Summary: What if Judai never sent Yubel up to space with his Neo Spacians? The story of GX retold with her presence and set in a different timeline. Elements of 5D's will be present, along with a side helping of some new characters.
Rating: K+ (subject to change)
Author's Note: Hello! Lady Aurelia here with another story. I got this idea in the midst of writing You Can't Turn Back
. I know I shouldn't be starting a new story but this have been bugging for me some time and I've decided to publish it.

This version of GX is told with Yubel's presence, along with some original characters thrown into the mix. And without Yubel's vengeance (or 'love' for Judai), season three would definitely have to be different. Along with that, since this is set in a different time than the original GX (Synchros and Riding Duels are present in this story), there would definitely have to be new people as well. This story is about 80% original, and the other 20% is what happened in the actual show.

I will be using the anime version of the card game for duel rules, such as being able to summon a defense position monster face up, and each player starting with 4000 Life Points instead of the real life 8000. Even if I am using the Japanese version of the anime as reference, I will be using the English names of the cards, seeing as I am much more familiar with them. Card effects will also be according to their anime counterparts if there is a difference between the TCG and the anime.

Diamond Tears
-(Lithospheric Mantle — Exam: PASSED)-

Armoured boots pounded the dirt ground as the owner tried their best to keep running. Long, dark hair flowed behind them as they ran against the wind. Their cheeks were already red due to the need of oxygen, and they were panting heavily as they kept going, ignoring their body's pleas to stop.

They couldn't stop. If they did, it would be the end of them.

"Over there!" a voice cried and the figure winced in pain at the scratchy sound. Hurriedly, they hid behind a bush and almost collapsed. The only thing keeping them awake were their self-preservation instincts and the raw adrenaline pumping through their veins.

They took a moment to catch their breath as they greedily gulped in gallons of much-needed air into their lungs. The footsteps of their pursuers faded off into the distance, and they laid there, still for another few moments before they decided to crawl out of their hidey hole. Weakly, they stood up, leaning against the trees for support as they kept panting.

In the dark of the night, black armour glinted in the moonlight. The figure's body was covered head to toe in black armour, and, upon further inspection, could be deemed female with the breast guards and pleated skirt.

She only stayed next to the tree for a moment, before she began her run anew. The woman ran deeper into the forest, carefully avoiding branches and roots as she kept going. Even with her stamina and years of training, she had reached her limit. She had ran for at least seven miles with her armour on, and there was only so much she could take before collapsing in exhaustion.

But she couldn't do that yet. She had to get to safety first before she could get her rest.

The woman slowed to a walk as she neared the center of the forest, and looked up in slight awe at the giant tree that greeted her. Without hesitation, she sprinted towards it, placing her hands on the bark as she hauled herself up. She was up in the branches within a few moments and she collapsed against its rough bark.

"Yggdrasil, world tree," she whispered in between pants of breath. "Love unguided and love misguided, all retreat to the branches of your power for safety. And I ask you extend that kindness to me as well, for there are certain things that should be left unsaid, and yet shouted into the wind all the same."

"My guide," she continued, softly stroking the bark below her fingers, watching as the tree began to glow softly. "My savior. My destination will be for you, and from these twelve dimensions I wish to go—any, as long as I am away from this one."

There were voices in the distance, and she knew she didn't have much time left. Hearing her heart pound loudly in her ears, she gripped the branch tightly and took another breath.

"You who shines upon us like an invisible mother," she spoke, although her words were rushed. The tree was beginning to glow brighter and brighter with her words. "You who protects us like a guardian angel. You, who tries to show us light when the world has become dark."

"I ask of you, Yggdrasil, world tree, careful hand of the ancestors—"

"I see her! She's over here!" a voice growled, and she gasped, but tried not to lose focus as she clung tighter, eyes squeezing shut. She pressed her cheek against the bark, causing it to cut through skin and make her cheek bleed. But she didn't care; she was too scared to. She was numb to the tiny sensation.

"Knock your arrows!" the scratchy voice from before spoke.

