/!\ Please read

So ! thanks to everyone who took the time to leave a vote on the poll. 28 people voted ! Yay ! 22, so more than 75%, wanted the first plot with the supernatural features, so it's this one I'm starting right now.

To my new readers, here's a few things you might need to know : I'm a french 19 years old guy. I'm a young author.

I don't usually write smut. Recently, just one or two moments in a whole fiction. Anyway I'll probably write some here because it kinda has to happen.. mwahaha !

As I am french I don't have an excellent grammar. Forgive my mistakes. If you're a grammar nazi, move along. Yet I think I'm not that bad either. You judge. :)

I always answer to the reviews. As the feedback is very important to me I want to thank everyone who takes the time to review.

To my old readers : thanks for supporting me and liking the way I write so far so you're interested in this one.

The characters from my old fanfictions whose names aren't said in the books will keep the old names I gave them, as for :

- The District 3 boy : Anary

- Foxface : Leera

- Usually I keep Lethe and Cahier for Peeta's brothers.

- I will keep the surnames I gave the characters in other fics.

Title : Welcome to Magic Hills

Summary : Cato Shriver is a shapeshifter – he has the ability to take the appearance of a human or of an animal. He travels with his sister, Clove, who is a shifter as well. They move to a new town, Magic Hills. Cato and Clove have to go to the Magic Hills high school. They make friends there. What the Shriver don't know is that they're not the only non-humans living in Magic Hills. Cato and Clove will meet people with abilities like theirs, but will also be friends with humans. But as there are full non-humans families in Magic Hills, there are hunters families as well.

Main characters : Cato Shriver, Clove Shriver, Peeta Mellark, Anary Havel, Leera Harsian, Marvel Altman, Glimmer Jason.

Warnings :

- Rated M (most of the time Cato loses his clothes when he shifts... lol), maybe MA in some chapters because of the violence and the sex.

- This is slash, a.k.a M/M. If you have problems with male/male romance, don't read.

-Many changes of P.O.V I think, because I will have to show Peeta's family AND Cato's.

Disclaimer : I do not own the Hunger Games. However, several of my own characters will make an appearance in this story :)

Cato's P.O.V


I'm running in the garden. Everything seems so huge compared to what it usually looks like. I'm having a lot of fun, although I don't really know why.

"Cato, come back here !" my father yells from the doorstep. I want to answer, but everything that comes out of my mouth is a howl. Oh, right... I must have turned into a wolf once again. That happens sometimes when I sleep but don't dream.

"What is it ?" my sister's voice says, at the exact moment I shift back into my real shape. "God, I don't need to see this." she sighs.

"Jeez, Clove, quit being such a girl." I say, covering my manhood with my hands even though she can't see it in the dark.

"In case you haven't noticed it, I've been a girl for the past sixteen years." she snaps back.

"Why, what were you before ?" I chuckle as I get back to my house.

"Quick, Cato." my father says. "Did anyone see you ? For how long have you been out ?"

"I don't know, Dad..." I answer.

"Please cover yourself." he says.

I shrug. "I'll go get something in my room." I mutter.

"Get back afterward, we have to talk. Clove, come here." I quickly run upstairs and stop hiding myself with my hands. Why is my sister acting like this ? She must have seen my peen a hundred times already, and I've seen her naked a lot as well. Who cares ? Since we're little, we've been running into the woods, shaped as wolves. When we shift as humans again, we're naked – our clothes don't stay on us. Plus, how obvious would we be if people saw two wolves in their pajamas ? That would have been kind of funny, but if a hunter had seen us, we would probably be dead.

Like Mom. Seven years ago, my parents had been trapped by a bunch of hunters. They killed her, but he got away I don't know how. He refused to tell to Clove and me how he managed to get away, and how Mom was killed. I guess it was to protect us. And as much as I wanted to know, to find some kind of closure, I respected his choice. He was being a good father. My sister, however, didn't understand it for years. She practically ignored him for two years before she understood that all what he did was in order to protect us.

