Last chapter, guys! Thanks for sticking with me this long! I'm sure that this is rushed, but it's the best I can do! without further adieu, Here is the final chapter for a blast from the past!

Trix stared at her ex boyfriend who she thought was dead."What are you doing here?" she managed, proud that her voice didn't break or waver at all. "I told you I'd be back for you." He said simply. "Either you come with me now, or I will kill you here. I don't really care." She gulped, and slipped her feet into her shoes. He gestured towards the door, and as she was walking by him she saw the gun she knew he had had on him. She sent up a silent prayer that nothing would happen to her and led the way out. She knew without looking that Sean was right behind her, and she led the way out of the hospital. When they were outside, Sean took her arm and steered her towards a silver car and forced her in. He got behind the wheel and drove to the only hotel in Charming. He pulled her to what she assumed was his room, and once they were inside, he let go of her and fully pulled the gun out and pointed it at her. "You look good, my little flower. I didn't think I would find you back here, but thanks to a certain woman who apparently doesn't like you very much, I managed to track you down." Trix shook her head. She knew he was talking about Wendy, but she couldn't focus on that right now. She needed to get the gun from him. "I thought you were dead." She said calmly. He laughed, and for a brief second, Trix remembered why she had liked him so much. "I'm supposed to be. My dear father sure tried hard enough. But I am alot harder to kill than he anticipated. I mean, I grew up around him. I know all his ways. But don't you want to know why I'm going to kill you?" He asked, cocking the gun after putting the silencer on it.

When they got to the hospital, Donna had barely turned off her bike before she ran in, ignoring everyone else, and running straight to Trix's room. When she found it empty, like she knew it would be, she collapsed on the ground and started crying. Jax came in right after her, and even though Trix was clearly not there, he forced himself to stay calm. "Who is Sean Taylor?" He demanded, looking at Donna. She composed herself and looked up at the two men in the doorway, and her gaze slid to the rest of the club behind them. "Sean is Ariel's ex boyfriend. He is the wayward son of the mob boss out in washington. She fell for him, and she fell hard. But once the mob found out that Sean was double-dealing and trying to overthrow his father, they put a hit out on him. Ariel tried to talk to Sean about it, and he beat her so bad she was hospitalized for three weeks." Donna ignored the looks of horror coming from the club, and proceeded to the worst part. "She was pregnant, and she had a miscarriage the next week. The doctors told her that she would be ok as long as she didn't do anything reckless. Ariel went to Sean's father and offered him information on Sean if he would help her escape him. They made a deal, and we had thought that he was dead. I'm starting to think otherwise, and if I know Sean, which I do, he WILL kill her." At that, Jax ran towards the front desk asking if anyone had checked in to see Trix. he was told that yes, a man had. He had them give his description to Donna, and knew by the way all the blood drained her face that it was him.

"Ariel, Ariel, Ariel. What am I going to do with you? Hmm?" He asked, keeping the gun trained on her. Trix couldn't deny that even though she was never scared, Sean scared the absolute shit out of her. "I loved you. I really did, I beat you so you would stop trying to put that beautiful nose where it didn't belong. When I learned about the baby, I thought that even though you had been through alot, you'd come back to me, and we could mourn together." Trix scoffed, filled with anger that he thought he had any right to mourn that baby. "You think that I wanted to be near you? Sean, you killed my baby. Do you know what losing a child does to a woman?" Trix asked, and when he said nothing, she kept going, trying to keep him distracted while she figured out her plan. "I didn't want to be near anyone who wasn't a female. I holed myself up at Donna's house for a month, not leaving for anything." Suddenly an idea popped into her head, and she changed her face from one of hate to one of love. "Please, if you're gonna kill me, would you at least make love to me one last time?" He looked skeptical, and studied her face, and Trix made sure to project love and lust towards him. He smirked. "You always were a horny bitch." He said before gesturing at her. "Strip." Trix slowly removed her shirt, and slowly walked towards him. She pressed herself against him and slid her arms around his neck. "I've missed you, Sean. Love me. Just like you used to." Sean smirked and lowered his mouth to hers. The kiss was just as passionate as it always was wth them, but Trix found herself not feeling anything. He wasn't Jax, and nothing would ever be enough except Jax anymore. She heard the gun hit the floor, and then his hands went into her hair, before sliding to grip her waist. Trix shoved him off of her onto the bed, and he didn't think anything of it. She bent at the waist, removing her pants, and grabbed the gun. She straightened out and shot him in the kneecap before he could react. He screamed in pain, but silenced it quickly. She kept the gun pointed at him as she grabbed his cell off the dresser. Opening it and shooting off a text without even looking at the phone. "What are you going to do Flower?" He asked, taunting her even through his pain. Trix didn't say anything, just kept the gun pointed at him.

