"I don't want to go," Stiles told the couch cushion.
"You started this thing." Derek pointed out from the hall where he was checking his suitcase.
"You and SourPatch will have separation anxiety. Kira is going to call us tomorrow and say he ate my shoes in retaliation for you leaving. He blames me for any time he doesn't get to spend with you." Stiles is not jealous of the relationship between her boyfriend and their cat. She isn't. She is an adult. She has an internship and is only a semester away from graduating. She is a leader in the supernatural community. But the cat and Derek really do have some kind of freakish codependent relationship.
"SP will be fine. He likes Kira." Derek has finally realized he didn't pack his phone chargers and is now pulling open drawers searching for the spare. Stiles looks over to see that Derek's two best friends really are in cahoots. It's not fair that Stiles is mommy to a cat that seems to be more interested in being adopted by another mommy.
SourPatch is purring so hard that Kira looks both amused and uncomfortable from her captive location in the armchair.
"Fine but I am going to get trashed at the mixer tonight." Stiles begins the herculean effort of pulling herself off the sofa.
"I thought we were skipping the mixer." Derek looks up from drawer number five.
"Lydia told me I wasn't allowed to skip, I am the co-founder and all that jazz." Stiles finally defeated the forces of gravity and comfiness to stand up.
The Pacific American Western Supernatural Symposium, or PAWSS, is all Stiles' fault. Rather, her fault, Lydia's fault, a bottle of wine's fault, and Deucalion's fault. The point was one drunk skype a few years ago means that Stiles is now co-founder of a yearly supernatural conference. The alpacas are the real host but Stiles and Lydia are the faces of the convention for the sake keeping the peace.
The Alpha Pack was still considered rather scary and pretty much a well-financed street gang. Which was why Lydia had really suggested starting this. Or Stiles. The entire night is still , Allison, and Morrell now run a rather streamlined justice system of the supernatural. It's got court procedures and everything. They are currently based in Boston while Lydia finishes up her Law Degree and Math PhD from Harvard and MIT respectively.
Also Peter.
Lydia and Peter are a thing now. It's weird. Derek breaks out in hives when they have to go visit his uncle. It's hilarious, for Stiles at least. Strange that Lydia might soon be her almost-Aunt-in-law. Not that her and Derek are getting married or anything. No that would be… not happening. Stiles is just being weird. Because they have an apartment together off campus does not mean they are getting married.
Stiles is a modern woman. With goals.
Okay, so MAYBE after Peter told her he was going to purpose to Lydia when she graduates Stiles has become mildly interested in doing something similar. She might have bought a ring. To give to Derek. Not for herself. That would be weird.
Derek, who has become a master of dealing with Stiles' internal freak outs after five years, hands her a lemon drop shot at the bar a few hours later with a smile.
Derek smiles now. It's a thing he does. Also goes to college. And has a job helping teens in a supernatural halfway house. And a beard.
"Your face is doing that thing." Scott looks grossed out, it might be the tequila.
"No it isn't." Stiles checks her phone again to make sure that everything for tomorrow is all taken care of. Derek is off in a corner looking amused by whatever Erica and Boyd are talking about. He needs to mingle more. It's important that her fiancé mingle if they are going to be the supernatural power couple she dreams they are.
"What?" Scott looks shocked.
"I was mumbling that, wasn't I?" Stiles doesn't like getting drunk. It means she talks more. That's not a good thing for her secret keeping skills.
"Derek' purposed?" Scott whispers at what must be the lowest possible level for a werewolf. Thankfully, Derek has grown out of that hyper alert thing he used to do so the bean remain in the can.
"Um, no." Stiles drags Scott out of the tastefully decorated bar into the women's bathroom where no one even seems surprised because this is a Supernatural convention with at least four kinds of shape shifters. That was a bitch to get the venue to agree to. Stiles needs to make a note that in the future she should call ahead at the places with more questions. She asks questions now but she really needs to ask MORE questions.
She should have an assistant.
Scott snaps his fingers in her face.
"Look I got the big pay check from that consulting service I started for Duke," Stiles explains.
"Where does he get all that money?"
"I think the mob."
"Yeah, that makes sense."
"Okay, so I have money and Peter might have goaded me into it." Stiles admits. Peter is very good at getting her to do things just by daring her not to do them. It's weird.
