I think we should call each other… that, when we address each other to another. Otherwise, I think calling each other by name should do," she offered, still with slight embarrassment and a higher pitch in her voice.

"I couldn't have agree more, er… Jane," Gunther replied after he too cleared his throat.


The only sounds they heard next were the stomps of their horses, the rustling of the packs, and the birds chirping in the trees while the wind howled ever so slightly with the breeze. It continued like that until nightfall where they set up camp in complete awkward silence. It has only been three days and two nights. Not even a full week and both of them were already feeling exhausted. Not physically, but mentally. And surprisingly, slightly emotionally too.

This time, Gunther slept first while Jane took the watch. She had time to think about how they were going to get through this. It seemed traveling, scouting, building connections with allies and neighboring kingdoms was going to be lot easier than simply pretending to be a couple.

They were just so awkward with each other is was unbelievable. After all, how could two people who never got along be able to just change at a moment's notice to loving each other, let alone liking? She sighed and tried to think of a time they ever got along. Slowly thinking about it, there were a few.

One was when she was twelve and Gunther fourteen. Pepper had mistook their usual bickering as romance when Gunther had taken her sword from her and she was chasing him around a tree. Misunderstanding each other for courting, they tried praising each other and being civil, similar to how they were talking to each other this morning. Oh it was quite the misunderstanding that Jane had to laugh thinking back on it.

When she thought about how to be more of a couple, it was simple. She supposed she'll bring it up to Gunther in the morning. They should be reaching the village after one more night, so they shall practice tomorrow.

It was time for Gunther to wake up Jane this time. It was going to be quite difficult once again. She wouldn't wake that time when she was sleeping on the dining table. Goodness, he even carried her and she barely roused. And the first night when he was waking her in the middle of the night to switch their watch, she was as dead as a rock.

Gunther grabbed a nearby stick and started poking her shoulder as if wary of waking a sleeping bear. When she didn't stir, she proceeded to poke her face. He could see her eyes furrowing at that motion but did not rise. With a sigh, Gunther got closer and started to shake her shoulders. When all she did was groan and turn away, he was prepared to do his worse. He took a strand of her curly red hair, took a breath, and pulled on it.

"OWWW!" Jane cried while moving her hand to hold her head. "That hurt you maggot!"

"Name calling, Jane, We are supposed to be married, don't you remember," chided Gunther with a teasing smile.

"Oh shut it, Gunther."

"That's better. I've got the horses ready. We've got one more day until we reach the closest village."

Jane got up and started to shake the dirt from her clothes. She ran her hands through her tangled mat of curly hair and sighed. She was going to have to buy a brush from the village as she forgot to bring one along. She thought she wasn't going to need one but she should have known better.

Gunther took a look back at Jane and noticed a fallen leaf stuck in her hair as she was trying to shake of any more loose dirt. "Jane," he had called out. "Jane?" But to no avail. She was too distracted and so Gunther stepped towards her.

Jane paused momentarily and stared at him. She could feel the warmth coming from his body and it warmed her face. He started to tug on her hair and Jane recalled something similar happen a few days ago at the castle. When he was done, the leaf fell and he stepped back. She was expecting to hear another smart remark like before but instead, Gunther just walked away, not knowing what to say that wasn't a tease or insult.

Jane grabbed hold of his tunic, making Gunther stop in his tracks and turn his head to her. He thought he heard her whisper a word of thanks before letting go and making her way towards her horse. He shook his head and started to his own horse.

They rode in silence and Gunther thought it was going to be another silent day. At this point, he wished how they could argue again. At least then it would not be awkward and it would be normal for them. This marriage thing is never going to fool anyone, he thought. We will get caught and fail our mission.

"Let's hold hands," Jane said in a quiet voice.

Gunther stopped his horse and watched as she stopped a few ways ahead and turn back to him.

"It is so simple really. I was thinking about it last night. We don't have to announce that we are married to the world, just to people who ask our business. We can hold hands to show that we are a couple. That would be the easiest thing to do. We can take small steps. Ones that show we are indeed newlyweds still shy with each other."

Jane took a deep breath after speaking. She was talking fast and non-stop, it was no wonder. She seemed quite embarrassed saying all that as well but she made the effort. Gunther swallowed and bit back any teasing remarks. Before he could speak, Jane spoke first and a bit steadier this time.

"I think when you say dear Jane, I know it is to mock me but if you say it with sincerity, it will sound nice. And when you get close to me like you did to pull a leaf my hair, those acts show that you… care. And it is rather nice," she whispered, blushing ever so.

Gunther stood still for a few minutes. When she looked up to him, Gunther took in a deep breath and held her gaze. His eyes softened. He thought about it and he liked the thought of being sincere. To her, he truly did care for and would not mind meaning kind words. He liked getting close to her, using leaves as an excuse or to wake her. He teased her, called her names, mocked her, but he didn't mean any of that. He just wanted an excuse to talk to her and these past few days of awkwardness, not knowing how to express himself without saying something rude was torture.

"I like it when you do this," he said with a smile.

"Do what?"

"To be the one to get me to be… benevolent. Like you want to be pleasant to me and have me be pleasant too."

With a smile, she replied, "You're not all bad Gunther. I know you have a side that is caring and that you are a man of your word. When you put your mind to it, you can do anything. I've seen it Gunther. You are a good man."

"Thank you… my dear Jane Turnkey," he said in all honestly.

Jane blushed at his words and turned back, willing her horse to move as Gunther caught up with her. By her side, Gunther leaned over and took her hand, startling Jane but she didn't pull away. He squeezed her hand as if trying to tell her he'll try his best and Jane smiled, grasping his hand back before they both let go to ride in comfortable silence. When night fell, they discussed the bases about their story of how they met, grew to love each, and decision to travel the kingdoms. They decided they were going to be as honest as possible because they did not want to be dishonest to the people but will leave the smaller details out until they can think of a way to fill in the gaps of romance they lacked.

The next morning, the two walked their horses to the village, hand in hand, ready to face what this village had to offer them. It was as if they were walking into a battlefield together but they came prepared.

Author's note: Well, there you have it, your long awaited chapter. Not too much lovey dovey. I kind of felt I had to tone it down, especially because the beginning two chapters, after rereading it, were just full blown love in your face. The point is to ease them into it and not forget their original mission. I like to think the first two chapters as showing that there has been something going on since the show and now at their current age. And I think adding Jane's dream in the beginning and Gunther's thoughts of her around the middle and end is just enough of extra romance that they've been thinking of. I also added a bit more bickering to show how they usually are and then Gunther holding back to show he is trying.

But of course, we can't forget the mission which I split into two. Pretending to be a married couple which we see them working at as they travel. And the other is scouting the land. So there was a bit of history information when Jane and Gunther were making plans. I actually got the info from a website online about the series. And there was a part about the hair that came from an episode I remember. I'm trying to incorporate stuff from the show and info from online so that the back story is accurate. But also, being 6 years later, I'm going to be adding more of my own stuff.

Not going to lie though, writing this chapter was difficult and such a struggle. Please bear with me as I continue to bring out more chapters. And this time in a more timely manner. Hopefully my writing style is not off putting or too different from the last two that I wrote many years ago. Anyways, hope you enjoyed it.