Author's Note: Sorry for the delay. School started and it's my senior year, so I've been busy applying for college. Love you guys though! You know I do! Here's the next chapter. Sorry for any mistakes. I wrote this quickly.

I'll Follow the Sun

Chapter 3


The girl from the hospital was here at Abbey Road Studios, standing in front of me.

"Can you tell me where Brian Epstein is?" She asked again.

I stood there, speechless, staring at her. She stared at me, probably thinking I was crazy.

"Follow me," I said walking through the front door.

Why was she here? What did she want? How could she just show up at a time like this?

I led her through the back hallway to Studio 2. When I walked in the door, John was yelling at who I assumed was Ronald.

"You have to bloody do this right! You can't just waltz in here acting like the leader of this band," John looked at me, "George, you're bloody late!"

I ignored John and started looking for Brian in the sound booth with the girl from the hospital following close behind me.

"Where's Brian?" I asked.

"He said he'd be back in a few minutes," the new guy replied.

I noticed that he was the same height as Paul. He had a dark moptop like the rest of us, and he was left handed. A Hofner bass was strapped around him, but not Paul's because no one would have ever allowed that. It was shiny and brand new.

I turned to the girl, "You can sit on the couch until Brian gets back."

I realized that I was being very short with her as I turned away. I didn't care; however, because honestly, I didn't want anything to do with her.


George, of course I knew his name. Paul talked about him in the few short days that I was in love with him.

George turned to me, "You can sit on the couch until Brian gets back."

He turned away from me and walked over to the rest of the band. That was the most I had ever heard George say. Paul had said that he was quiet when he wasn't comfortable with something or someone.

I sat on the couch and observed the space I was in. So, this is where Paul had worked every day. I recognized the other two Beatles from the pictures Paul had shown me in the magazine. He had been so excited because it was their very first photo shoot. John was yelling at a man I didn't recognize. I guessed that he was Paul's replacement.

I looked over to see Ringo sitting behind his drum set. He looked bored and he sighed as John's yelling grew louder. I looked at the new guy, who was taking in all of John's insults.

Suddenly, I felt sick; I couldn't stand to watch this anymore. I felt guilty for being alive; I wanted Paul to be here. Even though I knew it wasn't, I felt as if Paul's death was my fault. I felt bad for coming here, but I had nowhere left to go.

Even in his absence, I felt Paul's presence beside me and in my heart. I looked back at Ringo. He glanced at me and smiled. I smiled back. He pointed somewhere behind me. I looked to see who I guessed was Brian, descending the stairs.

"Okay, settle down. Can we please just finish this album?" He said loudly and with authority.

I thought I saw John roll his eyes and George cleared his throat.

I stood up from the couch as he walked past me, "Mr. Epstein. I'm Lucy Butler. I need to talk to you about Paul. I called you yesterday."

He sighed, "Yes. Come with me to my office. Boys," he turned to them, "work."

Brian started to walk back up the stairs and I timidly followed him. So, this was Paul's manager? I thought as we walked through the sound booth. I followed him down a long hallway and into a small office. He sat down at his desk and I sat in a chair in front of it.

Brian looked seriously at me, "The baby is for sure Paul's?"

I nodded.


I've had enough of this bloke coming in here and trying to take Paul's place.

"I need a break," I said into the microphone.

"Okay boys, ten minute break," Our producer, George Martin, said from the sound booth.

I took off my guitar and walked up the stairs to the hallway. Brian had just left with that mysterious girl moments ago. I decided to be nosy and find out who she was and why she was here. I approached Brian's office stood close enough to the door where I could hear the conversation.

"I know it's his. I haven't been with anyone else, ever," I heard the girl say.

I heard Brian sigh, "I don't understand why you can to me."

"I have nowhere else to go, Mr. Epstein. I want to learn more about Paul. I was wondering if I could get some kind of job where I could work with The Beatles, to find out more about Paul," she explained.

"Paul didn't know?" Brian asked her.

Paul didn't know what? Who was this girl and how did she know my best friend?

"I just found out a week ago. I just want to know a little bit more about my baby's father," she said.

I could hear the tears in her eyes. She must've been the girl with Paul on the night he died. She was pregnant with Paul's child! I couldn't believe it.

Brian spoke again, "Well, I can find you something to do. I suppose you act as the boys' personal assistant. You know, fetch them water and snacks."

"Mr. Epstein, you don't know how much I appreciate this. I'm sorry I'm being such a bother," she said.

"No problem. You can start by just hanging out in the studio today if you like," Brian told her.

Brian opened the door, "Oh! John, you're supposed to be working."

"We're on a break, Eppy," I told him.

I glanced at the girl, she was scanning me over.

Brian spoke, "John, would you mind showing Lucy around the studios? She will be the new personal assistant to the Beatles."

"I would love to," I told him, looking at her.

Brian walked away and I stepped up to Lucy, "So, you've got Paul's bun in the oven?"

She giggled, "You are exactly how Paul described you."

"Paul talked about me? He said nice things, I assume," I wiggled my eyebrows.

"Yes, he did," she said, smiling.

I carefully looked her over as we began walking down the hallway; she was beautiful. Old Paulie did a great job with this bird. As she continued to smile, I realized exactly why Paul had fallen in love with her.


John and the girl that George brought came walking into the studio from the back entrance.

"Paul did that?" The girl laughed.

John smiled, "Yeah, his father was furious."

George, who was standing beside me, grabbed his guitar and sighed as John and the girl came into the studio.

The girl sat down on the couch again. I stared at her; her dark brown hair and piercing, blue eyes made her stunning.

"If you don't close your mouth, Ringo, you might start catching flies," I heard John say.

I closed my mouth that I didn't realize I had had open in the first place.

John chuckled, "She's pretty isn't she?"

"She's beautiful," I said. "Who is she?"

John picked up his guitar, "She was the last person to see Paul alive. She just found out she was pregnant. She came here looking for a job and to learn more about Paul."

I walked over to the couch. I was intrigued by this mysterious girl.

"Hello," I greeted her.

"Hi," she looked up at me. "You must be Ringo."

"Yes, and you are?"

"Lucy," she smiled.

God, her smile was beautiful.

I grinned, "I'm glad you're nice. Most girls don't like me because I'm little, and they think I'm goofy."

I realized I was babbling from nervousness.

She laughed and I knew what I felt was love.

Author's Note: Woah! Little Ringo is in love. John seemed to take a liking to Lucy as well. Don't worry, George will come around. Review!