It was a beautiful day in Toronto, Canada. The birds were chirping, the sun was shining and Sarah had just finished work. She was packing up when she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.

"Its been a long time, Sarah. Don't tell me you left the team to clean up after these insects."

"I'm living a completely different life." Sarah sighed, "I'm a different person now."

"Oh I'm not so sure about that" smirked Victor,

She loaded the rest of her stuff in the back of her truck and turned around to find the massive man a few inches away from her.

"You smell funny" growled Victor now circling her, "What did you do to yourself?"

"I've been taking something to suppress parts of my mutation"

,Victor let out a bit of a roar before pinning her to the truck "Now why would you do something like that?"

"I'm trying to blend in!"

"I was hoping Stryker's agents were wrong." Victor growled, "What are you going to do? Work here for a while then go to the next town before they realize you're not aging?"

"That's the plan"

"No mate of mine is working as a janitor!"

"I'm not your mate!"

"Oh really?"

She felt Victor let go of her arms and his hands slowly slid down to her hips. His fingers began to move in a circular motion. She let out a sharp breath and fought to keep from falling. Sara could feel herself getting tired and her legs growing weaker under her as the message continued. By the time it was over, she found herself leaning on Victor for support and his hands had move to her bum. She couldn't understand it, she should be doing anything besides this! She wanted to move, she could move but something inside Sarah didn't let her. It was only when she felt a sharp sting that her body jumped away from him.

Victor chuckled and held up an empty syringe.

"What did you do to me?"

"Relax, sugar, it's good for you."

"Don't give me that! What was it, some type of poison?"

"No, I would never do anything that harms my mate."

"I'm not your mate!"

,Victor smirked and moved close to her "If that's the case, then why did you submit so easily."

"I didn't submit I just...I just..."

Her voice trailed off as Victor placed a hand on her face. He caressed her cheek then his hand went up her face into her hair. He smirked and continued to run his fingers through her hair as his other arm snaked around her waist and pulled her close.

,His face was less then an inch away from hers when he spoke "You were saying?"

She shuddered and jumped away from the man. But as soon as she stood on her own, she realized that she had grown very tired and that her limbs felt very heavy.

"What was in that syringe?" said Sarah in a panicked voice,

"Relax" sighed Victor pulling her back to him, "Its just a side effect. When you wake up, you'll feel much better."

He picked her up bridal style and began walking when he felt her try to push away from him.

"Where are you taking …me?", She could feel herself slipping out of consciousness as she spoke "Leave …me …alone…"

,He chuckle and took off in a full run with her in his arms "Fine, Ill give you your space, but Ill still be watching."

He looked down at his mate and smirked when he saw she was fast asleep. Everything was going according to plan, when she woke up, her body would be rid of that poison. And as long as he was with her, she would never suppress her abilities again. A few hours had passed when Sarah woke up. She let out a small moan and stretched. She didn't know why, but she felt -really good. She leapt out of bed and heard her stomach growl.

"Well, it is about time to eat" Sarah sighed,

She didn't feel like cooking so she grabbed her coat and went to the diner. She entered the restaurant and sat at a table. A few minutes later, a waitress came to table.

"What will it be, hun?"

She scanned the vegetarian portion of the menu and felt her stomach turn. She scanned the rest of the menu until she came across the steak dinner. Suddenly, a massive craving hit her. She had kept a no meat diet for a few years now but she had never felt a craving this strong. The mutant suppressant did a good job killing the cravings but it didn't seem to be of any help tonight. Oh well, she'd jus get a salad and go home.

But before she could stop herself, she ordered the steak special.

"How do you want it?"

"Rare" said Sarah on reflex, "Wait! I didn't mean that! I-"

"Don't worry about it, hun." smiled the waitress, "I know them city slickers say rare steak is bad for you but there's nothing wrong with wanting your steak a little pink."

The waitress smiled and walked away before Sarah could get another word in. After a bit, her meal was placed on the table and the smell of the steak was overwhelming. She cut a small piece and plopped it in her mouth. It was so good, she had forgotten how good meat tasted and wasted no time finishing her diner. It wasn't until her fork and knife hit the plate that a feeling of shame hit her. How embarrassing, all it had taken was a few seconds to break her no meat diet. She paid the bill and rushed outside.

"Hello sugar" said a familiar voice,

The usual smirk was planted on Victor Creed's face as he walked towards her. At the sight of the ferocious man, the events from that afternoon flooded her mind. As he stepped forward, she slowly stepped back. This pattern continued until she found herself pinned to the wall of the diner. Before she could say anything, he smashed his lips into hers. She was too shocked to move and something in her kind of liked it. She had just realized his tongue was in her mouth when he broke the kiss.

"Mmm, beef" chuckled Victor, "That's interesting, your file said you had become a vegetarian."

"I have, I just had a laps in judgment."

"Really? From my point of view, it looks like you're coming to your senses." smiled Victor as he tilted her head up to face him, "What I injected you with is cleansing that poison from your system. In a few days, you'll be just like me."

"I'm nothing like you."

"Sure you are" smirked Victor pulling her close, "And soon, you'll realize that."

Just as he was about to steal another kiss, she pushed away from him and headed in the opposite direction.

"And where do you think you're going?"

"Home!" Sarah shouted as she continued walking, "Now leave me alone!"

The smirk on Victor's face dropped, it was dark, her house was about forty minutes away on foot and her truck was back at her job. She may be feisty but at the moment, she had no way of defending herself if anything happened.

Just as she was about to step out of the parking lot, Victor swept her up bridal style and started walking.

"What do you think you're doing!"

,He smirked and went at top speed "Taking you home"

He jumped from tree to tree at a blinding speed. He smirked when he felt her wrap her arms around his torso.

"What's the matter? Afraid I drop you?"

"Shut up and keep your eyes on the trees!"

It only took them a few minutes to reach her place. He put her down and stole another kiss. The part of her that had liked the fist kiss seemed to be taking over. She felt herself kissing back and wrap her arms around his neck. She didn't know when it happened, but the two were now in the house locked in an intense make out session. Victor's lips soon moved to her neck and he wasted no time kissing and biting. She found herself lifting her neck so he had easier access. Her weak spot was signaled by a slight shiver and moan. With no warning or hesitation, he bit into the soft spot. She let out a mix between a scream and a moan and Sarah's body was sent into a feeling of ecstasy and pain. Once the sensation had ended, she was overwhelmed with drowsiness. And with that, Victor undressed her and placed Sarah in the bed before lying down next to her.

Everything was going according to plan.