"Lydia is going to be really mad if you end up stealing her wedding thunder." Scott points out. Scott now has a healthy dose of Lydia-fear. He is the largest teddy bear that has ever wanted to be a cop.
Yeah, that one had been a bit of a surprise for some people.
Everyone had expected Stiles to be the one to go into law enforcement seeing as she spent so much time at the station. Scott wanted to help people. He also wanted to be able to be a first responder to possible supernatural bullshit that might occur in town. So he was about to be the newest beat cop in Beacon Hills. Her dad was a little bit shocked.
"I don't think I can steal her thunder if I am the one doing the wedding shtick first." Stiles is pretty sure that's how it works.
"But are you? Are you really?" Scott looks around mildly confused and unsure of who might be hiding. This was a convention for supernaturals.
"Look I can always change my mind before the closing ceremony on Sunday." Stiles is pretty sure it's going to change once an hour every hours until she is forced to do something.
"Good luck with that."
Derek never thought they would all get here. Looking back that seems rather too depressing to realize that he never considered a happy ending to be a possibility.[
But here they all are. Derek's finally getting around to college and has turned his life around in every way. Stiles and him have a shared apartment with furniture and plates and an entire room filled with nerdy movie posters.
Erica and Boyd are happy and healthy. Boyd is on his way into the navy after he finishes college to complete his ROTC requirements. Erica has a job she adores.
Isaac is in vet school. Derek did not see that coming. Isaac, when not busy bottle feeding kittens, fosters all the unwanted animals in the bungalow Derek helped him buy. Isaac is the reason Derek even has a cat.
Derek has friends. Outside of pack. He met Kira on the first day of classes and they have just really hit it off since then. She is smart and funny and part of the supernatural worlds so Derek never has to be worried about her. Derek had never dreamed he would have the capacity to have female friends that he met on his own.
Then again he never dreamed of Stiles.
The conference is actually a very time consuming weekend. Stiles has to be running from place to place making sure that people get things done and that she talks to all the right members of the community. Moving the entire supernatural community into the 21st century is going pretty well but it still takes a lot of glad handing.
Stiles once again is happy that she emits whatever happy smells she does because any massive argument between different packs or clans or tribes can almost always get resolved once she steps into the room. And those that don't end the moment Derek appears behind her.
The convention is ending with a big party for all ages. A chance for members of difference species to meet and maybe get to know one another better. It also kind of functions as a prom for some of the younger attendees. That (part) had been Derek's idea of all things. He remembered how mad his sisters had been when they were in high school because they couldn't let loose at social activities.
"Good evening everyone!" Stiles cheers into the mic. The convention cheers back. She is pretty sure she is going to chicken out but then she turned and looked at Derek in his suit. He looked really good in a suit. Stupid good. Punch him in the face he was too damn pretty good.
"I am going to bring some of the amazing people who helped make this possible up on the stage now so if you really don't care feel free to dance to any music in your head." There was laughter at that. Stiles had a captive audience.
"But first here's Lydia!" Stiles motioned for her friend to come take the mic and did a mad dash off the stage.
"Hey, what's up?" Derek asked looking at the schedule they had rehearsed. "That's not what comes next."
"Okay so listen. I had this crazy idea to do something big and over the top and in public and just now I realized you would hate that. Like absolutely hate that. I mean you wouldn't right away but you are the kind of person that likes your private moments." Stiles reached for the purse they had set off to the side for her while she was in a dress. A nice dress. A dress that Derek had made noise about being a big fan of.
"Stiles…" Derek has his soothing tone of voice on. The one he used now when she was getting herself riled up.
"I have been changing my mind about this all weekend. Well, more like all month. I mean, we're kind of young." Where had she put that ring?
"Stiles!" Derek snapped. She paused and looked up at him. At the ring.
"Oh, you complete asshole this was supposed to be my moment." Stiles wasn't crying okay. It's not like Derek was holding a really pretty ring. He was just holding her mom's ring. So you know. Tears.
"Marry me?" Derek said with a leveled voice and shinning eyes. Stiles nodded through her tears.
A cry of joy rang out and that's when Stiles noticed that someone had been filming them and broadcasting it onto the projector at the party.
"But you hate big spectacles," Stiles mumbled into Derek's lips.
"Yes, but you love them." Derek grinned.
He was just the worst. But she had him forever now.