Not So Normal

Bang. The shot rang out. I hit my target on the bull's eye for the fifth time in a row. I lowered my gun as my target came towards me, so I could examine my shots.

"Nice job pumpkin," my dad said.

"Thanks Dad," I replied. After my dad gave me a few more tips on aim, I went to put my gun away.

Now I know what you're thinking. You are how old and working with a gun? Well I should formally introduce myself before you jump to conclusions. My name is Cameron Ann Morgan, but people just call me Cammie. I am a 16 year old spy-in-training. My parents are Rachel and Matthew Morgan, the top spies in the CIA. My mom is the Headmistress at a spy training school for young women. My mom didn't want me to train there because she wanted me to be with her and Dad as much as possible. I never understood that reasoning but spies live on a need to know basis, so I didn't question her and I became homeschooled. My dad is a pilot when he is not off doing missions. I live in the Dulles Airport with my mom and Dad. I know that sounds weird, but it 'is safer for me to be guarded be big security' as my mom would say. Again, considering need to know basis, I didn't question her judgment. I work at a Starbucks in the airport when I am not training or doing school work. That's all there really is to know right now.

I put my gun away and went to go get ready for my shift at Starbucks. It was 4:30 am, and my shift starts at 6:00. I get to my room and take a really quick shower (3 minutes if you wanted to know). I blow-dried my hair then went to get dressed. I pulled on a pair of tan shorts and a white button up tee. After I got dressed, I got my flat iron out to do my hair. 22 minutes later I was done. I turned off my flat iron and was about to start my make up when I heard a knock on my door.

I yelled, "Come in!"

"I would, but somebody decided to lock their door, so get your butt over here and open the bloody door!" I smiled as I heard that familiar British accent through my door. I quickly walked over to the door and swung it open.

"Bex!" I wrapped my best friend into a hug.

"We are right here too Cammie," I heard someone say behind Bex. I rolled eyes and pulled away to see my other two best friends, Macey McHenry and Liz Sutton. Yes, Macey is the senator's daughter, but she is also a spy-in-training along with me, Bex and Liz. We have all been best friends forever and Macey's mom homeschools all of us, both school and spy. (A/N yes in this story I decided to make Macey's mom a spy. Her dad isn't, but he knows his wife and Macey are.) She is also high up on the list of top CIA spies. Macey is also the fashionista of our little group. She insists on approving our look every day to make sure we look 'presentable' in her words. Shes really controlling, but you just have to know her to like her. She puts on a mask for everybody who isn't her friend.

Next we have Liz. She is the sweetest and clumsiest of our group. She is also the smartest. Seriously, she would put freaking Einstein to shame. She has hacked the CIA multiple times and set up the security for my mom's school (and she informed me that nobody can get through it).

Now we have Rebecca Baxter, but don't call her that unless you WANT to end up in the hospital. We call her Bex. She is the best fighter out of us. She can take anyone, any time, any day, and any location and win the fight. She is also from London. Her parents are tied for rank 1 agents in MI6. Let's just say you better not mess with a Baxter.

Lastly we have me. I'm the Chameleon of the group. People say I'm a true pavement artist. I can hide anywhere and nobody can find me. Not even trained CIA agents (a.k.a. my mom and dad) can find me if I don't want to be found. I blend. It's what I do.

I walked over to Macey and Liz and pulled them into a group hug. We pulled apart and walked into my room. Only then did I realize there was someone else at the door.

Someone I certainly did not expect to see.