Epilogue. Loved and Lost
"Have you ever felt your heart was breaking, looking down the road you should be taking? I should know, 'cause I loved and lost the day I let you go".
- S Club 7, "Have You Ever"
It was three days before Bane finally woke. He was alone, back in the sewers, and felt something crumpled in his hand, paper…
Wait, why was it breathing easier?! Bane put a hand to his face and gasped inwardly. The mask! It was gone! But yet he was fine. The pain wasn't there; in fact it was nearly non-existent. How did it-
Bane looked at his left shoulder and side. On both were similar, twin scars. Bite marks. Bane touched the one on his shoulder gingerly, remembering only the sharp sting of werewolf fangs digging deep into the skin. He and the wolf within Canis had got what they wanted. He was marked. Remembering the paper, he unfolded it to find a letter written neatly. It was from Canis.
My dearest Bane,
By the time you read this, I'll already be gone. Sorry I chose not to stick around, but I have my reasons. One, my maker is still out there and I still wish to hunt him down. But my primary reason is this, and you may think it's silly or stupid, but I broke my rule. Ever since I ate a human, I promised myself I'd never curse a human being like this. I know, what's the connection between eating and marking a human? Well, at least when one devours a human, their soul passes on. But when one marks a human, at least in my eyes, their soul disappears, consumed by the beast inside. Soon your wolf will awaken, and you'll understand. Who knows? Perhaps then you'll hate me, never wanting to see me again. If you never do, I'll understand entirely.
Now I'm sure you're wondering what happened to your mask. Well, I'm sorry but I took it. I needed something that would remind me of you, something that would help keep you close, and as you no longer needed it (A part of it was shattered by the bullet) I thought it was only fitting. Originally I wanted the coat, but it looks better on you than me. Ha…and that coming from someone with zero fashion sense. Bet you're laughing at me now. Anyway, I did leave you a little something. Remember the collar you gave me? Yeah, I finally managed to take that sucker off and I left it behind for you. Bet you're gonna start wearing it now. I think it suits you more than me, though after the other night's events, I think more blood stains me than you.
I'd never met someone quite like you before. You seemed so brutal and thick skinned. But looking back on those three days when I really got to know you, you were so human then. I saw how vulnerable and deep you could be. That was the part of you that got me, that made me see you as you are (Or were, depending on how you look at it) and that is as a man. An ordinary man. It was that vulnerability, that openness, which made me open both my eyes and my heart to you. Most people saw you as a monster, but I've seen even the most human of people do the most monstrous things and compared to them, you're no monster. You do inspire fear, but not from me. What started as fascination and intrigue turned to pity and sympathy. But the more I learned about you the deeper those feelings became.
It's strange, how love works. How one feeling turns into another…it's interesting. But right now, it hurts Bane. Everything hurts. I know what's to come and I think it'll kill me faster than any silver bullet or wolf's bane will. I once asked you if you could choose a way to die how you would you do it. My answer, personally, was this: A broken heart, but in the arms of a man that I love. And that's still how I hope to die someday, but without the broken heart. And I'm sorry that I've left yours that way (Don't deny it, I know it's broken now) but I can think of no other punishment for myself. I love you, never forget that. And who knows what will come, what the future will hold? Perhaps someday I'll return and everything will be as it should be, and possibly more.
I have bitten you, my love, twice. The first to make you a wolf, the second to give you more venom to help you fight the pain. The venom heals all injuries, but I added an extra dose in case you needed it. I hope it's served the purpose well. I miss you Bane, even now, no matter where I am, what I'm doing, I can't get you out of my head; I never could. To be honest, I never want to. Use your powers for the innocents, for the good of humans. Use it wisely and I will return to you. That is, if you will have me.
Love always,
Canis Lupa
P.S Remember it
For just a second he let the letter fall. She was gone…she was gone. She couldn't be gone! Not after…no! Bane refused to believe. She had to be here, somewhere. But he couldn't feel her, smell her, nothing. For a moment, he felt for the first time in a long time weak. Trembling, Bane picked up the letter again and held it close. He didn't want to admit it, even to himself, but it hurt. He didn't understand exactly what it was, but it was killing him, slowly but surely. For a moment his eyes stung and it took everything in his power not to let the tears fall. But he knew she was right: his heart was indeed broken. He just didn't really understand what it meant.
Looking over in a corner he saw the glint of the ivory spikes in the faint light. The collar…he picked it up and just stared at it for a moment. Sentimental for formerly detrimental…how ironic. They'd swapped roles now as well as owners. Bane slipped the collar around his neck and picked up her letter. Reading it one last time, he tucked it safely in one of the inner pockets of his coat, the one nearest to his heart. He touched his shoulder, his side, and then one of the spikes on the collar.
"No matter how long it takes, I'll wait for your return, Sarantha"
Months Later…
Night came and a scream pierced the ears of the large black wolf. It was about the size of a bear when standing up, but twice as strong. Despite his beastly form, he kept his human mind and heart. The scream was that of a child, about ten years old, thrown to two large, ravenous dogs.
She was covered in cuts and bruises, some marks caked and hidden with cracked dirt and blood. She wore rags and old hand me down clothes for the most part and her feet were bare, the skin cracked and also bleeding. Her short hair was dark and dirty, he couldn't tell if it was black or just dark brown. The fear darkened her chocolate brown eyes as the two dogs got closer.
He wouldn't stand for it. For her to die would be a waste of an innocent life. If no one would take her in, then he would. Before she could scream again, before the dogs could attack, he was on them. Growling, biting, and clawing, he killed them and noticed the girl had gone and hid behind a trash can. She was so tiny he didn't see her, and only knew she was there because of scent.
Seeing her, Bane tried to make himself look as docile as he felt. He lowered his ears and relaxed his tail. His expression became soft and he whined softly. Reaching out with his mind, he amplified his thoughts in her head.
Little one…you have no need to fear.
"Who…what are you?"
A friend, if you'd let me. He inched closer to her, reaching out a long fingered hand to her, touching her face gently, What is your name?
"I'm…I'm Reanna".
Reanna, I can tell you've lived yourself a hard life. I don't wish to see you like this anymore. I want to give you another chance at a new life. It won't be entirely easy, but I look after my own. Do you wish this new life?
"You'll…you'll make me one of you?"
Only if you wish it.
"Everything hurts. I just want it all to stop".
Offer me your shoulder, and I'll make it end. You'll have a new home, a new life. Everything will be better. I promise.
The girl was so trusting now. She moved closer to him and closed her eyes in acceptance. Bane licked his fangs, coating them in venom. Quick as a snake, he sunk his fangs deep into Reanna's shoulder. She yelled briefly then quieted. She would be like him soon, as soon as the venom fully coursed through her.
Reanna was the first to be marked.
The first of a new pack…