Hello! Welcome to the next in the Coffee series. This chapter is very short in comparison to some in the past and also I know I said it would be set straight after the last chapter of Coffee and the Unknown but I couldn't think of anything to write so this chapter is set a month after the final chapter and I really hope that you enjoy this!

Disclaimer: However much I like to own Castle, I don't own it and therefore am just playing around with the wonderful characters of the genius Andrew Marlow.

"Don't even think about getting out of this bed Richard Castle" Kate warned as she wrapped her body around his as a small laugh left his lips. "You're not going anywhere and neither am I, we're just going to lie here forever" she declared, his eyes rolling as he heard AJ scream from the other room, a groan leaving her lips as he looked down at her before looking across in the direction of the nursery. "I'm not moving" Kate stated, pushing him down as he attempted to move out of her arms. "He can cry it out, I'm not letting you out of this bed" she announced as he shook at her head, knowing that she was being silly now.

"You don't mean that" he whispered, brushing her hair away from her face as she moved to straddle him, her head shaking as she looked across in the direction of the noise, knowing that in the next second she would be in that room clutching onto her son for dear life. Climbing over the writer, Kate sighed as she grabbed his t-shirt off the floor before pulling it on and approaching the nursery door, her body turning before she opened it. "What now?" he asked gently.

"Don't move" she warned before opening the door and disappearing into the nursery, her smile growing as she moved towards her son and lifted him into her arms; his crying practically stopping as she looked down at him and pressed a kiss to his forehead before carrying him towards the door. Stepping out of her son's room, Kate glared across at the bed to see that it was now empty and the sound of the shower was running through the room. "Has daddy not listened to mommy baby?" the brunette whispered as she smiled down at her son before moving to sit on the bed. Resting her son on the sheets, Kate laughed as he began to kick his legs up in the air. One month old and he was her proudest achievement already. Hearing the shower go silent, Kate leant down to press a kiss to her son before looking across to see the writer walking out with a towel tightly wrapped around his hips as he smiled at her. "Don't talk to me" Kate stated.

"For god's sake Kate, it's a couple of days and you know I don't want to go" Rick sighed as he approached the wardrobe, turning around again to see her tickling their sons stomach while she tried not to look across at him. "Kate, we discussed this, it's three days and then I promise I won't go again for a long time" he whispered as she sighed and looked across at him for a moment. She hated the idea of this book tour taking him away from them. He'd tried to get them to cancel it but had only managed to cut it down from a week to three days! "Mother's going to be here with you and your dad is constantly offering to come down as well to help with the kids, you're not going to be doing this on your own" he declared, knowing that she was mainly worried about being left alone with their children.

"But you're not going to be here" Kate admitted before biting into her lip, silencing herself as he sighed and moved to sit beside her. "You're not going to be here to burp AJ while I get myself sorted or to help Alexis with her homework or to just cuddle me when I feel completely useless at this" she mumbled as the writer stared down at his son before looking up at his wife. "We're partners remember" she muttered, slowly relaxing when his arms tightly wrapped around her while his lips pressed kisses into her hair. "Just fake ill or something" she begged.

"Kate it doesn't work like that, you know that" he sighed as he brushed the hair away from her face before kissing her gently. "If I could stay I would but people need to see me and they'll want to know all about you and AJ and everything, it's part of this life Kate" he whispered as she shook her head, wanting him to just stay where he was. "I need to get dressed" he commented as she shook her head again. "Kate I need to get ready, I need to be at the airport in an hour" he whispered as she nodded, knowing that she wasn't going to win this fight. Lifting AJ into her arms, Kate quickly moved to feed him while her eyes focused on the dressing writer. "Like what you see?" he asked quickly as she bit into her lip.

"Stop flirting while I'm feeding our son" she laughed as he nodded and leant across to kiss her quickly. "Why don't you go and wake Alexis up? She'll want to come to the airport to say goodbye to her father who is abandoning us" Kate suggested dramatically as he nodded and watched for a moment as AJ pulled away from her.

"Do you want me to….?" he began as she shook her head.

"Have to cope without you for three days Rick, leave me alone to practice my single mother skills" she sighed as he groaned and stood up, knowing that he wasn't going to win when she was in a mood like this. Walking out of the room, Rick sighed as he ran up the stairs and into his daughter's bedroom to find her already sat up in bed with a book in her hands.

