I'm not afraid, I'm not ashamed, I'm not to blame, welcome to the masquerade…

"In there." The security guard said, gesturing to the cell, and the young lady bowed in thanks, pulling a strand of hair behind her hair and ducking into the hallway. "Call out when you're ready to leave."

The young woman looked so out of place in the Facility, her soft, delicate cheeks left untarnished by the marks that normally came with entering this hallway. But still, she walked from cell to cell, keeping her face out of the view of the inmates, who wolf whistled and called out to her until she let her burgundy hair fall over her face and cover her attractive features.

I wish I had brought Yusei with me. Akiza thought to herself as she ducked through the door that connected to a hall where there was another door to the isolation cell that she was after. As much as she had wanted to bring Yusei with her to support her, she knew that she had to do this alone. She hadn't told anyone that she was here, and even though that was a seriously bad idea, she knew that it was the right thing to do.

Maybe I should keep Yusei just on call, just in case. She thought to herself, flicking out her phone and flipping through her contacts, fingering her hand over the contact neatly labelled Yusei with a little heart next to it. She hit the number, taking the cell to her ear and leaning against the wall.

"Hey Akiza, what's up?" just hearing Yusei's voice through the phone, it calmed her nerves. She was glad that she had caught him before he had left the house, usually leaving his cell behind.

"Hey Yusei." She said, and her nervousness leaked through her voice. She tried to cover it, but Yusei caught it.

"You okay?" he asked, slightly worried.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." She shook her head, ridding the thoughts from her mind. "I just… have you got any challenges today?"

"Not as far as I am aware." Yusei laughed. "Why, is my favourite girl free for a little alone time?"

Akiza coughed.

"I'm so sorry Yusei; I'm really busy right now. I just… can you keep your phone on you? I have some… business to attend to, but if I get it done quickly, then we can have some alone time, if you want." She whispered, holding her other hand over her opposite ear. "My parents aren't going to be home for the rest of the weekend." She added seductively.

Yusei's tone sounded a little bit more excited.

"Can't wait for your call." He said back, and she bit her lip, quietly saying goodbye, then hanging up.

She hadn't planned to let herself think that coming out of here wold be a possible feat, but she knew that now that Yusei had his phone on him and was waiting for her, then she had a reason to hold on, a reason to walk away if it got too tough. She could always return another day, when she felt like she was stronger.

But she was sure that now was the right time. It had to be. She felt so confident, her happiness making her feel invincible. She was just a little doubtful, hoping that her past would not knock her down, like it had so many other times.

"You can go in now, Miss Izinski." The officer tapped her on the shoulder, scaring her. After muttering an apology, she stepped past the door and faced the man she had once called her father, the most important person in her life.

"My, my Akiza." Sayer smiled, placing on leg over the other as he sat in his cell, his fringe covering the huge scar that tore across the whole right side of his face. On the left side however, was a little yellow mark just over his left eye – his very own criminal marker.

"Sayer." She nodded, standing in front of the cell, placing on delicate glove-covered hand on the rail.

"My, my." He continued, standing up and walking closer to her. "When I was first locked up, I figured that it was just a matter of time before you would return for me. I was sure of it. So I waited. And yet, you never came." He reached forward to touch her face, but she swatted it away with ease.

"I don't need you anymore, that's why. I've wised up to your little games." She leant back, brushing a lock of hair from her face, revealing her big, brown eyes. "I've just come to tell you of that."

"That's not what you came here to tell me." Sayer smiled. "I know why you're here."

"Well, it was partially why I am here." Akiza scoffed at herself, feeling stupid for thinking that she could get anything past Sayer. "But you and I both know the main reason I am here."

"Is it the same reason why Yusei was here a few days ago?" he asked sweetly, smirking when Akiza gave the exact reaction of surprise that he was anticipating. "Or do you not know that he paid me a visit? You know, for someone who is supposed to be in isolation, I do get quite a few visitors."

"What did Yusei want?" she asked, trying to hide her sense of surprise that clouded her tone.

"He was worried about you." Sayer said, his tone softening to a genuine caring. "He wanted to know if there was any way I could stop the Black Rose, seeing as I nurtured her and gave her essence and being. Which I'm sure is the same reason why you are here." She nodded.