"—bestow upon me your kindness in my greatest hour—"


"—ashes to ashes we will return. But save me from the dust!"


There was a blinding glow as the arrows were released from their bows, and the world was engulfed in light. The monsters chasing the woman covered their eyes from blinding light, only hoping that the arrows made contact before Yggdrasil worked its magic. As quickly as it came, the light diminished, and the monsters let out a low growl.

The woman was gone.


Mystic Tomato
Level 4
ATK: 1400 / DEF: 1100
ATR: DARK / Plant / Effect
When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard: You can Special Summon one DARK monster with 1500 or less ATK from your Deck in face-up Attack Position.

"Oh my God, I'm going to be late!"

A duo-coloured brown and orange headed male ran through the streets of Neo Domino City, effectively avoiding pedestrians in his mad dash to the Kaiba Dome. He shouted half-hearted condolences to the numerous passerby people he may have disturbed, but otherwise never fully stopped to apologize.

"Excuse me! I'm sorry! Coming through!" he shouted, skidding to a rushed stop so that he could turn the corner without going off course. As soon as he started running again, however, he caught sight of a man in front of him. He was a little too late to stop their collision.

"Oof!" he said as he hit the ground on his tailbone and the cards on his duel disk scattered everywhere. "Oh god, my coccyx."

Releasing a small chuckle, the man, who did not fall down from the collision, glanced at the cards that littered the ground. "You're a duelist, aren't you?" he asked, putting a hand over his own deck that was holstered in his belt.

"Yeah! I'm trying to get to the Duel Academia entrance exams," the boy responded, picking up his fallen cards. As he turned around, he blinked and his eyes widened as he realized who the man was. "Wait, aren't you—"

"Here, take this," the man reached into his deck holder and pulled out a card, giving it to the boy in front of him. He took the card and looked at it, before looking back up at the man in confusion. "Something tells me it wants to be with you."

"Ah, thanks, mister Mu—"

"You're welcome and good luck with the exams,"

The boy took another look at the card in his hand, before the watch on his wrist beeped. "Duel Academia exam ends in ten minutes," the robotic voice reminded.

"Ah! Hold on, I'm coming, I'm coming! It isn't my fault the train was laaaate!" the boy shouted, pocketing the card before he began his frantic run for the Kaiba Dome again. A transparent winged demon looked on in amusement, half-white, half-blue hair tumbling as she laughed.

"And now I tune my level two Geomancer of the Ice Barrier, my level four Giga Gagagigo, and my level three Mermaid Knight," a blonde-haired woman said, brandishing her right arm out in a dramatic fashion. "The ocean, ever changing, signals the beginning of all life. Witness the power of evolution!"

"Come forth, Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier!"

A large hole formed behind the girl as a large dragon began to rise out of it. It had three heads: one of them rose from its torso with a long, dark blue and scaly neck, and the other two came out of the place where arms were supposed to be. All three had a small, yellow gem attached to their steel armoured forehead, and sharp yellow slits that served as eyes. They all looked identical to each other. Its hands produced from the same place the heads did, and from the wrist to elbow were steel guards. Each of its fingertips was covered in steel as well.

The body of the three-headed dragon was covered in sharp, steel armour that faded slowly into dark blue as the colours reached its waist. Its legs were short and small, covered in what seemed to be steel armoured boots. Its feet looked like the one of a chicken's and a long, dark blue tail swept out behind it, ending with a large silver fan shape. Two large steel plated wings spread out from its back, and the underside of them resembled dangling icicles.

Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier: 2700 (+200 from A Legendary Ocean) ATK / 2000 (+200) DEF

Up in the stands, a boy with black windswept hair whistled. He wore a white jumpsuit with black lining, and attached to his arm was the standard white duel disk model. "I never thought I'd see such a monster here," he said, mostly to himself.

"I don't think I've ever heard of Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier before," a short, blue-haired boy behind him said. He wore a dark blue standard school uniform for boys and small, circular glasses were perched on his nose.

"Well, there are only a few of its kind out there. It's more of a collector's item than anything else," the black-haired boy responded knowingly as he crossed his arms. "Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier was a tournament prize in Italy a few years back. What we're seeing right now is one of the three copies in the world."