Back at the hospital, Opie's phone went off. He pulled it out and opened the message. It was from a number he didn't know, but the text said 'Remember where we first slept together? I'm there.' It was signed SP, and had a number. It dawned on him that it was from Trix and it was telling him where she was! "Jax!" Jax's head snapped up towards Opie. "I know where she is." Jax got up and followed Opie out to their bikes. "How?" He asked Opie just shook his head. "No time, we have to go." They got into the truck, knowing that the sound of bikes would be too obvious. Opie drove and parked down the street from the hotel where he and Trix had come on their one year anniversary, and looked at Jax. "She's in room 301. She somehow got me a text telling me where she was." Jax looked hurt. "Why not me?" Opie looked over and didn't mention that he was wondering the same thing. Then he got an idea. "Do you have anything important to her that has to do with this hotel?" He asked. Nodding when Jax shook his head. "That's why. She sent the text to me because she only had to allude to something that happened between us for me to know she was here." With that, he gestured for Jax to go first. They got to the door of the room, and they heard the sound of a gun with a silencer going off. Jax broke down the door, and saw Trix standing there with a gun in her hand with a very dead Sean Taylor on the bed. Jax ran over to Trix and yanked the gun out of her hand, handing it to Opie, who cleaned it of prints, then tossed it on the bed next to him. Jax wrapped Trix in his button down, and led her out of the room, and they decided to just leave Sean there for the cops to find. Opie grabbed Trix's shirt, and made sure there was nothing in the room suggesting that she was there, and then they left. Trix had found out from Sean that he had murdered Wendy when he found out that she wouldn't be delivering Trix to him. Trix knew that she would never mention Tara to Jax, and decided to end it with Sean.

It was finally over.

~~~~~Three years later~~~~~

Jax sat on the picnic table by the clubhouse and watched Trix run around with their son. He thanked the lord every day for bringing her back to him. Opie sat down next to him and chuckled when Donna ran over to help Trix with Abel. "Church in ten." Jax said, since he was promoted to president when Clay stepped down last year. Opie nodded, even though he knew why his Prez was calling for church. Once everyone was seated in the chapel, Jax looked at this brothers. "I'm going to ask Trix to marry me." Everyone cheered. Trix was still a member of the club, but she never attended church when she had Abel with her, which is why Jax had made sure that Neeta wasn't available to watch him today. "Finally realized that even though that woman has been through hell that asking her to marry you is the right choice?" Half-Sack said. Jax had been holding off on asking Trix to marry him because once he had learned about everything that had happened in her past in Washington, he thought she would never agree to marriage because she would see it as prison. But watching Opie marry Donna had opened his eyes that he at least wanted to ask.

Outside, Trix pushed Abel on the swings and looked at Donna. "Maybe he just doesn't want to marry me. I am damaged goods." She said sadly. Donna scoffed. "That man loves you. He WANTS to marry you. He probably doesn't realize that you WANT to be married." Donna and Trix looked up as the men filed out of the clubhouse. She knew that Jax had made her bring Abel so that he could hold church without her there, but she also knew that he would tell her what it was about later. Abel shrieked and jumped off the swing, something that almost gave her a heart attack every time he did it, and ran towards his father. Trix shook her head and settled on the swing vacated by her son. She looked over at Donna, and laughed at her best friend who was twisting the swing so that it would spin her around. Jax walked up to her. And he had a look she didn't recognize she looked at him warily, and gasped when he dropped down to one knee after handing Donna Abel. "Trix, I love you. You've given me a son who is everything I knew he would be. You stick by me, even when I'm being incredibly stupid, and you are the guiding light in my life. So, do me one last thing, and agree to be my wife. Let me spend the rest of my life showing you how much you mean to me."Trix, who was crying at this point, simply nodded and laughed when Jax put the ring on her finger before picking her up and spinning her around. Abel yelled, and Trix grabbed him and pressed him between herself and Jax.

Jax looked at his family and thought about his lef now. What do you do when a blast from the past blows back into your life? You hold on tight, and you never let go.

Oh my god! I can't believe its over! So crazy! I hope you guys liked it, and I'm gonna go cry now. Lol. Please don't forget to review!