Here's Chapter 120! Thanks to DingleberryDovah, Agent Tex 01. 15songoku, guest and DarkReina for all the reviews on chapter 119. Thanks also to Monkey D. Dre for the reviews on chapter one. And thanks to twisterblake20 for the reviews on chapters one thru three!

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of its characters, Akira Toriyama does!


A/N: Sorry for the tardy update! Had to undergo an unexpected battle with an infection that resulted in an unplanned hospital stay. So...on with the story!


Taimaz leapt to her feet and glanced wildly about her. She was absolutely incensed to see Turles's crew still alive and well after her efforts to disable them and allow the destruction of their ship to seal their fate.

"NO! You were SUPPOSED to DIE! EVERY ONE OF YOU!" the furious female Kabochan shrieked.

"First you injure Kosho then try to frame Bulma for actions she never committed. You poison the Namek who harmed no one and even Gohan's pet wasn't safe from you! WHAT IS GOING ON WITH YOU TAIMAZ!?" Daiz shouted angrily.

"YOU have the nerve to ask me that ?" Taimaz hissed.

"ANYONE that has connections to that Saiyan monster deserves death but you especially DAIZ!"

"What are you getting at?" Turles's second-in-command pressed.

"I am the proud daughter of Commander Quantos! He bravely led our army and gave his life to defend our planet against Turles and his filthy brigands and YOU were the TRAITOR PRINCE that stood idly by and ALLOWED IT TO HAPPEN!"

"THE HELL I DID!" Daiz screamed.

The dark green-haired pirate balled up his fists in anger, he fairly shook as he spoke," Your glorious father wouldn't lift a finger to protect our world.."


"Commander Quantos REFUSED to call out the army! I BEGGED HIM TO! But I was just the 'prince'! He wanted to wait for orders from our heroic "king" who fled to protect his own hide! " the former royal barked.

"I found the sniveling royal toad hiding in the treasury as Daiz fought with four brave souls who were the only ones who dared to stand against us. The pompous excuse for a monarch received his just due and as he was the last man standing, I offered Daiz a well- deserved chance at life. Your world was completely undeserving of Daiz," Turles declared coldly.

"I'd hoped we might have had something together Taimaz," Daiz said hoarsely. "But as with most of my people I just wasn't good enough."

"Dodoria knows you're here and with your ship disabled…" Taimaz began.

Taimaz stopped mid-sentence as Turles snickered.

"Disabled? The ship is being repaired as I speak. A little measure I had the late Dr Mazzim to add in cause of such a situation occurring. As for Dodoria, he was informed that you succeeded in your attempt to destroy my ship along with everyone aboard," the Saiyan pirate commander informed her.

"T-That i-isn't true…," Taimaz stammered.

"EVERYONE!" Turles interrupted.

The Kabochan female's eyes widened in horror as realization set in. Because of the report of her 'demise' no retrieval pod would be sent for her escape. She was alone to face the anger of a vengeful Saiyan.

"While I certainly appreciate the brief reprieve we'll have from those on Frieza's leash due to your machinations; YOU DARED TO THREATEN MY WOMAN AND CHILD!" Turles thundered.

"YOU removed them from the ship didn't you? That's why the tank was empty! SHE BETRAYED OUR RACE! She deserved to be destroyed along with that vile creature she carried! " Taimaz shouted. A cruel smile lit her face.

"I told Dodoria you removed her and..."

Turles's chest clenched. What if his precaution to remove Zailora and the child had been in vain? A low animalistic growl emanated from the livid pirate.

The dark green-haired female backed away in terror as Turles advanced upon her. Daiz sighed and bowed his head. His fellow Kabochan had sealed her fate, there was no way he could save her.

"Daiz! You have to do something!" Bulma protested.

"There's nothing I can do," Daiz choked out.

"Ain't nuthin' gonna stop Turles," Gartoas broke in.

Both members of Turles's crew recognized the killing rage blazing in the eyes of their commander.

Chi-Chi gasped and tried to step forward as the furious Saiyan raised his right hand and began to charge up a blast. The burly Kardanagan seized her by both shoulders and whipped her around. Daiz turned away as well and blocked Bulma's view.

