Yay! Second Fanfic! So, I was watching that Gravity Falls episode "The Hand that Rocks the Mabel", and I thought that no one ever looked at it from his side (even though he is kinda mentally insane). Lots of Pinescest, so if you hate them don't read.

Btw, I drew the anime Mabel thats the image for this! I drew her when she had Gideon's bolo tie, as a Goddess. (The Goddess of Revenge and Sparkles!)

Hello. My name's Gideon. Most know me as "Lil' Gideon", due to my extremely popular "Tent of Telepathy" show. You probably think I'm some kind of whackjob freak after I almost killed Dipper Pines (My marshmallow's not-so-sweet brother). You're wrong... mostly. See, no one even BOTHERED to ask MY point of view on this. Which is why I have to explain it to all of you now.

I'm a LOT smarter than most take me for. I knew some things that no one else picked up on.

It all started during my most recent show. There, in the crowd, was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I simply had to talk to her. When I "guessed" her name, she was utterly astounded. But her brother seemed less than impressed. He also had some sort of annoyed... (jealous?) expression. There was something I didn't like about him, though I wasnt sure what yet.

The next day, after a greeting at her door, I invited the girl, Mabel, to go to my dressing room with me. Mabel loves sparkly things, and she was really nice, so I thought I actuallly have a chance with her. But I was wrong. Secretly, several times during our "relationship", I sort of, kind of... SPIED on her. Don't think bad of little ol' me, I just couldn't stay away from my sweet. The first time I did it, I didnt ask her out yet. But as I began to peek though the window at her, my hope faded slowly but steadly.

I saw that Dipper and Mabel were... how I put this... in LOVE with eachother. I don't think Mabel, more... exactly... but I sensed psychically (you didn't REALLY think I was a fraud, did you?) Dipper definitely liked Mabel more than a sibling should (which explains why he was always so overprotective).

When I first asked Mabel out, I clearly saw she didn't want to go. I'm not stupid or anything. But I was so determined to win her over, I convinced her to go.

Skipping ahead, when I went to pick her up, I approached the door. Just before I began to knock, i decided I was going to "check" on Mabel though the window. she and her brother were playing video games, and had left the window open. I tuned in quickly to their conversation.

"It's not a DATE date, its just... you know" Mabel started.

I would NEVER do that to you, Dipper.

"Who SAID that?" I whispered. Then I figured it out. I was concentrating so hard, I was actually reading their thoughts. Unfortuanently, I didn't like what I was hearing.

"Guys don't work like that Mabel," Dipper said, giving her a small, sweet smile. "He's going to fall in love with you."

Like I did. he thought

Now I REALLY didn't like where this was going.

"C'mon!" She laughed. "I'm not that lovable!"

I think so, Mabel.

Okay, I officially HATE this psychic talk! Yet, I kept listening.

*biip blip bliiiiippp* Their video game went. One of them must've died in the game.

"Okay, we agree on something here."

Good save from earlier. I don't want her to know...

Deciding this was enough, I knocked on the door, clutching the rope to a beautiful, purebred stallion.

"Ready for a night of enchantment?" I whispered sweetly to her.

The expression on her face told me the night was going to be anything but.