I usually sleep naked. Because if I ship in my sleep like tonight, I don't want to drag my clothes with me all around the house.

I find a boxer and put it on. Hmh, I guess I could fully dress now, I don't think I'm going to sleep anytime soon. When Dad tells us we have to talk... it usually has to do with our family's secret. I find some pants and grab a shirt, that I put on in the stairs.

"Cato, come here, quick ! We have to talk." my dad says. I look at him, unsure about what he's going to tell us. I sit next to my sister and give him an expecting look. "Addie, my friend werewolf just called. The hunters who killed your mother are back in town."

"Wha-what ?" Clove stutters.

"Dad, we have to do something !" I say.

"Well to begin with, you could stop running around shaped as a wolf !"

I swallow and look down. "Sorry." I mutter. "You know I don't control it like you do."

He sighs. "I'm sorry, son. They know me and what I look like, and we're outnumbered, not to mention that I won't let you fight them. We have to leave."

"What ? Bu-but..." Clove starts.

"No buts." my dad interrupts her. "It's a matter of life or death. Do you want to die, Clove ?"

"No..." she admits, looking down. I put my hand on hers to show her support. "When will we leave ?"

"Since Addie has to leave as well, she offered us to go with her. She had a plan in case the hunters would come back. So, we'll leave when she'll be here."

"What is the plan then ?" Clove murmurs.

"She has a house in Pennsylvania."

"Oh, great. That's at the other end of the US." Clove mutters.

"Come on, Clove." I say. "We don't really have a choice. So we would, like, live with Addie ?" I ask. My dad nods. I don't really mind living with Addie, plus it's not like she half lived with us already. I really think she and my dad have a secret relationship that they don't want to talk to us about. Addie is tall, a bit younger than my dad, and she's blonde. She's really, really pretty. "Could I at least say goodbye to Shannon ?" I ask.

"It's 3 am in the morning, son. She must probably be sleeping."

"I know, but I don't want her to find out that I vanished without saying goodbye."

My dad sighs. "Fine. You have half an hour because you'll have to pack up a few things."

"Thank you, dad." I say. I rush upstairs into my room and open the window. Quickly, I take off my shirt, my pants and my boxers to finally rush into the air, feeling my body shift.

Among all the animals I like to take the shape, the hawk is my favorite. I can fly so fast ! It's one of the best feelings ever. I know the way to Shannon's by heart.

I fly there. I only have twenty five minutes left. Damn, the window of her room is closed. I land in front of it. Luckily, the curtains aren't pulled, so I can see her. I don't want to be a creep – I'm not the type of guy to watch his girlfriend sleep. I knock at the window with my beak a few times. At first, she doesn't react, but soon, I see her frowning in her sleep. A few knocks later, she blinks and opens her eyes slowly.

I knock one more time. She looks at me and yawns. She gets out of her bed and stretches. Shannon comes in front of me and opens the window before sitting back on the bed. I fly quickly in her room and land on the bed, next to her, before turning back into my true self.

"Cato" she yawns. "You know I'm not in the mood tonight." I give her a serious look. "Oh, Cato, what is it ?" she frowns.

"I..." I start. "I have to leave. I came to say goodbye."

"What ?" she gasps. "But, why ?"

I sigh. "The hunters who killed my mother. They're in town. My dad, Clove and I are in danger."

"Oh... okay, I understand. I just want you to be safe, Cato, and if you think it's the only way... I guess I'm okay with this. But you have to promise me we'll stay in touch. I mean, you'll still have your phone, right ?" I nod. "And internet. I don't want us to break up, okay ? I love you too much to." she says before pulling me into a hug.

I hug her back. "Damn, I have only ten minutes left."

"Ten minutes... that leaves us some time to do... this." she whispers as she starts stroking my manhood and kissing my neck.

