House of Anubis

All of the students were all doing their own things.

Mara was upstairs studying for her next test. Nina and Fabian were both in the library searching for books they would enjoy reading, which for them is all the books. Patricia and Eddie were outside playing American football. Joy was watching Patricia and Eddie. Mick was outside training. Alfie was in his room playing his new video game. Last but not least it was Jerome and Amber's turn to wash the dishes.

In the Kitchen

Amber: Sooo…How are you and Mara doing?

Jerome: Good, but I'm going to take her to our first date and I want it to be really special. The thing is I have no idea were to take her.

Amber: Aww that's wonderful. First date. Amber smiles.

Jerome: Yeah I guess soo… oh I have an idea.

Amber: What?

Jerome: You can pretend to be Mara and I can practice on you so it can all be perfect.

Amber: Umm…Why me? Why not Nina, Patricia, or Joy?

Jerome: Because Nina is an American, Trixie is mean, and Joy… I just don't like that girl. And your Amber, you know all about dates and girly stuff.

Amber: Yeahhh that is true I do. Amber flips her hair and smiles.

Jerome: Soo will you help me?

Amber: Umm… Sure.

Jerome: So what would be a perfect first date?

Amber: Umm…not the movies, ohhh I got it. After Victor drops his pin you take her to a picnic by the Anubis Lake and you guys can look at the beautiful stars. I've always wanted Alfie to take me on a date like that.

Jerome: Oh that is a great idea, perfect. Ok wear something nice and at 10:30 meet me downstairs.

Amber: Whyyy?

Jerome: Because we are going to do a practice date so I can get it right on Mara.

Amber: Sure ok!

Jerome and Amber both finish washing the dishes and hear Victors pin speech.

In the Hall

Victor: It's ten o'clock you have five minutes precisely and then I want to hear a pin drop. (drops pin)

Amber: OK well I will see you tonight.

Jerome: Ok I will get the food for the picnic and wear something you would on a date.

Amber: Yay! Ok I will look my best.


Amber is in her room getting ready for her fake date. She is wearing a VILA peach strapless top, black skinny jegging, a black trimming bolero, and black platform wedges. For accessories she is wearing a peach colored flower hair clip, river island coral feather drop earrings, a peach wrap bracelet, and a peach necklace. Lastly for makeup she has on gold eye shadow, peach high shimmer lip-gloss, and peach nail polish. Her hair is down and curled.

Amber sneaks downstairs to meet with Jerome.


Jerome's P.O.V

I wait for Amber downstairs. Man this girl takes forever to get ready. I then hear footsteps coming from the stairs, when I turn around I see Amber. Wow she looks so beautiful. Ok I didn't just say that.

Jerome: Wow you look great!

Amber: Aw thanks.

Jerome: Shall we go?

I take out my arm for her to take.

Amber: We shall. Haha