"NO! Daiz! YOU HAVE TO STOP HIM!" Taimaz shrieked.

The former prince forced his eyes shut as trickles of moisture began to stream from them.


"Least e' was quick o' bout' it," Gartoas said softly as the heartrending scream faded away.

"For your sake I didn't give her the end she richly deserved, Daiz," Turles declared.

Daiz gave a sigh of relief. The Saiyan pirate commander could have easily arranged for Taimaz to suffer in utter agony for days.

A horrified Chi-Chi stared out at a clump of smoking ash that had once been a living being.

"Daiz, ensure that the ship has been sufficiently repaired and procure the necessary supplies for..."

"COMMANDER TURLES!" a male voice came over Turles's scouter interrupting the instructions for his second-in -command.

"I'm Vacaliies, head medic, our medical station has been attacked...we managed to save the female Saiyan but..."

Turles sucked in his breath as absolute dread infused his very being...

"I'm VERY sorry, sir. The woman and child were completely obliterated by..."

The black and silver armored Saiyan fell to his knees as he yanked away the communication device and crushed it. He gasped for each breath as the awful news slowly sank in. Zailora had been reduced to a shell that preserved the life of the child he would have gladly given up his existence for; and now it ceased to exist as well. Tears coursed down the space brigand's face as he clawed the earth beneath him in helpless rage.

He thought he had secured the unborn infant's safety and now a crushing emptiness enveloped him. Turles didn't care if he ever drew another breath. His one connection to the woman he loved was no more. Loved. The irony of the situation wasn't lost on the Saiyan. As much as he'd fought against it he had truly fallen in love with the feisty Kabochan female and not once had he even bothered to tell her while he'd still had the chance...

Daiz buried his face in Bulma's hair as tears rained down his face. He'd come to accept that Zailora's heart belonged to Turles but this?

Gartoas wiped at his own eyes as he took in the sight of the Saiyan warrior before him. The cold-hearted, merciless Turles was actually in agony over his loss.

Bulma and Chi-Chi were frozen with fear, what would become of them now?

A thought flickered in Turles's mind that he hadn't given attention to for some time. His eyes widened. The Dragon Balls! While he didn't personally give much credence to the supposedly "magical" orbs, Gohan had insisted the mystical objects had once restored Kakarott's life. Bulma was quite vocal on the "wish-granting" spheres as well.

'That's it! I could restore Zailora and the child to life and perhaps resurrect the Tree of Might as well,' Turles reasoned.

Bulma would be the key to unlocking the secret of the fabled globes and Gohan would be the instrument to bringing his plans to fruition...

Gartoas swallowed uneasily as he took in the unholy gleam that suddenly flashed in the suffering Saiyan's eyes. That look was never a good sign.

Turles sprang to his feet,"Daiz, ensure that the ship has been sufficiently repaired and procure the necessary supplies for departure from this rock. I will be searching for Gohan."

His crewmen were taken aback by the abrupt change in their commander's demeanor. What had just happened?

"E's up ta' somethin'," Gartoas whispered.

Turles turned to Chi-Chi,"Well are you coming along or not? I don't have time to waste!"

'Of all the nerve!' Chi-Chi thought.

"And just HOW are we going to get TO Gohan?" Goku's widow snapped.

Chi-Chi's eyes bulged as her feet suddenly left the ground as the Saiyan caught her up in his arms and flew into the sky.

With a scream of panic, the Ox-king's daughter slapped at the Saiyan's face and his arm around her waist. A snarling Turles unhooked his arm and allowed her to suddenly plummet to the planet's surface. Bulma watched in abject horror as the screaming brunette headed to her obvious demise. Gartoas lunged forward but Daiz seized his shoulder shaking his head.

The planet seemed to rush up at the mother of Gohan as she squeezed her eyes shut...

An iron grip seized her waist and she slowly began to rise into the sky once more.

"Any more of your foolishness and I'll let you dash your brains out!" Turles barked.

Daiz and Gartos gave a mutual sigh of relief. Bulma's knees buckled and Daiz held her fast before she could fall.

He pressed his forehead to that of the trembling Earth female.

"I WON'T allow anything to happen to you," he whispered.


Until the next chapter!