What ? I thought she wasn't in the mood ! "I- I didn't come for that..." I start, but I realize it might be the last time I see her, so I kiss her back and starts unbuttoning her nightgown. By the time we were done, I realize I'm late. I look at her on the bed. She has fallen asleep. I pull the blankets to cover her body before kissing her forehead and walking toward the window. I give her a last glance, then I shift again into a hawk.

I quickly find the way home. I land on my window and put my clothes on. "Gosh, you're here !" Clove yells. "Dad ! Cato's here !"

"It was about damn time Cato, what took you so long ?" my dad asks, on the doorstep.

"Come on, Daniel." a feminine voice says in the corridor as I keep packing up my stuff in as many suitcases as I can. "They're teenagers, it was to be expected. Plus he's not that late..." Addie appears next to my dad. "Just... do as fast as you can, okay ?" she asks, giving me a smile.

I smile back. "Okay. Thanks, Addie."

"Help him, Clove." my dad commands.

"But !"

"No buts."

She sighs and gives me a tired look. "Where is all your stuff ?" I ask.

"Already in Dad's pickup." she yawns. "Addie had a truck, so they put their stuff in it, with other things. But anyway, Addie said that her house in Pennsylvania was already filled with all the furniture we need, so... we only need clothes and personal stuff."

I nod. We pack up as many clothes as we can, but suddenly, I smell something. Clove and I sniff and make eye contact. "Oh god." she starts.

"They found us." I conclude. Fuck, they must have seen me shifting !

I grab as many suitcases as I can, same for Clove. We run downstairs and rush outside to the truck. "Thank god you're here !" my dad yells. "Quick, give me the cases !"

We hand it to him, and all of a sudden we hear a loud noise. We all look to the house. It's on fire.

"Nooo !" Clove yells, tears in her eyes.

"We must leave. Now !" Addie commands. My dad and I take Clove by the arms and force her to go to the car, which is just next to the truck. Addie closes the truck and goes in the front. I get in the car next to Clove, at the back. I hold her tightly as the two vehicles start running, giving a last glance to the house I had lived in for the past seven years.

~ Two hours later ~

Clove just felt asleep. I'm feeling sleepy too. I feel also guilty. If I had been more discrete, the hunters wouldn't have found us. They wouldn't have set our house on fire. Now Shannon will think I died in the fire...

I sigh, catching a glance from my father. "Don't blame yourself." he says, keeping an eye on the road. "It's not your fault. At least we all got away and no one was hurt."

"Thanks to Addie and you." I mumble, caressing Clove's hair.

He sighs. "Look, Cato... It had to happen. We lost them, everything went kind of well. We will have all what we need at Addie's."

"It must be a lame city..."

He shrugs. "I don't know. Yet. The house belonged to Addie's grandparents. The only thing we'll have to pay to get there is the gas for the car. Sure, it's an old house, but I don't complain. We could have had nowhere to go, we could have been hurt or even died today, but none of this happened. I consider ourselves lucky."


"Sure, Addie and I will have to pretend that we're a couple and that she's your mother." I raise an eyebrow. "Is that... a problem ?" he asks.

I sigh. "Come on, dad. Stop pretending you and Addie are not actually dating." He glances at me hesitantly. "Careful, dad, the road !"

"Sorry." he mumbles, looking back in front of him. "Would you... mind if we were dating ?"

I chuckle. "I don't mind. It's a little obvious that you two are already together. But I'm okay with this, don't worry. I'm actually glad. You've been protecting us for so many years, now it's your turn to be happy." I smile, even though he can't see me.

"Thank you, son." he grins. "For what it's worth... I'm sorry about Shannon." Oh god, I don't want to talk about it. "Maybe there in Magic Hills you'll find someone else."

"Magic Hills ? You gotta be kidding me. What kind of name is that ?"

My dad chuckles. "Fair enough." The car runs for a few hours before I see Addie's truck stop. My dad strops the car as well, glances at me then at Clove who is still sleeping. "We're taking a break."