"Woah, that's awesome!" a new voice joined in, and the two blinked before looking behind them. A duo-coloured brown and orange haired boy came up behind them, a large grin on his face.

"And if I may ask who you are?" the black-haired boy asked.

"I'm Judai Yuuki, the next Duel King!" he responded, holding up a 'V' sign with his fingers and smiling.

"Daichi Misawa, pleasure to meet you," the other replied, somewhat amused.

"A-And I'm Sho Marufuji," the short boy added.

"Next, I activate Trishula's special effect!" the blonde-haired girl continued, and the three in the stands focused their attention back on the duel. The large, three-headed dragon began to glow white. "When it is successfully Synchro summoned, I can remove from play one card from your field, your Graveyard, and your hand!"

Field: A Legendary Ocean (Applicant), Darklord Desire (Proctor), one face down (Proctor), Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (Applicant)

"What?" the proctor responded, taking a step backwards as each of the three dragon heads began to roar.

"I remove from play your face down card!" she said, gesturing to the holographic card in his spell and trap card zone. One of the dragon's heads let out a roar. Mirror Force revealed itself before it was destroyed. "Along with Sunny Pixie from your Graveyard, and the middle card from your hand!"

A small fairy with insect-like wings and magneta-coloured hair tied into a long ponytail wearing a yellow and orange jumpsuit appeared, and then cried out as it was whisked away in a yellow light. The proctor discarded the middle card in his hand as the last two dragon heads let out their cries of battle as well.

"Even so, my Darklord Desire still has more attack points than your dragon!" he responded, confident in his life points.

Darklord Desire: 3000 ATK / 2800 DEF

Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier: 2900 ATK / 2200 DEF

"I've already thought of that," the girl replied, placing a card into the spell and trap card zone on her duel disk. "I activate Black Pendant, and equip it to my Trishula!"

The green card with a broken red beaded necklace and a dark purple pendant in the center appeared on the field. The item in the card materialized and grew large enough so that it could fasten itself around the central neck of the dragon.

"With this, my Trishula gains 500 ATK Points!" the dark blue dragon roared as the pendant glowed, and the holographic box next to it, which showed its ATK and DEF points, signaled the change by raising the ATK Points by 500.

Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier: 3400 ATK / 2200 DEF


"Trishula, take down his Darklord Desire!"

The dragon roared as all three heads began to open their mouths and charge white balls of light. After a moment, they let out their beams at the same time, all three beams converging for one single, strong beam that headed towards the opponent's monsters.

Darlord Desire's red, feathery wings flapped, and the black armoured humanoid lifted his black shield that had a golden lining to try and deflect the beam. The shield cracked, and Darklord Desire screamed as he was blown into pieces.


"Nice job, applicant, but my life points are still intact," the proctor congratulated and gestured to the silver box beside him that showed his remaining Life Points.

"Trust me, I've done the math," she replied, placing another card into her spell and trap card zone. "I activate the Spell Card, Ante! Each player chooses one card from the other's hand, and if the level of my monster is higher than the one picked from yours, then you get dealt 1000 Life Points! If the level of my monster is lower than yours, then I get dealt 1000 Life Points."

"A bit risky, don't you think?"

"That may be so, but I only have one card in my hand," she said, holding up the single card with its back facing the proctor. "And you have two. I'll take my chances—I choose the card on your right!"

Both players revealed their cards at the same time, and the cards that were selected appeared on their master's side of the field.

Applicant: Ice Queen, level 8 (-1)

Proctor: Dancing Fairy, level 4

"Since your Dancing Fairy is a lower level than my Ice Queen, the effect of Ante activates, and you take 1000 points of damage!" she said as the green spell card glowed, and then fired a beam at the proctor. He fell over from the force as the box that counted his Life Points depleted to zero.



"Nice job, new student! Welcome to Duel Academia, Eva del Sarto," the proctor said as he got up and clapped. The blonde-haired girl, now dubbed Eva, nodded in thanks before deactivating her duel disk and turning around to exit the field. The large image of her three-headed dragon faded away along with the underwater background of her field spell.

