A/N: I got bored this week and began searching for Teen Wolf Fan Fictions and fell in love! I love the show and got inspired from stories I`ve read. MTV owns the original characters but I own the ones you don't recognize! Hope you like it. Review!
Chapter 1: Hello/Goodbye
"Emily! Wake up before you miss your flight!" was all I heard before I pulled the covers over my head. I immediately regret going out last night. I couldn't turn down my "Going away" party. Okay...maybe the stop to a sketchy strip club was a little much.
"Emily! Get up!" My dad yelled again, this time from my door.
Today I was leaving for Beacon Hills California to finish my senior year with my aunt Melissa and cousin Scott. My dad was in the military and was set to leave for Iraq in two weeks. It was either live on a military base somewhere or move with the only family she had left. I chose to move in with my Aunt Melissa in Beacon Hills, I haven't been there since I was a child but what could it hurt? I was only going to be there for a couple of months.
"Alright, Alright. I'm up"
I finally rolled myself out of bed finished packing up whatever I could fit in just two large suitcases. After packing I took a quick shower and stood in my bathroom wrapped in my towel starring at my reflection in the mirror. Even though I felt like shit from last night's escapades, I didn't want to look like it. I decided to blow dry my long brown hair straight and went light on the makeup. When I finished I went over to the outfit I didn't through into my suitcase. Black skinny jeans, a fitted plaid button down shirt with my black converse. The flight was going to be long so I wanted to be comfortable.
"Breakfast is ready" my dad said quietly knocking on my door.
"Come in dad" I said trying to pack as much shoes into a duffel bag. "Damn it!" I huffed trying to zip it back up.
My dad chuckled and took over.
"I know you're tired of all the moving honey and things have been a little hard for you but this time should be the last. Your 18 and soon you will be off to college and off on your own." he said zipping the bag up with ease.
"Thanks" I said smiling at him. I loved my dad and I wish he didn't have to leave again. Ever since I can remember we`ve been moving all over the country. It even got to the point where my own mother couldn't take it and walked out on us. My dad has had several girlfriends and they tried to look after me but let's just say I`m a hand full.
We stood up and looked around my now bare bedroom. I was going to miss Jersey.
It didn`t hit me until I was about to board my plane that I leaving my dad and he was leaving for Iraq. I ran to him and hugged him tight. We stayed like this until it was announced that the plane was boarding.
"I love you Sweetie. Remember, there`s enough money in your account to get a car and be comfortable okay. Call me as soon as you land." he said wiping a tear from my cheek.
"Thanks for everything daddy, I love you too." I said hugging him once more then turning to board the plane. On the plane I took out my IPod and drifted off to sleep.
"Miss?" a very blond flight attendant said in a soft voice, waking me from my nap.
Walking out onto the lobby of the small airport looking for Aunt Melissa or Scott.
"Emily?" a female voice called out from a waiting area. I turned around to place a face to the voice, it was Melissa followed by Scott I assumed. He`d grown so much since the last time I saw him. They both greeted me with hugs and led me to their car. The whole ride to my new home consisted of me looking out the window and answering their questions and reminiscing about the last time I was here.
The town hadn't` changed much. Same little stores, average neighborhoods and boring schools. Wherever I go I make the best of it.
We arrived at the small two story home in less than thirty minutes. Scott helped me with my lugged and lifted the heavier suitcases with ease. Wow, did I mention he really grew up since the last time I saw him? Once inside Melissa led me upstairs to my new room. It was small, had a double bed, desk and an average closet. My favorite part of the room was the huge window.
"There`s a bathroom across from you and if you need anything let me know okay?" Melissa said with a genuine smile on her face. Before she turned to leave the room she mentioned that she registered me for school and that I would start tomorrow. I thanked her and unpacked my things. I was finishing when I heard Scott come back up the stairs but he wasn't alone.
"Stiles, this is my cousin Emily. Emily this is my best friend Stiles." he said.
"Nice to meet you Stiles" I said smiling
"Uhh. H-Hi." Said Stiles not blinking at all. Stiles had a goofy grin on his face with big hazel eyes and low cut brown hair which made him look really young.
