Disclaimer: I do not own Durarara

No sushi Today

Psyche skipped happily with his had in Tsugaru's. He had a huge smile on his face as he talked non-stop to his new lover. "Tsu-chan looks really nice today. I love your yukata. Is blue your favourite colour?" Psyche asked.

Tsugaru looked down at the excited lover with a smile. He squeezed his hand happily. "Yes, but pink is steadily becoming my favourite colour." Tsugaru moved a strand of hair away from Psyche eyes.

Psyche blushed happily. "Tsu-chan is such a charmer."

"IZAYYAA!" A enraged voice shouted from a distance away. Psyche turned to see a sight that he couldn't help but think incredible. Izaya was jumping around and dodging a sigh post that Shizuo was swinging with fury. "Stay still, dammit." Shizuo growled.

Tsugaru sighed and shook his head. Why couldn't Shizuo show his emotions in a normal way? He thought to himself.

Psyche bit his lip as the sign post almost hit his beloved cousin. "Shouldn't we stop them?" Psyche asked uncertainly.

Tsugaru scoffed. "How?"

A blur of darkness and fur bounced up to the couple and grinned. "Hey, you're five minute early. Just let me lose his brute and I'll be right with you." Izaya said with a smirk. He took a knife out and threw it at the blonde.

Shizuo wacked it away easily not, really noticing anyone but Izaya in his rage. Shizuo dropped the sign and wrenched a vending machine off the ground and without further ado he threw the heavy machine at the three males. Both Tsugaru and Psyche's attention was on Izaya so they didn't see the lethal weapon that was flying towards them. Izaya did though. The world seemed to slow down for Izaya, it felt like the vending machine was taking hours to fly across the city but in reality it was only seconds. Izaya's mind calculated the possibilities, he knew he could dodge but the clueless couple would get hit. Psyche was smiling at him and Tsugaru looked so calm. Izaya smiled at them and pushed Psyche as hard as he could. The little raven fell backwards into Tsugaru, the force sent both of them to the ground a few steps back and out the vending machines path. Izaya wasn't so lucky.

Having pushed Psyche he was directly in the way. He didn't have time to close his eyes. The vending machine collided with the lithe body of the dark haired informant. The sick sounds of flesh and bones breaking under the power of the heavy metal filled the streets. It blocked out the sound of cars and people. It was all anyone could hear….and then the shouting started. People started to scream as the vending machine and the small body bounced together across the street and into the road. The man in the fur trimmed coat lay on the ground like a broken doll. His arm at a strange angle, his shoe had fallen off somewhere and his ankle was clearly broken, the bone sticking out of the flesh. Blood surrounded him like rose petals as he bled out onto the road. Traffic stopped.

Shizuo was standing in shock. Frozen with his hands in hands out in front of his as if he was trying to catch the raven that was so far away. He couldn't move, he felt as if he couldn't breathe and his heard pounded like drums in his ears. "Izaya…" He whispered. Nobody heard him.

"Iza-nii? Iza-nii?! No! Iza-nii, No!No!No!" The screaming male was kneeling in front of Izaya. Tears were streaming down his face as his hands hovered over the injured man. He didn't know what to do. He didn't want to touch Izaya in case he hurt more. There was a crowd forming around them, a few were taking pictures, others were talking on their phones and within seconds it was viral.

"Omg, is that the black biker?" Shizuo heard a teen ask her friend. He heard the screeching of tires that sounded oddly like a horse. Shadows flooded out over the crowd and pushed back the onlookers. Celty jumped off her bike and ran to Psyche. Shizuo couldn't see what was being shown to the man in white but he shook his head, Tsugaru stepped forwards and dragged the man in white to his feet. Psyche kicked and screamed as he tried to get closer to Izaya. Tsugaru was having trouble holding him back. Shizuo could do nothing but watch as Izaya was covered in shadows and lifted by the black biker. Celty got back on her bike, accelerated and disappeared.

The people on the street gave Shizuo lots of space as they started to walk away in excited whispers. Shizuo wondered if he had passed out on his feet as the next thing he knew a furious raven was gripping his shirt and shouting in his face.

"You hurt my Iza-nii!" Psyche shouted as he shook the blonde. Shizuo looked down at him with dull eyes. He could see blood dying the fabric of psyche's white parka. Izaya's blood. "Do you even care? You bastard!" Psyche screamed.

"Psyc-" Tsugaru was cut off from whatever he was about to say as the white clad raven pulled his fist back and punched Shizuo in the face with all his might. Shizuo didn't even feel the punch put it was the push he needed to break apart. He fell to his knees.

"Stay the fuck away from Izaya. If you come near him again. I'll kill you." Psyche threatened, his pink eyes full of tears and anger. Psyche turned and walked away in the direction of Shinra's.

Tsugaru stood looking down at Shizuo. "I'll call you. Shizuo, go home." Tsugaru said calmly and followed after his lover.

Shizuo was left alone, sitting on the street. He felt something warm run down his check. He raised a hand and wiped it away.

Why was he crying?

Oh dear. Well, I seem to have let a vending machine hit Izaya. Oops *smirk*