I softly wake Clove up. "What... what time uzuut." she mumbles, still asleep.

"It must be around seven. Come on, we should get something to eat." I tell her nicely. She blinks.

"Not hungry."

"Come on, there's a station, right here. Let's take a breakfast !"

She sighs and nods. "Fine."

We get out of the car and head to the restaurant where Addie and my father are already waiting for their food. "Oh great, Clove, you're up !" Addie smiles.

I love Addie so much, I'm so glad my father is with her and not with a stupid girl. She has always tried to be nice to us but never intended to replace our mother, like most step mothers do, as I've heard. I'm happy she's the one we're running away with. She's skilled, and when she turns into a wolf, neither of Clove, my dad or me would defy her. Not that my dad would defy her anyway...

I order food for Clove and me and we sit on the table, next to Addie and my old man. At that very moment, the employee of the restaurant turns up the volume of the tv.

It's the news. A man says : "The house has been burned to the ground. At the moment, the police hasn't find any corpse. We remind you that Daniel, Cato and Clove Shriver are still missing. If you have any information..."

Addie gets up and takes the food the employee is bringing to us, leaving him only the trail with the money we owe him. "Keep the change. Let's get back to the car." she says, as a photo of each of us is displayed on the screen. We quickly get back to the parking. "I could use a copilot." Addie announces. "Cato ?"

I shrug. "Yeah, sure. Just let me grab my breakfast." We make the exchanges, then Clove and my dad get back to the car, as Addie and I walk to the truck. "I had no idea you had that truck, Addie."

She smirks. "Not mine."

"Oh." I blurt out before laughing. She's full of surprises !

We get into the truck and I put the food in front of us. "So, we have to leave the highway for a few hours because the loop makes it too long."

"Okay." I say. "Here" I point at the map. "We could go there, then we could get back to the highway, it would be shorter."

She nods. "Good, Cato ! We'll start that way." She starts the truck. Here we go, back on the road already. I missed this, it's kind of exciting. "There's something I wanted to tell you, that your dad can't really talk to you about." she says.

"Oh ?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Yes, it's about..."

"You and him ? I already know." I say, proud of myself.

"How do you know ?" she frowns. "However, that's not what I was going to talk to you about. It was about you and Shannon."

She knows Shannon pretty well, I've stopped counting the times where my girlfriend would come over and Addie was there. "What about me and Shannon ?"

She sighs. "I know you want to tell her that you're still alive but you can't. It will only put her in danger and deep down I'm sure you know it already."

I look to my right and cross my arms. "Why ?"

"A little researches in the town will be enough for these guys to find out that she was your girlfriend. They'll try to spy on her to see if she's a shifter too. If she has a suspect behavior, if she tries to look for you, they'll know and they'll hurt her." I sigh. She's right.

"Okay." I mumble. "I won't talk to her."

"Give me your phone." I frown, and obey, worried that she might crash the truck in some barrier or something.

She does something while still looking at the road, giving my phone quick glances. "Done."

"Tell me you didn't just erased her number."

"As you wish ! I won't say it." she chuckles. I growl. "Cato, you know I'm only doing this for your safety, and for hers as well."

I try to calm down. I really just lost my girlfriend !

Maybe it's the less worse. It was that, or one of us died. I prefer be apart of her, and forget her, than having her blood on my hands. "Thanks." I mutter.

Addie turns her head and smiles sadly.

"You're welcome."

AN :

- Sooo... I gave you a few hints about how the story could go. Don't forget that Addie is not a shapeshifter, but a werewolf – just saying. Maybe her grandparents hid secrets in their house... You never know !

- Just to remind you. Cato had a girlfriend, but it will definitely be slash, don't worry.

- So... if you guys liked that, I might write another chapter before going to vacations. I'm going to Paris, bitchez.

- Please, review if you liked :) thank you.