Eva made her way up the stairs to the stands and took a seat just in front of the trio that had watched her duel. Judai leaned over the rail grinned.

"Hello, Eva-san!" he said and she turned around, blinking.

"And you are..?" she asked quizzically.

"Judai Yuuki! I watched your duel, and that was an awesome card you played there!"

"Thank you," she replied, but made no move to continue the conversation. Before she could snap back around, though, Daichi leaned forward slightly. The gears in his head were turning.

"Del Sarto? Of Sarto Corp?" he asked and she nodded quickly, nervously wringing her hands together in her lap. "My mother quite likes the clothes your company produces. She's, ah, hooked onto your fashion line."

A small smile teased the corners of her mouth. "My mother is the one who does all the designing," she said, feeling more at ease now that she spoke of family. "Her ideas are amazing, and we're supposed to debut our Liquid Elegance collection this winter."

"I heard," Daichi nodded, though he wasn't as into fashion as his aforementioned mother was. He only knew through her numerous magazines.

"Ah, hey, really?" Judai cut in, still with his broad grin. He pointed to his gray jacket. "My mother bought this for me; she says it's from Sarto Corp."

"They are one of the largest producers of clothes in Japan," Daichi provided and Eva nodded. "Speaking of, if your company's headquarters is in Italy, and your surname is Italian, why did you not try out for North Academy in Norway? It's closer."

"I was, um," she fidgeted again, clearly embarrassed. She looked down at her hands. "I failed last year's entrance exams for North Academy. I mean, I passed the written test but not my examination duel."

"Would that make you one year our senior?" Sho asked, leaning in and blinking at the blonde-haired female. She nodded.

"I'm sixteen, going on seventeen next year," she responded.

"Awesome! I'm fifteen, going on sixteen next year," Judai added and Daichi and Sho nodded in agreement.

"Please don't tell anyone about this, I, um—" she hurriedly said, looking around for any eavesdroppers. "I've improved since then."

"I can tell. That was a nice victory," Daichi replied. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. What I'm much more curious about is how you got your hands on Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier."

"Oh!" she said, glad to have a change of topic. "I bought him from the winner of the tournament that had Trishula as a prize a few years ago. He had no need for it, and sold it for a measly 3,000 euros*."

"How much would that be in yen?" Judai asked. The gears in Daichi's head were already turning as he did the currency conversion.

"That would be approximately 284,100 yen," Daichi supplied.

"I wouldn't call that measly," Sho squeaked.

"Have you seen the other offers, though?" Eva asked, a mortified look on her face. "If I hadn't caught him first and offered my price, someone else would have offered him even more. Trishula is worth at least double the amount I paid for him. Mama would not pay for anything more than seven thousand."

Daichi nodded in agreement. "I heard the last Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier card was sold for at least triple the price of what Eva paid," he said. "There's only three copies in the world, after all. And they don't know who has the third one."

There came a period of silence after that as everyone digested the new information. Even Eva, who knew it was rare, did not realize that her Trishula card only had three copies made.

"How did all of you do on your examination duels?" Sho suddenly asked.

"I think I passed mine with high marks," Daich boasted, letting himself wear a smug smile. Sho nervously smiled in reply and Eva was glad for another topic change.

"I'm just glad I got in," Eva said, releasing a sigh she didn't know she was holding. "My mother made me promise that if I failed again I would begin my lessons in Advanced Economics in order to take over the company. I don't like math."

"Same here! On the 'get in' part, I mean," Sho replied, laughing nervously as he scratched the back of his head. He readjusted his glasses when they began to slip off slightly.

"I'll tell you when I finish my duel!" Judai said cheerfully, and the other three looked at him quizzically.

"But I think Eva-san's duel was the last one," Daichi provided.


"I don't think I will ever get used to honorifics. It's weird," the blonde-haired girl said thoughtfully, drawing her lips into a thin line. "Speaking of which, I didn't get the rest of your names."