"Unfortunately, and I mean this sincerely Akiza, I have no idea how to stop her. I only knew how to control you, not her. I was forced into an alliance with her, it was the only way I could continue to keep her at bay and to stop you from really getting hurt." He sighed. "I did care about you Akiza, even if I did manipulate you. Don't hate me for doing what I thought was right."

'I don't hate you, Sayer." She said, running her fingers through her hair. "As much as I want to, I can't. You and Arcadia gave me a home when I didn't have one, and you were like the father I didn't have. And I can't hate you for that, no matter how hard I try. But…" she flicked the lock of hair that had fallen in her face away, rubbing her hand up her arm to keep herself warm in the freezing cold hallway. "I thought that maybe if you could help me get rid of the Black Rose, I could bring myself to completely forgive you. But it seems like we just can't, and I'll have to live with it." She looked at Sayer, who looked at her with a sense of anger, but acceptance.

"I guess so." Sayer replied. "We all have to live with our actions, Akiza. I'm currently paying for mine now, and probably will for the rest of my life due to this." He said, pointing to the mark above his eye. "And even though I personally don't know how to help you, someone will. Don't suffer your whole life because of my mistake." His voice was smooth, devoid of any emotion, but Akiza couldn't help but feel like he really did care for her, and that he was genuine in his efforts – no matter how small – to help her.

"Goodbye, Sayer." She said, turning heel and walking down the hallway, away from her past. She could feel a sense of peace finally overcome her body, and even though she was upset that she had not been able to get the answers she desperately desired, she had gotten off her chest what she needed to say what she felt like she had to, to move on with her life and to forget the past.

As Akiza rushed through the remaining halls of the Facility, she couldn't wait to get out of the place and away from the eyes of the inmates, who looked at her and judged her. I mean, why would an attractive, civilian woman be anywhere near the Facility? Akiza was just glad that no one had recognised her as the Senator's daughter.

As she thanked the guards and slipped outside, knowing that no one had seen or heard her, she flicked out her phone, thumbing through the numbers until she got to the one that she was looking for, dialling it and placing the phone to her ear.

"Well, that was quick." The voice said, and Akiza could almost feel Yusei's burning smile.

"Well, there wasn't really much I could do, now that I've done it." She said, trying to sound ambiguous, not wanting him to know that she had a weak moment and had gone to Sayer for advice. "But I'm free now for the rest of the day, if you want to do something."

She heard the mumbling sound of a person on the phone from the other line, and realised immediately that it was Crow.

"Oh, are you already out?" she asked, shocked. "I'm so sorry, don't worry about it!"

"We aren't out." Yusei said as Crow mumbled something in the background. "Crow needed an update for his runner."

"oh." Akiza said, and she heard Crow mumble something about not knowing they had planned a date, and Yusei returning that they hadn't planned anything before this call. "Tell Crow to not worry about it, updating his runner is more important."

"I don't need to be here now that I've hooked it up." Yusei stated questionably. "I can come over any time."

"Bring Crow with you." she said. "I feel bad for just interrupting your guy time."

"He's cool with it." Yusei said, but Akiza just shook her head.

"Tell him we'll play guitar hero."

"I heard guitar hero I'm coming." Akiza laughed as she heard Crow call from the background.

"Fine, fine." Yusei said, giving in to the pretty young woman once again. "You win, I'll bring Crow. But you're singing, I'm not."

"Oh, come on!" Akiza called, picking up her helmet from the duel runner and hooking the phone into the runner system. Yusei's face appeared on the screen as Akiza pulled her helmet over her head, flicking her visor down over her eyes and kicking the engine on. "I'm such a shit singer! Can't we make Crow? He's the metalhead!"

Yusei and Akiza laughed, as she turned down a street.

"I'll be home in ten minutes. Come over whenever, like I said, mum and dad will be gone all weekend. You can stay over tonight, if you want." She winked, and a small blush appeared on Yusei's cheeks, causing Akiza to laugh.

"Sure thing. We'll be over asap." He laughed, before shutting off the call.

Akiza sped through street to street, knowing the way back to her home in the outskirts of New Domino City like the back of her hand. She reflected on her meeting with Sayer, not regretting what she said and did. She quickly closed her eyes, releasing a large breath she did not realise she was holding in. she told herself that there was nothing more she could do with Sayer, and for once she was believing herself. She smiled, speeding around another corner, choosing to focus instead on moving forward and kicking the boy's butts in Guitar Hero when she got home.


a/n: didn't know where to actually stick this one so here it is ~