"Do you really have to go daddy?" Alexis whispered as she looked across at her father, not even saying good morning to him as he shut his eyes for a moment. "Are we going to the airport soon?" she asked as he nodded, laughing when she tightly wrapped her arms around his hips. "You're going to come back though, aren't you?" she asked.

"Of course I'm coming back, I always come back pumpkin" he smiled, running his fingers through her hair before lifting her into his arms, a squeal leaving her lips at the action. "Let's go downstairs and see whether mommy's ready yet and then maybe we can get breakfast on the way to the airport" he smiled as Alexis nodded and tightly wrapped her arms around her father's neck, never wanting to let go of him as she relaxed against him. Slowly reaching the bottom of the stairs a few moments later, Rick sighed as he found Kate walking out of the bedroom with AJ in her arms and exhaustion covering her face while she grabbed her keys off the table and looked across at them. "Come on, I'll take you for breakfast".

"I would rather you stayed here" Kate sighed before smiling across at her daughter and then down at her son. "Come on, let's go and get some breakfast" she smiled, reaching across to grab a jacket before she sighed and watched as the writer walked towards her before leaning down to kiss AJ's head while Alexis squealed at the movement before clinging onto her father, not wanting to be dropped by her father. "Breakfast now or you'll be on the plane starving" Kate stated as she looked up at her husband. "And you'll be going to school starving" the brunette added as shock covered the redhead's face.

"Daddy we need to go and get breakfast, I don't want to go to school starving" Alexis moaned as Kate laughed at her for a moment before smiling and walking towards the door while Alexander began to make noises against her.


"That's my plane" Rick sighed as he heard the comment that they had all been hoping not to hear. Watching as he stood up, Kate bit into her lip as Rick ran his fingers through Alexis' hair before he leant down to kiss her forehead gently as the redhead remained silent. "Look after your mommy and give her lots of cuddles when she looks sad because she's going to need them" he smiled as she nodded and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. "I love you pumpkin" he whispered as he moved away from her.

"I love you too daddy and I'll hug mom all the time" she whispered as the writer nodded and looked across at his wife who was busy playing with AJ while attempting not to cry.

"Three days and I'll call whenever I'm free" he promised as the brunette nodded slowly and looked up at him before the writer kissed her quickly, unable to stop herself from moaning against his lips as he pulled away from her slowly. "I love you" he whispered against her lips before running his fingers across his sons head and pressing a kiss to AJ's head gently while Kate watched in silence, not knowing what to say.

"I don't want you to leave" she whispered after a few moments of silence as he looked up at her. "You could just come home with us and blame me; I don't want to be on my own. I need my partner with this" she begged as the writer leant his forehead against hers for a moment as AJ continued to gurgle between them. "I need you to stay here with me, I need you to be here with our family" she whispered quietly as she rested against him, leaving enough space however to stop them from suffocating their son.

"Kate I need to go now" he admitted, holding her close for a moment as she stared at him in silence, not knowing what to say. "I love you beautiful" he smiled.

"I hate you right now" she laughed, unable to stop herself from smiling as the writer leant down to kiss their son again before Alexis tightly wrapped her arms around him, desperately trying to make him stay while the writer smiled down at his daughter. "Come on Lex, we need to let daddy go" Kate finally sighed as Rick watched her in amazement. "Go and make everyone fall in love with you Rick just remember who you have a home" she laughed as she kissed him gently, feeling Alexis' arms move from around Rick to around her. "Call us every night" she begged as he nodded and lifted his bag up before throwing it over his shoulder and taking a step away from them. "Rick" Kate called out after he'd taken a few steps away from them, his body turning to look at her as she smiled. "I love you" she laughed as Alexis began to wave.

"I love you too, I love everyone single one of you" Rick laughed as Kate smiled down at their two children.

"Say goodbye to daddy baby" Kate smiled as she looked down at the small boy who was staring across at Rick. Watching as Rick disappeared from sight, Kate sighed as she slowly watched Alexis for a moment before sitting down and sighing. "Shall we go pumpkin?" Kate asked quickly as the redhead shook her head, not wanting to leave yet.

"Can we wait until the plane leaves?" Alexis asked as Kate nodded and smiled, allowing the small girl to relax against her side as they stared up at the screen, waiting for Rick to disappear for three whole days of craziness.