"Oh, of course. I'm Daichi Misawa," he supplied, holding his hand out for a shake since that was the Western tradition. Eva gripped it firmly and nodded in greeting as she shook his hand.

"I'm Sho Marufuji," the short blue-haired boy said.

"Marufuji? You mean like Ryo Marufuji—?" Eva said, clasping her hands together as she looked upon the shorter boy in wonder. Sho nodded in confirmation, putting on a nervous smile since he always seemed to be overshadowed by his brother. "Dio! I-I'm so honored to meet you!"

"I, um—"

"Judai Yuuki, please report to testing field three. I repeat: Judai Yuuki, please report to testing field three for your examination duel," the intercom interrupted, and Sho sighed in relief. He never did like dealing with the publicity that was being Ryo's younger brother. He was known inside and outside the academy as a prodigy, and had many admirers. It seemed like Eva was one of them.

"Alright! That's my duel," Judai said as he began to excitedly make his way down the steps and onto the testing ground. He turned around and gave the group of three still up there a 'V' sign with his fingers and a large grin. "Watch the next Duel king in action!"

Daichi shook his head bemusedly as Judai turned around to walk to the desired testing field. "His spirit is admirable, but with the opponent he's facing, I don't think he should be this cheerful," he stated and the two other duelists looked in the direction that he was pointing at.

"Isn't that one of the professors?" Sho asked, gripping the edge of the railing as the two began to duel.

"Professor Chronos de Medici," Eva replied, the name rolling off her tongue easily. "He's Italian as well. Why is he dueling an applicant?"

"A professor with a PhD in dueling," Daichi added grimly, crossing his arms again. "Judai-kun is going to need all of the luck he can get."

"You can get a PhD in dueling?" Sho asked incredulously.


The three turned their attention back to the field where Judai was currently dueling. Judai's side of the field held one defense position Elemental Hero Avian and Professor Chronos's side of the field held two Wicked Tokens. Daichi drew his lips into a thin line at the sight and shook his head. Eva looked to him questioningly.

"Cards like that shouldn't be in an exam deck," he replied, watching the duel intently. "The professor must be using his own deck."

"Dios mio. Why would he do that?" Eva asked.

"Judai must be a really great duelist, then!" Sho added hopefully, though he still held doubts.

"And now I sacrifice my two Wicked Tokens to summon my ace monster, Ancient Gear Golem-na no ne!" Professor Chronos said as he held up the eight-star monster in his hand. The two golden serpents with matching headdresses disappeared from the field.

A giant humanoid machine replaced them. It wore a stone helmet and only one of its glowing red eyes was visible. Its torso lacked a cover, so spinning green cogs greeted Judai's eyes. The monster of a machine towered over the field, its red eyes blinking as it focused on Judai.

Ancient Gear Golem: 3000 ATK / 3000 DEF

"Be aware, dropout boy-no ne, I have not lost a duel since this card has made it to the field," Chronos said smugly.

"Then that will make it all the better once I beat you!" Judai replied cheerfully, his grin seemingly forever plastered onto his face. Chronos gritted his teeth, annoyed at his carefree behavior.

"Well I'll wipe that smile off your face, dropout boy," he replied, pointing his finger at Judai's Elemental Hero Avian. "Take out his measly hero-na no ne!"

The green mechanisms in Ancient Gear Golem's torso started turning, and the giant gear machine raised its fist. The fist began to spin rapidly as it neared its target, and the winged hero stood no chance as he exploded into pieces. Judai gritted his teeth and silently told Elemental Hero Avian that he'd make it up to him.

"And my Ancient Gear Golem has a special effect-no ne!" Chronos added gleefully. "When my golem attacks a defense position monster, the difference between his attack points and your monster's defense points come out of your life points-na no ne!"

Chronos de Medici: 3000 LP / Judai Yuuki: 2000 LP

Judai put his arm over his eyes as the resulting dust storm took off 2000 of his Life Points, but he managed to regain his smile even though he was now down to half of his original Life Points. Chronos frowned.

