"He won't – stay – put –" I heard that annoying redhead say. Figures. Of course that dumb rat would try and run again. He had already faked his death twice, and he knew Sirius was coming after him. Slowly, in my cat animagus form, I stalked closer. My orange (It still annoys me that my fur makes me so noticeable) fur brushing the ground. This was it. I had to help Sirius prove his innocence. He deserved it after so long in Azkaban.

It had always seemed unfair that Sirius was punished for a crime he didn't commit, while I, a former Death Eater, wasn't. Pettigrew could tell Sirius was coming. I could tell Sirius was coming. Wormtail was thrashing back and forth, squeaking like a coward. How the hell did that rat make it into Gryffindor?

"What's the matter with him?" the rat's owner asked. I snarled at his voice. The redhead was a complete idiot. If it wasn't for him, I could have brought Pettigrew to Sirius a long time ago. Merlin knows I've tried. Still creeping closer, I looked up into the eyes of my brother's godson. 'Please don't be an idiot and protect the rat!' I pleaded silently. Obviously, the mud- muggleborn (Merlin! Even after more than a decade I still have trouble not using that word. It isn't even to offend them anymore. I think its more habit!) didn't listen for she moaned,

"Crookshanks! No, go away, Crookshanks! Go away!" Ha, fat chance of that happening. I'm doing all I can to help my brother, even if he's too thick to realize that it was really I, Regulus Black. Sirius was an utter fool. I mean, he's met with me ever since he saw me watching him one day. That was pretty dumb on my part. I used to be tons better at acting like a spy. Strangely, as I usually acted with caution, I had decided that I had to see Sirius. It was obvious he would be in the Forbidden Forest, and I had found him using scent. Of course, Sirius had seen me, though not recognized me for who I truly was.

Blood pounding in my ears, I crept forward, careful not to make a sound. I could catch him. The conversation buzzed in my ears, and I ignored it, focusing on Pettigrew. He was squeaking like mad; had he recognized me for whom I really was? No. No, Pettigrew wasn't smart enough. He just believed I was a mad cat out to get him.

One step. Two steps. My orange (Merlin I hate that colour!) paws stepping silently across the grass. Without truly knowing where I was, I chased the rat under a large tree. This is it. For Sirius. Just as I prepared to pounce on the vile traitor, the idiot redhead grabbed him. Angrily, I lashed my tail back and forth. For a second, I had half the mind to transform and yell at the redhead. I wonder why the voice telling me to do that sounding like Sirius' (I mean, it's not like he's reckless or anything. Course not.) Obviously, that would have been a bad idea. As I stood there, ignoring his very degrading attempts to shoo me away, I saw a familiar, large shape moving up behind the other kids. It was Sirius.

He jumped over James Potter's kid, knocking him heavily to the ground, and grabbed the redhead's arm in his mouth. I hissed at Sirius' stupidity. This was not the way to get them to trust Sirius. With a horrid snap, the redhead's leg broke, and he slid under the Whomping Willow. This was it. A whipping branch caught the other two children and flung them backwards. They were bleeding. As they stood once more, I dodged the branches quickly and pressed the knot on the trunk. The tree immediately stopped, and I raced below. As I got there, I saw Sirius transform into a man and heard the boy say in a terrified whisper,

"Sirius Black." I jumped up next to him, hissing wildly at the rat. Being another Animagus, Pettigrew could understand me if I said anything in my cat form, so I was careful not to. Instead, he spoke,

"I know who you are." He couldn't… Pettigrew wasn't smart enough to realize I was an Animagus, right? I didn't answer, for clear reasons. If I did, and he could understand me; then I'd be giving myself away. He was only bluffing, hoping for an extra escape route. It wouldn't work. Pettigrew gave the equivalent of a chuckle in his rat form.

"If I go to Azkaban, then you will too. I doubt you've forgotten, but you used to be a Death Eater, Regulus." I froze for a second, stiff with disbelief. How did he know? It – it wasn't possible. I had already long ago decided that I wouldn't return to human form for Sirius. It would just complicate things, and I'd either end up in Azkaban for being a (ex) Death Eater or dead for betraying them. Course, they thought I had only run, but in truth I had done so much more than that. I had stolen a Horcrux. Kreacher had had a long time to destroy it, and he had by no doubt accomplished that by now. After all, it has been fourteen years since I gave him it. Shaking my head slightly to remove these thoughts from my head, I focused on the scene before me. The girl and Potter's son had come. Of course they did. That was what Sirius had been planning on (not that any of his plans ever actually work.)

"Ron – are you okay?" he sounded slightly puzzled, and I could see the clear question in his mind: Where was the dog?

"Where's the dog?"

"Not a dog," I winced at the pain in the redhead – Ron's – voice. "He's the dog… he's an Animagus…"

Sirius stepped out from behind the door with a maniac grin on his face. He looked absolutely insane (meaning he looked as he normally did.) I took a deep breath as the girl – Hermione, I believe – screamed in shock. Here we go…

Hi! Please read and review! This is going to be an ongoing project, but I'll try to get the next chapter up soon! I think it'll be a lot longer than this one, but I'm not entirely sure yet!

I claim full ownership for…

NOTHING! J.K. Rowling owns all places, characters, etc.