Scott nudged him and he snapped out of whatever internal dialogue he had going on. I decided to start the conversation.
"My dad gave me cash for a car, any suggestions on where to get one around here?" I asked looking between the both of them. Stiles spoke up first.
"There's actually a place about 10 minutes from here." he said shoving his hands inside his pockets.
"I can give you a lift if you want." he said with a shy smile on his face. Oh god, this kid had no idea.
"Sure, let me grab my purse." I grabbed my purse and we headed down stairs. Stiles didn't look like the type that would own a Jeep. I liked it.
"What brings you to Beacon Hills?" he asked but was nudged again by Scott who sat in the back.
"It's okay Scott. My dad is being stationed in Iraq." I said simply then turning to look out the window.
I was almost shaking with excitement. I couldn't wait to get my own car. Back home me and my dad shared his truck and even then he would always lecture about filling the tank ...blah blah blah. We reached the small dealership and I practically jumped out of the car before it was at a complete stop. We were greeted by an overly perky guy that looked to be in his late forties. He took me to look at a car that had just arrived and that's when an electric blue Ford mustang caught my eye. It was totally bad ass. I had to have it. I was offered the chance to test drive it and I couldn't refuse, I was sold.
"See you guys later!" I said after paying and completing all the paper work. I was in love with this car. I drove around town vaguely remembering my way around town. It was getting dark and I needed to stop for gas. It took a while for me to find a gas station. I pulled in front of an open pump and get out. A black Camaro pulled in behind me and it caught my attention. I didn't see who was inside because of the tinted windows so I turned back to my pump. I went in to pay for the gas and on my way out with me watching where I was going and smacked right into some one. Whoever this person was knocked me flat on my ass and I was pissed.
"Won't you watch where you're going?" I looked up to see the person who had the nerve to say that to me and manage to not help me up. Holy...There looking over me stood nothing but muscle, bright green eyes and pure sex. Emily Likely
"I wasn't paying attention. Sorry." I said completely forgetting why I was even mad in the first place. His handsome face held no expression as he helped me up. I watched as his muscles flexed and I swear I liked my lips.
"Next time pay attention." he snapped not expecting him to say that. I snatched my arm away from him and walked off to my car murmuring "Asshole" under my breath. I got in my car and watched him look in my direction before walking into the store.
Who was that guy? He was by far the hottest guy I've ever seen. What was up with the attitude? What a cliché I thought driving back to the house to get ready for school tomorrow.
I parked my car beside Melissa`s and went inside. I went straight up to my room to get ready for tomorrow. I admit I was a little nervous about my first day at Scott's school in the morning. I didn't know what to expect but either way this town was going either going to love me or hate me. After a soothing shower I changed into my pajamas, which was a black tank and boy shorts and climbed into bed. That plane crash was really hitting me now and I quickly drifted off to sleep.
My chest was heaving and I was sweating uncontrollably. I couldn't catch my breath no matter how much I tried. I was panting, drastically grabbing at the sheets. It was completely dark in my room but the light from the full moon lit the room in the right way.
I tried to cry out but I couldn't find my voice. My eyes darted around the room then zeroed in on a dark figure in the corner. Red eyes looked back at me. I was terrified but I didn't feel like the figure was a threat.
The figure began slowly walking toward the bed and my eyes grew wider. The figure stretched out its palms and flexed its fingers.
The figure lowered its face to mine and all I wanted to do was scream but my voice was lost. I couldn't move. What was happening to me?
I watched as the finger nails of the figure started to grow with an earsplitting sound. I was afraid of what was about to happen next.
The figure took his index finger and ran it over my throat. I felt a warm liquid travel down throat and I began to panic.
My eyes budged out of my head as I tried to scream, still nothing. A loud terrifying growl echoed throughout my room. I locked eyes with the figure and it bared its teeth.
It was as if I was paralyzed. The figure snapped back its neck then sunk its teeth into my neck. I couldn't think, the only that was present was the pain. I finally let out a piercing Scream and the figure was gone.
A/N: What do you guys think? Should this a one shot or should I continue? REVIEW!