"Awesome effect, but don't count me out yet!" he said, drawing his next card. A small 'kuri, kuri' greeted him as he realized what card he had just drawn. It was the card that the man he bumped into earlier this morning handed to him: Winged Kuriboh. Grinning, he saluted his new partner and added the card to his hand.

"First I summon Winged Kuriboh in attack mode!" he said, placing the card in his monster zone. A brown furball with stubby green arms and legs along with feathery white wings appeared on Judai's side of the field.

Winged Kuriboh: 300 ATK / 200 DEF

"Alright, so you pulled out a rare card-no ne. It's still a smallfry," Chronos replied, not very impressed.

"Don't call my card a smallfry!" Judai retorted, frowning. He put a card into his magic and trap card zone. "I activate the Spell Card, Double Summon! This allows me to normal summon another monster this turn!"

His grin returned as the magic card revealed itself: a woman holding a staff towards the sky as a white beam of light shined down on her. "I summon my Mystic Tomato in attack mode!" Judai said as he put another card onto his monster zone. An orange card revealed itself.

Out came a monster resembling a tomato, except horribly deformed with scars near the green stem and a scary face peered from the front. Its set of razor sharp teeth made most of the onlookers recoil in either fear or disgust. The tomato opened its mouth to reveal its tongue, as if insulting the professor across from him.

Mystic Tomato: 1400 ATK / 1100 DEF

"Okay, okay, so you can summon another monster-na no ne," Chronos replied, clapping his hands mockingly. "But if won't do you any good."

"Think again! Winged Kuriboh, attack his Ancient Gear Golem!" Judai said, holding out his hand for a dramatic effect. The small furball puffed up its cheeks and flew towards the giant monster, scratching the iron with its claws.

"Are you giving up already, dropout boy?"

Judai only smiled as the giant golem knocked away the Winged Kuriboh in slight annoyance. The winged furball cried out as it dissolved into thousands of tiny pieces. Chronos knitted his eyebrows together as Judai's life points didn't drop from the attack.

Chronos de Medici: 3000 LP / Judai Yuuki: 2000 LP

"Check your equipment, dropout boy-na no ne," Chronos said. "It may be malfunctioning."

"Wondering why I didn't lose anything?" Judai replied with a knowing grin. He held up his Winged Kuriboh card for a moment while he explained. "On the turn that Winged Kuriboh is destroyed, all battle damage I take is reduced to zero!"

"So you've saved yourself this turn-na no ne," the professor said, rather bored. Judai didn't falter from his position and instead only kept his positive outlook. He discarded the Winged Kuriboh card into his graveyard.

"And now my Mystic Tomato attacks your Ancient Gear Golem as well!"

The tomato lashed out its freakishly long tongue and wrapped it around the golem's foot. He tried to pull, but was not strong enough. The golem bored-ly stomped on the tomato and broke it into pieces as he did with Winged Kuriboh.

"And now the effect of my Mystic Tomato activates!" Judai said, holding out his hand. The spirit of the tomato came back and opened its mouth wide, as if waiting for something to enter or come out of it. "When it is destroyed in battle, I can summon any DARK monster with 1500 or less ATK Points from my deck!"

A clawed hand began to reach out of the tomato's mouth, followed by another. A wild mane of half-blue and half-white hair began to peek out as the monster tried to climb its way out of Mystic Tomato's mouth.

"I summon my partner, Yubel!"

Finally, Mystic Tomato began to rip into pieces as two large, red-brown demonic wings spread out from the inside. The monster took flight and then landed on the field. It was a humanoid demon with three eyes, and a redish-brownish skin tone. Black spandex covered its body and one arm and one leg was clawed while the other two looked human. The third eye was situated on top of its forehead, and opened vertically. The demon had a sadistic smile on—what seemed to be—her face.

Yubel: 0 ATK / 0 DEF

Back in the stands, the trio watched as the demonic female was summoned to the field. Sho shivered slightly but Eva and Daichi both had imaginary question marks above their heads.

"Yubel?" Eva asked, leaning forward in her seat.

"I don't think I've heard of that card, and I know almost every card in existence," Daichi said, biting his lower lip. "Leave it to Judai-san to have some sort of trump card."

"She looks really scary, though," Sho added, shifting his weight from one foot to another nervously at the sight of it.

"Well, part of the game is trying to get into your opponent's mind. If they're scared or frightened, they make mistakes more often," Daichi replied as they focused back on the duel.

"That monster has no ATK or DEF Points-na no ne!" Chronos stated. "What are you planning?"

Judai grinned as Yubel turned around to face him. "Now show him my special effect," she said.

"Yubel attacks your Ancient Gear Golem!" he said and Yubel's eyes glowed gold. Ancient Gear Golem's eyes glowed in response and he raised his fist to prepare for a strike as if Chronos had ordered him to.

"What are you doing-na no ne?" the professor asked in shock as his own monster started attacking without provocation.

"And here comes Yubel's special effect!" Judai pumped a fist in the air. The golem's attack almost connected with Yubel before a vine spiraled around her body and blocked it. Another vine was sent towards Professor Chronos. "Any and all Battle Damage I take involving Yubel is rebounded back to you instead!"

"Wait, hold on—" the professor cried, scratching his hair out as the vine got closer and closer. "If my golem has 3000 ATK Points-no ne…"

"You take 3000 points of damage!" Judai finished eagerly.

The vine rose from the ground and wrapped around Chronos. An electric shock was sent from the vine wrapped around Yubel to the one wrapped around the professor. Chronos screamed as the current electrocuted him and dropped the rest of his Life Points down to zero.

Chronos de Medici: 0 LP / Judai Yuuki: 2000 LP

WINNER: Judai Yuuki

"Gotcha!" Judai said as he put his index and middle finger together, both of them pointing at Chronos as the rest of his finger stayed behind. He grinned as the duel disks deactivated and Yubel and Ancient Gear Golem faded away from reality. "That was a great duel!"

"B-But how?" Chronos wailed. "Defeated by a d-d-dropout boy-na no ne!"

Daichi, Eva, and Sho cheered loudly from the stands as Judai made his way back up. The newly admitted Duel Academia student gave them all a high-five as each of them congratulated him on a job well done.

"Welcome to the academy, Ichiban-kun," Daichi said, holding out his hand. Judai took it eagerly.

"Ichiban-kun?" he asked.

"Yes, yes. From now on, you will be my rival for number one,"

"Alright then, number two,"

"Let the games begin," they both said.

Extended Author's Note and Explanations:

* - with Duel Monsters being as popular as it is in-universe, one should not be surprised at the price of that card. Seeing as the game pretty much rules the world (figuratively and almost literally), there would of course be prices skyrocketing for certain cards. A whole freaking highway is designed for Riding Duels in 5D's, along with security officers using it as a way to catch criminals. Duel Monsters is a not a way of life, it is life. Added to the fact that it's a Synchro monster with only three copies produced in the whole world (in-universe), the price for Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier is fair.

The price of one Numbers 11: Big Eye costs $80 in real life, no joke. And that's for a single card. Stardust by itself is almost $20. There was once a time when one copy of Tour Guide From the Underworld cost $200. Now imagine those prices in a universe where the card game is everything. Don't triple those prices—multiply them by ten, and even then it would probably not even be close.

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I am accepting a few OCs through PM only (you make the format for what you want to send in as info for your character, but I will need a name, gender, background, personality, and deck type; I can make up the appearance if you want). If you submit through review it will be ignored. Your characters will not be playing a big role, but rather may appear for one episode or two as an extra. If I like them enough, maybe even as a side character. I just want to put new characters in to reveal all the possibilities of what could have happened.

It's kinda like Hayato's (Chumley) role in the original GX. He is sort of relevant during the first season, but after recruitment from Industrial Illusions, we hardly see him anymore. Submitted characters will kind of be like this, but, depending on how well I like them, they will either 1) play even less of a role than Hayato (as in showing up for one episode or two never to be seen again) or 2) play a little bit more of a role than Hayato did (side character role in a season, maybe have an episode or two dedicated to them, but immediately reduced to extra with a few appearances after).